The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

a field of sunflowers with the words good morning i hope you have a wonderful day on it

I remember driving through a sunflower field like this when I was a kid. We actually stopped to enjoy the view. It looks just like my memory :heart: :heart:
Love sunflower fields!!

Thanks @Wonderer67 I have been training gun dogs of over 45 years and there is a lot of effort...and angst goes into every one of my boys. They don’t go out like that until they are at least two years old I know they won’t let me down. The guns pay tens of thousands of dollars for a day on that estate and I can’t have my boys running amok. I would be sacked and my reputation wrecked!
It’s a huge commitment!!
I was really busy but don't feel I was all that productive. I spent HOURS on the phone with the cable company, or as I call them, ComCrap! We have a triple-play plan that includes a landline but the landline hasn't been functional since probably December of last year. I've been planning on dropping it and TV; I just hadn't done it yet.

Years ago, I froze both my and my husband's credit at all three credit reporting agencies. Now, I will need to unfreeze my credit in order to manage my it. Of course, I can't remember what the cryptic notes I wrote down for my user name and password mean. The phone number associated with the accounts is our landline. 😖😤 In order to recover my account, they need to call me to give me a code.

So, hence, the day spent with multiple agents at ComCrap trying to get my landline functional. They were not successful resetting it remotely, so I have the cable guy coming tomorrow.

That presented another conundrum. The router and main phone is in my office...

The office that is a hazmat site! Yeah, that one.

So, I just spent the last few hours cleaning in there. The tops of the desk can now be seen, trash, recycling, and general debris has been removed. It's dusted (sorta) and vacuumed (also sorta).

The housecleaning gene skipped me. So, whenever I fo something like this, it's a major endeavor for me. 🤨

Anyway, I think the cable guy can get in there to work now and not get lost. 🙄😖
Finding a recovering passwords is annoying enough, but when it’s a loop of broken bullshit, it’s enough to drive me crazy.

I hope that you can resolve the issue today.

(and hopefully feel better about your cleaned office).

I’m with you, I hate housework. Hate it.
My day plan on a typical early autumn here
Finding a recovering passwords is annoying enough, but when it’s a loop of broken bullshit, it’s enough to drive me crazy.

I hope that you can resolve the issue today.

(and hopefully feel better about your cleaned office).

I’m with you, I hate housework. Hate it.
Amen. I pay for monthly house cleaning.
Wild day!

Had a lovely wakeup. Then off to work. Lots of meetings and connected with two colleagues (one from London and one from Germany) who I both happen to have work crushes on! (I know, I know…)

Then a shit ton of meetings, Altho I had lunch with a few people i used to work with.

Then more meetings, worked late. Trying to wrap everything up before I go on vacation next week.

G’night All! Same thing tomrrrow. Rinse and repeat.
I understand work crushes.....
It is but it's my passion. Getting a team of dogs to the point where they will sit tight through 45 minutes continual shooting is a challenge. To then be able to send an for a specific bird takes a lot of training. It never stops for the life of the dog.
Working dogs love to work...... i am the kryptonite of well behaved dogs..... and I am pretty sure dogs think of me as a playmate and not a people.
Oh can I relate to the house keeping issue and my office which is a continuous work in progress. I feel your frustration.
I was such a good girl and dusted yesterday..... I have my gues room to do but not too bad. I have my service group coming over tonight..... need to vacumn and clean up the laundry of all the folded clothes (its my downstairs bathroom). And put dishes away i washed and sweep and mop..... I will work on it a little at a time today.
I was such a good girl and dusted yesterday..... I have my gues room to do but not too bad. I have my service group coming over tonight..... need to vacumn and clean up the laundry of all the folded clothes (its my downstairs bathroom). And put dishes away i washed and sweep and mop..... I will work on it a little at a time today.
@Missk_2022 is on a roll…..stand clear everyone or you might get cleared away!