The Halloween 2024 Official Contest Support Thread!

I'd say bluetooth is the answer, but that depends on your car's infotainment system. Possibly just find a way to make your phone, tablet or laptop handsfree. However, I wouldn't recommend it as a retired Highway Safety Educator/Engineer/and other related roles, you don't need distractions from driving and more importantly, how would you note where you heard "he took her beasts in his hangs"?
Clearly, you would make sure that you have a project client in the car with you to helpfully take those important notes for you, and to hear from you about the finer points of Lit authorship.
I know I keep saying this, but if you have some facility (Word>Review>Read aloud) it's well worth it as it helps find things like travels, when you meant traveled, of errors like 'he sucked her beasts' not 'breasts' (I typed of not or and reading to yourself might miss that - I do!) It was confirmed that professional editors use them all the time. YMMV - just saying
Your editing advice is quite practical and well taken, at least by me.
However, in the case in point of your typographical letter omission, beasts and breasts are not mutually exclusive.
I’m a fan of the motorboat regatta.
Please define YMMV for me if you would.

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Well my story posted this morning, phew...
I think my first time in Erotic Horror, but an absolute hoot to write...
Time for a rest and read some very enjoyable Halloween offerings.
Lots to choose from...
Enjoying it so far...
Good Luck to everyone...
Your milage may vary. In other words, you may have different results than someone else.
Thanks for that Freya 👩‍🦰.
It comes from my early internet days of news groups. (many to prevent flame wars - ie heated arguments)
AFAIK / AFAIR / AFAICR As far as I know/recall/can remember
IIRC If I recall correctly
ISTM It seems to me
SWMBO She who must be obeyed. alsi HID Her indoors (before PC days and when it was mostly men on line)
Lots more of which I think the only real surviour is TLA, the obvious meaning!