The better submissive!

Re: Re: Hey, you forgot something:

niteshade said:
oh, you better not mess with the hair... if you burn it all off, what will you wrap your hands in during various activities? And have you ever smelled burning hair??? It is right on par with rotten eggs :(

AGREED!!! hmmm, maybe I will have to add burning my hair off as a limit now. :D

Yes, I have smelled burning hair.. it is nasty, burning fingernails are gross smelling too.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The point I was trying to make......

il mio angelo said:
The different and similar perspectives that we all bring to this board are what makes it a great place to learn. No one is a better or lesser submissive/slave because of the things they do or don't do... just different.


I wholeheartedly agree with you here. I think it is also noteworthy, and often not taken into account, what a sub/slave does or does not do is in most instances at the choice of her Dominant, not her own idea which goes against the wishes of the Dominant. So when people judge, it may pay to remember the very reason someone does something is because the Dominant knows it is so abhorrant and disgusting it takes a huge effort for them to submit to their will and desire.

Re: Re: Re: Hey, you forgot something:

il mio angelo said:
AGREED!!! hmmm, maybe I will have to add burning my hair off as a limit now. :D

What about burning off pubic hair? Is that one allowed?
Seems to me that some of you need to check in with your doms and find out what is wanted. Remember you don't have thoughts of your own.
FlyisOpen said:
Remember you don't have thoughts of your own.

Really? Mmmmmm.... if I didn't use my mind, my Master would begin to think he needed to find ways to shock it into action again!!

FlyisOpen said:
Seems to me that some of you need to check in with your doms and find out what is wanted. Remember you don't have thoughts of your own.

One of the reasons my Master chose me is because of my mind and my ability to think for myself.
FlyisOpen said:
Seems to me that some of you need to check in with your doms and find out what is wanted. Remember you don't have thoughts of your own.

Seems to me that you might want to check the facts before making such a comment. I cannot think of one sub here at Lit that doesn't have a mind of her own. And I cannot think of one dominant I know who would want a mindless doormat for a submissive.

damn I am fiesty lately.. or is bitchy the word I am looking for? lol
Sometimes I like to stoke the fire to watch the sparks fly. Certainly created a bit of a stir and showed me that what I always believed must be true - It is the ability to think independently that adds the spark to any relationship.
Hope you enjoyed the rush of indignation you felt.
FlyisOpen said:
Sometimes I like to stoke the fire to watch the sparks fly. Certainly created a bit of a stir and showed me that what I always believed must be true - It is the ability to think independently that adds the spark to any relationship.
Hope you enjoyed the rush of indignation you felt.

Who was questioning anyones ability to think indepenently?:confused:
FlyisOpen said:
Sometimes I like to stoke the fire to watch the sparks fly. Certainly created a bit of a stir and showed me that what I always believed must be true - It is the ability to think independently that adds the spark to any relationship.
Hope you enjoyed the rush of indignation you felt.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I didn't feel indignant, just thought, 'What a joke....or was it jerk'? Gee can't remember must be right after all...I can't think for myself.:eek:

Truly sorry if I offended thee. Having a bit of fun and it clearly backfired. .
FlyisOpen said:
Truly sorry if I offended thee. Having a bit of fun and it clearly backfired. .

no offense taken. This thread started as my own attempt to get a point across, and sadly it didn't quite work as planned... :eek:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey, you forgot something:

il mio angelo said:
Are you sure? ;)

Pretty sure... mine always does damnit.

However if you found a secret that I don't know about, you sure as hell better tell me! ...


I laughed my ass off at the initial post.

And I concede that I observe the same sense of competition at times too, among both subs and Doms, the pissing contest of realness.
Re: Hey, you forgot something:

Peter2002 said:
Dear I,

Take your pick:

Having you mouth washed out with soap.

Or, lighting your hair on fire.

:p :p :p :p :p

if i had my hair on fire He would not like it very well, He loves my long hair. how about facing your worst fear for Him. mine would be heights! this is my opinoin but i would get such an adrenaline rush from doing something that involves heights just because He wanted me to.
Re: Re: Re: Hey, you forgot something:

il mio angelo said:
AGREED!!! hmmm, maybe I will have to add burning my hair off as a limit now. :D

Yes, I have smelled burning hair.. it is nasty, burning fingernails are gross smelling too.

With all the fireplay I do, I routinely singe all the hair off the backs of my hands (which grows promptly back, as I am a hairy beast) and I NEVER get used to the smell
But I caught one of my nails on fire once and EEEEWWWW :(
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey, you forgot something:

Zaudika said:
What about burning off pubic hair? Is that one allowed?

See, I'm usually lighting my hands on fire and using them to singe off any pubic hair or stubble that someone may've missed or failed to remove ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hey, you forgot something:

James G 5 said:
See, I'm usually lighting my hands on fire and using them to singe off any pubic hair or stubble that someone may've missed or failed to remove ;)

I am a better submissive than James... uhm, well, at least probably.