The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Good morning IS. Have a great day.
I hope you do as well!
I don’t know. I’m told that there is a capsule inside your shoulder joint. Mine has become stiff (stop laughing) and limits range.
Does the doctor feel that it will soften up with physical therapy to give you more Mobility? There's also from what I understand a gel that can be injected every 6 months if needed to create a cushion between the bones basically creating the cushion that was originally there. Insurance usually covers that or one variation of it.
Happy Friday!!! Wat is . . tired. Not exhausted, but tired. On the happy front, when he finally did get his SS sorted out, it has remained sorted.

Today, gotta get the to-do list from the other guy before he bolts on vacation, figure out what we need the helper guy to do, enlist the APM guy to help with closing up at night. Not sure if we have Saturday helpers, but it's going to have to be more than one company for Wat to get off his I-have-other-things-to-do ass to let them in. Yesterday's interview was weak-sauce, the more I recollect it. They're gonna have to shit gold bullion for it to be worth moving on from where I am. Silver bullion would also be acceptable.

Coffee!!! Get's 'er done . . . .
I think you were doing the right thing by not going with that other company. If they wanted you so bad why didn't they contact you the first time I smell some shenanigans, like they had a guy but he turned out to be a tool, so they are going with their second choice. Or the first guy quit cuz the job was s***. Just stay where you're at and happy ish.
I'm struggling through PT to avoid a double shoulder injury myself. The road back is no joke!!
So i took a class from a health provider getting ready for TKR. They say shoulders are the hardest surgical repairs and haven't had a few I know they are no joke plus the
I'm struggling through PT to avoid a double shoulder injury myself. The road back is no joke!!
So i took a class from a health provider getting ready for TKR. They say shoulders are the hardest surgical repairs and having had a few I know they are no joke plus the inability to use the arm is just down right unpleasant. Best wishes for a speedy rehabilitation.
Morning all. I almost feel where I should be at work.

I have been in the office all week, so it’ll be nice to work from home today. I have an appt to wrestle social security this afternoon. I am not holding much hope this will be done.

Then onto a Saturday of chores before we begin our vacation on Sunday!!

Man do I need this one!

Hope you all have full cups, the wind at your back and that your pesky boss is off today for smooooooooth ride into the weekend!!
🤞 you get enough done for a relaxing vacation
savor every minute!!!