The best come on I've ever had....

Sub Joe said:
Interesting post, SF. To me, the reason is that stillettos make a woman's legs look longer, and changes the proportion of her body so that she looks thinner.

When a woman walks around in high heels, she tightens the muscles in her calves, because of the angle of her foot. This muscle tightening reminds men (unconsciensously) of the way her muscles tighten up when she gets an orgasm.

The heels also makes her walk in a special way, which accentuates her legs and hips and ass, making them wiggle and tilt in a seductvie way.

But personally, I think that the biggest appeal factor is that women can't run very well in high heels, which makes it easier for men to catch up with them.
Svenskaflicka said:
But personally, I think that the biggest appeal factor is that women can't run very well in high heels, which makes it easier for men to catch up with them.
I know I've mentioned this before, but I still find the images in my mind haunting.

The survivors from the WTC towers mentioned all the discarded high-heels on the stairways as they headed down. There were also many left in the surrounding streets as people fled the dust clouds. Merchants noted the dip in sales of h-heels soon after 9/11.

Perdita :(
Well, P, being able to run for your life is sort of the opposite of what these shoes are made for.:(
I didn't think anyone would get my fisrt "." which was in Spanish, so posted it again, in English. I apologize to any bilingual people.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

Originally posted by Vincent E
I concur. If I ever attempted this I would only get a date with a grand jury.

lucky-E-leven said:
I might could agree with this if you bought a woman some kinky lingerie and were suggesting at something a little more obvious...but shoes and a phone number? Nah!

Additionally, if a woman ever sues you for buying her shoes just let me know who she is and I will organize a public lynching.


If I were to approach a woman in a shoe store and compliment her on how good her feet looked in a certain pair of shoes, I probably would not be sued or arrested, unless I persisted even through the cursing and reviling that she would be heaping on me. I would leave then, and that would be the end of it. If I did persist in trying to pick her up, I would probably be arrested as a stalker or something of that sort. If I sneakily bought them for her and left a way of getting in touch with me, probably the people who did the getting in touch would be the police.

Women, on the other hand are held by society to a much lower standard.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

Boxlicker101 said:
If I were to approach a woman in a shoe store and compliment her on how good her feet looked in a certain pair of shoes, I probably would not be sued or arrested, unless I persisted even through the cursing and reviling that she would be heaping on me. I would leave then, and that would be the end of it. If I did persist in trying to pick her up, I would probably be arrested as a stalker or something of that sort. If I sneakily bought them for her and left a way of getting in touch with me, probably the people who did the getting in touch would be the police.

Women, on the other hand are held by society to a much lower standard.

Oh ye of little faith...
No wonder chivalry is dying. Overreacting women are probably largely at fault, but overzealous men must take some responsibility for this as well.

I think most women would be flattered to receive a genuine compliment rather than another lame pick up line, and along the lines of buying a pair of shoes she seemed to like would be an even nicer gesture.

I don't think women are held to a lower standard. I think some men make too much of a public showing of their stupidity and desperation to get female attention.

-E (not at all threatened by someone buying me shoes)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

lucky-E-leven said:
Oh ye of little faith...
No wonder chivalry is dying. Overreacting women are probably largely at fault, but overzealous men must take some responsibility for this as well.

I think most women would be flattered to receive a genuine compliment rather than another lame pick up line, and along the lines of buying a pair of shoes she seemed to like would be an even nicer gesture.

I don't think women are held to a lower standard. I think some men make too much of a public showing of their stupidity and desperation to get female attention.

-E (not at all threatened by someone buying me shoes)

You realize, I am referring to myself, fat, bald and 64 years old, not some handsome swashbuckler.

What I mean is that a straight woman would reject the unwanted advances of a man more loudly and emphatically than she would reject the advances of a woman perceived to be a lesbian. Most men wouldn't reject the advances of a woman at all, no matter how lame the pickup line was.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

lucky-E-leven said:
Oh ye of little faith...
No wonder chivalry is dying. Overreacting women are probably largely at fault, but overzealous men must take some responsibility for this as well.

I think most women would be flattered to receive a genuine compliment rather than another lame pick up line, and along the lines of buying a pair of shoes she seemed to like would be an even nicer gesture.

I don't think women are held to a lower standard. I think some men make too much of a public showing of their stupidity and desperation to get female attention.

-E (not at all threatened by someone buying me shoes)

News Flash*: In their endeavor for more than equal rights for women, more, and more men are turning into pussies. And as everybody knows you can't have two pussies in the same room without rubbing them the wrong way.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

(Settling in for the barage of male bashing that this post will invoke.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

Boxlicker101 said:
Most men wouldn't reject the advances of a woman at all, no matter how lame the pickup line was.

Not true. I've been rejected by plenty of men, Box. Of course, I must admit I was usually well beyond drunk (for a few years, if ya want the truth :rolleyes: ) but I was rejected just the same.

- Mindy, looking for the everclear ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

Dirt Man said:

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

(Settling in for the barage of male bashing that this post will invoke.)

Nah, too easy :cool:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

Dirt Man said:
News Flash*: In their endeavor for more than equal rights for women, more, and more men are turning into pussies. And as everybody knows you can't have two pussies in the same room without rubbing them the wrong way.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

(Settling in for the barage of male bashing that this post will invoke.)

You must be doing something wrong. Feel free to PM me for a step-by-step guide to avoiding this sort of wrong way rubbing. And please be specific about which version you want.

1. How not to rub the wrong way.
2. How to rub the right way.

-E (sorry to hear that more men are turning into pussies, but if things keep moving that direction then at least the thread about male curiosity about lesbians will quickly be phased out)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

Boxlicker101 said:
What I mean is that a straight woman would reject the unwanted advances of a man more loudly and emphatically than she would reject the advances of a woman perceived to be a lesbian. Most men wouldn't reject the advances of a woman at all, no matter how lame the pickup line was.

I'm sticking to my guns that the reaction would be based moreso on the advance than the person making it. I know some women that would have a shit-fit if a woman offered up her phone number, whether a new pair of shoes was part of the deal or not. I wish I didn't, but I do and those same people would probably gladly take a pair of shoes from you without a second thought. I wouldn't expect a call from the uppity gals, but there would be no tantrums thrown in the shoe store.


And I have to agree that most men wouldn't reject any advances, but that's not saying much more than, women are more selective with who we want to spend time with.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

lucky-E-leven said:
I'm sticking to my guns that the reaction would be based moreso on the advance than the person making it. I know some women that would have a shit-fit if a woman offered up her phone number, whether a new pair of shoes was part of the deal or not. I wish I didn't, but I do and those same people would probably gladly take a pair of shoes from you without a second thought. I wouldn't expect a call from the uppity gals, but there would be no tantrums thrown in the shoe store.


And I have to agree that most men wouldn't reject any advances, but that's not saying much more than, women are more selective with who we want to spend time with.

I totally agree that men are vastly less selective than women because most men are not selective at all, although the presence of a wife would change that.

Although, as Mindy said:

Not true. I've been rejected by plenty of men, Box. Of course, I must admit I was usually well beyond drunk (for a few years, if ya want the truth ) but I was rejected just the same.

Most men would reject the advances of a woman who is sloppy drunk because that could only lead to more trouble than it would be worth. I would reject her advances now but thirty years ago I wouldn't have.

In the original post, there was no offer to buy the shoes; the woman in question complimented the customer on how the shoes looked and the customer said she had nothing to wear them with so didn't want to buy them. The actual purchase was sneaky and the inclusion of the phone number was also sneaky, and the recipient had the choice of throwing the shoes away, which would have been a waste, or taking them.

What I said is that if I, fat, bald and 64 years old, were to approach a strange woman in a store and compliment her on her shoes, she would probably curse me and revile me and call me (correctly, I might add) a dirty old man. If I were a handsome, young swashbuckler type, however, there is a good chance she would go along with the whole idea, maybe even letting him buy her the shoes and going to a motel with him to repay him.

By no means is this meant to imply that Destinie or any other woman on AH would have done that.
Last edited:

In my mid-30's I decided I couldn't waste time on the usual games and ploys so if I was attracted to a man for any reason I let him know right away. Sometimes I would write them a note, saying something like, "Please excuse my frankness, but I find you personable and interesting. Would you like to spend a little time with me over coffee or drinks? I hope this does not offend you in any way, and at the very least you are flattered."

Other times I would basically speak the same message in person. I think about half the time men would take me up on my offer, and those who didn't always said they were married or otherwise attached but thanked me for speaking up and said I had made their day. One time a married man was so impressed he invited me to get together with him and his wife as they had only recently moved to the bay area and were looking to make friends (fyi, they were European).

Several years ago, while out with my husband in a night club, a nice looking man much younger than me walked up and asked my husband, "May I please have the honor of a dance with this beautiful lady?"

Now had he waited until Ted was away from the table, he would have been rejected. Instead, he came right up and asked permission, which I found refreshing.

Courage works with me, (honest sounding compliments work with nearly all females, too)

He got his dance, and he got a phone number when he asked, too.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

Dirt Man said:
(Settling in for the barage of male bashing that this post will invoke.)

DM, you could only get a male bashing if you had been MALE.
Re: No-nonsense.

perdita said:
In my mid-30's I decided I couldn't waste time on the usual games and ploys so if I was attracted to a man for any reason I let him know right away. Sometimes I would write them a note, saying something like, "Please excuse my frankness, but I find you personable and interesting. Would you like to spend a little time with me over coffee or drinks? I hope this does not offend you in any way, and at the very least you are flattered."

Other times I would basically speak the same message in person. I think about half the time men would take me up on my offer, and those who didn't always said they were married or otherwise attached but thanked me for speaking up and said I had made their day. One time a married man was so impressed he invited me to get together with him and his wife as they had only recently moved to the bay area and were looking to make friends (fyi, they

Dita, you are very refreshing and approximately one in a million. That is assuming you are not referring to Elvis or someone like that.

magichanbdslee added:

Several years ago, while out with my husband in a night club, a nice looking man much younger than me walked up and asked my husband, "May I please have the honor of a dance with this beautiful lady?"

Now had he waited until Ted was away from the table, he would have been rejected. Instead, he came right up and asked permission, which I found refreshing.

Courage works with me, (honest sounding compliments work with nearly all females, too)

He got his dance, and he got a phone number when he asked, too.

This was, however, "a nice looking young man", not somebody who is, as I am, fat, bald and 64 years old. If I had the temerity to approach you, you would probably have cursed and reviled me and called for a bouncer.:mad:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The best come on I've ever had....

Svenskaflicka said:
DM, you could only get a male bashing if you had been MALE.

Last Time I Looked, I Was still of the male gender. ROFLMAO

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Destinie, can you do everybody a favor and change the typo on the first line? Change "brought" to "bought" because the way it is now is hard to figure out.
Re: Why women, and shoes go together...

complimenting her on her shoes shows attentioin to detail (something that women appreciate, and that seems rare in men)

Also, it shows that you've looked beyond her tits. (Complimenting her on her 'eyes' often just underscores the fact that your only interested in her tits.

Women aren't like men. They don't want you to just go for the obvious erogenous zones, or the obvious compliments. We like you to take your time and appreciate *all* of us, especially those parts which are generally neglected (such as our wrists, the back of our knees, and our shoes)

Dirt Man said:
One of my favorite movies: "The American President," the daughter tells her father, the President of the United states, played by Micheal Douglas, to compliment his date, played by Annette Benning, on her shoes. He does, and of course his date is simply thrilled to the core. But why? What is it about shoes that is so important to woman?

Right off the top of my head I thought of Cinderella, and the glass slipper, and all that denotes.

Then I thought of that old chavenistic phrase: "Keep her barefoot, and pregnant." And all that phrase brings to mind.

Cinderella finds her perfect mate, or rather he finds the real her through the shoe, or more appropriately, her glass slipper left behind. The whole story's climax revolves around that damn shoe, and the fact that the last thing the prince sees of Cinderella at his Ball is her bare feet hoofing it out of his site.

So do shoes represent the lasting independance of all single women? Or does it represent the epitomb of femininity because men would simply look rediculous in high heels? Or is it even more simple than that? Do women define their inner selves by the shoes that they wear? Can a man see into their souls by first checking out what they have placed their feet into? And lastly, will a man raise a woman's eyebrow by acknowledging her choice in footwear, and podiatrists?

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man