The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

That's one thing I will say - I love my job. Been at it 30+ years. That's the one thing keeping me going, actually. I dread the day I get the letter saying I am laid off, etc.
It's good that you love your work, Wok. My mom worked until 83. While I liked my work, for the most part, there is no way I wanted to work that long. Hopefully, you will have the opportunity to work as long as you want.
They are all hunting bird dogs in your terms but not trained to flush only to retrieve what has already been shot. Flushing dogs over here are usually spaniels. Using my retrieving dogs to flush would ruin them.

I trained my sons rottweiler before it was sold buy otherwise No. I have been training gundogs for about 45 years.
Maybe you could train my little madam??? 😅🤣
She would be a terrible gun dog, tho.
Morning all. Didn’t shake my cold (stuffy nose, can’t valsalva, and woke up clammy this am), so had to burn a sick day (probably two) 🤢. I hate, hate, hate burning sick days on being sick!

The big storm blew over late yesterday. It left more clean-up than the actual Hurricane Deby/TS D! Oh the joys of living in hurricane alley. Our two retention pond pumps couldn’t keep up with the amount of rain (solid for 72 hrs or more and heavy the last 10-12) so they overflowed and our road looked like a fast running creek! We are high and dry though but the cleanup will not be fun.

Now, your Morning Z:

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Try and delay your cleanup till you're feeling better, H! 🤒🤧🫂
I've caught up, probably by the hair of my chinny chin chin! Eluding B2 again this morning.

I'm knackered. I didn't sleep well last night, probably because I had to get up early. The construction worker who, I was told would arrive between 9-10 didn't show until 2.30. 🙄😖😤 He looked at my bathrooms, we discussed where he could pull power, and he left to go to HD for supplies. He said he'll be here this morning at 10.

So, I'm off to bed, perchance to sleep. 💤😴💤 Have a great Wednesday, everyone! 💝✨💖

Happy Wednesday!!! Sleep was adequate. I did have a tiny splinter in my left heel with I greased last night before bed and was able to work out this morning, so I shan't fear walking today. Filled out the 401K stuff for work yesterday. There is a match, so not using it is leaving money on the table. Wat doesn't do that if it can be avoided. TDK is napping on the edge of the computer - that seems to be her new thing. I get more cathair in my face this way.

Needs refill . . . .

I've caught up, probably by the hair of my chinny chin chin! Eluding B2 again this morning.

I'm knackered. I didn't sleep well last night, probably because I had to get up early. The construction worker who, I was told would arrive between 9-10 didn't show until 2.30. 🙄😖😤 He looked at my bathrooms, we discussed where he could pull power, and he left to go to HD for supplies. He said he'll be here this morning at 10.

So, I'm off to bed, perchance to sleep. 💤😴💤 Have a great Wednesday, everyone! 💝✨💖

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You evaded me again as I slept in today. I hope the repairs go well today.