The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

Breakfast was one quarter of a highly valued melon. Now that I've seen the price tag, I'm starting to appreciate the floral notes in the musky scent and the tones of honey in the cantaloupe flavor. It might pair well with champagne.
Morning fellow writers. How's every one of you all today? Me, I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'll have a cup of plain Jane black coffee... I'm feeling a bit under the weather today; I'm not sure why I think it's just Hay Feaver.
For some reason it feels like Saturday. Yesterday I pulled a double shift at the Emergency Operations Center. Some poor soul driving up I-95 towing a 30 foot boat lost control and blocked the main road into Georgia. What a mess.

I'm off today but tomorrow I'll be live at the Mayo Clinic doing 6 shows. It's going to be a great time. Come on out.

So I will spend today writing. I've got to do a final look over Love's Last Kiss before sending it off to be published. All Aboard Andi's Dream Chapter 14 just took a turn for the dark... that chapter needs to wrap up soon. The Pastor and La Femme au Chocolate is ready for my Loving Wives debut in Summer Fun contest, and back to form in The Last Road Trip for the same contest. (EE)

Maybe I should tell the Mayo I'm too busy for them.
Good morning Millie, Duleigh, NW, et al...

The last four days have been perfect spring weather. Warm, sunny, light winds. I was feeling fine. Today is cold, wet and miserable, and I'm back to barking like a seal.

Is here a correlation between scrappy weather and the flaring up of the residual shit in my lungs?

The doctor doesn't know. 🙄

A large coffee is in order, please.
Good morning Millie, Duleigh, NW, et al...

The last four days have been perfect spring weather. Warm, sunny, light winds. I was feeling fine. Today is cold, wet and miserable, and I'm back to barking like a seal.

Is here a correlation between scrappy weather and the flaring up of the residual shit in my lungs?

The doctor doesn't know. 🙄

A large coffee is in order, please.
It probably isn't the wet and miserable. It's probably the cold giving you the issues - Cold Induced Asthma. Personally I suggest finding a pulmonologist and possibly a new PCP to go along with that Pulmonologist
Good morning!
Wow - what a rush, yesterday I had a story mutiny on me. I got into All Aboard Andi's Dream Chapter 14, it's been waiting for attention for weeks... I have the story blocked out, a list of all the points I want to touch but as I sat down to type a new story line popped up in my head. It started with a ride in a private jet and the story went far off into the weeds. I write over 9,000 words yesterday and looking at it today, I love the direction it went.

No writing today, I'm booked solid all day at the Mayo. Doc wants to see if he can clear out my lungs surgically so we're testing to see how messed up they truly are. Happy Hump Day!
Howdy! I'm about to head to the parental units to do some childly duties for them. I'm such a good daughter; take that, Sis!
Oh, that explains why she isn't answering my text to her, driving, or helping her folks. Still, she could send back, "No time to chat, ttfn," couldn't she?
Just curious, has anyone ever had Literotica dropped from one of their devices.

I write on my desktop, and Literotica keeps disappearing. It shows up again after a few days, but it always on my Chromebook.

Not sure if its my virus protection, or something else.
No, but they're open tabs on my iPad and Samsung phone browsers. On the PC, I close the tabs.
I will try that. Thanks.

All my stories are on my desktop, and I cannot write on my Chromebook. So I cannot submit anything. It is frustrating.
Once the storms abate shortly, I'm on the road for an all-day round trip to the cabin. Notice I said "I'm". It's a solo run in the van to move bulky belongings back home, as we're shutting down for the season six weeks early. Why? The resort owners have more or less reneged on their half of the deal. All summer we have returned to the cabin with it not cleaned or partially cleaned from guests the prior weekend. The mess we encountered our last time there was unspeakable. C (and I!) have put our foot down, we are not a free cleaning service. And there are other issues.

So we're taking a break and getting a few things done at home that would normally have waited until October. Whether we return next spring remains to be seen. It's an awfully big investment to abandon (we directly paid to have it built during COVID). However, we're now realizing that 90% of the rancor between the two of us was fueled by anger over the cabin situation and pure exhaustion from the scutwork, not to mention the constant packing/unpacking from the every-other-week commute.

I'll catch up with you guys late tonight.
How is everyone today? I'm running late on everything. I slept in today. Today is the first day of Preschool for the fall session. And while I was excited about Donnie going back, it now seems too soon. It's so strange.

He's more than ready to see his school friends. I need the time to write more. While it's easy to come here and waste time when he's home, it is not so easy to write. Now, if I can avoid here, I'll have time to work. I still usually get up at the crack of dawn (5:00 am) and write until Donnie wakes up, that's usually for pay. The afternoon time I use for my stuff to publish under my pen. That way, I'm not writing when Jo's home as much. And you all have no interest in this whatsoever.

Irish cream, no boost; I have an extra cup here if anyone wants some!