The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

No that is why the ex POS and I talked about me taking this job for so long because I was going to lose insurance and retirement. I went on his insurance and supposedly he would have enough retirement. I wish I would have known about all the extra curricular activities of his at the time. I lost tenure, years experience because you can't go back in at the same amount, and retirement etc etc. I truly am better without his mean ass, though.

I have really enjoyed 90% of this job, so I try not to get mad about all of it :)
Awww! That sucks, sweetie! 🤬🤬
The old one had started going on the fritz a couple of weeks ago. Then in a miraculous Apple recovery, it did fine when at home last week…until it didn’t. Ran to the iPad counter at the big box store (we’re too small a town to rate a real Apple Store) and grabbed one…but it wasn’t in stock…so had to wait for it on snail mail. I left before it arrived.

Spent all day yesterday and today updating and chucking all the old useless apps I’ve collected over the years. The new magnetized keyboard is an upgrade but well worth it for anyone in the market.

Hope everyone is grooving this Thursday. Cool weather and knocking out chores. And now the Morning Z…

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Beautiful, H! I love waterfalls! 😍😍
Had my wrist brace appointment yesterday afternoon.
More rigid - more support, less range of motion than the other. Think cast with a zipper. :LOL:

Adjusting fairly well. Makes everything even a little bit more difficult. (Showering is gonna be next level w/ this thing)

Still trying to manage working FT w/ this - dependent on that pesky paycheck. So, less typing. Tired/sore more easily. May see reduced interaction here @ café.
Means to an end - eyes on the prize 😄

Grab your Sharpies and get in line... who wants to sign my cast custom splint? :ROFLMAO:

put in hot water then mold to fit from a stock sheet w/ zipper pre-attached that looks like this (except mine goes up the palm higher)

That's pretty nifty, L. I wish I could have had one like it when I broke my arm a few years ago.

I'll sign your cast. Looking for my pink glitter pen! 🤣🤣🤣
Good evening. A busy day but lots of fun at brunch then lunch. I saw the doctor about my low iron reserves. He is puzzled as nothing obvious and it’s not causing anemia. I am tired. Probably need to get sleep early. Maybe I wake early and catch the road runner Lilli😂..
Maybe... maybe not! I'm almost done here! 🤣🤣
Man- what a week.

Before I go on vacation, I gotta get everything lined up beforehand and when I come back.

Corporate life and corporate bullshit.

But i don’t ever remember having these kinds of deadlines and pressure to get shit done - I’ve been busting my ass for three weeks getting ready. I hope I don’t think about work for an minute while I’m away next week.

going to Burlington Vermont Sunday to see one of my favorite bands, Spoon. Then heading east to Ogunquit, Maine for four days there w the missus.

Have a great vacation, W! 💞💞