The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

But i did not write Emily Miller enough times in my Dr Jones its got stuck in the pending pile.

I need to write "I am part of the Emily Miller Fan Club" a bit more prominently next time.
Yeah - that’ll work 🤣

Yay! All my remaining ones are back on track after I messed it all up with a late edit.


Argh - I've had a story stuck for a week.

I'll toss in another 750 word tale to kick it loose.

750-10 Captain Scarlet & Pandora an intro for my Geek Pride stories
You can get a good sample if you search tags like '750 word project 2024': word project 2024/?sort_by=rating
Actually, I think that might be complete. I've been submitting my stories with the tag '750 words' but that's not the tag I see on the published page. I think Laurel might be ensuring that all these stories are tagged '750 word project' and '750 word project 2024' even if it means dropping one or two of the author-chosen tags.
Yes, 750s should not be discounted. My 750 entry from last year won the Readers Choice Award for Humor&Satire

I just read it and really enjoyed it. Did you watch the show You, Me, and the Apocalypse when it was on? It only lasted one season, but was very funny. Your story made me think of it.
I just submitted #6 for 2024
750-10 Captain Scarlet and Pandora
It's a Retro/future scifi teaser for my geek pride entry
That’s the weird thing, I used to write on an older account as far back as 2015 and I had no idea this was a thing. I apparently was super successful in blocking out all challenges and contests. Credit to the site redesign 😂
It's a kinda new challenge. The first one was 2017 I think?
Lifestyle66, sorry you misunderstood but it was a joke! I've been teasing EmilyMiller for days about her writing so many 750's.
She's about to join the Every Catagory Club. Many say they want to, going to, but few really do.
I'm brand new here and this sounds fun (not to write, I don't write but to read...I have no attention span)...where are the stories?
My lastest story published a few hours ago in Loving Wives "Finding Your Soulmate - 750 Words". "Sex, Love, and Marriage, or are love and marriage different?"

I wrote this to answer some comments on swinger lifestyle and sharing stories: "Why get married?"