The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

Please do not post unpublished stories or excerpts longer than three paragraphs to the forum. Stories should be submitted through the normal submission process.
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So I’ve published 10 - this where I am:

  1. SciFi & Fantasy ✅
  2. Non-erotic ✅
  3. Romance ✅
  4. BDSM ✅
  5. Humor & Satire ✅
  6. Gay Male ✅
  7. Lesbian Sex ✅
  8. Toys & Masturbation ✅
  9. Toys & Masturbation (couldn’t be two more dissimilar stories) ✅
  10. Interracial Love Lesbian ✅
  11. Mind Control ⬅️ tomorrow
  12. Mature
  13. Celebrities & Fan Fiction
  14. Transgender & Cross Dressing

Haven’t written a 750 word story today in, oh, it must be days 😇

Thank you @Djmac1031 & @AlinaX . I'm genuinely touched. And a little ashamed.

When I saw a "support" thread, I just assumed it was a place where participants would come to vent and apply a little salve to those who had gotten the worst of the one-bombings.

I never actually considered that anyone intended to read each other's entries and take time to comment in a "support"-ive way.

I'm very much in arrears and owe (at least some of) you a deep apology. I'm a bit blown away in fact.

Thank you. My faith in humanity is more than a bit restored and my appreciation for this place, and those who make it what it is, has been greatly magnified over the last few hours.
This can very often be quite a nice, caring-and-sharing type place...
I made my submission but it will never be accepted by the editors, so here it is.

I didn't read because it was one big block of text that at quick glance contains much dialogue. That is usually a very unpleasant reading experience. It may not have been the only reason that it bounced back to you, but it is something that would definitely get you bounced. Any kind of rampant poor grammar that makes reading difficult will get rejected. You can have a typo here and there, but if overall the grammar or formatting is a mess then the site does not wish to subject its readership to an unpleasant experience.

Like I said, I haven't read it to see if it breaks any content rules but it first glance I would say that if you break it into appropriate paragraphs (especially a new paragraph every time a different character speaks) and resubmit, it probably will publish.

Easy fix. :)
I have the return of probably my most popular couple in tomorrow’s 750 word story.

Let me give you a clue.


My fourth entry is slated to publish tomorrow. I had submitted in humor/satire but looks like its headed to celeb/fanfic

Its a little amazing how some categories get so few entries that you can stay visible on the new stories page for more than a day or two.

Things we learn once we start to try new things....
This would be way less frightening/ironic if my fanfic posting tomorrow wasn't about Batman 😮

Its like there's some psychic (psychotic...pornographic...) force connecting all of us....🤔
Well... I am the God of smut...
Laurel moved mine to Essays from LW, which it was where it properly belonged. However, the number of views/reads are not would I have liked. With fourteen views, I am sitting at 4.35, though earlier I was at 4.69.
Gave you 5 stars and a comment. You won't see it for a while, though. I'm not a trustworthy person haha
So ironic that my working, and maybe final, 750 word entry is about trust.

I'd only intended to post one as an experiment, but joking afterward led to two and its set off a daisy chain of ideas.

The prose poem post Emily put up a few days back, along with the recent attempts to circumvent publishing process for a certain block of dialogue has given me over to considering how we process a narrative that may be less linear or comfortable than we are ready to process. Particularly where the limitations of something like the 750 constraint means that we have to edit out a lot of context and connective tissue while hoping our reader can still follow the premise and fill in the blanks for themselves.

Could something still be completely coherent, within the confines of the narrative we've been given a peek into, even if it doesn't make any sense to the rest of us? Just how many missing bits of data do we need to be objectively inserted on the perimeter before we connect the dots and understand that the narrator is actually describing something extraordinary?
I still have no idea how this is still going.
Heyyy. Nice job, mister inspiration. It’s still going strong. For us burned out on longer stories and endless editing, it gives us a break.

Hey, what’s your opinion on 750 word stories being parts of series, chapters, or parts of preexisting universes? You’re the Linus Torvalds of the 750 word challenge. For you, I’ll get off my soapbox, whatever your viewpoint is. (The rules were never written to make that issue absolutely clear.)

I’m in possession of a strong opinion myself, but I won’t mention it.

Cheers! This is my favorite event.


So I’ve published 11 - this where I am:

  1. SciFi & Fantasy ✅
  2. Non-erotic ✅
  3. Romance ✅
  4. BDSM ✅
  5. Humor & Satire ✅
  6. Gay Male ✅
  7. Lesbian Sex ✅
  8. Toys & Masturbation ✅
  9. Toys & Masturbation (couldn’t be two more dissimilar stories) ✅
  10. Interracial Love Lesbian ✅
  11. Mind Control ✅
  12. Mature ⬅️ tomorrow
  13. Celebrities & Fan Fiction
  14. Transgender & Cross Dressing

Haven’t written a 750 word story in, oh, it must be three days 😇

I tried to write another one but the topic was simply too complex for 750 words. I've rewritten it and now it is around 1700 words, to long for 750, obviously, but too short to be very entertaining. May just can it.
So ironic that my working, and maybe final, 750 word entry is about trust.

I'd only intended to post one as an experiment, but joking afterward led to two and its set off a daisy chain of ideas.

The prose poem post Emily put up a few days back, along with the recent attempts to circumvent publishing process for a certain block of dialogue has given me over to considering how we process a narrative that may be less linear or comfortable than we are ready to process. Particularly where the limitations of something like the 750 constraint means that we have to edit out a lot of context and connective tissue while hoping our reader can still follow the premise and fill in the blanks for themselves.

Could something still be completely coherent, within the confines of the narrative we've been given a peek into, even if it doesn't make any sense to the rest of us? Just how many missing bits of data do we need to be objectively inserted on the perimeter before we connect the dots and understand that the narrator is actually describing something extraordinary?
Had totally missed this.

Could something still be completely coherent, within the confines of the narrative we've been given a peek into, even if it doesn't make any sense to the rest of us? Just how many missing bits of data do we need to be objectively inserted on the perimeter before we connect the dots and understand that the narrator is actually describing something extraordinary?
750 words is enough to paint a self contained vignette that makes perfect sense. Shameless self promotion - I'll offer three of my own as evidence. Two of these go on to a longer story, but the opener stands by itself.
I've just uploaded my take on @EmilyMiller 's "Mysterious Women" angle...
It will be a disaster...but I have done it.

Might be one of the few stories that I have not mentioned the physical act of drinking or smoking or peeing... that's why it will be a disaster!