The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

They are all hunting bird dogs in your terms but not trained to flush only to retrieve what has already been shot. Flushing dogs over here are usually spaniels. Using my retrieving dogs to flush would ruin them.

I trained my sons rottweiler before it was sold buy otherwise No. I have been training gundogs for about 45 years.
I can imagine.. 2 Waaayyyy different jobs.... retrieving seems to have a lot more finesse... I may be dog sitting for a week for the boys next door. We will see.... they know basic commands but the puppy is unruly and needs manners... right now training not to try to beat you through the door.
Wow. Am I really going to be 50 in April? I do feel every second of my age, and very aware of my mortality. It's wild to think my life is more than halfway over if I make it that long.

Hey you! Good to see you! Welcome to this thread! There are rules in the first post, but you’re a good guy and don’t stir up shit, so everything will be fine. Maybe read back 20 or 30 pages to get the flavour of the place.

Best wishes to you, and keep coming back
Morning all. Didn’t shake my cold (stuffy nose, can’t valsalva, and woke up clammy this am), so had to burn a sick day (probably two) 🤢. I hate, hate, hate burning sick days on being sick!

The big storm blew over late yesterday. It left more clean-up than the actual Hurricane Deby/TS D! Oh the joys of living in hurricane alley. Our two retention pond pumps couldn’t keep up with the amount of rain (solid for 72 hrs or more and heavy the last 10-12) so they overflowed and our road looked like a fast running creek! We are high and dry though but the cleanup will not be fun.

Now, your Morning Z:

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That fellow looks like a couple of guys I know. Damn fine looking critter‼️
I can imagine.. 2 Waaayyyy different jobs.... retrieving seems to have a lot more finesse... I may be dog sitting for a week for the boys next door. We will see.... they know basic commands but the puppy is unruly and needs manners... right now training not to try to beat you through the door.
manners - always a good look on a pupper IMO
🤞 on your efforts
Passed a major Medicaid hurdle today. The process is awful.

We saw Spoon on Sunday night. They are so amazing. I’ve seen them 5x and they always put on a great show. They’ve never made a bad album.

The opening band, Giant Dog was really good. Hot singer who was wearing no bra, and scantily clad.

Lotsa walking and steps today. But also reading a cool book on Colonial Taverns of NJ and their role in travel, meeting places and how they helped shape the revolutionary war.

except for the Medicaid part, been a nice vacation.