The Economy

Bill Clinton said in his speech, “Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, America has created about 51 million new jobs. I swear I checked this three times. Even I couldn’t believe it. What’s the score? Democrats 50, Republicans one.”

Is Trump just going to say 'Fake news' and his cultists believe him because he's the best and he said so?
I believe Trump over anything associated with the Biden/Harris administration or democrats in general. The lies spewed from the convention were off the charts, who could believe anything coming from any governmental agency within the Biden admin? I believe there was a whistleblower, don't expect MSN to come clean. The fact that the final revised numbers were not to be posted till Jan 2025 makes it even more likely of a leak. Revisions are monthly, this revision was a culmination of year to date numbers. IMHO
That's because you are poorly educated and 3/4 of the way to total retardation.
First I didn't say forty years and second this is an example of why I do not post any links. You're welcome
then why the fuck did you quote my "reagan" comment?

and you don't post links cuz they didn't exist.
From my records in Quicken:

2014, Jan 1 to Aug 18, I spent $1,727.42 on Groceries
2024, Jan 1 to Aug 18, I spent $1,163.46 on Groceries

Nearly $600 less than 10 years ago.
I'm not being snarky..... but I gotta ask..... where are you shopping? Also are you purchasing the same amount of groceries as you had 10 years ago? Are providing food for the same amount of people that you did 10 years ago..... honestly I really want to know......
For you home owners, or for that matter anyone owning real-estate, when they install kamala in the white house this is what you have to look forward to...... before she's done, this will include your 401k your stocks and any gains you might have...this is just the beginning....
enjoy your day paying off other people's debt and paying for the well-being of the illegal aliens sucking the life out of you while you grind your life away at your job....
Yupper things are going well.... derivatives markets are just the same as commodities market, one margin call away from disaster.....
Anyway get going to your job, millions of illegal aliens need their ebt cards refilled along with their cell phone bills paid.
It would be refreshing if, in your concern for the plight of the poor and inflation burdened American, you would come here proposing wage increases. Funny how conservatives don’t do that.
This is a good lesson for young people. Do I want to be a miserable, broke, whiny MAGA or do I want to be happy, employed, entertained, etc? MAGAs obviously live in some parallel shit universe.
The article explains the variations and provides examples under both previous presidents. The author noted that the data swings are subject to adjustments on a regularly scheduled rollout. This came on schedule and without being 'caught red-handed,' as if to hide news about jobs because it made Biden's admin look bad.

It was definitely a Lit cry out by someone needing help to have latched onto this and whined that it was a Chicken Little event.

Sudden shift in jobs data shows workers are struggling to survive Biden-Harris inflation​

“The government recently reported that job gains between March 2023 and March 2024 had been overstated by 818,000, a breath-taking “goof” by the official bean counters. All those reports that were cheered by the Biden-Harris administration? They were as phony as a three-dollar bill. “

“Has the Biden-Harris White House been cooking the books, as some have claimed? Maybe, but there is another possible explanation for the significant downward revision in the jobs number — equally unflattering to the administration and its happy-talk about the economy.”

Bullshit numbers are bullshit numbers! Maybe the whistle blowing was a stretch but these stupendous errors could lead someone to believe that another Biden coverup was in the making. When I first saw the revisions I couldn’t believe my eyes. It made made sense to me that a cover up was in the making. I formally apologize for relaying a statement made earlier by an MSM commentator but at the time it made sense. Neil Cavutto corrected the record and I have no reason to doubt his assessment.

“Simply put, many middle-class workers have taken on multiple jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. Those extra shifts are included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics data as multiple jobs; they are, in reality, just overworked Americans trying to navigate the Biden-Harris inflation tsunami.

While it is normal for the BLS to issue modest annual revisions to the monthly jobs figures, this year’s restatement is the largest revision in 15 years, since the time when reporting was being muddled by the turmoil of the Great Recession.

Given the importance that policy-makers attach to the BLS tallies, the revision is quite alarming — and also inexcusable.”
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Sudden shift in jobs data shows workers are struggling to survive Biden-Harris inflation​

“The government recently reported that job gains between March 2023 and March 2024 had been overstated by 818,000, a breath-taking “goof” by the official bean counters. All those reports that were cheered by the Biden-Harris administration? They were as phony as a three-dollar bill.

Has the Biden-Harris White House been cooking the books, as some have claimed? Maybe, but there is another possible explanation for the significant downward revision in the jobs number — equally unflattering to the administration and its happy-talk about the economy.”

Bullshit numbers are bullshit numbers! Maybe the whistle blowing was a stretch but these stupendous errors could lead someone to believe that another Biden coverup was in the making.

“Simply put, many middle-class workers have taken on multiple jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. Those extra shifts are included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics data as multiple jobs; they are, in reality, just overworked Americans trying to navigate the Biden-Harris inflation tsunami.

While it is normal for the BLS to issue modest annual revisions to the monthly jobs figures, this year’s restatement is the largest revision in 15 years, since the time when reporting was being muddled by the turmoil of the Great Recession.

Given the importance that policy-makers attach to the BLS tallies, the revision is quite alarming — and also inexcusable.”

If the previous jobs estimates were faked, why wouldn’t they fake this estimate too?


Conspiracy nuts are pathetic and are incapable of logical reasoning.
If the previous jobs estimates were faked, why wouldn’t they fake this estimate too?


Conspiracy nuts are pathetic and are incapable of logical reasoning.
I never said the previous monthly estimate were fake, they were overestimated however that being said the yearly estimate were so overestimated it certainly looked suspicious especially since Biden was using the numbers to tout his fake employment numbers.

If Trump put those type numbers up you democrats would be screaming from the highest mountain top (ORANGE MAN BAD)