The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

I'm onto my second cup of coffee, and I'm already contemplating my weekend. They're always busier than my weekdays, and this one needs some planning.
Our sense of balance wanes as we get older and falls can happen for no reason. That might be something a doctor can check, and it's important. There are also exercises that might help. Chloe Tzang (a nurse) pointed out a few years ago that, as we get older, we depend more on our eye sight than our sense of balance to keep ourselves upright.

She gave us a test: close your eyes and try to count to ten while standing on one leg. I was sure I could do that. I have a black belt in TaeKwonDo and I was pleased with my balance. I couldn't even make it to five.
I should be OK then. I've never been able to stand if my eyes are shut. I've learnt over the years never to trust a medic wanting to test that.
"It'll be fine. I'll hold you up."

Next thing we know we're both on top of their now-dead computer monitor... And got bruises from their chair. (ObLit: it's never been the hot docs, either!)
Spending time this Friday morning as a poll watcher. It's early voting for the primary so it's slow. Deadly slow. Between voters I'm sketching out story ideas, but the clerk thinks I'm writing a multi page report. It keeps her on her toes.
Good thinking.
That's the plus side to putting your work on - no AI is going to pay 5.99 for something.
Then again, my fan fic is quite close to that of the original author. I'll let their estates sue some AI company for copying their work
Youngest daughter just sent out a photo of herself with the newly repainted sign on the front door of her dance studio. It lists her as Owner/DIrector. Dad can be proud again. Oldest daughter produced a video for DoJ that's being aired on the civic plaza during movie nights. That's pretty cool, too.
There's a bug (or two) in my sudoku-solving program. It works anyway, and I'm a little surprised. I don't think I'll have time to fix it today. The list of things to do this morning is too long, and then there's a party this afternoon.
Almost talking to myself here.

I've been listening on my way to and from work to a podcast named "Writers on Writing." A woman interviews authors about their body of work, their experience and their methods, and the authors seem to be mostly there to promote a recent release. I've listened to three episodes so far, and the authors have all been mainstream, and all women. I don't know if that will continue.

So far, the through-flowing message from the writers is "writing is hard." One of them said something that felt pretty relevant to my current state. Paraphrasing, "Don't think about how if feels when things get hard, because the way you feel will change. Just sit down and do your job."
Morning all. I'm about to start writing, and I'm not breaking until I'm done. Well, I will take breaks. But this a paid job and I need to get my money so I must get finished so I can. Earl Grey right now and a jelly doughnut. Happy, happy, how's y'all?
Morning all. I'm about to start writing, and I'm not breaking until I'm done. Well, I will take breaks. But this a paid job and I need to get my money so I must get finished so I can. Earl Grey right now and a jelly doughnut. Happy, happy, how's y'all?
Success will hinge on the quality of the jelly. Good luck.
Not writing at the moment. Still hobbling around over the toenail removals. The podiatrist said it will feel better. That was eleven days ago. I'd like to believe he meant soon, but that might be relative to the end of times.

I'm sleeping, or trying to, with my feet uncovered as the touch of anything on them is painful. No socks, no shoes.

My neighbors have been a godsend in bringing in the daily mail and paper. Even the grocery delivery folks are carrying everything inside to the table. Life is good, even without the urge to write at the moment. It's hard to write while sitting with your feet elevated and your toes throbbing.

Word of advice for the younger folks, 'treat your body well early.'

Passing some time reading in the political forum. Nasty side of the tracks, I know, but funny sometimes as well. My comments seem to be favored but some have told me I should just shut up and go away. That's like waving a red flag at a bull in the pasture! [I know bulls are color-blind, but you get the idea.]

Last three stories posted are fairing well. Hope your stories are as well.
Not writing at the moment. Still hobbling around over the toenail removals. The podiatrist said it will feel better. That was eleven days ago. I'd like to believe he meant soon, but that might be relative to the end of times.

I'm sleeping, or trying to, with my feet uncovered as the touch of anything on them is painful. No socks, no shoes.

My neighbors have been a godsend in bringing in the daily mail and paper. Even the grocery delivery folks are carrying everything inside to the table. Life is good, even without the urge to write at the moment. It's hard to write while sitting with your feet elevated and your toes throbbing.

Word of advice for the younger folks, 'treat your body well early.'

Passing some time reading in the political forum. Nasty side of the tracks, I know, but funny sometimes as well. My comments seem to be favored but some have told me I should just shut up and go away. That's like waving a red flag at a bull in the pasture! [I know bulls are color-blind, but you get the idea.]

Last three stories posted are fairing well. Hope your stories are as well.
The problem with advice from us seniors is the young won't listen to us ...
The problem with advice from us seniors is the young won't listen to us ...
Or it's too late for the other seniors.

Monday morning here, so the extra strength coffee is on. Railway strength tea is in the billy. Missed Tom and his "It's all about me" act at the closing ceremony. Hope it was better than predicted.
I multI-tasked all morning. I'm too old for multi-tasking and now I'm tired. On the other hand, I have another 32 oz of New Mexico chile in the freezer, and five pints of pickle slices that I didn't have yesterday. Shoulda been six, but stuff happens.

I brought in my first Charentais melon, and I'll probably harvest two more in the morning. I think I know what's for breakfast.
Missed Tom and his "It's all about me" act at the closing ceremony.

It was an eye-roller, paraphrasing a few moves from the MI movies. My reaction on the first close-up where he was interacting with the crowd was, "Geeeeez, he's gotten old." Like the rest of us. I never grokked that he is only 8 years younger than I am.

I missed the extinguishing of the cauldron. Should watch the replay while the Peacock account still works. I already cancelled it.
Not writing at the moment. Still hobbling around over the toenail removals. The podiatrist said it will feel better. That was eleven days ago. I'd like to believe he meant soon, but that might be relative to the end of times.

I'm sleeping, or trying to, with my feet uncovered as the touch of anything on them is painful. No socks, no shoes.

My neighbors have been a godsend in bringing in the daily mail and paper. Even the grocery delivery folks are carrying everything inside to the table. Life is good, even without the urge to write at the moment. It's hard to write while sitting with your feet elevated and your toes throbbing.

Word of advice for the younger folks, 'treat your body well early.'

Passing some time reading in the political forum. Nasty side of the tracks, I know, but funny sometimes as well. My comments seem to be favored but some have told me I should just shut up and go away. That's like waving a red flag at a bull in the pasture! [I know bulls are color-blind, but you get the idea.]

Last three stories posted are fairing well. Hope your stories are as well.
as another 'senior' person, is there not some sort of 'spray-on' temorary anesthetic you can obtain?

I Did It!
I took a 750 word story that I wrote 2 years ago, which was expanded to a 30k word novella last year on a bet with @MediocreAuthor - and now as of last night, it is now a 92,000 word novel and I love (almost) every word in it. The final re-read and brush-up starts at 1300 hours EDT today after "work" and then it goes to my publisher for final approval. Then comes the usual squabble over the cover art (he's pretty good but he's Navy. They think different) then it's off to to enlighten the world. I finished last night at 10:30, far to late to unwind with a virgin margarita and a re-run.

I'm going to dedicate the book to my "Granddaughter" @MediocreAuthor and my yet to be born "Great-grandson" Little Duleigh.

(She'll kill me if I put that on the dedication page)

Ok, on to the next novel, All Aboard Andi's Dream Book #5. How are y'all doin?

Monday Coffee.jpg
On to the second cup of coffee. The Charentais for breakfast was delicious, but the flavor isn't much different from the cantaloupe you might find in your local supermarket. They're fairly small, there's no netting on the surface of the melon and the flesh was firmer than I expected.

The melon I have is probably a hybrid developed for the US market. The melon grown in France is only about the size of a softball, and this was a little bigger. A quarter of the melon was a good serving. I have eight more on the vine, so some will be gifts.
No. 2. Be still my heart. So, so much emotion.

Still working on the Mahler excerpt arrangement. Meeting with the concert winds director tomorrow for lunch, and I'll run it by him then. Rehearsals start in three weeks, so I hope he didn't procrastinate like he usually does, dropping the season's schedule on everybody a week before we start.
Thought of you when I saw this.
I’ve never tried Charentais, but I do like melon. I’ll have to look for them.
Melissa's Produce has them, but their season is Oct-May. They list the source as USA, Dominican Republic. On that schedule the source would need to be tropical.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again when I saw the price: $36.39 for two melons. Honestly, I don't know what would justify a price that high.
What's funny is our conductor is doing exactly what I thought he was going to do. Despite our meeting three weeks ago, he again procrastinated and is publishing our rehearsal schedule tomorrow, one week before our normal season start.
