The best come on I've ever had....

Re: Re: No-nonsense.

Boxlicker101 said:
This was, however, "a nice looking young man", not somebody who is, as I am, fat, bald and 64 years old. If I had the temerity to approach you, you would probably have cursed and reviled me and called for a bouncer.:mad:

Considering that my husband does not dance--and I mean that in every possible way--I would be delighted to dance with any decently dressed and decent-smelling gentleman who asked me, given that we were in a dancing venue in the first place. (Though I dance to street musicians sometimes, so I guess that's not absolutely necessary.) Age would be a positive advantage. Heck, only men over a certain age even KNOW how to dance, with rare exceptions. :rolleyes:

Re: Re: No-nonsense.

Boxlicker101 said:
This was, however, "a nice looking young man", not somebody who is, as I am, fat, bald and 64 years old. If I had the temerity to approach you, you would probably have cursed and reviled me and called for a bouncer.:mad:

YOu may not believe this, but attitude matters at least as much as looks.

There conversation was light and perhaps flirtatious. The purchase was a little over the top considering the expence, but otherwise, I don't find anything curseworthy about the situation.

The difference in most cases between a man and a woman in this situation is that women are much better at reading body language, people and situations. IF Destinie had started to feel uncomfortable toward the woman at any time during the conversation, she (much more likely than a man) would probably have backed off and not bought the shoes. Guys tend to come on too strong and ignore the signals. That, much more than a 'double standard' or even physical appearance is the main problem. Yes, I will admit a superstud will have a little more leaway than a regulare joe, but we can and do sence creapyness in 'hotties' as well.

Box, it's not what you got, it's how you work it.;)

I was just curious as to what your wife thought of the whole thing. I find it fascinating that so many here had such diverse reactions and not a single one of us has anything invested in you...while she, on the other hand, has quite a lot invested.



I'm inclined to take it as a compliment that someone noticed my partner with such admiration, but I know this is not how everyone thinks.
Re: Re: No-nonsense.

Boxlicker101 said:

This was, however, "a nice looking young man", not somebody who is, as I am, fat, bald and 64 years old. If I had the temerity to approach you, you would probably have cursed and reviled me and called for a bouncer.:mad:

It makes me very sad that you keep saying that, Box. I just don't think it's true. Pretty much the only men who hit on me are well over 60 and I've never reacted the way that you say even toward the ones that won't take no for an answer and start invading my personal space. The only men I've ever cursed for coming on to me would be the ones who touch me inappropriately while doing so and I am much less likely to curse an older gentleman than a 'nice looking young man'. Respect for elders, yadda yadda.

- Mindy

edited to add: You're right on one count, though. 'Dita is definitely one in a million. :)
Re: Re: Re: No-nonsense.

minsue said:
It makes me very sad that you keep saying that, Box. I just don't think it's true. Pretty much the only men who hit on me are well over 60 and I've never reacted the way that you say even toward the ones that won't take no for an answer and start invading my personal space. The only men I've ever cursed for coming on to me would be the ones who touch me inappropriately while doing so and I am much less likely to curse an older gentleman than a 'nice looking young man'. Respect for elders, yadda yadda.

- Mindy

edited to add: You're right on one count, though. 'Dita is definitely one in a million. :)

Hi, Mindy.
As I said, I'm 64 years old and I have not spent that 64 years in a monastery. I am exaggerating here but most of the women of my acquaintance have looked on me as some kind of miserable cretin, beneath contempt. Not all, because I am married. I married at 41 years of age because it took me that long to find someone who would have me.