The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Well, well, well! It's not even 2200 Lilianna time and I've caught up from yesterday AND today! B2 is deep in the land of Nod, so no chance of catching this nimble lass this morning!

Everyone sleep well if you're sleeping, have a wonderful Sunday if you're awake already. I'll see you tomorrow! 💞✨💝
was lovely seeing you tonight, Lili
I'm winding down tonight as well
Sweet dreams everyone

Well, well, well! It's not even 2200 Lilianna time and I've caught up from yesterday AND today! B2 is deep in the land of Nod, so no chance of catching this nimble lass this morning!

Everyone sleep well if you're sleeping, have a wonderful Sunday if you're awake already. I'll see you tomorrow! 💞✨💝
Up at 4 as old dog need to go out. But the lower back pain and a dream made me angry would not let me fall back to sleep.

I was hoping to catch elusive Lilli. But alas she is sleeping. 😴

Catch some winks all.
Angry dream was about old age and medical treatment and insurance rules. Basically I was being denied better treatment because my of my age - not much value left in me. 😡

So far I have not experienced age discrimination in medicine but it is a concern.
Hun, I can only imagine how much that would effect you. But I want you to know that you are in alot better condition than alot of others. 😘🤗
Happy Sunday!!! Slept okay. Cats are fed and won't get me a coffee refill, just like the tiny heathens that they are. That and no opposable thumbs. The shooping list is mostly made. Looks like less stuff this week. There's the usual laundry to do. It's going to be a busy week at work next week because my coworker is on vacation, so all the problems will be humping my leg. Oh well.
Angry dream was about old age and medical treatment and insurance rules. Basically I was being denied better treatment because my of my age - not much value left in me. 😡

So far I have not experienced age discrimination in medicine but it is a concern.
I am experiencing the age as a factor in medical care. As the body ages so do the medical consequences. Medicines work differently as you age and so do outcomes. I enjoy hearing, "You look good for your age." LOL
Whew! Catching up is hard to do! Not as bad as yesterday, but finally…

Apples. I have a couple of cobbler recipes that call for Fuji’s. So they tend to be my go to. The secretary gets something from the market that is very good but I don’t know what they are.

Cherished memory from living in Germany. The farmers have these double wheeled tractors over there due to how muddy the fields get. The have concrete thruways and let the locals walk their fields. We drove up into the mountains and there was this little rest area surrounded by an apple orchard. My son was maybe two at the time and we fed the herd of horses who flocked to us as soon as they saw apples in hand as we traversed the thruways that separated the pastures. As Wat said…they ain’t picky. 🤣

The 48hr rain finally stopped. Sun is trying to come out. Woke up with a sore throat. Lipo-C and Zinc loading and coffee which will turn into tea and honey later. Ugh…🥴. I didn’t need this.

On a better note, making a queso dip today in the crock pot. That’ll cure any ills…now, the Morning Z:
