The "Fuck you Covid19" thread

So anyway, I’m pretty fuckin’ pissed off because schools are opening and Ron Deathsentence is pretty much trying to kill people by banning mask mandates in schools. We’ve really come so far to have actual comic book villains for politicians.

That fucker is crazy.
I will wear a mask regardless of what anyone says.

If we weren't so close to retiring in our current jobs, we would have moved north even before all this craziness started. It's crazy here.

I have a vaccinated coworker that tested positive but luckily, both of us tested negative.

Fuck Covid!

Or Fuck! Covid!
So anyway, I’m pretty fuckin’ pissed off because schools are opening and Ron Deathsentence is pretty much trying to kill people by banning mask mandates in schools. We’ve really come so far to have actual comic book villains for politicians.

Ron Deathsentence!! 😂😂
I'm concerned that we may have screwed ourselves in not vaccinating kids before. I mean this is the future population we're talking about.

There's a rise in cases of kids cases especially here. :eek::eek::eek::mad:

They don’t have it approved for them yet. They are doing more tests. I’m thinking Pfizer will lead the way with the kids’ vaccines.

Be safe. Please. You have my number.

Ehhh the FDA is requiring twice as long of an observation period for kids as they did for adults, meaning the vaccine delays will 100% cause spread and hospitalizations and even death. It’s not just kids being sick, which matters (Nevermind long covid), it’s the strain on the workforce - to be clear, MOTHERS - to have TWO FUCKING YEARS without reliable and consistent childcare. This is a massive economic and mental health problem for mothers who have had no help from policy makers. We aren’t paid for every two week school or camp closure because someone tests positive.

And I don’t feel bad for people who CHOOSE not to get vaccinated and get sick. I’m over it. I’m so over the news asking me to feel bad for a father of five who died because he didn’t believe in the vaccine. I just don’t. I feel bad for SO many other people who have no control over their circumstances right now who have to do everything because a group of people won’t do anything.

So…sorry, fuck the FDA for leaving our kids held hostage by the worst people our nation has to offer.

Best to avoid the south completely.

This is a personal ethos anymore. Yet families are going to Disney the week before school starts and I am so furious I can barely handle my anger. That I have to consider keeping my kid home because they can’t fathom a world where they don’t do that for the sake of others.
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So anyway, I’m pretty fuckin’ pissed off because schools are opening and Ron Deathsentence is pretty much trying to kill people by banning mask mandates in schools. We’ve really come so far to have actual comic book villains for politicians.

I am sick and tired of (mostly right wing) politicians who think masks, social distancing hand sanitizer and other "softer" controls are a conspiracy of some sort to...okay I usually stop listening about there so I don't know the purpose of the conspiracy.

Even the extremely conservative Premier of Ontario has (mostly) followed the advise of the medical science community. Sometimes not as fast as he should, sometimes picking the easier option, but with 13million in the province we are at around 200-300 cases a day, and 70+% vaccinated. (And the Blue Jays are playing home games in Toronto in front of 15,000). Still not great, but getting there.

Science is the only thing that will get us out of this. And, you don't have to believe in or "have faith" in science for it to work. You don't have to invoke Darwin or Pasteur or even Neil DeGrasse Tyson. You just have to use it. Science just plods along.

So if the government closes schools a third time, shuts down Home Depot and bans fans at hockey games, I will grumble at the inconvenience and be thankful for the foresight.
It's very odd to be apart of the liberal South and be completely written off. I'm not defending the ignorance and selfishness. I'm currently working insane hours as a result of it but damn....
It's very odd to be apart of the liberal South and be completely written off. I'm not defending the ignorance and selfishness. I'm currently working insane hours as a result of it but damn....

I don’t think anyone logical is writing you off, more that it’s the circumstances around you that make you victims of the prevailing poor attitudes. It sucks for so many people in so many different ways, and I’m sure it’s exacerbated by doing the right thing but still having to work with and around a community that doesn’t care.

That said, MOST of the unvaccinated aren’t motivated by Trump or politics. Many simply can’t take time off work, don’t have transit to and from to get it, or aren’t in stable living situations to be able to get both doses. And of course, the largest amount of unvaccinated are kids. It’s hard for liberals to see a loud and politically powerful group of people claim to support a ‘culture of life’ when kids are filling hospitals. 15% of new covid cases last week were in children.

I’m sorry it’s especially challenging for you right now.
Our city just announced a vaccine mandate. Vaccine proof or masks everywhere indoors.

So thankful.
Just a random complaint because I don't really know how to say what I'm saying...

I've never been a person who dealt with anxiety or depression or panic attacks frequently. Until covid...

I thought my mind understood what anxiety as a diagnosis was but nope! Every day feels like a heart attack, a breakdown in the bathroom, or snapping at someone is in the cards. I feel like I'm in constant sensory overload. And honestly, being on Lit is probably the opposite of helping, but when you need an extreme change of subject, Lit helps. I just wish there was a better word than "overwhelmed". It just doesn't cut it.

I feel like a terrible friend and partner. I have nothing to contribute other than stress and tired and frustrated. I feel like a terrible human because I'm angry and suspicious of all the humans around me.

This sucks. And I just needed to get it out.
Ray of Sunshine?

Trying to find a ray of light in this mess -- it is still to me a tremendous accomplishment, perhaps even a miracle, that successful and effective vaccine(s) were developed in an incredibly short time last year (it was last year wasn't it, time seems to be jumbled up for me on all this). Usually such vaccines take years to become safe and available, so kudos to all those in the scientific community and industry who got that done. I guess I also can thank the relevant political leaders and funding sources who accelerated it (though I am not quite sure who they were or who got in the way). Anyway, just musing about the amazing path from diagnosis to vaccine.

And for those anti-vaxxers: see the attachment....
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Our city just announced a vaccine mandate. Vaccine proof or masks everywhere indoors.

So thankful.

That's amazing.

Our governor just announced statewide mask mandates regardless of vaccination status. I feel a little better about taking my kids out in public when needed. I'm still gonna stay home, though.

I fucking hate this Delta surge 😭😭😭
Just a random complaint because I don't really know how to say what I'm saying...

I've never been a person who dealt with anxiety or depression or panic attacks frequently. Until covid...

I thought my mind understood what anxiety as a diagnosis was but nope! Every day feels like a heart attack, a breakdown in the bathroom, or snapping at someone is in the cards. I feel like I'm in constant sensory overload. And honestly, being on Lit is probably the opposite of helping, but when you need an extreme change of subject, Lit helps. I just wish there was a better word than "overwhelmed". It just doesn't cut it.

I feel like a terrible friend and partner. I have nothing to contribute other than stress and tired and frustrated. I feel like a terrible human because I'm angry and suspicious of all the humans around me.

This sucks. And I just needed to get it out.

If it feels like this is sudden then I urge you to visit your doctor and get some labs done. I have dealt with an anxiety disorder my whole life basically and 2020 got a lot worse for me when it theoretically should have been better (work from home was great for my anxiety). Only things kept getting worse and I was having very physical reactions at times when I normally wouldn’t. Lab work showed my thyroid was going crazy so I was having extreme highs and extreme lows (I seriously thought I might have BPD). I’m not saying the same thing is happening to you, but it’s something to look into, especially if it’s fairly sudden.

I also became fairly paranoid in this time and felt pretty awful about myself as my memory was slipping and I became fearful I was losing my mind. It made me an awful person to be around and caused some other medical emergencies I won’t get into.

If labs are good then it might be time for some mental health intervention. :rose:

the link doesn't work now :eek:

Here you go Anja:



I wonder if this is what Ant-Vaxxers and their ilk mean when they
say "Educate yourself"?
It’s almost as if someone here is absolutely gleeful to see a COVID-19 cleansing.

We know.
Mask mandates for the schools in your districts, peeps?

No, but the Biden administration has stepped in to pay the salaries of school leadership that impose mask mandates as our governor seems to be intentionally promoting the spread of the virus. This is paired with the intention to provide an antibody treatment that is far more expensive than getting vaccinated and masking up. It seems we are only here to make money for our politicians and their friends.

Everyday looks like a normal day.

7 fully vaccinated patients have died of Covid. Over 5,500 students in one district are forced to quarantine. Humans are self-serving assholes and I’ll never believe otherwise.
Keep an eye on Israel and Iceland. Good vaccination rates and leading the world, but, there is an uptick in infections (delta variant), mainly in those under 35 and break through infections in those vaccinated last year. Fortunately, the latter symptoms are minimised.

However, now, on minimal stats, booster shots are seen as being effective for previously vaccinated individuals against a break through infection.

The outbreak in NSW, Australia, with numbers climbing, now is in the under unvaccinated 35's and unvaccinated frontline workers. That is a stat from the Secretary for Health NSW. It is starting to generate momentum for vaccination, as now the risk is better understood by some sections of the population.

Ultimately, there are those that will never get vaccinated, that is their choice.
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It was the “eat my shorts” that tipped the scales. That’s the square I’m taking in the lit pool of whom peeks at newly ignored and not ignoring .

Dreamliner has a shit ton of Litman that enjoy the fuck outta his pictures posting niche.

You sorority sisters and coven witches have a spell power over said Litman

It’s a big money pool in lurkerville ….just saying
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Got the message today mandatory vax for my workplace.

One guy walked out, no notice, no comment. Just left. We didn't even realize it at first. We wear a uniform -- we figured it out the guy walked out when someone from another department brought us part of the guy's uniform, found in the garbage.