The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Good morning Wat and drive safe. Good morning OM and glad you’re doing the runs. These days a 3 mile walk is my goal.

Warm weather today and most of the week. So I think I am going to take a walk through the cemetery. I have to take down all the wreaths etc before they clean up for winter displays.

Simple plans today. Call my sister and all.
I wandered to the hotel lobby to make sure they had coffee, which they do. And those funny pump containers. I don’t understand why those things always leave ahead on the coffee. Beer has a head, Coffey does not. And they have half-and-half in the tiny containers which are unrefrigerated. I can understand why the flavour bullshit is not refrigerated, but half-and-half deserves and belongs in refrigeration.

Not sure about that crap. Maybe it’s too early to think.
You need to be careful with the pump coffee's. I accidentally drank five cups from one and later found out that the preparer accidentally put espresso in it :oops: I was a blur after to anyone watching me.
Sorry you went through that. I need caffeine but not espresso!

Good morning Impy.
Good Morning, B2
I wandered to the hotel lobby to make sure they had coffee, which they do. And those funny pump containers. I don’t understand why those things always leave ahead on the coffee. Beer has a head, Coffey does not. And they have half-and-half in the tiny containers which are unrefrigerated. I can understand why the flavour bullshit is not refrigerated, but half-and-half deserves and belongs in refrigeration.

Not sure about that crap. Maybe it’s too early to think.
How unsatisfying...and a little scary.... these people don't understand the importance of a good cup of Joe
So yesterday I took the advantage of prepping some food. I made a meatloaf, cook some beets, made apple pear sauce, freezer prep some parsnips and carrots. Then I went to watch the pups next door. Today I'm going to go outside and cut down some of my plants. Do a little fall prep. I need to vacuum.
Always nice to have a plan.
I don't have one today.
They really do. Thought I was gonna be "swing and a miss" with the Google Shopping search. But wow - lots of options.

From basins that clip/clamp onto a deck railing to standalone ones like this - they are out there. I've heard of using a bubbling fountain type set up to keep the water from freezing. But that only works to a certain temp. :LOL:
likes2watchU - you are amazing! Had no idea there were heated outdoor bird baths :love: LOL! ..had to bring one of my senior fur babies to the vet this week worried she was crossing the rainbow bridge but thank goodness came back home with her and a bunch of new prescriptions... I am having fun with this winter bird feeding I have to say!
Good morning, CX! I think I was up at 5:30. I saw light shining in my window and thought it was daylight. About an hour later, I realized it was dark outside. I was out early last night.
Yeah, I hit the sack early last night. Should have known better. Did a ton of stuff around the house and yard yesterday so was pretty whipped.
So yesterday I took the advantage of prepping some food. I made a meatloaf, cook some beets, made apple pear sauce, freezer prep some parsnips and carrots. Then I went to watch the pups next door. Today I'm going to go outside and cut down some of my plants. Do a little fall prep. I need to vacuum.
Fantastic. Now I am interested in freezer prepping parsnips and carrots. How do you do that?
Morning good people! Knocked out a bath for my truck yesterday, so today need to run the wife’s through. I used to hand wash those babies, but now they get sent through the line. Have better use of my time nowadays!😂. Slept in, started a load of laundry, now hunkering down for a typical lazy Sunday. Coffee, eggs, bacon, and grits. The Return of the Pink Panther is on, keeping me company with the first cup. Cooking shows, Carolina Outdoor Journal, then the Formula 1 race from Austin! I told the tribe to not bother me! 🤣. We’ll see how that goes!

Hope everyone’s Sunday is as productive! The MZ…
