The Lit Poets' Holiday Limerick Wish Thread

Re: Wicked Eve

thunderf64 said:
Old habits I am trying to break
When Eve's wicked Habit I take
And addicted am I
I say with a sigh
And my other poorhabits forake
I'm certainly not a nun
My habit's just for fun
Nothing to break
Let's not forsake
With wickedness, you can never be done
Angeline said:
Holy shit! What's goin on here?
Everyone off my hair, neck, and ear!'
I'm a kind simple lass
and I ain't Donner Pass
how will I splain this to Eagleyez?

oh dear.

Donner Pass? Is that one of Santa's reindeer?
And thanks for the help my dear *cat*
you've always been a friend and that's that
but although you're adored
could you um keep Spike away from my keyboard?
and ix-nay on the giraffe, mon compat... :kiss: :rose:
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Icingsugar said:
Woy yo after? 'Chaste'? I say... ahem.

Chaste, you say? How about................

Ange you are without a doubt the best,
Your gifts and giving pass every test,
but I can't stop the tales,
of giraffes and whales.
Although, I will rid you of your keyboard pest.

:rose: :kiss:

(edited to add: OMG I have a poem with eight votes!! How cool is that?):D
Ok now you've gone too far *cat*
you've let the giraffe out of the hat,
and told more of the tale--
are you sure there was a whale?
(There must be a Harpoon joke in that!) :p
Angeline said:
I must write of my darling Lauren
as much as we chat it's not borin
I look out for her see,
cause Kate said promise me
but it's mostly me Lauren's restorin :D :kiss: :heart:

Happiest holiday wishes and New Year kisses to the poet laureate of Porto.

If I could rhyme to save my life, I'd write you a limerick. You rawk. (jazz, whatever) :kiss:

Merry Christmas!
Ange you doth protest too much
Your secrets you hold tight in your clutch
I would never betray
your tales on any day
Careful of harpoon or your keyboard will be out of touch.:p
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That icingsugar sure is sweet
and without Lin he just ain't complete
for them both all good wishes
miracles, loaves, and fishes
and the patter of (omg) four happy feet :rose: :kiss:
Lauren Hynde said:
The boob doesn't need lists. The boob knows who has been nice and who has been naughty. :devil:
Judo says I have a boob fetish. So how come I don't know about this... um... Santa Boob?
Lauren Hynde said:
The boob doesn't need lists. The boob knows who has been nice and who has been naughty. :devil:
And the boob knows what you want. Even better than you do.

All hail the boob.
Angeline said:
That icingsugar sure is sweet
and without Lin he just ain't complete
for them both all good wishes
miracles, loaves, and fishes
and the patter of (omg) four happy feet :rose: :kiss:
That's just so schweet I don't even have a reply. :rose:
All this boobage is making me feel inadequate.

Think Santa might oblige? A nice wrack over night would be luverly.
The Boob is an all knowing sort
She is fun little thing with whom to cavort
Beware of her list
If your lucky you will get kissed
Although look out for Katers and be ready to abort.
All this boobage is making me feel inadequate.

Think Santa might oblige? A nice wrack over night would be luverly.

Here. Tosses you a cup size.
Is Lauren's titty a Claus?
This does give me pause
I can't sit on its knee
Or leave it cookies under the tree
Still, I'll ask it to bring me big-breasted barbie dolls
And while we're having fun and ados
poor ol darkmaas is writing the reviews
he's such a sweet guy
and he really does try
so post the next challenge on a Tues!