The Count of Monte Vista ((UnHolyPimpHand & AmbrosiaCaress))

The Hotel where Colton was to be staying seemed really nice on first glance. Perhaps Colton’s expectations were tainted by years in prison, but he could see himself being happy here. There was even a shared pool in the courtyard and a public park across the street. The rule about “guests” was the first thing to displease him about the place. He didn’t like the idea of sneaking around—at least, not sneaking around the staff of this place.

“Understood,” Colton nodded in reply to her comments about not wanting to be seen, “pull around back, maybe I can smuggle you in a laundry cart.”

Colton smiled at her again, his bright, convincing smile. He was not concerned with the motel staff. They could be silenced a lot easier than most of the others he had in his sights—still, it was good to know the rules so he could break them properly. With the pistol tucked into the back of his slacks again, he made his way into the office to check in.

The guy at the desk was hardly intimidating, talking loud and all but ignoring him. He said the name Rikki—Madison’s friend. He made it obvious when he started taking her credit info, Colton watched his fingers, mimicking the numbers into his burner phone in his pocket, texting the number and expiration date to himself. He doubted there were too many ‘Rikkis’ in town, but he decided to confirm before using the card that he just gained access to.

The desk-jockey continued running his mouth as Colton got another text, this one not from himself. He pulled it out, reading the screen. She was thinking about him. It made him smile. He enjoyed the playful and almost innocent relationship they were developing.

“Sounds just awesome, bro,” Colton nodded, putting his phone back away, determined to let Maddie wait a little bit before he texted her back, “I’m checking in. Colton McBryde.”

The rest of the check-in was fairly standard and Colton was glad to have a room to himself for the first time in a very long time. He propped the door open behind himself so that Ashley could come join him when she deemed it safe. He shed his dirty shirt and tank top while he waited. Texting Maddie back: Thinking of you, too. I wish you were here with me.

He included a winky face with that last message. He’d head young girls went ape for emogies or whatever the fuck the little, yellow faces were called.


Isaac was on his way home, his vintage car speeding through the residential streets of his upscale, gated community. It had been a tough day. He didn’t love whoring his assistant out to old men to keep his wife out of peril, but it was what the situation called for.

By now, he had all but forgotten that it was his actions in the first place that made such measures necessary. He felt quite magnanimous, in fact—whoring his girlfriend out to protect his wife. He felt like a hero from a Greek play.

The automated garage moved up at the press of a button and he pulled his pride and joy inside. Taking the time to cover it with a wide, custom-fitted cover that hugged all of her curves and edges. Damn he loved that car.

Walking back into the house, Isaacs ears were bombarded by his daughter playing some pop garbage much too loud.

“Maddie, volume!” Isaac called out as he entered the house, making his way over to the liquor cabinet and placing a few ice cubes into a Swarovski crystal glass before drowning them with 30-year Scotch, “how was school? Did you finish strong? …and where is your uniform?”

Isaac had paid good money for that uniform. If his daughter was done wearing it he wanted to see if perhaps he could get Kelly to try it on and model it for him.
Madison rolled her eyes while turning down the music.

“how was school? Did you finish strong? …and where is your uniform?”

"Hey Dad, sure the last day was a fucking blast!"
Again she rolled her eyes. "I did fine" was the only answer she would give. She ignored the uniform question. God knows why he was asking. Madison had made the mistake, once, of using her father's computer when hers had gone belly up. She had managed to find a folder with all kinds of images of girls in those awful catholic school uniforms. Not kids, they were all adults, but in those uniforms. She had nearly gagged. She never said anything, she just chose to forget all about it. WHY did he have to ask her about hers now? What did he want mom to wear it? Well, that thought was enough to bring on nightmares if she wasn't careful.

"Hey Dad, by the way, I'm gonna spend the weekend at Rikki's ok???"

Just then, her phone beeped with another text.. from Mack. God, he wished she were with him. This was a dream come true for her. But she wasn't quite sure how to answer that, so she would give it a little thought. Madison, while being so gorgeous, really was naive in a lot of ways. It was her innocent demeanor that tended to attract so many of the boys at school, and even at Blaine's college.

"Sure honey"

Madison just shook her head. It wasn't like he really cared. She could have gone and most likely he would never have noticed. Her mother would have, but that would have only elicited a text and once she answered, that would be it. That was the thing about having career minded parents. They stopped paying attention to the kids and since she was the only kid...

Oh well, it meant she could spend the weekend partying. But she wished Mack would be there. But he wouldn't want to hang around a bunch of high school punks, that much she knew. Maybe she could meet him somewhere, she hoped.

She quickly sent a text to Rikki... All set for the weekend party at the Wilson Street Motel!!! Should be a blast!!! and she hit the send button, only to realize she sent the text to Mack. Whoops... Well, maybe he'd show up after all. She retyped her text and fired it off to Rikki. She was already thinking of what she would be wearing. The new black dress was a must. She'd spend tomorrow figuring out her outfits. She wanted to look as mature as she could if Mack did show up. She didn't to be caught in a high school mascot tee shirt and ripped jeans, that was for sure.

That was when the bright idea hit her. Maybe she'd go to that tattoo shop tomorrow and get a tattoo. She was a Leo star sign, so she thought maybe she would get a little lion cub tattooed on her wrist, or maybe, right over her heart. She made up her mind right then and there that she was going to do that. She was 18, she didn't need her parents permission anymore. Maybe she'd see Mack if he stopped by there. He seemed pretty friendly with that Snake guy...


Ashley sat for a few minutes in her car. She knew she was probably being paranoid but she just wanted to be sure. Plus, she needed another pill, it was the last one. God, she hoped Colton would be able to get her more. Never mind her hip and lower back hurt from the hard fucking he had given her hours before against the unforgiving surface of her desk, she needed the high, just to feel normal again.

Popping the last little white nirvana into her mouth, she washed it down with the last gulp of water from the bottle she kept there just for this reason. She sat and let the pill begin to take effect, it never took long when she was on an empty stomach, and then she headed into the Motel. He had left the door unlatched, so she slipped in, pretty much unnoticed.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him, shirtless, just his pants, her gun still in the back waistband, and she felt her heart skip for a moment. He was strikingly good looking, and she felt her face flush when he turned and looked back at her. "Lock the door" which she quickly did before she stepped into his arms.


Jayne sat in the parking space in front of the bar. She had almost a year sober. Yet she needed this drink. Jack, as in Jack Daniels, had been her best friend for years. Giving him up had been a long, complicated road. But this was a night for old friends.

Working late... she hit the send button to inform her husband and daughter that she was going to be late. She then climbed out of the car and headed into the bar. There were several people there, couples, a set of what looked like buddies coming from a baseball game, and a few solo drinkers. She found a seat at the end of the bar and order a shot of Jack with a beer chaser. She needed it.... desperately....
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Colton didn’t hesitate when Ashley came to him, kissing her passionately and enveloping her wholly, his hands on her ass, his tongue in her mouth. He removed the gun from his slacks, laying it down on the bedside table before raising his hand up to forcibly untuck her t-shirt and pull it resolutely over her head. He wasn’t wasting time at all, unbuckling her belt, pulling it from around her waist in one smooth pull, the leather made a smacking noise as the loose end slapped against the wall.

“This time, you can be as loud as you want to,” Colton smiled, dropping Ashley’s pants to the ground before tossing her onto the bed like she weighed nothing, “feel free to take advantage.”

In a flash, he descended upon her, prison had taught him the virtue of moving with purpose—most people thought too long before moving, one could gain an advantage by just moving all at once with no hesitation. He pulled her panties to the side and thrust his huge cock into her all at once.

“Take it, bitch,” Colton grunted, arching his back as he slammed his cock fully inside of Ashley’s tight, wet pussy, “take that dick, bitch.”

His breath fell back into the staccato grunts that he’d made back in Ashley’s office, only this time he made no attempt to muffle her. His hands gripped her upper arms, pinning her shoulders down to the bed as he pushed the balls of his feet into the bed and stacked Ashley’s body on top of itself so that her hips were directly above her face.

In this new position, Colton was able to drop his whole weight into each thrust, penetrating her deeper than ever, pushing her past her limits while his balls slapped loudly against her asshole.

“Fu-cking bitch!” Colton continued grunting as he continued to pound her.


Isaac noticed his daughter rolling her eyes at almost everything he was saying. He chose not to acknowledge it, knowing that it would just be another fight if he did. He got a text from his wife, she was working late—probably stressing over her incarceration numbers. Isaac wanted to reassure her, but that too was a conversation he didn’t want to have about his assistant scheduling a sex session with the head of an influential political action committee.

Instead, he opted to instigate a different fight for no reason: What the hell are we supposed to do about dinner?

He wasn’t sure about why he answered her that way—if anyone knew about staying late at work, it was Isaac. But something about the way she’d said it, two words without context. It made him feel somehow emasculated. Enough that he was probably transferring frustration that Maddie rightly deserved onto Jayne.

Still, he felt less and less connected to his wife by the day. He knew he couldn’t divorce her, though he’d never admit it, she was a better lawyer than him. She could point to every stage of his success and guide a story through the paper trail of how his success was the result of her hard work. Earlier in their relationship it had seemed so magical. Now it felt like an anchor, keeping him tied to a failed marriage.

“What do you think for dinner? Katsu-Ya or Koi?” order-in sushi was Isaac’s go-to move for dinner time, what was the point of obscene wealth if it couldn’t summon Michelin rated seafood to your front door?

When she was younger, Maddie had reveled in trying new things. Due to private schooling she was completely fluent in Japanese, Spanish, French and German—with top tenth percentile Latin fluency. They had enjoyed amazing vacations to Japan, weekend tasting tours, fishing boat deck-side sashimi experiences, sometimes even without Jayne. Sushi was something that he and his daughter still had in common.

“I’ve got an urgein’ for some urchin!” Isaac smiled, his famous Uni-pun used to make her squeal with laughter. He made his way around the couch to gauge her reaction.

It was then that Blaine made his presence known.

Beep! Beep!


Oliver was tragically hip.

He didn’t have a car, he had a recumbent bicycle. He’d never owned a TV and swore that he never looked at one on purpose. He made his own silverware out of reclaimed plastics. Tragically hip.

With his elbow held unnecessarily high, Oliver spun a cardboard coaster onto the bar in front of Jayne. He wore a garter belt around his upper arm and had shaping wax in his moustache. The coaster said “MADE FROM RECYCLED PAPER PRODUCTS: Miller Lite”

“One shot o’ the gentleman, and a barley pop behind,” Oliver spoke like a 1920’s news broadcaster, “for the young lady who is far to lovely to look so down.”

He popped the top off of a Miller Lite with such a flourish that the bottle cap whizzed past Jayne’s shoulder and landed somewhere behind her, the bottle actually made a POP sound that was loud enough to be heard across the room even with the chatter and music. The foam crept up just past the opening, forming a perfect dome and halting just short of overflow.

Oliver held two shot glasses between his fingers. The backs of his hands were tattooed with Traditional style Sparrows. He poured the Jack from a height above his head, the stream completely smooth, spilling not a drop as he moved from one glass to the other, cutting the stream at the perfect moment, filling both glasses to the very edge.

“I have a personal code about not letting beautiful women drink alone,” Oliver smiled, cute in his own way, despite being tragically hip and living his early twenties like he was from the nineteen twenties.

Oliver raised the shot of Jack, inviting Jayne to join him.

“I’m Oliver, but you can call me Ollie.”
"You can call me Ollie"

Ollie was quite the character, from his looks, down to his charm that seemed to ooze out of every orafice. And beacause of that charm, Jayne, who normally rebuffed anyone approaching her such as this, accepted his offer.

“I have a personal code about not letting beautiful women drink alone,”

She wasn't even sure if that was even a "line" or he was being completely honest. But, in the grand scheme of things, Jayne needed a distraction. That's what Jack was meant to be, a distraction. Something, if not someone, to take her mind off that feeling, that niggling, itchy, chilled feeling that had been tickling, no not tickling, poking the back of her mind since the name Colton McBryde and the word Parole, had shown up on her laptop screen. Invading her life, invading her husband and daughter's life if she chose to tell them.

"Well, Ollie, my name is not nearly as colorful as yours, but, you can all me Jayne" She lifted the shot of Jack. "Damn Jack, I've missed you" those words were whispered, meant to be heard by the whiskey only, and no one else. Jayne had been in love with "Jack" for many years, until she broke it off. But "Jack" had waited. "Jack" would always wait. "Jack" would always be there for her. "Jack" would always love her.

The soft clink of shot glasses and she and Jack were a couple again. A threesome, if one wanted to include Ollie. Jayne didn't think Ollie had the same love affair she had with Jack. But apparently they were friends, as he filled the shot glasses once again with a toothy grin.

When Jayne did something, she did it full bore. That included graduating high school at the top of her class, graduating college with a 4.0 average, going to Law School, meeting, enticing, and marrying the "up and comer" Issac Norton, becoming the Assisstant DA, having the perfect daughter to model after herself (having a son never interested Jayne), becoming DA, being the Mayor's perfect wife, and drinking. Jayne was especially good at drinking. She had met "Jack" in college. It had always been her and "Jack". It would always be her and "Jack".. and tonight was no different. She was 6 shots in when she finally noticed the text from Issac.

Where the hell are you?


“I’ve got an urgein’ for some urchin!”


Did he have any idea how really creepy that sounded? Sure, maybe it had been cute when she was 10. Maybe it was still cute when she was 12. It stopped being cute when she was 16. It went from cute to creepy. But she would never tell him that.

Madison always "tried" to play the rebellious teenager. All teenagers hated their parents, right? Rikki had a white hot dislike for her mother and the current live-in man. Kate always complained about her mom and step-dad, or her dad and step-mom, depending on whose house she was staying at. Madison was lucky, actually... her parents were still married, and as far as she could tell, still loved each other, and she, for the most part, got along with them. Not always, but mostly. Her home life was pretty uneventful. This was probably one of the reasons Madison liked "bad boys" so much. Her father was such the quintessential good boy, she wanted something different.

Mack was certainly something different, and as soon as thought about him, and what he did with her in the dressing room, a smile lit acorss her lips.

Issac thought that smile was for him.

Sushi with his daughter, it had been a while, and he found himself looking forward to it...


Issac cringed as soon as he heard that fucking annoying horn. Fucking Blaine. That kid really knew how to ruin a family moment.

Madison was not in the mood to deal with Blaine. But Mack wanted her to string him along. She'd much preferred to cut him loose. But he would be a covenient excuse to see Mack, her parents would NEVER agree to letting her see him. She knew her parents well enough.

Hopping up off the couch, she took a minute to smooth down her new, very tight fitting, black jeans, admiring herself in the full length mirror by the door. "Sushi tomorrow night. K Dad" and she gave him that smile, that smile that every daughter has, that melted every father's heart.


With a quick wave, she bounded out of the house and got into that annoying, sunshine yellow, porsche.

"Sooo, let me see"

In all honesty, Madison cared less. Nothing would compare to Mack's myriad of tattoo's, never mind the body they were inked on. She had a crush!!!


Damn he was good looking, Ashely could not deny that. Damn he was an exceptionally good kisser, not that she had the most experience, but he was better than any she had, including her ex-husband. And she could not deny her attraction to Colton. But as soon as he so easily picked her up and threw her now naked body onto the bed, she knew what he was. He was a predator, he descended on her like a Wolf looming over a cowering deer, ready to tear into the tender flesh.

Her scream was one of pleasure, yes, and pain. He tore into her, his thick, long cock so easily claiming, penetrating, the tightness of her sex. Fingers dug into the bedding as she writhed, arched, rocked beneath his relentless attack, his hips pumping hard enough into her that she, and the bed, shook wildly. Her pussy clenched down upon his thrusting length, was it to allow him in or keep him out, it mattered not, he easily impaled her, over and over again, the sheath of her sex slickening, the flood of her juices allowing him easier access into her very depths.

When he lifted her legs and hips upwards, so that he was essentially pistoning downwards into that heat, that velvet grasp of her, she could not longer cry out, her moans were low, harsh expels of air as she struggled to breath, her body was shuddering, and the waves of sensation, again pleasure, mingled with the pain of being ridden, used, fucked so hard, washed over her again and again with every lunge of his body, every deep groaning grunt that he, himself expelled.

The bed rammed into the wall with the hard pulse of his taking her. And her body, every nerve ending, every muscle, responded. She felt the fire racing thru her, that heated, almost indescribable feeling that shook her from the inside out. It didn't matter that he was calling her a fucking bitch, that was prison talking. He may have been like that before prison perhaps, that she did not know, but after prison, she knew enough to know they were always rougher, harsher, even more cruel when they were finally out. She'd have to pull Colton's daily files to know what he did on the inside. Did any visit him? Was he himself... well... raped? Did he rape? Did he keep to himself? None of that came with the normal parole files. And it appeared he was hell bent on revenge against DA Jayne Norton and her family. Ashley knew the name well, anyone who was a cop, lawyer, anyone involved in law enforcement, knew Mayor Norton and his wife Jayne. She had not known about the daughter, the Norton's tended to keep her under wraps for the most part. So Ashley had not even known that was Madison Norton in the Macy's dressing room.. But one thing she did know, she was a distraction for him, a plaything for him to toy with. But she also knew she was a source of information for him, given her access to the legal mainframe and all the subsequent computer files that would open up.

She had walked right into his hands, and right into his bed... the same bed she was about to cum on.. Her screams intensified, her pussy clenching vice tight around his still pistoning cock as her climax took her and rocketed thru her, her cum spilling into her sex, searing hot as she spasmed, her eyes rolling back from the sheer intensity of her orgasm....
When Ashley’s sopping wet pussy clenched up on him and her screams became more urgent, Colton took a long step over her body, keeping his cock buried inside of her from above he turned himself, rotating his whole body until his feet were up around her face, his balls hanging around her naval and her firm ass was in his hands. The twisting of his large cock in concert with the clenching of her sex during climax made more of her warm juices spill down her stomach.

Colton reset his grip on her hips, the two of them entangled like a lower case ‘b’. He smacked her ass hard, resuming his tempo and intensity once she ceased clenching around him. The tight walls of her pussy still tugging slightly each time he pulled out and drove back in again.

“Take it, you fucking whore,” Colton continued grunting his degrading diatribe as sweat ran down the center of his muscular back, “take this big dick, bitch.”

Another hard spank as the arch of his bare foot came to rest along Ashley’s jawline, the bottom of his foot pushing her face into the mattress. He wasn’t hurting her, but he wasn’t being gentle, either—shoving her face deeper into the cheap mattress as his cock shoved deeper into her.

“I let you fucking cum, you’d better thank me, whore,” he spanked her again, “thank me right now, bitch!”

As he commanded her, Colton spanked her yet again while his other hand shoved his thumb unto the tight pucker of her anus. The bed was still slamming the wall each time their bodies moved, chipping plaster, drywall dust and cheap paint onto the headboard.


When Maddie climbed into Blaine’s Porche he leaned over to kiss her, only to have her turn her cheek at the last moment. This displeased him, especially since he had been hoping she would wait for him at the tattoo shop. He’d gotten this fucking painful thing for her, he expected to get laid—as he’d been promised.

“Check it out,” Blaine smiled at last, itching his arm one last time before showing Madison the tattoo which included her name embedded in his skin, “ta-dah! All for you, baby.”

Blaine showed off the dagger and banner design, the skin around it very red and swollen—it was pretty obviously infected from his inability to follow the artist’s directions.

“What do you think? Do you love it? Pretty tough, huh? My folks aren’t going to be home until after ten, we could go fool around for a few hours… maybe deliver on some promises…”

Blaine winked in what he hoped was a charming manner.


“I’ll buy your next one if you let me know what’s got you wearin’ that long face,” Ollie interrupted the apparent moment that Jayne was having with her shot glass, he refilled it before being asked, “I’m a bartender, after all. Sharing the weight of the world is part of my job description.”

Ollie wasn’t letting Jayne be solitary or wallow in misery. He thought of drinking as a good time activity and even though he didn’t know the depth of her relationship with Jack, he knew that depressed drinking was unhealthy. He made it her mission to cheer her up.

“But that’s my business. How about you? You willing to let me in on some of yours? It can’t be that bad, otherwise I’d say drop it all and begin a modeling career. You could sell the living hell out of some cardigans.”

Ollie reached out, gently tucking his fist under her chin and lightly turning her face back and forth—a maneuver made possible by grandfathers and drunk uncles the world over.

“This one’s also on me, but I’m demanding some conversation by way of recompense.” Ollie winked, letting her know he was kidding.

But he did want to know more about this brass-ring of a MILF that had parked herself at his bar.
“thank me right now, bitch!”

Ashely could barely get the words out, her keening moans almost accenting each pause ... "ttthhank.... you.... Colton... Ohhhh GODDDD" She was still climaxing, it was as if her body climbed the next orgasm wave and careened right on over. He ramming into her, giving her no chance to even breath barely, it was all about his need, his gratification. She was trapped against that mattress as he used her, his thick length fucking her hard, deep, relentless, almost violent. She had to know there would be no making love with Colton. When he was done with her she knew she was going to be sore, very sore.

She prayed he would have more pills for her..


“What do you think? Do you love it? Pretty tough, huh? My folks aren’t going to be home until after ten, we could go fool around for a few hours… maybe deliver on some promises…”

Blaine winked in what he hoped was a charming manner.

It wasn't charming. It wasn't charming at all.

"You got my name? What the fuck were you thinking?" She could only stare at him. How could he be that stupid? "What happens when we break up?" She didn't say IF, she specifically stated WHEN. Even if she hadn't met Mack, Madison had never seen herself spending the rest of her life with Blaine. That had never been an option and never would be an option.

"What do you mean... when? I did this for YOU! Bitch!" he yelled, pulling out of the driveway with a loud squeal of his tires. Now he was pissed. "Do you have any fucking idea how much this fucking thing HURT!!!"

"Oh grow UP" she shouted back. "And you can forget the fucking promise. I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on earth" she spit. There, she said it. The idea of Blaine even touching her now made her sick. Mack had wanted her to string him along, but she just could not... all she could think about was him. Blaine just turned her stomach now.

"GET OUT" the sunny yellow porsche screatched to a halt.

"FINE".. Madison climbed out, Blaine peeling away giving her the finger.

Cell phone in hand, she called Rikki.

"Hey Rik, yeah, Blaine and I just had a huge fight. Can you come pick me up? Ummm... I'm near the high school. Yeah, he thought he was going to take me to his house and get in my pants, NOT happening" Just mentioning that brought back the memory of what Mack did to her, and she felt herself getting very... warm.

"I'll be right there" Rikki scoffed. She clicked off and shook her head, texting Kate... She did it, she broke up with Blaine, all because of that loser.. yeah, she had told Kate, she was never good at keeping secrets from Kate, or Madison for that matter. Pick me up first... Kate texted back. Maybe she could talk some sense into Madison.

Be there in 10


Jayne had to admit, Ollie was quite charismatic. There was something endearing about him. She could not help but smile, it was a waning smile, but it was a smile none the less.

"I don't think modeling cardigans is my fortay" she almost laughed. She needed the distraction, and Ollie was a distraction. She downed the next shot and set the glass in front of him, and miraculously, well not really, it was filled again.

She got the feeling he was flirting with her, especially when he reached out, tucking his fist beneath her chin and almost examining her face. Yes, he certainly was flirting with her. It had been a very long time since anyone had taken the time to even notice her outside of her work, and her workout class. None ever really saw her as a woman, even Issac seeing her as a woman was few and far between. The last time they had even had sex, was 3 weeks ago, and it lasted exactly 10 minutes. Had she even orgasmed.. Nope.

Not that she was thinking of cheating on Issac with Ollie. That was NOT going to happen. But the attention was nice and a welcomed distraction.

"Long long day at work Ollie" she finally offered. She wasn't going to share details, he didn't need to know that.

She found that he was a most interesting fellow to talk to, never mind his appearance.

"What inspired all these Tattoos Ollie??" she was genuinely curious...


Rikki picked up Kate and they headed toward the high school. Madison was waiting out front.

"Thanks Guys" she hopped into the jeep. She was smiling now that she had dumped that dead weight Blaine. But Rikki and Kate were not. "What's the matter? Sorry I had to call for a ride, Blaine is an asshole"

"Maddie" Kate started, turning to look at her friend in the back seat. Rikki had yet to pull away from the curb and turned to look as well. "We need to talk about Mack.. and Blaine"


"Hey, we are all best friends here, NO secrets, YOU know that!!"

"Look, I don't need a lecture about Mack or Blaine or anything else. It's MY life. I like MACK. Nothing you say is going to change my mind"

"See Kate, I told you, she hooked"

"Look, Madison, just do us this favor. See Blaine at the weekend party, or maybe one of the other hot guys there, the entire football team will be there, maybe you can hook up with a new guy, just not that MACK guy... please????"

Rikki was adament. She did NOT like him at all.

"Okay, okay, we'll see what happens. Now come on, let's go get a pizza. My treat..."
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Colton was still getting warmed up as Ashley crashed into multiples, thanking him and crying out in agony and bliss. It seemed, from the expression on her face that he caught a glimpse of each time he drew his hips back, that Ashley was approaching that precipice between absolute pleasure and the not-sexy kind of pain.

As he was considering this, there came a loud knocking at the hotel room door. Closed-fist banging. Impatient, angry knocks. For a moment, Colton’s mind flashed back to the day they had kicked his door in and dragged him off for a crime he didn’t commit. He pounded Ashley’s hips against his own a few more times, trying to get his mind back on the act, rushing his own finish.

“Hold. The. Fuck. Up!” Colton shouted at the top of his lungs when the banging came again, Colton’s voice made the banging seem meek. The walls themselves were vibrating. The silence that followed—that feeling of power was enough to push him over the edge, pulling his thumb out of her asshole and spanking her ass yet again.

Colton threw his head back and arched his hips forward and up as he came into her, holding himself all the way inside, his balls tugging upward and jerking as he poured continuous gluts of cum into her, one after the other. Each glut so thick and powerful that the length of his shaft seemed to vibrate from the force of cum passing through it.

“I’m cumming!” Colton groaned, unclear himself whose benefit the words were for, Ashley or whoever was at the door.

When he was done with her, he pushed her hips forward, letting her lower half fall away from him until she was laying on her back across the bed. Still cock-swinging-naked, Colton walked across the bed and tossed the door open, Ashley still nude on the bed behind him.

“One knock was enough, Kenneth,” Colton sighed, lighting a cigarette as he invited the dealer inside, “you got what I asked for?”

“Yeah, but I don’t appreciate—” Kenneth was beginning to argue, but was quickly silenced by $200 cash that Colton had managed to put together from Ashley’s purse and a handful of sales he managed to pull off when they were still downtown.

“I’ll still have the rest by Sunday. A bunch of dumb-fuck, high school kids are throwing a party here this weekend. I may need a reup before Sunday if it goes down like I think it will.” Colton sat on the edge of the bed, smoking as he examined the orange pill bottle.

“You’re going to get a bunch of dumb ass kids spun on Oxy?”

“Don’t bother me with specifics. I’m on schedule. You’ll get your money.”

There fell a long silence, Kenneth looking for a long time at Ashley’s naked body.

“What if I also want some head?”

“That I can most likely facilitate,” Colton rattled the full pill bottle at Ashley, like he was waking a baby, “hey, slut. Our connect is here with the candy. Suck his cock for him so he keeps providing what we need. No need to thank him, though.”


“I think of my tattoos as I kind of visual narrative, depicting my journey through life up to this very moment. It’s how I earned my Island Name: I’illiyoka Manua’he—'The Illustrated Man.’ This one depicts that weekend,” Ollie pointed to a dolphin tattoo on the inside of his bicep, which he was flexing quite aggressively, “four dudes in a sweat lodge made of banana leaves, tripping face on acid. Fully dehydrated, we spoke to the consciousness that most would call God.”

“This one here represents a mushroom weekend in Joshua Tree, this one represents my eighth-grade graduation. When I add you to my story, how do you think I should represent you?”

It was the woke way of asking what her ‘Spirit Animal’ was. He refilled the shot again.

“On me if you answer honestly,” at the last word, he dramatically cocked an eyebrow at her. Worried that the eyebrow might have been too subtle, Ollie reached up and began twirling one end of his moustache between his fingers.

He wanted her to open up at least a little in exchange for the next shot. On the other side of the bar a group of three young men were trying politely to get Ollie’s attention.


“Wait a damn minute!” Isaac’s objection landed against a slammed door, even his daughter was abandoning him.

He sighed in his big empty house. He texted Kelly: Home alone. Can I come over?
“This one here represents a mushroom weekend in Joshua Tree, this one represents my eighth-grade graduation. When I add you to my story, how do you think I should represent you?”

She had to smile. He really was quite charming. He was certainly different from the lawyers and politicians she always had to deal with. "Suits" is what her daughter always called them. Jayne had to admit, Madison was right about that. And so many of them made passes at her, promising her everything from multiple orgasms to a weekend in Aspen to gold and diamond jewelry. A couple of them had been tempting, yes. But the answer was always NO.

"On me if you answer honestly" Ollie tapped the empty shot glass.

"Okay, Ollie.. I think a swan would be the best representation of me. I have always like how regal they appear, how graceful, and loyal. They mate for life you know"

Her smile widened as he filled the shot glass again. "You are a very interesting man, Ollie" she could not help but lean in a little closer.


Kelly was sitting on her sofa, enjoying a glass of wine. When her cell beeped, she thought for sure it was her mother, checking in on her. Surprisingly, it was Issac.

Home alone. Can I come over?

A slow grin crossed her features. Most likely Jayne was working late. Again. Well, the more available she was, the more attached he would get, right?

YES... she texted back.

It would take him about 20 minutes to get to her apartment. Just enough time to get out of her jeans and tee shirt and into something she was sure he would fine more than alluring, especially since the wife was standing him up, again.

A quick look at her lingerie, she chose a slinky black number that hugged every curve. With her long auburn hair flowing over her shoulders, her sparkling blue eyes, she was quite the beauty.

When the door buzzer, well buzzed, she hit the button to allow him up, leaving her door ajar. When Issac came in, he found the lights low, soft music playing

Sweetest Taboo - Sade

If I tell you
If I tell you now
Will you keep on
Will you keep on loving me?

If I tell you
If I tell you how I feel
Will you keep bringing out the best in me?

You give me, you give me the sweetest taboo
You give me, you're giving me the sweetest taboo
Too good for me

There's a quiet storm
And it never felt like this before
There's a quiet storm
That is you

There's a quiet storm
And it never felt this hot before
Giving me something that's taboo
(Sometimes I think you're just too good for me)

You give me the sweetest taboo
That's why I'm in love with you (with you)
You give me the sweetest taboo
Too good for me
(Sometimes I think you're just too good for me)

I'd do anything for you, I'd stand out in the rain
Anything you want me to do, don't let it slip away

There's a quiet storm
And it never felt like this before
There's a quiet storm
I think it's you (ha, ha)

There's a quiet storm
And I never felt this hot before
Giving me something that's taboo

You give me (you give me) the
(You give me the) sweetest taboo
That's why I'm in love with you (with you)
You give me, keep giving me the sweetest taboo
Too good for me

You've got the biggest heart
Sometimes I think you're just too good for me
Every day is Christmas and every night is New Year's Eve

Will you keep on loving me? (Ha, ha)
Will you keep on, will you keep on?
Bringing out the best in me

And Kelly, lounging so very seductively on her sofa.

His "little Issac" came alive immediately as he stripped off his suit coat and tie, closing and locking the apartment door behind him...


Ashley lay on the bed, naked, and spent. Her orgasms having nearly exhausted her, never mind the explosion that was his, so deep inside her. She was not asleep, but she needed that time, just laying there, to try and recover. Those had to be the most intense series of orgasms that she had ever experienced. She heard Colton talking to someone, Kenneth maybe was his name? But she was not paying all that much attention to the actual conversation, until she heard Kenneth? That was his name, right? Kenneth state.....

“What if I also want some head?”

“That I can most likely facilitate,”
Colton rattled the full pill bottle at Ashley, like he was waking a baby, “hey, slut. Our connect is here with the candy. Suck his cock for him so he keeps providing what we need. No need to thank him, though.”

Her pills. Kenneth had brought her pills. Colton had come through. But now, she was going to have to do Kenneth a favor, at Colton's behest.

Slowly she sat up, reaching up to run her still shaky fingers through her long dark hair. She was not going to argue. She needed her pills and Colton was holding them in his hands. She had no doubt that if she did refuse, her pills would be gone. And she needed those. She desperately needed those.

"of course Colton" she quietly acquiesced.

Kenneth, smiling broadly, ear to ear, quickly undid his belt and unzipped his jeans, pushing them and his underwear down to his ankles. His cock was averaged sized, well Kenneth was an average guy. Probably 40 or so, Ashely surmised. Almost definitely had done time. He was not anything to really look at. He certainly did not command a room the way Colton did. He was probably some cell mate's bitch when he was in.

He was smiling and he was hard. And if she wanted her pills, she was going to have to please him.

Still naked, she climbed off the bed and onto her knees on that motel room floor. One hand wrapped around the root of his cock, she cupping his balls with the warm palm of her other hand. Ashely glanced up at him, Kenneth, with her glistening wide eyes, slowly wetting her pinkened lips with the tip of her tongue. Kenneth was practically salivating. Lips parting, she took just the head of him within the embrace of her mouth, feeling the smooth skin, tongue gliding over the surface. She then slowly, almost agonizingly slowly, engulfed his cock into her mouth, the warmth surrounding him, her lips tight against the surface of his shaft. With a low moan, she took him as deep as she could into her throat before gliding him back out again.

Rolling her head slightly, she began a rhythm of taking him in deep, tongue dancing along the length, and pulling him back out. His cock, in and out, her head bobbing, her mouth working, tongue caressing, her body swaying as well. She suckled as she swallowed his cock, she stroked the length when she slid him out, she squeezed his balls, the sounds of her sucking, her vibrating moans, quietly echoing in the room.

Ashley kept this up for several minutes, sucking, licking, stroking Kenneth's very average cock. Her eyes closing again as she pleasured him, her mouth a hot wet haven for his cock to plunge into.. Over and over again.

Kenneth too was groaning, his hand firmly in her hair, his hips pumping back and forth, feeding her his cock, which she willingly accepted..

"that's right baby.. suck that cock" he stammered, his head back for a moment as he enjoyed her heated mouth. It had been a long long time since his cock was properly sucked.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna cum.. yeah baby" Ashley could feel his cock beginning to twitch, as she once more took him to the back of her throat, he holding her head there, she moaning around the thick shaft.. "That's right.... ARRRGGHHHHHH" his cock spasmed and jerked in her mouth, spurting out his cum, filling her throat as she struggled to swallow, his heated seed flowing thickly from the head, his hips quivering as he held himself in her mouth until his cock had finished pumping out his cum, his balls empty....

"I think.." he looked at Colton as he released Ashley's head and let her slide her mouth off his cock.. "I think this will be my payment every time I deliver.. deal?" He was pulling his underwear and jeans up as he spoke, not to Ashley of course, but to Colton.
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“A swan, an excellent choice, a perfect representation for you,” Ollie refilled the two glasses once more, totally ignoring the remark about ‘mating for life,’ “the thing that I always liked about swans… above the surface they look so sleek, beautiful and smooth. But just below the surface…”

Ollie leaned in, the curled edge of his moustache lightly tickling Jayne’s earlobe. He whispered, even though no one could have heard anyway.

“They’re paddling their fucking asses off.”

“Ex-cuse me! We’re trying to get a drink over here,” the group of bros at the other end of the bar was getting insistent, “or are you just gonna hang over there and flirt all night?”

“Excuse me for a moment, young lady,” Ollie sighed, leaving the bottle behind as he went to the other end of the bar.

He did his patented coaster toss, the same motion spinning three coasters onto the bar top this time as he took drink orders from the others. Occasionally glancing back at Jayne, rolling his eyes from time to time. They wanted cocktails which meant that Ollie was going to have to do his whole dog-and-pony show for them.

When he finally returned to Jayne, he refilled both glasses again.

“So, let’s back track a bit. You said you had a tough day at work. What kind of work do you do, Jayne. I’m just curious to know what’s got you paddling and kicking so hard. Maybe I could even lend a hand.”


While Ashley dutifully sucked off Kenneth, Colton slipped on a pair of his new boxer briefs and sat in the other wooden chair in the room, set beside the window at a tiny, square table. Colton glanced outside periodically, pushing the curtains aside with his fingertips each time. He wanted to make sure he wasn’t being watched.

He turned over an ashtray set up on the tiny table, using it as he smoked. He did his best not to watch Kenneth getting blown. For some reason it felt strange to be in the same room while he turned out his P.O. but he’d gotten used to looking around things. Eight years of standing by while another grown man shits will teach that skill.

When Kenneth finished up, obviously happy with the attention he’d received, he suggested that they should make a habit of this. Colton wasn’t as high on the idea, but until he could start draining some of these rich kids’ trust funds, he needed to take leverage any and everywhere he found it.

“Next time, if there is a next time, the services are in lieu of payment,” Colton insisted, stubbing out his cigarette into the ashtray and opening the door to let Kenneth back out, “and no guarantee it’s her.”

Kenneth paused, Colton wasn’t sure if it was because he was considering it or if he didn’t know what ‘lieu’ meant. But eventually he nodded and made his way out.

“You did good, Ashley,” Colton smiled, locking the door after Kenneth was gone, “I really do appreciate what you’re doing for me.”

Colton moved over to where Kenneth had been sitting, taking that seat in front of where Ashley was kneeling. He held the bottle of pills just inches in front of her face.

“Now, I could hang onto these, keep you dependent on me, string you along and control you… sell a few here, make you earn a few there, on and on at my whim.”

Colton slowly and unexpectedly pushed the full bottle of pain pills into Ashley’s hands.

“But I’m not going to do that. You’re my bitch when we fuck—but in the business, we’re partners. Equals… well, almost equals. Partners in crime, remember? Tomorrow, I want you to go over my case files. I know you were planning on it anyway—looking for a reason to suspect me. You’ll find what I said about the Nortons is true. You’ll also find a lot of inconsistencies in the report. Some maybe that I don’t even know about. I have a lead to follow up on tomorrow, but after that, I need to know more of what’s missing so I know what got buried. Then I can dig it up. You have access. That’s what I need right now.”

Colton reached down and lifted Ashley into his lap, laying her cheek against his bare chest. He started singing softly, grabbing a bottled water from the mini fridge.

“Who can take a sunrise… wrap it in a sigh…”

As he sang, he was texting Maddie with the hand at the end of the arm wrapped around Ashley’s nude shoulders. “How did U kno I’m staying at Wilson Street Motel? // Are you sure you’re not stalking me?


Isaac was out of his clothes quickly. He was in spectacular shape for a man his age and the three Viagra he’d swallowed on his way over made sure that he had no problem achieving and maintaining a towering erection. With the door locked behind him, he pounced on Kelly on her couch, fully naked as one hand squeezed her breast and the other caressed her exposed thigh.

He kissed her deeply, passionately and aggressively. Her high-cut negligee was easily slipped out of the way of his penetration. He buried himself to the hilt in one stroke, her pussy well adjusted to his size specifically at this point.

“Fuck, you’re so tight!” Isaac groaned, which was true for him—Kenneth might not have found her so, “I love you, Kelly Baby. I love you so much!”

Rising and falling, Isaac didn’t want to waste a moment of his little blue pills’ efficacy with foreplay. He was pumping his hips, bouncing her athletic body on the couch, over and over. His hand moving up from her breast to caress her throat and jawline as he dove back into her mouth with an eager tongue.
"I love you, Kelly Baby. I love you so much"

He had practically jumped on her as soon as he came into the apartment. His kiss was urgent, needy, hungry. His cock found home quickly, sliding easily into the wet depths of her pussy. Kelly groaned, cried out, her body was well versed in reacting to Issac. And she rocked, writhed beneath him, her long slender legs wrapping about his pumping hips, her body tilting up slightly, allowing him easier access to her tight, soaking, sheath of her sex. Her mouth opening to his kiss once more, tongues entwining, tasting. She raking her fingertips along his scalp, through his short hair, and down the back of his neck.

"Ohhhh Godddd... Issac... Mmmmmmm" she moaned as the kiss broke, her breath hot in his ear..

She was never sure if he really loved her. Oh he loved fucking her. He loved when she gave him blowjobs. He loved when she slept with just the right people to keep him and his wife in the best standings with the voters, and his supporters and even his detractors. But did he really love her? Or just the fact that she was available to him, and would do what ever he wanted or needed.

"Yesss.... Issac... I love you, so much Issac.. I love you" Even she was not sure of that anymore. Did she love him? Or what he could give her???


Madison, Rikki, and Kate were at Tony's Famous Pizza and More... A small, but really good pizza place. The 3 of them were sitting at a booth near the window. Madison on one side, Rikki and Kate on the other.

"So, where are Mikey and Bolton tonight" Maddie really didn't care, but they were her friends, she had to sound interested.

"I think they went to the baseball game" Kate answered. Baseball was not something that either Kate or Rikki were interested in.

"What are you going to do about Blaine?" Rikki asked, leveling a stare at her friend. "Rikki, he really is an asshole and I don't want to talk about fucking Blaine"

Right then, her cell vibrated and tweeted. Madison pulled it out and saw the message from Mack...

How did U kno I’m staying at Wilson Street Motel? // Are you sure you’re not stalking me?

Her eyes went wide. He... he was staying at the SAME MOTEL she was spending the weekend at? NO parents. NO authority. Free Reign!!!

She was not sure how to feel. She wanted to tell Rikki and Kate. She wanted to jump for joy. She could not believe this was happening. But she dared NOT tell her friends. She couldn't. She so wanted to, but she couldn't.

"Was that Blaine?" Katie asked

Madison lied... "yeah, he's apologizing"


"Yeah.. good"

Madison smiled, a very convincing smile. She typed back... Really? I didn't know. I think your stalking ME, first the Mall and now the Motel. I will be there Friday night thru Sunday for a party. Maybe we'll bump into each other again. I'd like that...

She hoped she sounded cool, calm, collected and not early as excited, and now, turned on, that she really was.


Ashley stayed quiet while Colton and Kenneth talked. She wanted to say something. She wanted to say NO, your NOT getting a blowjob everytime you come here. But she did not. She was very glad when the door finally closed behind Kenneth. She really could not take his leering at her anymore.

"You did good, Ashley, I really do appreciate what you’re doing for me.”

Colton moved over to where Kenneth had been sitting, taking that seat in front of where Ashley was kneeling. He held the bottle of pills just inches in front of her face. “Now, I could hang onto these, keep you dependent on me, string you along and control you… sell a few here, make you earn a few there, on and on at my whim.”

She could only nod. He was right. She needed those pills and he had them.

Colton slowly and unexpectedly pushed the full bottle of pain pills into Ashley’s hands. To say she was surprised was an understatement. "I... " she was not even sure what to say.

“But I’m not going to do that. You’re my bitch when we fuck—but in the business, we’re partners. Equals… well, almost equals. Partners in crime, remember? Tomorrow, I want you to go over my case files. I know you were planning on it anyway—looking for a reason to suspect me. You’ll find what I said about the Nortons is true. You’ll also find a lot of inconsistencies in the report. Some maybe that I don’t even know about. I have a lead to follow up on tomorrow, but after that, I need to know more of what’s missing so I know what got buried. Then I can dig it up. You have access. That’s what I need right now.”

Partners in crime. This was a crime. What she was doing was a crime. She knew that. Her dependence on those fucking pills was a crime. She knew that too.

"I will find out what I can for you Colton." He was right, she was planning on doing that anyways.

He pulled her onto his lap. He could be surprisingly gentle when he wanted to be, she was finding out.

When he offered her the water, she gladly accepted, taking a deep drink, and chasing the water down with a pill. "I wish I didn't need this as much as I do" she said, more to herself than him. She felt his arms tighten around her, she laying her head to his chest.

“Who can take a sunrise… wrap it in a sigh…” She felt his finger slowly trace the scar on her hip where the bullet and surgery had changed her life. She squirmed a bit, the area was still tender, and his touch brought back the memory of that night. She could hear the gunshot, feel the searing pain... "Shhhhh" she heard him whisper and she did calm down. Colton seemed to be both... good... and bad... for her.....
Yes, it seems like we’re going to bumping into each other a lot from now on. // Again and again… ;)

Colton was still using his prepaid burner phone, which made texting much more of a chore for him than it apparently was for Madison. He didn’t want to seem out of touch, but it was a pain tapping the rubber keys of the phone over and over to set a letter. He had to backspace often. If he’d had a smart phone, he might have used the one-eyed-squinting emoji that looked like it was cumming.

Ashley seemed to have fallen asleep in his lap, so after he finished texting Madison, he carried her back to the bed and laid her down. He had no idea if someone was expecting her, but he also didn’t care. He’d done right by her as far as he was concerned, made her cum, restocked her pills, they were square.

Colton unpacked his new clothes, sorting them into drawers and onto hangers. He smoked while he did so, circling back around to the ash tray periodically. Each time he went back to the table to ash, he checked his phone to see if he’d been messaged.


“Fuck yeah!” Bolton pumped his fist as the runner was called safe at first, “eat shit, Lyle! You throw like a fag!”

“Yeah! Your mother gargles my ball sack, Lyle!” Mikey chimed in, brandishing himself as he stood up on the bleachers.

The second baseman from Oak Crest flipped the bird toward the hecklers. Minor league baseball was hardly selling out, but for Bolton and Mikey, who were on the verge of beginning their freshman year on baseball scholarships, it was an amusing way to taunt the has-beens. They’d been passing a bottle in a paper bag back and forth between them. They were hammered.

The screech of tires announced Blaine’s approach. He was driving his Porche like an asshole—which likely meant he and Maddie had split again. Which was bad news for everyone, especially all of Blaine’s little hanger-ons that had been waiting their turn to go after the rich kid.

The yellow Porche skidded sideways to a stop, parking across two spots. He slammed his car door, storming his way toward his friends in the bleachers.

“Dude, don’t fucking tell me that you fucked things up again…” Mikey reprimanded Blaine as he approached, passing the bagged bottle to him.

“Bruh, we had everything laced up for this weekend. It was a done deal. Wrapped up with a bow on it. How could you fuck this up now?” Bolton was visibly frustrated, also slurring slightly.

“Fuck that bitch, she’s fucking nuts! Frigid bitch,” here Blaine took a long drink from the bottle as the next batter hit into a double play and the side changed, “she’s like two different people, but neither of them put out. That’s like the only thing they agree on.”

Blaine took another long pull from the bottle. It was bourbon.

“Well, if it’s really over with that cunt. I think I saw some of your fanclub here earlier.” Bolton smirked, snatching the bottle back before Blaine finished the whole thing. Blaine began looking around to see who he might rebound into.


Isaac continued roughly mauling at Kelly’s breast until the strap of her gown fell off of her shoulder. When her bare flesh was exposed he squeezed it hard, kissing, licking and biting at her mouth and neck.

Kelly was an exceptional young woman, she was destined for big things, but for now, she lived in the palm of his hand. Her nails along his scalp, his cock in her clenching hole, her tongue against his tongue—he always felt so alive with her. If it was up to him, he really might choose Kelly over Jayne—but he could never get a divorce. It would take an act of God, or maybe a terrible accident…

Isaac came inside his lover while imagining ways in which his wife might die. He failed to consider Colton McBryde, but that would change in the days to come. Despite his climax, Isaac was still hard, so he kept right on thrusting.
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Kelly felt him spill his seed deep inside her, she knew that telltale twitch, the spasm that came from his balls as he emptied himself within her heated grasp. But he did not stop. His cock was still rock hard and his hips still pumping hard and fast against her, balls slapping into the wetness of her pussy lips and the residual that had slickened up her ass cheeks.

She knew then he had taken one of those little blue pills. She was in for a long night. But, she was young, and had alot of energy to spare. "Let me ride you" she moaned knowing how much he so enjoyed watching her bounce on his long rod. He nodded with a grunt and pulled out, moving off of her and sitting back on the sofa. Kelly slipped off the black negligee, and with a coy smile dancing across her lips, she deftly climbed onto his lap, lowering her tight, dripping, pussy down over his length. She let out a low sigh of contentment. This was her most favorite position, she could control the depth and the speed and the rhythm and her clit was nicely aroused when riding like this. She began to rock, forward and up and then back and down, her slickness dripping down his shaft to coat his balls, his hands grabbing at her swaying tits, squeezing, massaging...

Little did she know, as she climaxed while riding his cock, that he was thinking of various ways his wife might meet her demise. He was also thinking, of course, how amazing Kelly's cunt felt with his cock impaling her, and how fantastic she felt as she shook and cried out while cumming all over his cock and balls....

This had turned out to be a very good night...


“Well, if it’s really over with that cunt. I think I saw some of your fan club here earlier.”

Blaine really needed to empty his balls into something other than his own hand. He'd had enough of waiting for that bitch Madison. If she wasn't going to give it up, he'd find someone who would.

Luck with have it, that would be Isabella. She'd had the hots for him since last summer and there she was, hanging out over by the fence. "Later guys" Blaine gave the other 2 and exaggerated salute before heading to were the exotic beauty was standing.

"Hey Isabella, wanna go for a ride?" he was already licking his lips while staring at her gorgeous, large breasts.

"YES" she answered... more than happy that he finally noticed her again.

They got to his car, and never even got out of the parking lot. Blaine parked his pretty yellow Porsche behind the row of dumpsters in the back of the parking lot and practically jumped the very willing Isabella. They end up on the grass off the side of the parking lot, well hidden by the dumpsters and his car, and since the sun had just set, the dusky darkness that was twilight. He pulled off her shorts and pulled down his khakis and was plunging his long, erect cock deep into her dark, tight pussy. She was tight and wet, and it felt so good that within 5 minutes of pumping his hips into the willing Isabella, he was spilling his seed, his balls jerking and spasming as he emptied himself inside her. He had not even bothered to put on a condom.

Damn that felt good...


Madison heard her phone jingle again and took a quick peek...

Yes, it seems like we’re going to bumping into each other a lot from now on. // Again and again… ;)

Her cheeks actually blushed when she read that.

If she had not been quite the innocent she was, she may have thought of something witty to say back, or flirty to say back. But she was not quite used to the sexual hints that Colton was obviously sending her. All she could think about was what he had done to her in that dressing room. And how she wanted more.. from him.. without even a care in the world as to who he was, really.

She would have been smart to listen to Rikki.

She ended up texting back... I can't wait...

Well, it was true..

"Blaine again?" Kate asked, to which Madison just nodded, putting her phone away...


The Next Morning....


Jayne woke up, in the backseat of her car, with Ollie, the charismatic bartender. How had she gotten out here and what... what had she done? Ollie was still asleep, so she quickly tried to take stock of the situation. It appeared, while her skirt was hiked up, her panties were still intact, well, that was a good thing, right? But, she was soaking wet, so something had happened, she just was not quite sure what. Ollie's pants were open, and she had that distinct after taste that told her at least for certain one thing that she had done the night prior.

Checking her watch, it was 5:15am. She needed to get home, and fast.

She woke Ollie, who just smiled at her. He understood and she was on her way within a few minutes, with the weight of a massive hangover and the guilt over what she may or may not have done hanging over her head...

When she pulled into the driveway, she noted that Issac's car was gone. He must have gone into work early, she thought. Her being "at work" all night was not the most unusual thing in the world, it had happened plenty of times in the past.

She let herself in, checked on Maddie, who was still sleeping soundly in bed, and headed to take a long, much needed shower.

By 9am, she was showered, dressed, had 2 cups of coffee in her, and was heading into work. She had a long morning of depositions, and that meeting with Henning at 2pm...

Melinda was there waiting, another blessed cup of coffee in hand. "Mrs. Norton, are you ok?" Jayne knew she looked pretty tired and she was, never mind being hung over.. Thanks JACK... "yeah, long night prepping for this morning is all. "Tell you what, you have a break at 1, just before Mr. Henning's appointment, I will make sure lunch is ready for you at that time" she smiled.

Jayne smiled back, what would she do without Melinda...


"Mr. Henning"... Melinda hated the way he leered at her, like she was a piece of meat at the local deli..."your early..."


Issac woke up in Kelly's bed. Didn't matter to him. Jayne would think he had worked late or got called in. He kept a couple of clean suits at Kelly's just for this reason. Of course, he could not get up without a morning fuck, which she happily obliged. Bonus, they showered together as well...


Ashley woke up, a bit slowly. She had been exhausted and truth be told, she was sore. It took her a few minutes to realize where she was. Colton was gone, but he had left a note simply telling her he had taken her car and would catch up with her later... Grab an UBER.. was the last line on the note.

"What time is it" she managed to ask herself. Looking at clock next to the bed.. "FUCK.. I'm going to be LATE"

She quickly threw on her clothes and headed out, catching an UBER to her apartment, showering, dressing and heading to work. She called in before she left to let them know she had simply overslept and would be in within the hour. Thursdays were usually quiet, mostly used for catching up on paperwork and the like. And she had plenty of that to research, that was for sure.

She popped a pill with her morning juice.. ahhh that felt better....
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Curtis Henning awoke as his automated curtains withdrew to reveal his exquisite view from high in The Hills. His twenty-year-old new wife rolled over from the light while Curtis showered and shaved. He chose a steel blue jacket and a silver tie with a pale yellow shirt underneath. He locked his cuffs with round pegs of polished onyx cufflinks and combed gel into his grey hair. From his wide selections of colognes, he went with Yves St. Laurent. He was excited to go pay Jayne Norton a visit.

It was not often that Curtis found himself attracted to women his own age—or even ten-to-fifteen years younger than him, as Jayne Norton was—but in the ongoing parade of teenie-boppers that was Curtis’ sexual history, Jayne was unique in being outside of her twenties.

Henning did some work and had his morning coffee in the lobby of his condo complex. The building had its own, private coffee shop and boutique grocery store that were private for tenants. He went to work and absent-mindedly churned through some busy work. Parole assignments, intake numbers, monthly food budgets… Curtis owned six maximum security prisons in Nevada and Arizona, the management of them was all delegated work. He just looked over the numbers, making sure that the digits in his accounts kept ticking.

Next, he checked over his Crypto portfolio. He wasn’t going to get any real work done, not while he was excited to bust his load all over Jayne Norton’s smug-ass face. At about eleven in the morning, he started printing the appropriate papers to reflect in no uncertain terms, the decline in convictions, incarcerations and arrests. A three-sector decline. Leverage.

Curtis smiled at the ginger receptionist. He’d asked her on at least one occasion if the carpet matched the drapes, but Jayne’s desk-girl was nowhere near as much fun as Kelly. But she was fun for Friday. It was still Thursday.

"Mr. Henning"... Melinda hated the way he leered at her, like she was a piece of meat at the local deli..."your early..."

“Am I?” Curtis shot his arm out aggressively to check his Rolex watch, “well maybe you will have to entertain me, Melissa.”

Curtis had not let his eyes leave her body. He was imagining her bent over her desk while he used her to dent the floor. He was oblivious to calling her by the wrong name.


Colton woke up to a nearly empty pack of cigarettes. Ashley was still out cold.

He took her keys but left her another bottle of water and a Styrofoam cup full of Motel-Lobby coffee. He was on time at the tattoo shop for his 10 AM shift. Snake started him on cleaning toilets, mopping floors, sweeping the storefront—menial labor that he expected Colton to hate. It also allowed him a chance to text Maddie: Good morning, Beautiful.// Thinking of you. 🙂

It was actually quite the opposite. Colton appreciated the simplicity of manual labor, he knew exactly how to mop a floor, clean a toilet, et cetera. Around noon, Snake began teaching Colton the basics of assembling a tattoo machine, which seemed to be framed as a reward for his hard work—but Colton found infuriating.

He’d done his work with a sewing needle, the ink tube from a Bic pen and the engine from an electric shaver. These professional machines were messes of tiny parts and precise mechanisms. He didn’t get it instinctively and therefore hated it immediately.

“Yo! Anybody work here? Hell-ooo!” the obnoxious voice came echoing back from the front. It was Blaine.
Good morning, Beautiful.// Thinking of you

The jingle of her phone was what woke her up. Her first thought was that it was Blaine, then maybe Rikki or Kate. But when she picked it up and looked at it, she was happily surprised to see it was Mack. Rolling over on her back, she smiled big and texted back... Good Morning Mack, just waking up, still laying in bed... ... she hit send button. Damn she really liked this guy. He was so not Blaine and not any of those immature high school brats. Even the college guys she had met through Blaine were mostly ignorant slobs that only wanted to get into her pants. She had thought one of Blaine's Professors was really good looking, but at 41, he was way to old for her. And he wasn't a bad boy. What was it about that bad boy image, like Mack, that had her so hot and bothered.

With that thought in her head, she rolled out of bed and headed to take a shower. Now that she did not have to rush for school, thank God, she took a long, hot shower. But all she could think about was what Mack did to her in that Macy's dressing room, and between that and his text just a little while ago, she was feeling a bit.. warm.. on the inside. She took down the shower head and set it to pulse, and let the warm flow of water caress her soft, petal pink lips of her pussy, and more importantly, her small, but now awakened clit.

"Ahhhh yessss" she moaned quietly to herself. It was nothing like what Mack had done to her, but it felt so damned good. The water pulsed just perfectly against her, she could feel the warm, pleasurable sensations beginning to slowly crawl over her skin, she felt herself quivering just a bit, and leaned back against the shower wall. She pictured Mack in the shower with her, he grabbing her, lifting her, her legs around his hips, he pinning her to the wall, his cock pushing inside her....

Maddie had to slap her own hand over her mouth when she suddenly orgasmed, her body shaking so hard, she dropped the shower head as she felt her climax spill out from her wet pussy.


Ashely settled in behind her desk. She spent the first couple of hours going over her regulars, making notes on who she needed to visit, getting job applications printed out to bring with her for the places, there were not many, but there were some, who would consider hiring a parolee.

Once she was finally done with that, she set her sites on Colton's file.

Colton McBryde

DOB: 4/1/1986

Priors: Aggravated Assault, Drunk & Disorderly, Domestic Dispute (Restraining order filed)

The biggest offense, of course, was the 2nd Degree Murder conviction.
The victim: Jenna Lee Ramsey Age: 29
Manner of Death: Strangulation

The file was pretty basic. But Ashley knew there had to be more. Perhaps, it did not make it into the digital file. The Digital file was pretty damning. Witnesses stated seeing a heavily tattooed man with the victim, had stated they went upstairs at the party, the victim had been found in an upstairs bedroom. Colton's DNA was found in the victim, that in and of itself is pretty damning. Victim strangled with a leather belt. Leather belts were everywhere. That was more coincidental.

She was going to have to get the physical file. That was a pain in the ass, but thankfully, the storage for the physical files was in the basement of this very building. So, after finishing her morning coffee, she headed down to the basement. She HATED it down there, it was dank, dusty, dirty, and there was a perpetual musty, moldy smell.

"Colton was arrested and convicted, 8 years ago, so the file should be...." she talked to herself as she wondered through the boxes and boxes of prisoner files.

It took her more than 45 minutes to finally locate the box with Colton McBryde, 2nd Degree Murder Conviction splashed across the side. She gathered it up and headed back up to her office. He had wanted information, she needed her laptop to take notes...

Settling back down, she got herself a bottle of water and starting leafing thru the paperwork. And Ashley found alot of interesting notations.. ALOT...

NOTES... she typed into her laptop...

*Witnesses (3) stated the tattooed man the victim was last seen with did NOT have tattoos on arm, only on back and chest
* Sub Shop Owner (Joseph Firenze) noted Colton coming in for an order (his usual) at 12:55am on night of murder. TOD of victim 1am. Subshop 5+ miles away..
* DNA found, along with Spermicide, indicating the use of a Condom. Why would Colton have sex bareback and then with a Condom?
* Leather belt found at scene, murder weapon. 40 waist. There is no way Colton is or was a 40 waist and Ashley knew that. She had seen his jeans, he was a 36 waist.
*Another witness, this a female, stated Colton called her at 1:15am to hook up. She met him at his place at 1:30am. Again, the TOD was 1am, 5+ miles away.

Ashley was beginning to realize, as she again checked the digital file, that all these inconsistencies were covered up, or altered.

But the biggest red flag was Jenna Lee's husband, Dalton. Dalton Ramsey was part of a large motorcycle "gang" in the area, and was heavily tattooed, on his chest and back. He had no tattoos on his arms. And, as Ashley looked at a picture online of Dalton, he was a large guy, easily a 40 waist, very easily.

Ashely took all the notes she needed, and even copied several of pages of the paperwork for Colton to read. It was clear, at least to her, that he had not killed that woman. That his conviction was tainted, that evidence had been tampered with, changed, or outright hidden.....


"Well maybe you will have to entertain me, Melissa.”

GOD he made her skin crawl. Melinda pretty much tried to like everyone, being the "first face" of the D.A. most people saw and dealt with her before getting to Jayne Norton. But Mr. Henning.. Curtis Henning, just made her feel like she needed to take a shower to wash the creep off, every time she had to deal with him. He was always staring, she could only imagine what he was thinking in that leering, filthy mind of his. She wondered of Jayne felt the same way. She had never mentioned it, Melinda liked her job, she liked working for Jayne, she did not want to jeapordize it in any way

She smiled, a fake smile of course, but it was a pretty one and it did light up her face.

"If you would have a seat Mr. Henning, I will check to see if Mrs. Norton happens to be available early"

She just wanted to be as far away from him and leering eyes as she could.

Stepping into Jaynes's office, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Henning is here to see you"

Jayne could only roll her eyes as she finished her sandwich and shot of Jack, which she hid from Melinda. She needed that shot to deal with the letch that Henning was.

"Send him in..."
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“Fu-ck-ing-shit!” Colton raised his fist, very close to smashing the expensive tattoo machine he was working on, he’d dropped the needle through the mechanism again before securing it.

“Nervous hands are a big liability in our business,” Snake chuckled, placing a hand on Colton’s shoulder to remind him where he was and who’s equipment he was practicing with, “take a break. Have a smoke, I’ll let you design something.”

Colton wished that he could go back to scrubbing toilets. He’d never created artwork to please anyone other than himself. He gladly accepted a smoke break with the boss. They passed by Blaine who was already squirming in the chair getting a cover-up. He was there with someone who wasn’t Maddie.

While he and Snake smoked out in front of the tattoo shop, Colton checked his phone for the first time. Messages from Maddie. A smile spread across his face.

Ah, the lap of luxury. // I’m at work. The tattoo shop hired me.

“Is that a chick?” Snake inquired, nudging Colton with his elbow.

“Something like that,” Colton put his phone away.

“Yeah, you seem to have a way with them. If you get one to come down and get a piercing I’ll let you poke her for free, she just has to pay for the hardware.”

“Hm. That’s an interesting idea.”

“Or, if you’re really into her, I can show you how to do a lingual frenectomy. Ever had six inches of tongue up your ass?”

Colton just gave him a look and flicked his smoke. He texted Maddie again.

Come by and see me if you get lonely.

“Yeah… that looks good,” Blaine was already in the mirror, too cheap to pay for a proper cover up, “Baddie. This is my little Baddie right here.”

His beleaguered artist nodded unconvincingly while the girl on his arm giggled and wiggled her butt into his palm.


“Thanks, Red,” Curtis chuckled, giving Melinda a solid clap on the butt with his open hand as he passed into Jayne’s office, “Mrs. Norton, I trust you know why I’m here.”

Curtis’ demeanor was different than the last time he’d come to piss in her ear. He was even more entitled and disgusting than he had been before. He sat down opposite her desk.

“Your numbers, frankly, have gone from bad to worse. Much to the dismay of those of us who backed your candidacy. We’ve come to doubt your commitment to this relationship and as a result, your future in politics. What do you have to say for yourself?”

His hand was sliding between his legs, he was brandishing himself. It was clear that there was nothing she could “say,” but making her squirm was part of the thrill for Curtis.
Madison finally was able to get herself out of the shower. She spent a few minutes drying herself off, the soft towel gliding over her tight, lithe little body. Pulling on her robe, she slid her slender fingers into and thru her golden blonde hair. Picking up her phone she found Mack's texts...

Ah, the lap of luxury. I’m at work. The tattoo shop hired me.
Come by and see me if you get lonely.

She stood there, staring at the texts for at least 5 minutes if not longer.

It only took her that long to make up her mind. She was going to get a tattoo and let Mack do it. Just the thought of seeing him again, her heart was racing, her blood pulsing. She wished she could call Rikki and Kate and tell them, but they would never understand.

She ran to her room, and started fishing through her closet. "what to wear, what to wear" she sing-songed to herself. She chose a short black pleated mini-skirt and a pale blue tank top. She paired this with her favorite ankle boots. Brushing out her long blonde hair, she braided it tightly into a long braid tied off with a matching pale blue ribbon.

She could not call Rikki for a ride, so she decided to just Uber to the tattoo shop...


“Your numbers, frankly, have gone from bad to worse. Much to the dismay of those of us who backed your candidacy. We’ve come to doubt your commitment to this relationship and as a result, your future in politics. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Jayne could easily see what he was doing, and just seeing him doing that was abhorrent to her. He was nothing more than a sleaze. But he was a rich, powerful, sleaze. A rich, powerful sleaze that she had to deal with.

She had been lucky that she had never had to... lower herself... so to speak... to deal with him. Jayne Norton had never had to touch him actually. She knew part of that was being the Mayor's wife. Issac Norton did carry some "sway" over the rich and powerful. Not alot of sway, but some. Alienating the Mayor was never a good thing, even if you were his biggest contributor.

She got up and moved to the other side of her desk, close to where Mr. Henning was sitting. Jayne perched on the edge of the desk, letting her skirt ride up a bit, showing that shapely leg, toned thigh. She was still a beautiful woman, with her blonde waves that sat upon her shoulders and flawless features from her smooth, pale skin to her almost amber colored eyes. She worked out, every other day, her body was toned, tight, with curves in all the right places...

She could feel him, leering at her, undressing her with his eyes... When he leaned forward, laying a hand to her knee, she spoke, laying her own hand over his.

"I assure you, Mr. Henning, my conviction numbers will rise. My commitment is full on and I intend to make sure that both the Mayor and the people are rightfully served and the guilty are sent away for a very long time. My numbers are still better than before Issac and I took over this position, remember that."


"What is a pretty girl like you heading to that part of town" the Uber Driver commented as he drove, eyeing the young beauty that now graced his back seat. Maddie just rolled her eyes. "What's wrong with going to get a tattoo?" she asked, not really caring what his answer was. "Well, if you were my daughter, I would not want you to mark up that beautiful body of yours..."

Madison just shook her head, and did not bother to answer.

As the Uber pulled up to Snake's Tattoo parlor, the driver rolling his own eyes at the place, Madison noticed that very familiar sunny yellow "hello notice me" Porsche. As she climbed out of the car, Blaine and Isabella came prancing out of the Tattoo parlor. Ok, Isabella was prancing, Blaine was sauntering, thinking he was he coolest guy on the block now.

Madison stopped cold, just staring. He'd hooked up with the biggest skank slut on campus. Isabella had fucked nearly everyone. She was easy, and not all that good, from what Madison had heard. It figured.. she thought... not that she cared.

"Oh hi Maassdisonnnn" Isabella drawled, smiling so prettily as she held Blaine's arm, running her fingers up and down.

"Hi ... Isabella" she gritted her teeth. She didn't care, not really, but she really hated Isabella. "Hello Blaine..."

"Oh hey Maddie" he grinned like the cat who ate the canary, making sure to show her his other arm, the one Isabella was not currently pawing at. Madson smiled "nice".. Blaine just grinned. "Come on baby" he grabbed Isabella in the ass as they walked away, making sure to turn around and stare back at Madison. She just shook her head, and turned away, but Blaine took it as her being upset, and again, looking like he had just snagged the big one and everyone else was envious, he and Isabella hopped into the Porsche and drove away, he made sure to lay some rubber as he did so. It never occurred to his stupid ass WHY she was in that neck of the woods and he never waited around to see where she may have been going.

"Asshole" she said to herself. Taking a deep breath, she headed into the Tattoo shop. She stopped just inside the door, spying Mack. Her nerves kicked in and she had to take a minute to calm herself.

"Well... hello Pretty one" Snake grinned, recognizing the girl. How could he forget such a pretty little piece of ass like her. But, he backed off nearly immediately when he saw the look Mack gave the girl, and she him.....
Curtis’ mouth tucked over to one side of his mouth when Jayne placed her hand on the back of his own. It would have been all the way up her skirt and knuckles deep inside her if she hadn’t halted it. He was scarcely listening to want she was saying but he got the gist. Emphasizing her connection to her husband.

“Mrs. Norton, the interests I represent have been propping up and tearing down political figures for generations. Your husband has been loyal to us, but not every great politician needs to drag their spouse along. Maybe you’re more suited to the life of a housewife, and not an elected official.”

Curtis brushed her hand away from his own and resumed sliding it higher on her leg, fingertips disappearing below the hem of her skirt. His cock was visibly hard in his pants.

“We’re looking for candidates who know how to play the game. One hand washes the other, as they say.”

His hand was pushing its way between her thighs, fingertips gently brushing at the crease in her panties.


“Well… Hello Pretty one,” Snake recognized her from before, but never got her proper name. He knew better than to call her ‘Jailbait’ to her face.

She must have been at least eighteen, because the way she and Colton looked at each other Snake felt very confident that they were either fucking one another or about to. The intensity of their eyes meeting across the tattoo parlor made a tense silence fall over the room until Owen, who was sketching at his station cleared his throat.

That sound seemed to break the spell and Colton made his way to the front, not hesitating for a second longer, caressing the side of her face, fingers curling under her single braid as he kissed her, deeply and passionately. His other hand settled on the small of her back, bringing their hips together. Letting her feel the outline of his python yet again.

While Colton and Maddie played tonsil hockey, Owen held up the drawing he’d been working on. It was a caricature of Colton behind bars with a hook through his cheek. The words “JAIL” and “BAIT” on the top and bottom of the image. Snake had to shove down a laugh before Owen hid the paper from the other two.

“I’m guessing you want to take your thirty,” Snake grinned once the two reluctantly parted lips.

“Yeah,” Colton breathed huskily.

His bulge was growing larger and harder by the second. He smelled like cigarettes and after the long, slow kiss, so did she. He took her by the hand and led her out to the alley behind the tattoo shop. Not exactly privacy, but no one would see them back there.

Once they reached the graffiti painted alley where several dumpsters were stored, Colton lit up another smoke, planting himself on a dingy recliner that the tattoo guys sometimes used. He gently pulled her into his lap.

“So you were feeling lonely were you?”
“So you were feeling lonely were you?”

Madison could barely speak after that kiss. No one kissed her like that. No one ever had. Blaine's kissing was nothing compared to how Mack kissed. She felt.. well.. grown up with him. Granted she was 18 years old, of course. But Mack didn't treat her like an 18 year old kid, not since the moment they had laid eyes on each other.

Maddie leaned into his chest and just relaxed there for a moment.

"Well, honestly Mack, I was going to come here anyway, hoping to, well, bump into you. And, I want a tattoo."

She was sitting across his lap at the moment. But she so wanted to come across as more grown up, more, well, experienced. Surely Mack had been with plenty of girls... well women. Madison did not want him to get bored with her and start thinking she was too young for him. Hell, she didn't even know how old he was...

She suddenly shifted, turning to straddle his lap and face him. Given that she was wearing a skirt, this particular position laid her panties, and they were very wet just from that extremely intimate kiss that he had shared with her... against his very very very hard, thick, arousal. The heat radiating from her virginal pussy was nearly scalding hot, even through his jeans.

"Will you give me a tattoo?" she asked, her head tilting slightly, her long braid falling over one shoulder, her breathing was deepening, it was more than obvious she was not wearing a bra under her pale blue tank top. She leaned in closer to him, her soft nipples beneath the cotton brushing along his chest.. "I only trust you, Mack, to give me a tattoo"....

Her dark eyes were locked into his...

If she had been more street smart, or more experienced, she may have asked him about his tattoos or about who he was, where he lived. Get to know him. But Madison was not that experienced in life. One would have thought that having Lawyers for parents, that she would be more savvy about the criminal element of the world, more suspicious. But they had kept her sheltered from all of that. If she had known, she may have realized just how precarious a position she really was in with Mack.....


“We’re looking for candidates who know how to play the game. One hand washes the other, as they say.”

His hand was pushing its way between her thighs, fingertips gently brushing at the crease in her panties.

Jayne grabbed his wrist, wrestling hand away from beneath her skirt. Her face was bright red. Who did he think he was to come in her and treat her this way.

"You listen to me, Curtis"... she was nearly snarling... "I know how the game is played. MY game, not yours. My numbers will rebound, and I will continue to work to make sure the criminal element in this city.... in his bureaucracy.. is dealt with. Doing that does not constitute you marching in here and treating me like a 2 bit whore. You give me 30 days and you will see, I am the RIGHT and ONLY person for this job and more. Do you understand...."

She had gotten up and put distance between her and that lecherous old man. She only hoped she had not just ruined her chances for re-election. But she was not about to bend over her desk and take it up the ass from a bastard like him.

"Time for you to leave" she growled, turning her back on him.

When Jayne pulled away, Curtis drew his hand back and reclined in his seat, like a spoiled child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Despite Jayne’s venom and how rough she thought she was being with him, Curtis’ smile just grew wider. While she was “setting terms,” Curtis trailed the very tips of his middle digits under his nose, smelling deeply for any trace of her. Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but he thought he could detect her smell.

“Thirty days, I understand perfectly,” Curtis shrugged, slipping his index finger into his wet mouth and sucking his fingertip, “our long-standing… relationship certainly entitles you to that. Not to mention your association with your husband. My, but he can play the game. For your husband’s sake, you’ll have your thirty days.”

Curtis nodded, when she told him to leave, using his middle finger to silence a chuckle that threatened to boil over. He was sucking that one now. He made no attempt to hide or even disguise the tent in his trousers.

“In that same spirit of understanding, you should know that forces are beginning to move against you. You’ll need to do a better job than this of opposing them in the future,” Curtis paused to suck his ring finger, lips going all the way down to his wedding band before popping it free, “at a certain point. This job is less about numbers and more about relationships.”

His hand was wet as Curtis turned to leave.

“It was good to see you again, Red.” Curtis sleazed on his way out.


It took every ounce of self-control that Colton had in him, not to split Madison right in half against the dumpster. She looked so good and wanted him so much, it was almost impossible to keep her at arms-length.

Still, the plan was working to perfection, letting her be the aggressor—and aggressive she was.

He could feel the heat coming off of her, like a breeding mare in heat when she straddled him and dragged her perky, young breasts over his chest. His rough, muscular hands travelled up her thighs, hiking her skirt up higher—but holding back before he got his hands on anything good.

“A tattoo? Your first, I imagine. Let me guess, the Mother Mary on the side of your neck,” Colton smiled as he teased her, gently jostling her in his lap by moving his hips, using his hands to force her exposed cleft higher up the denim seam of his starchy, new jeans, “maybe a tribal sleeve? Oh! Or a full, Yakuza back piece—it’ll take about sixty hours in the chair, but it’ll be so worth it.”

Colton almost managed to hold a straight face through his consultation. He leaned forward to just gently grind his teeth along the top and bottom of her collarbone where the scooped neck of her tank top left it exposed—nipping just a small tent of skin on his way to a tender kiss.

“But honestly, I need some time to design before I can put anything in your skin,” Colton envisioned a forced-perspective, black and grey, realistic dog collar on the small of her back, wrapped in impact letters, ‘DADDY’S—GIRL’, a tramp stamp, “plus, I’ve got somewhere to be in a little bit. But if you really want something today… something that won’t make your folks hit the ceiling. I could put a little, single needle heart on the inside of your lip.”

Here, he kissed her bottom lip before whispering into her ear.

“When you miss me, you can run your tongue over it…”


The tattoo had gone fairly smooth, aside from Owen making a big show of checking her ID. Maddy had impressed him with how well she sat. Mouth tattoos can be difficult to sit for, given the concentration of nerves in the mouth. He was sketching ideas for her real tattoo in a handheld sketch pad. Experimenting with his style and feminine designs. He still wasn’t used to adapting his art to others’ tastes, but Maddie was as fitting a canvass as any.

What a canvass she was.

The bus came to a stop outside of the courthouse and Colton pocketed his sketch book. He placed his outdated cell phone and wallet in a tray to pass through the metal detector. He knew his way around the courthouse better than he knew his way around the rest of the city.

He came to the largest set of double-doors.



Walking inside, Colton went straight up to the red headed receptionist.

“I’m here to see D.A. Norton.”

“Is she expecting you?”

“I doubt it. Just tell her Colton McBryde is here for her.”

It was a risk, sure. Jayne might just shoot him dead on sight. The thought made him clutch tighter on the handle of his third-hand, leather-bound briefcase.

“I, uh… have a case for her.”
Madison loved the idea of the little heart just inside her lip. It would remind her of Mack. Sure, it hurt, but for Madison, it was the best kind of pain.

She had felt how aroused, how hard, he was while sitting on his lap. She had never wanted anyone as much as she wanted him. But, she had to admit, as she sat in the Uber heading home, she was scared. She'd never had sex, obviously. Just what he had done to her with his hand had made her feel things she had never felt before, not to that intensity.

But Rikki and Kate were having sex. They raved about it all the time. It was about time for her, right? They always told her that, but of course they meant her having sex with Blaine, which was never going to happen. No, Madison had already made up her mind to loose her virginity to Mack. Hell, she made that decision the first moment she had seen him. She could not get him out of her mind...

And even though it was still painful and tender, she ran the tip of her tongue over that little heart... Mack's heart she told herself...


Melinda was still trying to shake the sleaze that was Curtis Henning off her when she was approached by a, well, he was a stranger to her. She had never seen this particular gentleman before.

She did pause, in fact, she was staring. He was handsome, very handsome, and FUCK was he built. She had to shake her head slightly to get those thoughts out of her mind. What the fuck was she thinking. This was work. She was a professional. She saw people all day, every day. But he was a refreshing change from the suits that she always had to deal with.

There was something, almost dangerous about him.

“I’m here to see D.A. Norton.”

“Is she expecting you?”

“I doubt it. Just tell her Colton McBryde is here for her.”

The name was not familiar to Melinda. She had not been working for Jayne Norton 8 years ago when the Colton McBryde case was in the news. Fact of the matter was, sure, she had read about it most likely, but with school and her social life at the time, college and all, Melinda did not pay all that much attention. So the name did not ring any bells what so ever for her.

"Have a seat, I will see if she is available" She smiled, and it was such a pretty smile.

Jayne, in the meantime was still trying to shake off Curtis as well. She felt so... dirty... she was actually considering taking off early to go home and take a shower. God she hated that man.

"Mrs. Norton?" Melinda quietly slipped into the office.

"Yes Melinda.. Please don't tell me that Curtis forgot something and wants to see me again? I don't think I can stand being in the same room as him for another minute"

"No, Mrs. Norton. There is a Colton McBryde here to see you? He does not have an appointment"

Jayne stopped midstep as soon as the name came from Melinda's lips. She went completely white, and had to consciously will herself to NOT start shaking.

"He... is... here?" she said, all too quietly.

Melinda just stared. She had never seen her Boss react quite like this. "Are you OK, Jayne?"

Jayne was silent, weighing her options. Send him away? But, that would just leave the question as to WHY he had shown up here. She had hoped she would never have to hear his name, or face him again. She could send him away, refuse to see him, but what if he approached her somewhere else, the parking lot, her home? At least here, she had some level of control. She was safe here, right? He had to pass through the metal detector, so he would not be armed. Just the thought that he may be, or may have been, just the thought of why he had come here... Jayne wrapped her arms around herself to still the shiver that threatened to course through her.

"Jayne?" Melinda was getting nervous herself, watching her boss, who was white a ghost...

"Send.... him... in... " Jayne said.

If she had to face him, it was better she do it here.

Melinda nodded, and left the office. "Mr. McBryde, you can go in" she nodded politely.

Jayne was not facing the door when she heard it open, she was standing at the large window behind her desk that overlooked the city. She wasn't even sure she wanted to turn around, she did not want him to see how fucking unnerved she was. First Curtis and now this....

"What is it you want, Mr. McBryde" she said, still not turning to face him....
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“What is it you want, Mr. McBryde,” Jayne was facing away from him, unable or unwilling to even look at him.

Colton didn’t mind, sitting down casually as Melinda closed the door behind him, she did have an outstanding ass to look at. He extracted a rather beat-up looking folder from his beat-up briefcase, slipping it onto the table.

“What I want, oh Jayne. There are many, many things that I want. Many involving you, in fact—but today, I’m bringing you an olive branch. I hope you appreciate it,” Colton managed to fish out a dingy sheet of old printer paper from the file and set it in the middle of her desk.

“Lots of things happened during my trial that weren’t, strictly speaking, legal—but they mostly happened behind closed doors and whoever did these things to me was pretty careful to clean up after themselves. But the system, the system continued on, doing what it does. Did you know that they can charge you with separate crimes when you’re already in prison? It was news to me, until this came in my mail.”

Colton turns the paper to face Jayne, it’s an automated traffic ticket from running a red light. Clear, black and white images of Colton driving, a clear shot of license plate and his forwarding address listed as San Quintin.

“Ain’t that some shit? Here I was, hoping for word from my family, friends, my girlfriend—and here come more charges, for running a red light. At first, I was pissed—until I checked the date and time,” Colton indicates the timestamp, pulled straight from the traffic-cam meta data, it’s already been highlighted, “1 AM—the exact time of death of my supposed victim on the exact date. The perfect alibi, fallen straight into my lap. That’s when I started studying the law. If I could plead guilty to the traffic violation, it would exonerate me from the rape and murder charges that you stuck me with. But in order to make the traffic cam footage state’s evidence, I had to fight the charges. Which I did.

“Three weeks later, I get this in the mail,” Colton produces another paper, this one on Jayne’s own letterhead despite her not recognizing it whatsoever, “from the desk of Jayne Norton, District Attorney. The charges brough in this case have been dropped, due to lack of sufficient evidence. The traffic footage has been lost and all charges in connection with the infraction have been dropped. It might have been good news, if that photo didn’t prove my innocence.”

Colton sat back in his chair.

“I could have gone straight to Internal Affairs with this, should have, really. I know you don’t take on clients in your capacity as DA. But, since you’re very much connected to the vanishing of this traffic footage, I wanted to give you the opportunity to rectify this situation. Give you the chance you never gave me, to clear your name.”

Leaving those two pages out for Jayne’s perusal, Colton files the rest of his “official” documents back into his case.

“Either you buried that footage or someone else buried it in your name. Now, I want it. Do the right thing, get it for me—unbury it. If you do that, I’ll leave you to your… meteoric rise, with no further discussion of who’s expense it was at. Fail to bring me that footage…”

Colton heard a sound which made him suspect Melinda was listening through the door.

“Well. Unless you want a jumpsuit of your own, you won’t fail. Will you, Jayne Norton?”

Colton’s smile was cold, but his eyes betrayed a primal lust for her. Not at all like attraction—a predatory lust which aroused him to see her discomforted and a curiosity to see just how uncomfortable he could make her, given the chance. He watched every move she made, waiting for her to answer him, imagining what her body looked like under that fitted skirt and professional blazer she was wearing.

He wondered what her moans would sound like.

“Of course you won’t.”
* Please Note that this is AmbrosiaCaress, this is my other Literotica Name *

Jayne never turned while he spoke. If she had, he may have seen her eyes widen when he spoke of the traffic camera and the timing. She, she knew nothing about that and the news shocked her, maybe as much as it had him when he first realized it. But what shocked her more was the letter, on her letter head, a letter she never wrote, nor signed. Someone went to great lengths to hide this from her, and obviously Colton and his Attorney.

But she was not about to let him see that.

“Either you buried that footage or someone else buried it in your name. Now, I want it. Do the right thing, get it for me—unbury it. If you do that, I’ll leave you to your… meteoric rise, with no further discussion of who’s expense it was at. Fail to bring me that footage…”

That was when she turned to level her gaze at him. She had to quell the urge to step back. He looked different, harder, he had more tattoos then before, more filled in. The tattoos had been an identifying factor in the case, she remembered them, but it was obvious he had added to them, enhanced what he had. He also appeared to have put on muscle. He was lean before, but now he looked, just stronger, more pronounced. But it was the look in his eyes that really caught her, that predatory stare. She suddenly felt like a butterfly caught in a spider's web, or a deer, cornered by a bear or a wolf. She did not like that feeling, not at all...

“Well. Unless you want a jumpsuit of your own, you won’t fail. Will you, Jayne Norton?”

“Of course you won’t.”

She surely was going to look into that footage, that traffic cam picture, and the letter. Who did this? Why? If he had not done this, then the real Killer was still at large. What end game had been in place to even think of this, let alone condone it. Yes, it had happened when Issac had announced his candidacy for Mayer, running on the fact that as District Attorney, he was tough of crime. Had this all been about him winning, instead of finding justice? But she already knew, if it were proven that she had wrongfully convicted Colton in the Jenna Lee Dalton murder case, even if she could prove it was her husband that had hidden the truth, that had sabotaged the case, she would almost certainly loose Mr. Henning's support, maybe that would be a good thing, not to have to deal with that sleaze of a human anymore, but she would also loose all credibility. All her cases, most likely, would demand a 2nd look see. If she had knowingly, wrongfully convicted one person, there was the chance she had done it to others. All her cases would come under scrutiny. All her cases would be suspect. Issac would most likely be impeached as Mayor, his reputation ruined. Her entire world would fall apart. Even Maddie would suffer. She did not think that Harvard, or Stanford, or Princeton would accept her with her family reputation in shambles.

It had to be Issac that had done this, kept that photo from her. Never mind the letter. Where had the slip up come, how did COLTON get ahold of it now? How?

"Mr. McBryde, I assure you, your conviction was well within the parameters of the law. But, that being said, I will look into this."

She was not about to tell him to fuck off, his look had her too unnerved. Even though, technically, she was safe in her own office, she did not trust him, or that cold look in his eyes.

"You need to leave now" she matter of factly stated...

God she desperately needed Jack right now. And maybe even a visit with Ollie at the bar. Anything to get this cold shiver that now seemed to be slithering all around her to ease, to release her from it's icy grip.
Colton laughed.

When Jayne fucking Norton managed to wrap her whore lips around the words “parameters of the law,” he laughed suddenly and loudly. The abruptness of his laugh was almost an assault. The bitch certainly had the confidence of a know-nothing patsy. Colton was still deciding if Jayne knew that he was railroaded or just benefitted from it—but either way, he wasn’t going to sit by while she lectured him on the legality of his conviction.

No. Not from her.

He made a gesture with his hand, suppressing further laughter long enough for her to finish, a sort of gesture to an apology for his interruption. It seemed that he was only holding back for her to throw him out—which made him laugh again.

Colton stood, letting his presence fill the space as he rose to his full height, letting Jayne feel small in his presence. He walked to the door as though that was the end of it—but no one was laughing when he turned the deadbolt, locking them both in her office together.

When he turned back, he found her to be suitably terrified. He walked back over, slowly, casually. This time walking past her desk, walking right up to her until his muscular torso was pressing against her athletic breasts through her business suit.

“No. I don’t think I’m going to let you kick me out just yet,” Colton backed her up further, pressing her back against the blinds, his lips lightly brushed her eyelashes as he talked down to her, “you took my whole life away from me, Jayne Norton. And whether you knew it or not, it was done entirely outside ‘the parameters of the law.’ I am owed recompense.”

He reached up as though he were about to hit her, making her flinch—but when she did, he gently passed his index finger along her eyebrow, carefully moving a single lock of blonde hair out of her face. His other hand wrapped slowly around her throat as if it were the most casual and natural thing in the world.

“The picture is just the start. We’re going to clear my name, you and I. Either as a team, or as captor and hostage. I’ve got nothing left to lose,” this was a bluff, but Jayne couldn’t possibly know that he was having genuine feelings for her daughter, “now, I want you to stick your fingers inside yourself and show them to me.

“If your fingers come back dry, I’ll leave your office and let you go on about your day. If they’re wet, you’re going to get on your knees and suck my cock,” Colton took a firm hold of her wrist while his other hand remained around her neck, “but make sure you get way up in there.”

He shoved her hand toward her skirt, smiling maliciously. It might have been a big risk based on a hunch, but then again, he hadn’t exactly done anything wrong—at least not “within the parameters of the law.”
Thank God he was leaving, she thought to herself. Thank God. She was not even sure how she had managed to even speak without her voice breaking, without him seeing how fucking terrified she was. Didn't matter to her if he was innocent in this particular instance. He was intimidating, scary, and violent. Period. At least that is how she saw him.

She had turned her back to him when he got up, but Jayne heard the unmistakable click of the dead bolt on her office door. She twisted around to find him approaching her. But, somehow, she managed to stand her ground, at least for the moment, not moving when he stalked across her office to her, he moving like a panther about to make a kill. But she did not move, not yet. He invaded her space without a second thought, his chest pressing lightly into her own. One may have thought they were lovers, the way he looked down upon her, and she up at him, if one hadn't known better, or could not read the obvious tense, stressed, and fear filled body language coming from Jayne.

“No. I don’t think I’m going to let you kick me out just yet,” Colton backed her up further, pressing her back against the blinds, he was so close to her now, she trapped between his presence and the window behind her. He was so close she could smell is scent, feel the his breath as he spoke, his lips lightly brushing her eyelashes as he talked down to her, “you took my whole life away from me, Jayne Norton. And whether you knew it or not, it was done entirely outside ‘the parameters of the law.’ I am owed recompense.”

"Mister McB... Colton" She wasn't even sure what she was going to say. He had caught her off guard. Sleazy Curtis Henning, she could handle. But Colton, he was not a sleazy old man. And despite being a District Attorney, she had never had to deal directly with the criminal element unless accompanied by a cop, or another Attorney in a controlled environment. This, was out of her control completely.

She recoiled when he reached up, thinking for a moment he was going to strike her, and her breath caught. But instead, he almost lovingly stroked a stray strand of her blonde hair out of her eyes, but that, that was just a distraction for the fact that his hand now closed around her throat, and that did cause her to gasp and hold her breath... "Don't" she managed to whisper, both her hands reaching up and wrapping around his wrist, but he was having none of that. He was entirely too strong, and in complete control of the situation.

“The picture is just the start. We’re going to clear my name, you and I. Either as a team, or as captor and hostage. I’ve got nothing left to lose, now, I want you to stick your fingers inside yourself and show them to me. If your fingers come back dry, I’ll leave your office and let you go on about your day. If they’re wet, you’re going to get on your knees and suck my cock,” Colton took a firm hold of her wrist while his other hand remained around her neck, “but make sure you get way up in there.”

He wanted her to do WHAT?

She was trembling, but unable to break free from his grip. IF she struggled too much, he simply tightened his hold.

"Colton... NO" she managed to snap out. She was fighting him, but he was entirely too strong for her, and she knew it. But no matter how she tried to resist, he had the upper hand. She was pressed back against the window, he was leaning into her. He could, and apparently was going to, make her do what he wanted.

The skirt she was wearing was already pushed up, well high enough that he forcing her hand down, she found her fingers easily at her panties.... her.... panties.... OH GOD... her wet panties. Was she really wet? WAS SHE REALLY WET???? The question horrified her. WHY? Yet, her slender fingers pushed into her own pussy and she uttered a deep despairing moan. It wasn't that she had never masturbated before, hell she did it all the time. Issac worked so much and their sex life was pretty much nil for the most part. And Colton was so.... fucking... MALE... her body had decided to betray her completely.

When her hand, fingers pulled free, well, they were soaking wet, as in dripping...

His smile was almost... evil...
Colton’s eyes lit up when she moaned, losing her sense of time and space completely for a moment while she penetrated herself. He was almost shocked that she’d done it, his cock—lying idly by until this moment, rushed to intense and sudden hardness, straining against his jeans, into her leg. These Norton women were really something. At least Maddie was a virgin, a teenager, it was understandable for her to be a hormonal wreck—what was Jayne’s excuse? She was married, still very attractive for her age—was Isaac not living up to his end? It was a thought which warranted more exploration.

He’d never really intended to force her to blow him. In spite of what his wrap sheet said, Colton was no rapist. But the moan changed everything. Now he wanted it. Because he knew that she wanted it. Her juices were practically running down her elbow when he took hold of her wrist again and held it up to their mutual inspection.

“Looks wet…” Colton moved her hand closer to his face, her soaking fingertips just portions of an inch from his lips, “smells wet…”

Colton lowered his mouth on her middle digit, sucking it audibly and running his tongue up and down inside his mouth. The tip of his tongue tracing each bend in her finger, the tip baring down on her fingernail from above. He sucked harder as he withdrew it from his mouth.

“Tastes wet. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we find this pussy to be wet,” next, Colton slid his own fingers into her mouth, middle and ring finger going all the way to the back of her throat, squeezing her throat from the outside when he probed deep, gagging her on purpose, “sign the search warrant. We’re going to get to the bottom of this…”

His wet fingers moved slowly down her body, emboldened by a “search warrant,” his fingers moved between her collarbones, down to the first buttons on her blouse, between her breasts, down her stomach, over the taught fabric of her hiked-up shirt. He lightly traced the outline of her pussy with his middle finger, following the crease until he found the wet outline of her clit. Once he found it, he pressed…

“Tell me you want it. Beg me to put them in you—otherwise, so help me, I will turn around and leave you like this. I know you want it—you’re not fooling anyone. Just admit it.”

She would admit it—as she must. It was as obvious as the sudden but unmistakable scent of sex that now permeated the entirety of her office. She would admit it because there was no denying it.

When he inserted his two fingers into her at once, he quickly curled his fingers back toward himself. He was not being at all as gentle as he had with Maddie, but it was amusing for him to think of them side by side—mother and daughter—orgasming on his fingers.

The apple did not fall far.