The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

There are probably numerous reasons for variable publishing times. I would suggest author familiarity, time of the week when submitted and nature of the story are all factors. If the story features lots of dialog with normal contractions and verbal anomalies, then it is less likely to be flagged for AI than a story with long paragraphs of full, complete sentences. I believe submitting on a Friday or Saturday will probably create a little delay (after all, some people understandably like to kick back and relax now and then.) An author who has a long history of submitting clean, well written stores will probably get through the queue faster than a new author or one who has been flagged for bad grammar or AI concerns in the past. I would also suggest it might slow things down if the author is rude, bullying or demanding in their contacts with the admin. Contests and popular events such as the 750 word event will also slow things down overall as there are more submissions per day to be screened.

I know it can be frustrating to have a story pending for days and days but we all need to remember, there is (most likely) only one person who serves as the gatekeeper to all these stories. Write well, rewrite when a story is rejected, be polite and be patient. Good luck to all whose stories are caught in the pending zone.
That is all true, but it ignores the central issue: I wanna be published NOW!
Part two of my 750-word “Nice Guy” trilogy goes in tonight and I need to edit down a net of 35 words on the final part. It’s been a fun exercise, but not as much fun as Emily’s had!


This was sent back, Laurel refused to publish it. She said it was "Too damn good" and she put me in touch with a publisher.

Ok, no she didn't. She did send it back to me, and I resubmitted it without changing a thing and I explained what I had in mind
See if you can figure out why she sent it back!


This was sent back, Laurel refused to publish it. She said it was "Too damn good" and she put me in touch with a publisher.

Ok, no she didn't. She did send it back to me, and I resubmitted it without changing a thing and I explained what I had in mind
See if you can figure out why she sent it back!
I am not sure why she sent it back, but I grinned the whole time I read it.
Ok, no she didn't. She did send it back to me, and I resubmitted it without changing a thing and I explained what I had in mind
See if you can figure out why she sent it back!

Wasn't really clear if Pandora was "of age". It was fun. I'm a fan of playful sex.
Actually, this isn't her first kill, and this isn't her main job. While her primary profession is killing, it isn't usually for the mob. It was a side job during her downtime. But as a 750-word story, maybe I put too many unnecessary extras in. As I said, this was an expert from a longer story I've been working on.
It was part of the 750 word event. I think adding her back story is what I didn't like about it.

All those Eastwood movies, the gunslinger has no name and there is a build up to the killing. In this, we somehow got her name, backstory, her first kill, the mob, murder for companies, and her motivation. The she pulls a knife.