The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

Outside the cafe? How... how could you do that? I thought we understood each other. What were you doing under that tablecloth anyway? Looking for change?
Sure. Yes. That. But maybe we now have a metacarriage too?
Loved it. Cute fourth wall break!

Got my 750 word story up today, and, sorry to say this, that story you edited a bit for me? This is all that remains. Couldn't save it, so I butchered it.

Movie Night.
The metacafe series takes a sledgehammer to the fourth wall. Yours was great.
Submitted. A short, naughty sex in public exhibitionist tale. I experimented with second person POV, present tense. I think it works OK for a short story of this type, but I don't expect to make a habit of writing in this style. It feels good to post something again, even if it's only 750 words, since my last story was published over 3 months ago. Next up are an incest tale and my submission for the Pink Orchid event.
My second went live in Mature category, Teacher! Teacher!

Yeah, that's pretty much it, the title gives the whole plot away. I could have saved 748 words, but they seem to like it.
I decided to table the two I had ready. However, I threw together one in the past two hours that's just plain ol' fun. I'll link when it's up.
Mine is live now, Uncut. I was hoping nothing but exposition and zero real dialog would get me somewhere. 4.39 out of 18 votes, 1.2k views, and a single comment by @AlinaX, thank ya sweetie.
Of the six stories I've submitted for this, I have two, maybe three that are begging to be longer stories.

Just wondering how many of yours have you itching to go longer?
Just wondering how many of yours have you itching to go longer?
Interesting question. And interestingly, my answer is... none. Everything that I've written so far has been a series (80K+ words so far and a second series already outlined), so for this challenge, I was VERY mindful of keeping it short!! It was fun for me!!!!

I can't wait to see what everyone else thought about their lengths.
Of the six stories I've submitted for this, I have two, maybe three that are begging to be longer stories.

Just wondering how many of yours have you itching to go longer?
This time around - two. I have two characters in another story that will have their babies in November, the 750 word stories were about how they got pregnant.
Last time I had one I filled out to 3.7k and entered it in the April Fools contest. Another one got stretched from a 750 words May-December romance to a 42,750 Mafia hit & revenge tale that got entered into Crime and Punishment and Summer Fun
also - the two stories where the girls got pregnant are also getting entered into the Valentines contest tomorrow and Sunday
I did these for a few years, found them instructive excercises, useful and worthy towards the goals of improving concise wording, minimisation of character development, laser focus descriptions etc. But two years ago I'd reached saturation, and vowed never to do another one (mine always took more time than most of the rest of you, I would find myself editing away endlessly, taking effort away from more ambitious works.)

But then last year I read an 11th century curse from an aggravated bishop, decided a riff on that would be perfect here, and composed a three sentence exactly 750 piece (which I still like.) Okay, no more from now on, honest. I'm done with this.

Then, two nights ago just before bed, an odd thought intruded and lasted into the next morning. I started writing it out, keeping vague track of verbiage (right, 350 words so far, yep, now up to 550) and when I finished the draft (an hour max?) found the word count at exactly 750.

Alright, that meant I had to do this. Editing took me up and down the scale a few words here and there, and before I knew it I found myself going back on my vow. The damn thing posts tomorrow.
Thank you for organizing. Just submitted, but didn't see a word count in the Lit Editor. Do you have to highlight your text in the review screen to get that to display?

Reading the above comments, the hyphenation will likely push me over, but glad for the note that it won't be rejected as Word counts it at 750.

If nothing else, it was a helpful way to end a prolonged submission drought and should be an interesting test of whether my writing style is susceptible to AI screening.

FWIW, I don't use any program outside of Word and never bother to ask for grammar suggestions. I look for the red squiggles for spelling errors, but that's it. If I get rejected, there will be many apologies due and posts to edit.
The little text box in the submission form has a double arrow. Clicking this expands the box into a larger editor with the word count.

(Wish I'd learned this years ago.)
Are the entries listed anywhere? I can't find such a list.