The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

I don't know either brand. We have a whole house vacuum but I tend to use the stick vacuum mostly.
It is a water-based vacuum cleaner. The rainbow cleans your house. I've had people use other vacuums and I'll come in with my rainbow to prove a point and there will be mud in the water. They are great vacuum but they are so expensive. So, I'm trying this new brand. I'm hoping that it works out. There have been a lot of great compliments about it but then some people say they're cheap Etc. But with these vacuums you can't just pull it out and vacuum you have to make sure there's water and you can't be rough with them and you have to pull off the piece on the bottom and keep it clean and dry so it doesn't mold and store it correctly. You have you treat them right or they're not going to last. People will start over a bucket of water or pull on the cord and then get mad because the cord doesn't work. So my mom has had hers for 40 years. They don't even make that style anymore. I'm hoping for the best
I used to love to build with ash. Such a pretty wood! It was so expensive though
There is an ash blight brought on by an invasive insect, the emerald ash borer. Almost all ash trees in the NE and Midwest are dead or dying.

It’s estimated that there are 48 million dead ash trees in NJ alone. The upside is that it’s amazing firewood. And plentiful.
Happy Sunday!!! Slept okay. Cats are fed and won't get me a coffee refill, just like the tiny heathens that they are. That and no opposable thumbs. The shooping list is mostly made. Looks like less stuff this week. There's the usual laundry to do. It's going to be a busy week at work next week because my coworker is on vacation, so all the problems will be humping my leg. Oh well.
I saw a tee shirt that said something about dry humping my last nerve....... it was funny
It comes with a tune... learned it in 3rd grade
Names/words are hard for me to hold onto. I can remember patterns equations and numbers but words elude me. I saw a meme one time that summed up my brain with words. I'll see if I can find it

Not really a brain fog issue but just how my brain works lol. I think this is it:
Names/words are hard for me to hold onto. I can remember patterns equations and numbers but words elude me. I saw a meme one time that summed up my brain with words. I'll see if I can find it

Not really a brain fog issue but just how my brain works lol. I think this is it:
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I recently called something brown sticky stuff that goes with jelly.......for peanut butter
I recently called something brown sticky stuff that goes with jelly.......for peanut butter
Yep! That is my world. You know the name but it slips out right before you go to say it.

Bird that hammers into trees - woodpecker
Warm fuzzy things on the lower legs - legwarmers
small ball of spikes critter - porcupine
Pant's that look like a flood is coming but made that way - capris
Old puffy capris under a dress with lacy elastic grips - underdrawers (still can't think of this one)

Sad, but a few I've said before because of not remembering the word :ROFLMAO: I can remember how I have phrased it but not the word at the time.
Yep! That is my world. You know the name but it slips out right before you go to say it.

Bird that hammers into trees - woodpecker
Warm fuzzy things on the lower legs - legwarmers
small ball of spikes critter - porcupine
Pant's that look like a flood is coming but made that way - capris
Old puffy capris under a dress with lacy elastic grips - underdrawers (still can't think of this one)

Sad, but a few I've said before because of not remembering the word :ROFLMAO: I can remember how I have phrased it but not the word at the time. are welcome