The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Cheese it the 👮‍♀️ 🚔 🚓 👮‍♂️ cops!

Cops Intro (Season 20) Special Edition: 700th Episode / Ta’Jean Brown
Catching up is hard! 😰. OK…here is my Cops story…

My mother was the youngest of six. One of her middle brothers was THAT uncle. The black sheep. Loved him. Took me fishing when I was a kid for days at a time. Always had cool cars, married for a whopping 29 days before she ejected and saved herself🤣

I checked into a hotel around O-4ish, maybe O-5ish, and turn on the tube to wind down and Cops-Special Edition, the Naked Edition is on. I’m too tired to flip the channel so sitting there just sort of mesmerized at the crazy. After the commercial the next iteration comes on…Florida Man walking naked down highway, is what’s reported. Blue lights flash and Naked Florida Man is arrested.

What pricked my ears up is when they asked him his name. He said Ben…and then he laughed. That laugh. I’d heard it a million times! I start to pay attention, and of course they blur out his naked ass, but they didn’t cover the small of his back where Uncle “Ben” had a distinctive scar from childhood. Now, Ben isn’t his name, but his brother, the oldest boy was named Ben! 🤣.

Jeff Foxworthy had a bit…You Might be a Redneck If…yeah…YMBARI if one of your immediate family has been on an episode of Cops…🙄. Yeah….

BTW, I did ask him about it…denied it…It was him though….

Almost forgot the Morning Z…
I hope all you guys read this because it’s world wide! It’s not your administration it’s the same here in the U.K. what seemed like a reasonable price is just extortionate now. You have to almost think about saving for everything. We are in the fortunate position of only having to buy stuff if it needs a replacement.

Motor stuff is the worst…if you can get it.

The only pleasant surprise I had was going to the chip shop last night. A fish supper with a side of mushy peas was only about 13$ and we share it! 😂
There are ways to be frugal... and we have a big election coming up.... hopefully it will help Americans and the boot leaves our necks.... that is enough of that
Good morning Dawn and OM. Looks like I missed a newbie who ignored the rules of the thread and ran into both MissK and OM. 😳. How silly he was to defy the enforcers.

Another cool morning, dry and hot this afternoon.

It’s football Saturday and off to watch games with friends later.
I was nice and tried to stop him....
Cherry leaves…

They actually start dropping really early, almost right after the cherries are ready to pick in early July.

And gradually loses its leaves over the course of the summer. We used to think the tree was dying or sick. But it seems to be very healthy year after year. My wife estimates it to be about 75 years old.

Cherry leaves…

They actually start dropping really early, almost right after the cherries are ready to pick in early July.

And gradually loses its leaves over the course of the summer. We used to think the tree was dying or sick. But it seems to be very healthy year after year. My wife estimates it to be about 75 years old.

My persimmon trees do the same? Although they’ve never born fruit in over 20 yrs, mid summer it will start to lose leaves like this.