The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

I double checked the sticker to make sure. It was a Braeburn apple. Pretty sure that's a very popular type of apple. But maybe not so much for slice and eat? I'll try a Fuji but otherwise stick with Granny Smith. 🤷‍♀️
I tried a Cosmic and loved it. Firm, crisp, not too sweet... but had a little itching in my mouth. It's maybe not the apple for me??
It's been a lazy Saturday for me today. I really haven't done much of anything. I am enjoying the rain today.

How was yours? 🥰❤️
that sounds lovely

i've no complaints. got a few chores done but also a bit of reading and some visiting here at the café. not a bad day overall. that apple was the worst of it - 1st world problems. :LOL:
We just got back from the escape room. We were horrible at it :ROFLMAO: I don't think I would have ever figured out the clues if he didn't come on the intercom and help. I had the two youngest with me an older ocd kid borderline autistic. It was a big fight on who would do what. It was so much fun We didn't do adults and kids separate because the adults didn't show, :ROFLMAO: Just dropped kids off and hauled ass. We stopped for dinner and then after we stopped for dessert. I was so full. I ate more tonight than I have the past 4 days
I'm glad you had fun, Impy!
Well, well, well! It's not even 2200 Lilianna time and I've caught up from yesterday AND today! B2 is deep in the land of Nod, so no chance of catching this nimble lass this morning!

Everyone sleep well if you're sleeping, have a wonderful Sunday if you're awake already. I'll see you tomorrow! 💞✨💝