The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Just a smidge more book 'til I find out if this dude was in on it or not. Waffling in my prediction now that I'm further along. Could be - but feeling more a long shot. 🤷‍♀️
you heard it here first, folks - I was wrong
red herring
good read
onto the next - another mystery but this one "cozy"
bonus - several characters are felines 😻
Didn’t shake my cold
sorry, H. hope the downtime does wonders so you can turn the corner 🤗
Passed a major Medicaid hurdle today. The process is awful.
except for the Medicaid part, been a nice vacation.
Yay on the hurdle!!
Yes, it's a stinker. ☹️
Vacation sounds great - enjoy it!!
Beautiful pics/video btw
Has anyone ever tried cottage cheese on is delicious
I have not. I'm hit/miss w/ cottage cheese and don't have bread in the house atm. Will keep in mind for future though.
We are supposed to get it tonight all day tomorrow Thursday and Friday but I haven't even been able to check the weather I've been so busy. I better check before it gets to late.
I keep a spare umbrella in the car just in case. I hardly ever remember to check the weather. My PC has a "tickler" that gives temp and an icon (🌩️ )
Yes and add a little cherry jam.
I'm a cracked pepper and nuts/seeds on top person.
Jam/jelly/preserves are too sweet. When I do eat waffles/pancakes/toast/etc. I typically opt for a nut butter b/c it has protein and less sugar.
That's just me... I can see how someone might like a savory sundae - with the cherry on top :ROFLMAO:

(apologies - closest pic I could find but that's 🍓 , not 🍒 :oops: )
Happy Tuesday!!! Slept okay. Cats declined to kill me where I sleep. Another busy-ass day at the jobsite on tap. I did get a call from a headhunter about 3 openings. I set the income bar high and told him to go for it. If nothing happens, I'm out nothing. Rain today, they say, and a flood watch. Hmmm. Coffee refill time.
I'm glad the cats decided to let you live one more day, Wat! 😅😅

Be careful in that pouring down rain. It rained here, too. 🌧🌧
Wow. Am I really going to be 50 in April? I do feel every second of my age, and very aware of my mortality. It's wild to think my life is more than halfway over if I make it that long.
Try not to think of it as your life is halfway over, Wok. Try to think of it as new possibilities. After all, you'll soon enter your DGAF phase! 😉😆🥰