The demise of discussion

You are a talker. :heart:

See, and while I don’t have much in the way of the “need a hand?;)” guys either (and yes, it’s always guys!) many times I feel it’s someone who wants to talk, but doesn’t quite know how to step in to the conversation.

Of course, the other problem is any time an actual discussion starts, Nezhul will magically appear to inform us how wrong we all are.
This many replies to the thread in, and still no one has posted a pic or gif. My compliments to everyone’s maturity levels here! :D
That can be rectified Miles, if you like! :rolleyes:

But seriously, some of the threads do have interesting discussion points and often start well, but fall away through being taken off-topic. I drop into a few from time to time to read and understand better what people are thinking, what motivates them, what inspires them and where they are at currently.
This is just a thought but what would everyone think of a weekly 'discussion topic'? Sort of like the PG audio thread but written.
A topic/question could be presented at the start of the week giving everyone enough time to think/research/respond. This might help new people jump in and learn about some of the Lit veterans in a way we might not otherwise have a chance to do.
Just an idea!
This is just a thought but what would everyone think of a weekly 'discussion topic'? Sort of like the PG audio thread but written.
A topic/question could be presented at the start of the week giving everyone enough time to think/research/respond. This might help new people jump in and learn about some of the Lit veterans in a way we might not otherwise have a chance to do.
Just an idea!

I think this is a fine idea and I hope that you will launch such a thread soon. I don't suppose that you want to be responsible for generating all the questions and topics so you might want to think about a mechanism to be sure that others contribute topics regularly.
I think this is a fine idea and I hope that you will launch such a thread soon. I don't suppose that you want to be responsible for generating all the questions and topics so you might want to think about a mechanism to be sure that others contribute topics regularly.

I would be fine with managing it but, you're right, I'd have no idea what to ask!
Mea culpa!

I plead boredom as we work opposite schedules and most nights are really quiet here. I live for weekends now just as I did when I was twenty-somthing!

I look at pics and think, oh, so and so would love that! So in a way, I feel I'm serving and taking care of someone else which feeds a need. However,with Necro's recent post in the Control thread, I took a step back and have started decreasing what I post as I had never considered posting pics/gifs could be an annoyance to some.

I'm just as happy lurking with an occasional post. :cattail:
I would be fine with managing it but, you're right, I'd have no idea what to ask!

Surely there's a curiosity lurking in your mind that would be a starting point. I've read a few of your stories so I know you have an eclectic set of interests. No doubt there's a question or two in one of those corners.
Surely there's a curiosity lurking in your mind that would be a starting point. I've read a few of your stories so I know you have an eclectic set of interests. No doubt there's a question or two in one of those corners.

Oh there are several but you underestimate my insecurity in this area by a country mile.
Of course, the other problem is any time an actual discussion starts, Nezhul will magically appear to inform us how wrong we all are.

I'm actually okay with him. Maybe I'm weird. I feel that he gives well thought out answers.
This is just a thought but what would everyone think of a weekly 'discussion topic'? Sort of like the PG audio thread but written.
A topic/question could be presented at the start of the week giving everyone enough time to think/research/respond. This might help new people jump in and learn about some of the Lit veterans in a way we might not otherwise have a chance to do.
Just an idea!

Great idea!
Oh there are several but you underestimate my insecurity in this area by a country mile.

I'm sure you're right about that.

If you launch the thread, I will gladly pose the first question for discussion if you will promise to do one of the first five. Deal?
My perception of how much discussion occurs is skewed by the fact that I don't come here as often any more. I love that I've been able to see this conversation. I remember having trouble thinking of things to say. I still do. So often, the discussions gave me things to think about where I often didn't know what to say until long after the discussion would fade away and other topics would take its place. I remember difficulty in getting courage to post. The people here are so eloquent with well thought out ideas and opinions. I'm not so well thought out. I just blurt stuff out. Still, I love reading differing ideas with the reasoning behind them. It gets me to think and uptown my world concept.

There are so many people that I remember enjoying reading their thoughts- (i'm going to misspell I'm sure) Netzach, Homburg, eastern sun, keroin, and tons more. My memory of names is awful though.
Just popping in for a quickie. I'm delighted at the discussion!!

:cattail: <-- not technically a pic
I’m just very cognizant of the fact that people are very different. Especially about sex. Which makes discussion threads much more interesting than just a bunch of gifs.

The hesitation I have about posting on lit sometimes is that many people have developed relationships on here for years. So sometimes it feels ... intrusive? almost to interject a comment out of the blue.

We all started somewhere. I remember coming back after a long hiatus. No one knew me. I lurched in to a conversation about makeup or something - I actually added a picture that was some goofy meme. The feeling I got was like, who the heck are you?!

Recently I have been more into the "posting photo" mode, but was active in discussions in years gone by. I started dropping out of the discussions when the thread dissolved into inane comments/posts, that often had nothing to do with the original OP topic.

While on R&R recently I came to the conclusion that my time posting images would be curtailed and I would put in more effort to the discussion in threads, I have found them in the past to be interesting and engaging with other posters.

cookiecat, discussion is alive and well.


I've always enjoyed your pics, Dreamliner. I hope you keep posting those. But your voice added to discussions will be a bonus!

This is just a thought but what would everyone think of a weekly 'discussion topic'? Sort of like the PG audio thread but written.
A topic/question could be presented at the start of the week giving everyone enough time to think/research/respond. This might help new people jump in and learn about some of the Lit veterans in a way we might not otherwise have a chance to do.
Just an idea!

A fine idea!
Don't get me wrong - pics have their place. And it is the way of the world. I love words but sometimes, often times, these days, words fail me. A provocative image captures my imagination. Many folks have responded this way to Shankara's threads.

And you know. Glitter. :rolleyes:

At times, I shy away from Talk when it devolves in to nit picking and parsing words. I have enough stress in my real life, I don't need it here on Lit. So I run back to glitter.

To gracie and Dreamliner: I hope you keep posting images. We need fun and funny and bananas. All that good stuff.

The Oral thread is a perfect example. If you look at the first thread (well, the second) - it did start out with a ton of conversation. Then pics. It's generally a good combination and I think that's due to Farawyn being a good host, asking good questions.

I enjoy(ed) hearing from seela, MeekMe, elle, cascadia - CutieMouse was here when I first came back. Master's Delight. Spun Things. Everyone brings a different point of view to issues. That's important.

Am glad this thread got people talkin'! Carry on.
I need to comment, there are times when I have posted and it gets taken the wrong way, the comment is not taken for what it is, but for those in my part of the world they would understand, unfortunately, it is "regional" specific colloquialism. Sometimes I need to consider other cultures.
I'm actually okay with him. Maybe I'm weird. I feel that he gives well thought out answers.

Yeah ... until he starts justifying some dude basically coercing his young vanilla wife into BDSM because she just needs to be 'led' to her desires, or tells us that street harassment doesn't exist in Russia ... and that no women ever (apart from all the women that respond to his comments, but ONLY them) are ever concerned about rape in public spaces.

I could go on, but I won't, because this is a nice thread. :)
Yeah ... until he starts justifying some dude basically coercing his young vanilla wife into BDSM because she just needs to be 'led' to her desires, or tells us that street harassment doesn't exist in Russia ... and that no women ever (apart from all the women that respond to his comments, but ONLY them) are ever concerned about rape in public spaces.

I could go on, but I won't, because this is a nice thread. :)

You’re a nice person. With whom I agree completely. I’ve started the purge. FB. Online. Cutting out people that make my head hurt.
The PG.
Mea culpa!

I plead boredom as we work opposite schedules and most nights are really quiet here. I live for weekends now just as I did when I was twenty-somthing!

I look at pics and think, oh, so and so would love that! So in a way, I feel I'm serving and taking care of someone else which feeds a need. However,with Necro's recent post in the Control thread, I took a step back and have started decreasing what I post as I had never considered posting pics/gifs could be an annoyance to some.

I'm just as happy lurking with an occasional post. :cattail:

Don’t change. Please.
--ArousingTitle Here--

There is a thread called 'I confess that...' or some such. I confess that I have been mostly a picture poster, as well as merely a picture voyeur. One I do try to do is include what I think is a clever or humorous title to the post. Not discussion I know.

There is that old saying about a picture being worth a thousand words. But I agree, more discussion and sharing of why such and such a picture is attractive to me would be in order, so I shall make an effort!

I applaud the intent of the thread and wish a good day to the ladies here:

Sorry. It was a moral imperative. I mean, since even MILES couldn't bring himself to do it, somebody had to.

The thing is, I think there is a combination of factors even above and beyond pics and links that play a part. And some have been dealt glancing blows right here in this very thread. "I don't say anything because I'm new." "I figure I've said it all before and people are probably tired of it." "I don't figure I have anything to say."

Ok, seriously people?! And that's to say nothing of one or two extremely intelligent people I happen to know damn well have probably been lurking this very thread and deleted posts rather than sharing them. "Oh, they're saying everything I would say. Oh, what I think isn't important. Oh, I'm just here to learn."

(And yes, if you think that Gibbs smack was aimed at you, you probably have a lot to go on. Although I won't embarrass by calling out names.)

In the spirit of full disclosure, I most likely would have pounced on this thread from inception, but I've been fighting what might be flu, might be bronco-pneumonia (or however they say it) or might be something else for the last two days and haven't been able to sit up. (I'm tending towards bronco-pneumonia since I have developed a tendency to buck when I cough and count them out by pawing the dirt.)

However, unlike certain people who shall not be fronted out by me, I'm arrogant enough to believe that I do have something to add and couldn't give a shit if people might get snotty because I'm two days late doing it. You know what? I'll talk about Chaucer too, and he's been dead longer than any thread on these boards.

Which, yes, is another unaddressed problem with the original intent of the thread, the lack of discussion. Yes, I'm a grouchy old windbag that can remember the days when a response in a discussion would have to wait a couple of weeks while the guys on horseback carried the letter from here to there.

But, one thing that is guaranteed to stir my ire is another old windbag (or even worse, young impatient windbag) getting snippy because someone starts a thread similar to one already in existence somewhere in the vast slush pile. And yet, the same windbag will get shitty with anyone daring to post in a thread that has been dormant for some indeterminant amount of time that, so far as I can tell, has never been properly codified to my tastes. (Ok, so resurrecting the two-year-old thread when I didn't really have anything meaningful to add just to put it in front of new eyes to see if they had anything to add might have been a tad much, even for me...)

Well, the last I looked, wasn't anybody here now around when the stone tablets were carved, much less did the carving. And questions and commentary are not irrelevant just because the thread has fallen into disuse for... whatever it is now. Two months, two weeks, two days, two hours... whatever. I for one want to hear what the people hiding in the corners (and in at least two cases the rafters) have to say. I for one want to hear what the old timers that remember having to fight through reading this shit on a green CRT feel like they've already said and said and said because maybe I was out sick that week and could benefit from it. Or maybe I already know it, but I know damn well the skittish little tyke having some questions about their own world and life that is peeking through the keyhole doesn't... and they've long since figured out to put me on the iggy list to keep from having to scroll through an entire two screens to see what the next interesting person has to say.

On the other hand, I've been known to launch into a three-screen story right in the middle of an obvious "pic thread," such as Shank's "going to the dogs" where I gave a partial history of me and my discount therapy puppy. And I've been known to slap what I think is a relevant (and relatively hilarious) meme up in response to a serious on-going discussion where tempers are flaring and "proofs" have come down to "because I fuckin' said so!" Although, more usually, in a targeted response to someone in an attempt to brighten their day, despite the fact they rarely get it since, more often than not, they have a tendency to think it's not about them. At least if it's anything good.

But, yeah. For whatever it's worth, I know damn well that what I think and have to say is less interesting than what you are thinking and have to say. At least it is to me. And probably a good eight or nine times out of ten, I'm only going off on one of my rambles in an effort to spark something for brighter people than me to strut their starstuff.

And in conclusion, I would just add to that comment about inanity... I think I resemble that remark. But if what I think passes for wit (and I'm pretty sure I'm half right) sparks yet more intelligent discussion (or in this case, metadiscussion), then my point and purpose has been served. And I'll go back to pitchin' peanut shells from the gallery.