The Lit Poets' Holiday Limerick Wish Thread

It's frickin holly, you schmucks
I know the editing sucks
the point is, I'm naughty
without being gaudy
especially when it comes to the fucks

to my dear eumenides
do you know how fucking hard it is to rhyme with your name?


Merry Christmas Pants
I loves the way you slants
around your curves
and all your swerves
and the parts you cover with plants

that might have been a little forced at the end:D
Sugahduck you've been remiss
in posting of your bliss
in poetry form
which is your norm
but then, you've missed my kiss.

perks said:
It's frickin holly, you schmucks
I know the editing sucks
the point is, I'm naughty
without being gaudy
especially when it comes to the fucks


OH My a sprig of freash Holly
Removing it must make her jolly
...Make sme wonder
...How it got under
And stuck up there, golly!
Christmas and champagne
not that I have to explain
is quite delish
and what I wish
but not the next day's pain.

champagne^^^ that was for you.:eek:
Lauren Hynde said:
Hey, whatever rocks your boat. :D

Christmassy lauren hynde
I hope that rhymes with find
her av is pretty
though, not flashing titty
or a fat behind.

Lauren Hynde said:
Hey, whatever rocks your boat. :D

Lauren belives limericks rank
Right up with sleeping in the drunk tank
...Poets of her skill
...Limericks make ill
And to this level she not sank....
perks said:
It's frickin holly, you schmucks
I know the editing sucks
the point is, I'm naughty
without being gaudy
especially when it comes to the fucks

I know at botany I suck,
And really I don't give a f*@k,
But Perks why is there nary,
A bright, ruby-red berry,
On that sprig that seems to be stuck?

perks said:
Christmas and champagne
not that I have to explain
is quite delish
and what I wish
but not the next day's pain.

champagne^^^ that was for you.:eek:
There's a brilliant poet I know,
Can't tell the diff twixt holly and mistletoe,
White berries are on that sprig Perks,
But for you, if calling it holly works,
Perhaps we should call in a pro?

(that one sucked :p)
perks said:
It's frickin holly, you schmucks
I know the editing sucks
the point is, I'm naughty
without being gaudy
especially when it comes to the fucks


laughs like a beeyatch

I'm blind as a bat it's true
and have so much to do
but I asked the drake
what was at stake
and he said, it's frickin mistletoe, boo.


I'm a dork,
if it's mistletoe then fine
but here's the bottom line
where it's at
is mighty phat
so get to kissin my behind

i don't give a darn what it is
but certainly festive, 'tis
but my poem for you was good
a rewrite of knock on wood
so for dr4ke's sake pretend it's les miz
There once was a prickly assed poet
Who said. "You really should know it -
that sprig is just holly
I was trying to be jolly
may be I should pin it to my tit.
Angeline said:
i don't give a darn what it is
but certainly festive, 'tis
but my poem for you was good
a rewrite of knock on wood
so for dr4ke's sake pretend it's les miz

tis true you're a poet
and don't we know it
as for playing with wood
I'm sure you're good
or else we'd read poems about it

tis true you're a poet
and don't we know it
as for playing with wood
I'm sure you're good
or else we'd read poems about it


um just don't ask eagleyez
or this board is in for a surprise
i blush to report he says--
"Sweet demure Angeline? Snort!"
but ix-nay on what that implies.

brandy and nog

Merry Christmas

Children are nestled, rooted deep in beds
With stories of grinches deep in their heads
As I, down below read each little post
How Christmas is coming, with brandy to toast.

I see how “Wicked Eve” gets “Carried” away
from poet angels, “Angeline” and “Champagne”.
Someone loves to wiggle her cute “perky” ass
while “Mr Hale” goggles and quacks

“Lin” doesn’t stop?
And “Fish” is on top?
“OT” hangs around?
Language so profound…

Heads all a muddle
Legs in a puddle,
Need another drink

Now remember this was all said in kind jest
As I look and wink saucily at “Tristesse”.
I can hear her now, “who the hell is she?”
“Somme” I have never heard, so like you, I am me.

Will I be banned? I pray not in the morn
It is Christmas, here is to “Lauren”
“Maria” forgive me, “Darkmaas”, was his pie
Of nog and brandy, merry Christmas to “Eagleyez”

“Perks” tempting “Sugar” to drown undertow
“Judos” cross about boobies and bows?
No that was “Thunder” or “Wicked Eve?”
God my head is more than a sieve

“Tristesse” parlais de francais'd
but “Catbabe” didn’t ok
Mr Spock’s fetish of boobies and whales
But she promised not to betray

Lord will this story never end?!
"Cordelias" so silent I feel to defend
Oh no, "somme" ones wished more nog, be right back
So much wrapping before I drop in the sack!

Mr "Neonurotic" who is claimed quite exotic
"Boo" merry Christmas also to you
"Jim"…I most certainly can’t forget about you
Merry Christmas to all as I raise my glass
A gentle kiss on each hollied eye lash

Gotcha :p
Merry Christmas everyone, please laugh.
:p :heart: :rose:
Angeline said:
um just don't ask eagleyez
or this board is in for a surprise
i blush to report he says--
"Sweet demure Angeline? Snort!"
but ix-nay on what that implies.


ix-nay indeed


happy holidays all
showing wicked side

should have said how "wicked eve" got "carried" away ***with*** poet angels "angeline" and "champangne" ;)

foursome more!

Hugs :kiss: :heart:

dashes back to wrapping :p
And as for you, sweet eagleyez
meeting you is like winning first prize
you stumbled onto this board
i read your poem and was floored
and next year, my dear--time flies...

:kiss: :heart: :rose:
Re: brandy and nog

echoes_s said:
Merry Christmas

Children are nestled, rooted deep in beds
With stories of grinches deep in their heads
As I, down below read each little post
How Christmas is coming, with brandy to toast.

I see how “Wicked Eve” gets “Carried” away

...and so on...
:) Wow...
And a merry merry merry Christmas to you too!

Angeline said:
oooh--rushes in and kisses mama Linbido! Merry Christmas sweet one! :kiss: :heart:
The same back atcha! :heart:

I'm a little dizzy, I have been up all night. Had an inspiration frenzy, and finished my first Lit story. And now it's 6 in the morning, and I'm off for traditional christmas morn sermon at 7. I just might fall asleep in church and cause embarrasment. ;)