The International Inivitational Slang Challenge

Don't forget the good old 'one eyed trouser snake' from down under Australia, it's deadly dangerous. :) Songs have been written about that one you know?

Oh and the pumpkin (vagina), and pumpkin eaters.

Svenskaflicka, I hope your chooks turn into emus and they peck your dunny down.

Mathgirl, you just keep postin' darlin'.

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Here's a partial list from the hood:

Poo Nanny
Yak Butter

T&A: Product
it's related but not exactly the direct material.
howya goin, sport?

the_bragis said:
Don't forget the good old 'one eyed trouser snake' from down under Australia, it's deadly dangerous. :) Songs have been written about that one you know?

Yeah, wasn't that Men at Work?
I cum from the land down under, where woman choke on one eyed trouser snakes and men thunder...

Or Rolf:
Tie me one eyed trouser snake down, sport
Tie me trouser snake down...

Or Midnight Oil:
How do we sleep while our one eyed trouser snakes are burning...

Waltzing my trouser snake, Waltzing my trouser snake, who'll come a waltzing my one eyed trouser snake with me?...

Better than a slap in the belly with a wet fish, I reckon, mate.
the_bragis said:
Svenskaflicka, I hope your chooks turn into emus and they peck your dunny down.

Mathgirl, you just keep postin' darlin'.


Atleast in my country, we're taught to speak proper English... :rolleyes:

I think my Sunday school teacher told us that fish got their odor because Eve bathed in a stream flowing through the Garden of Eden.

Maybe I had better reread Genesis.

So what if you have more posts? Dont let it go to your head. Are you such a fucking egomaniac that you will still have a go at her after she has appologised, and do it in a language she obviously does not understand. That is just plain cowardly.You go Mathgirl, I dont think you meant any offence and still appologised. I dont care whose thread it is, you did not deserve that.


So what if you have more posts? Dont let it go to your head. Are you such a fucking egomaniac that you will still have a go at her after she has appologised, and do it in a language she obviously does not understand. That is just plain cowardly.You go Mathgirl, I dont think you meant any offence and still appologised. I dont care whose thread it is, you did not deserve that.


Ps. They may teach you English but no MANNERS!

Menstruating Vagina = Open Axe wound

Vagina = Fuzz Flap

Intercourse in AU = Rooting

From "A Clockwork Orange"

Intercourse = "in out in out"


Man, this is tough at this stage....
William7: Is it considered good manners in your country to meddle in things that aren't your buisness? I think MG is a big girl, and she can defend herself. How about you go play action hero somewhere else, buddy?

As for me speaking Swedish, that was directed at Coolville, not MathGirl - if you had read this thread from the beginning, you would have noticed that him and me are both Scandinavians, and can understand eachother's languages. SInce you're so curious, I'll translate it for you:

Hördu, broder, nu börjar jänkarna att ta sig ton lite väl mycket här! Ska vi bilda ett litet miniatyr-EU och lägga straffskatt på dem?

= Say, brother, these yankees are putting on a lofty air here! How about we make our own little miniature European Union and raise their taxes?

Poor MathGirl, what a horrible attack on her...:(
It's a good thing she has you to defend her!

You defend her right to say whatever she wants ont his thread, but you deny me the right to say MY piece when I think this thread should be about what Coolville originally intended it for! Talk about double standards... :rolleyes:
:) G'day maties...


At least in my country, we're taught to speak proper English... you would have noticed that him and me are both...

I think it should be 'he and I', not 'him and me'. I am sure if I am incorrect, someone here will let me know. And the slang was just that, a silly little Australian expression. :) We have lots of them down here, they all sound funny, even to an Aussie.

As for me speaking Swedish, that was directed at Coolville..

I have no problem with that, however, since none of the rest of us speak Swedish, perhaps you should have directed those posts privately to Coolville? Since they were somethings you did not wish to share.

Poor MathGirl, what a horrible attack on her...

No, it wasn't a horrible attack, but it was silly wasn't it? The fact the mathgirl has less time to sit in front of her computer posting Literotic doesn't make her less import to this forum. Gravel compared to a mountain I believe? I don't think so.

It's a good thing she has you to defend her!

It's sad that she had you to attack her. Give her a chance. Mm... give me a chance, I haven't got many postings either. :)

Lots of posts here go in different directions to what they were originally intended, but is that so bad really? It's often very interesting to diversify. Don't you think so?

Ok. Friends? I hope so.

Have a great day,
Alex (fem)
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What, did everybody get up on the wrong side of cyberspace today?

relax, people!

and if someone posts in other languages, who cares? why should they go elsewhere? language is communication and people communicating is... uh... a good thing, isn't it? and whether you speak 1 or 6 of them, use 'em!

so knock off the nasty business and the language Netperialsim and get talkin' straight.

the whole dialogue which william7 took issue with had an undertone of irony and jest. or am I the only one with a sense of humour? (apparently not, if you read the jokes I posted on dirty jokes... wink)

karma, groovy people of the author's hangout. Karma.
Re: :) G'day maties...

the_bragis said:
It's a good thing she has you to defend her!

It's sad that she had you to attack her. Give her a chance. Mm... give me a chance, I haven't got many postings either. :)

My original so called attack was a message - not directed to only her - that I thought that since we started talking about slang for sex words, and I thought slang words for puking was off that topic, that we should stick to the original, more funny stuff. If anyone took that remark as an attack , then you're very, very touchy!
Meanwhile, back at the thread subject...

A collection of British slang.

AEROPLANE BLONDE - one who has bleached/dyed her hair but still has a 'black box'.

BADLY PACKED KEBAB - a vulgar (but still excellent) term for the female genitalia.

MUMBLER - an attractive girl in tight shorts or jeans, etc. can see the lips moving but can't quite make out what they're saying.

BEER SCOOTER - the ability to get home after a night out on the booze and not remember it. i.e. "I don't even remember getting home last night, I must have caught the beer scooter"

BUNNY-BOILER - an unhinged and overly possessive woman. From the rabbit boiling scene in the film "Fatal Attraction". e.g. "I don't like the look of that aeroplane blonde - could be a bunny boiler".

DRINK-LINK - a modern term for a cashpoint machine (ATM). Named so because it is common to visit one before going out on the booze.

JOHNNY-NO-STARS - a young man of substandard intelligence, the typical adolescent who works in a burger restaurant. The 'no-stars' comes from the badges displaying stars that staff at fast-food restaurants often wear to show their level of training.

ONE IN THE DEPARTURE LOUNGE - the need to defecate imminently.

PEARL HARBOUR - cold (weather). An example of it would be - "It's a bit Pearl Harbour out there!" Meaning - there's a nasty 'nip' in the air.

RAGMAN'S COAT - untidy and unkempt pubic hair. e.g. "That mumbler looks quite fit but I bet she's got a kebab like a ragmans coat !"

RELEASE A CHOCOLATE HOSTAGE - to defecate. e.g. " I've got one in the departure lounge, so I'm just nipping out to release a chocolate hostage".

SALAD DODGER - an excellent phrase for an overweight person.

NELSON MANDELA - Rhyming Slang for 'Stella Artois' (the beer).


SWAMP-DONKEY - a deeply unattractive woman.

TART FUEL or BITCH PISS - bottled Alcopops, e.g. Hooch, regularly
consumed by young women.

UP ON BLOCKS - menstruating. i.e. Out of action, a bit like a car in a garage. e.g. "I don't think I'll be in luck tonight lads, the missus is up on blocks".

WALLACE AND GROMIT - Rhyming Slang for 'vomit'.

WYNONA RYDER - Rhyming Slang for 'cider'. e.g. "Pint of Wynona, half a Nelson and a bottle of tart fuel please Doreen".
Buenos dias

Here I am, fangs retracted and hackles down. Consider me on my back with all four paws in the air, hoping to have my tummy rubbed.

As Ingemar Johanssen, the great Swedish heavyweight champion once said, 'Yumpin Yimminy, anybody get the license number of dat truck?'


I think I have some that may or may not have been on here. I lose track sometimes!
love stick
love handle
joy stick
howdy hoo
love needle
meat monster
fuck stick
fuck monster
Tire gauge
blow hose
man steak
giant nipple
mini me ( made popular very recently)
snake (and variations thereof)
garden weasel
hound dog
hot dog
love pill
Roger Ramjet That one I haven't figured out
woo woo
wee wee
snausage (which I think is a little gross. Those are dog treats in US)
Skin boat
Those are the one off the top of my head

glory hole
honey hole
love tunnel
love tube
baby toaster
man's ruin (my personal favorite)
sloppy slave
holy boat
heaven's gate
There are more, but I can't think of them all!

chocolate starfish
Hershey highway
dirt road
brown eye
Highway to Hell ( I guess that is for the loose ones)
Mighty Tighty (another favorite)
I thought about 2 similar slang words, don't know if they are good or not ...

for Penis: Jackhammer ...

and for pussy "Stairway to Heaven" o.k. the stairway part doesn't really fit ...but besides that

Well done! I think you said it all. How is anyone going to top that?

Gentlemen, I think we have our official site lexicographer.
Coolville said:
MUMBLER - an attractive girl in tight shorts or jeans, etc. can see the lips moving but can't quite make out what they're saying.
Where I live, we would call that a camel toe, but that is much, much funnier. I think that particular slang will be joining the Southern vocabulary very soon.

If I had had more time, the list would have been just a bit longer, but I think we all got the point.
Let's hear it for being a tomboy!
and now for something completely different...

Names for those irritating bits of poop that grab onto the hairs around your bumhole...


Don't ask....