The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Just been an ordinary day really. Started on the merse at 06.10 until 09.30. No geese over for a shot so just got wet, cold and muddy. Back for breakfast then errands. New remote van key, haircut and lunch in a local cafe. A little shopping to do then home and who knows. I might work on some sticks just not sure. I really ought to try and video the geese coming through at present we will see. Hope you are all waking to a good weekend!

Take care and stay safe.
That sounds like an amazing day, if you ask me. Enjoy it!
We don't go back that far, but he was a great help to me during some difficult times in my life. We met when he was in a drug and alcohol rehab program. My partner at the time was there as well. We really just knew each other from the family group counseling sessions.

He got discharged before my partner did. When my SO learned he was going to be living in his car, he told L that he could live with us. 😳 My SO still had a week in the program so L would be living with me in my house. A strange man I hardly knew. After much soul searching, I agreed. It was one of my best life decisions.

That was 35 years ago. L has maintained his sobriety, went to college, got a few advanced degrees, and is now retired. Even in retirement, he's active and busy.

I long ago shed that partner, but I kept the great friend I made who is like a big brother to me!
This is amazing! I feel happiness and joy hearing how this one decision had such an impact on so many lives. How much richer both your lives are having connected and keeping that connection. 🫂 😍
I love stories like this. I’ve managed to keep a handful of childhood friends (down to just two now) but sadly the meaningful ones have passed on. You never know who you’ll make a meaningful connection with. I’m so happy you have that person!

Couldn’t get to the deep area of Florida yesterday, but heading down today. Hope IS has her power back, and others affected have everything they need.

Great shots of the aurora! It was my packing day and forgot all about going out that night to look. Thanks for sharing!

And now, the regularly scheduled MZ…(this shot looks photoshopped, but the kitty is still cool!)

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How did I miss that you're one of the helpers, @HumpDayHoratio ?
Thank you so much for your hard work. People like you are so crucial during such devastating times. Not everyone can do this work. It is very much appreciated. Be safe, be well, and embrace the zen when you can. 🫂
We don't go back that far, but he was a great help to me during some difficult times in my life. We met when he was in a drug and alcohol rehab program. My partner at the time was there as well. We really just knew each other from the family group counseling sessions.

He got discharged before my partner did. When my SO learned he was going to be living in his car, he told L that he could live with us. 😳 My SO still had a week in the program so L would be living with me in my house. A strange man I hardly knew. After much soul searching, I agreed. It was one of my best life decisions.

That was 35 years ago. L has maintained his sobriety, went to college, got a few advanced degrees, and is now retired. Even in retirement, he's active and busy.

I long ago shed that partner, but I kept the great friend I made who is like a big brother to me!
Such a marvellous, heart warming and uplifting story. It sounds like your trust set him on his life path and has been repaid by this marvellous friendship ❤️
Early start to the day. Took care of the shaggy mop that was passing for hair. Finally got in to my stylist for her to clean it up.

Back home for a quick breakfast and some coffee. Raspberries and feta - yum!

Looking a bit overcast. Still a cool 53 right now. That's 11.6 for our friends using Celsius. And the computer now says rain is coming - that's exactly how the skies looked on the drive home.

Indoor chores now. More errands after the rain. May or may not get a nap in today. 🤷‍♀️

Well, time to take the coffee with me and get started. Sooner I get these done, the sooner I can maybe sneak in a nap. :sleep:

Have a good day, everyone
Early start to the day. Took care of the shaggy mop that was passing for hair. Finally got in to my stylist for her to clean it up.

Back home for a quick breakfast and some coffee. Raspberries and feta - yum!

Looking a bit overcast. Still a cool 53 right now. That's 11.6 for our friends using Celsius. And the computer now says rain is coming - that's exactly how the skies looked on the drive home.

Indoor chores now. More errands after the rain. May or may not get a nap in today. 🤷‍♀️

Well, time to take the coffee with me and get started. Sooner I get these done, the sooner I can maybe sneak in a nap. :sleep:

Have a good day, everyone my hair cut but hardly a stylist. Just an old girl with shears and scissors but what can I expect for 12$

As for temperature its about 7 Celsius, but the rain has passed and the sun is shining through the cloud.

Mmm napping sounds like a good idea! my hair cut but hardly a stylist. Just an old girl with shears and scissors but what can I expect for 12$
Love it!! 😍

Best cut I ever got was by a woman who used a straight razor. Went from mid-back to above the ears. Lots of texture and spiky. Reminiscent of Laurie Anderson in the early 80s. Loved it!!

Today's cut is still short but not spiky. I could likely make it spiky, but not spiky on its own. :LOL:

Like this, but mine was shorter
At least you Have hair... I have a reverse mohawk...all around the sides & bald down the middle.
For now, RJ, for now.
I will say it's one thing to decide for yourself to chop some off, but a whole different set of feels when it leaves all on its own. 😣

My hair was so thick as a teen that every stylist offered to thin it out a bit (I declined). Had to use a hair pick as brushes and combs couldn't get the job done.

Large ponytail scrunchies used to go around just twice but at the risk of breaking the elastic on the inside.


In my 40s when I cut and donated 3 1/2 feet of hair to charity, that same hair scrunchie went around almost 5 times.

And since I've tipped to "more gray than chocolate", you can see my scalp. (Which means hats for sun protection).

So yes, I do have hair... but only @ 35-40% of what I used to have, so I'm not counting on it sticking around forever. 🤷‍♀️
Love it!! 😍

Best cut I ever got was by a woman who used a straight razor. Went from mid-back to above the ears. Lots of texture and spiky. Reminiscent of Laurie Anderson in the early 80s. Loved it!!

Today's cut is still short but not spiky. I could likely make it spiky, but not spiky on its own. :LOL:

Like this, but mine was shorter
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I’ve had one of those straight razor cuts before. When I was stationed in TX, there was a lady that cut my hair with just a straight razor. Of course I kept it “high ‘n tight” back then, so not like cutting a mane halfway down your back! 😮
Off for an indulgent afternoon nap
back later
Just had lunch with Wonderer and his delightful other half.

And you didn’t.

Envy me, bitches!

Bro - it was great meeting you. Had a great time. Great weather, great friends, great location.

I do think we should plan a an over 50s board meetup. We can meet somewhere in Iowa!

Altho greylag would bring us more slightly east. 🤔 hmmmm

Rager at @Missk_2022 or @Rj_1954 s place!!!!