The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

Why isn't this challenge advertised on the home page for literotica. I see the Valentine's Day contest. If stories can be submitted throughout the month of february it seems like it should be advertised.
My understanding is that it's not an "official" Literotica contest, just a fun "challenge" that some authors participate in. But Literotica Gurus can correct me if I'm wrong.
Limited space on the front page, I suppose. Freya is correct, competitions beat challenges for room.
Freya and Rusty are probably correct, the Homepage is for what the LitE Admins control, and these challenges are author inspired. There are no objective limits, standards, or rewards for stories in these challenges, it's just to focus authors in the specific theme of that challenge and add the tag to their story.

The Admins might mention a final list of the stories at the end of a challenge on the Homepage.
Wow. Up for two hours. 1500 views, 105 votes, averaging less than a three. Yikes. A 750 word LW story is the kiss of death. 😁

It was my kind of story, Rob! Well done in my book. It's an observation that anything in LW is an automatic 1.25-1.5 point penalty, and that 750-word stories carry their own handicap. You can take solace in writing a good story, the scoring be damned.
Freya and Rusty are probably correct, the Homepage is for what the LitE Admins control, and these challenges are author inspired. There are no objective limits, standards, or rewards for stories in these challenges, it's just to focus authors in the specific theme of that challenge and add the tag to their story.

The Admins might mention a final list of the stories at the end of a challenge on the Homepage.
This is a pure authors exercise, so of course the public doesn't understand, nor do they care about the objectives. But jeez - you'd figure at 750 words that's more than enough for the slavering LW mob.
This is a pure authors exercise, so of course the public doesn't understand, nor do they care about the objectives. But jeez - you'd figure at 750 words that's more than enough for the slavering LW mob.
I actually got two surprisingly good comments on my LW: "The Loving Wife - 750 Words". And it's at 3.69 with 504 votes!

26thNC 2 days ago
Lifestyle actually wrote a LW story?
Anonymousabout 19 hours ago
Almost unbelievable in this Cucking Wives category: a slut wife, but only for her husband ! Such very rare event certainly deserves a full positive rating: 5 full stars !

26thNC is one of the most consistent haters and 1-bombers there.
I just have to note an anomaly (singularity?)

On one 750 word piece (a very clever quantum physics story by @OnlyInMyMind, in LW no less) amongst the impressive and typically breathtaking 121 (and counting) LW comments, was one extensive critique which ran almost into 750 word territory itself (611 words.)

Which makes me think there should be some sort of award for Comprehensive Commentary (perhaps like Borges' Map ['Del rigor en la ciencia'], at 1:1 scale.)

This place never ceases to astound me.
It was my kind of story, Rob! Well done in my book. It's an observation that anything in LW is an automatic 1.25-1.5 point penalty, and that 750-word stories carry their own handicap. You can take solace in writing a good story, the scoring be damned.

Even at 2.07, I got 521 emotional responses to "Pavlov's Dog"

My first foray into the category ended with the couple going back to monogamy so the haters gave me a pass. But on this one - wow! These guys are PASSIONATE! You almost have to admire it. My most voted-on story has 1200 votes and is a year and a half old. This one has 738 in less than 24 hours! And the comments; you'd think this was real life with how deeply they seem to be affected. Anyway, thank you for your nice comments, I'm glad you liked the story. Getting good reviews from my AH peers is always a win.

What's Good For The Gander
She might look like one, but she's no bimbo (750 words)
today in Loving Wives Stories
10.6k views, 3.24 stars / 738 votes, 27 comments
So, with all the talk of interracial things, even though I wasn't gonna write any more... I wrote one. I used it also to give WPS a test run. It does not seem to save as quick as word does and for some reason the copy I saved to the sd card reads 0bites in my file manager, and in word, but it's fine in WPS. Strangely unlike Word, the file uploader on lit can access it.

The first time I ever put anything there, too. I never expect these to do very well, at least I fit some kinda sex in it, unlike the last one. So this is double unknown territory; a 750 word story most readers hate, in a cat I've never wrote in, much less read. I already have a nerve to do a 750 pt2 to it. Only time will tell how well it goes.
This is the first time I have written any 750 word stories. They’re fun. I will end up with six 750 word stories. They are all intended for Loving Wives and hence I’m sure they will score well…

I tend to be inundated with brief story ideas, flashes and fantasies. Usually, I don’t get a chance to flesh most of them out in a written tale. The ideas, flashes and fantasies come and go. The 750-word story gave me a chance to put a few of these ideas, flashes and fantasies down in written form.

I might keep writing a few more of these short bite-sized things after the challenge concludes.
@EmilyMiller - Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and encouragement that you're giving the writers in this challenge. I don't know if @Laurel keeps records of participation in this event but I have a feeling this year will produce the most 750 word stories.
@EmilyMiller - Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and encouragement that you're giving the writers in this challenge. I don't know if @Laurel keeps records of participation in this event but I have a feeling this year will produce the most 750 word stories.
You’re most welcome, hun 😊. I think the image challenges were complementary, or at least not too distracting.

My entry goes live tomorrow. :D

I may write others in the future too now that Lit has accepted the first.