The lowest of the low

RhymeFairy said:
Hi ya fellow poets.

I had to throw my two cents in here also.
I am glad to get any comments.
Good and yes, even bad.
Likewise I think we all learn from it.
It does give us backbone and a lil more spirit.
I am glad to be here online with all of you reading, and learning. That is one of my purposes for being here.
The other you ask? Just good ole down home fun. Ya'll are a ripp roarin rowdy bunch. So much fun to talk to and interact with. I have met a lot of friends here. Thats just it. If you can not be honest about this here then what the heck are ya doin here?
Good or bad we all learn and grow.

imho...(said with tounge in cheek~laughin*)

*Smiles* at ya
Lookin forward to *readin ya* ~ *winks*


I like you.

just sayin.

Angeline said:
I like you.

just sayin.


Aww Thanks!!

I appreciate that.
Have been offline for a while.
Try'in to get *my footing* back so to speak.
I love your writing,
and am an avid follower of you on the threads.
You're a hoot and very inspirational.
Thanks Again Angeline.... :rose:

RhymeFairy~ :)
Not that it bothers me if someone gives me a low score but I would appreciate the person who always gives me a low score and who has managed to give me a low score today, even before today's poems have been posted, to let me know what s/he has against my work or is it me? My guess is the said person is just jealous because they have no talent and hate the idea someone else might have a little talent.

If you have the guts to name yourself and tell me why you find my work so bad, I'd very much appreciate it. Though my guess is that you will prefer to remain a jerk all your life.
bogusbrig said:
Not that it bothers me if someone gives me a low score but I would appreciate the person who always gives me a low score and who has managed to give me a low score today, even before today's poems have been posted, to let me know what s/he has against my work or is it me? My guess is the said person is just jealous because they have no talent and hate the idea someone else might have a little talent.

If you have the guts to name yourself and tell me why you find my work so bad, I'd very much appreciate it. Though my guess is that you will prefer to remain a jerk all your life.
It sounds like someone is checking your member's page for new poems and voting even before the poem hits the new poems list. That person definitely has a problem not only with you, but just a problem. :rolleyes: Honestly, there are some major pros and cons to literotica. Sure you can reach a huge audience, but the bigger the audience, the more likely you're going to encounter idiots. Lit really isn't a serious place for poetry. It's an adult story site. I think many of post/submit here because of all the freedom we have, and with freedom comes... dumb asses. lol
WickedEve said:
It sounds like someone is checking your member's page for new poems and voting even before the poem hits the new poems list. That person definitely has a problem not only with you, but just a problem. :rolleyes:

Thanks WickedEve. I shouldn't have let the jerk irritate me and just ignore him/her. I'm just giving the idiot oxygen.

The poem might deserve the meagre score,its just the obvioius pettiness. I should have just laughed at it but I'm not an early morning person. :rolleyes:
I'm bumping this thread coz there has been alot of troll voting going on lately, especailly in the top lists! It sucks! So to all you trolls out there



Just had to get that off my chest!
Jennifer C said:
I'm bumping this thread coz there has been alot of troll voting going on lately, especailly in the top lists! It sucks! So to all you trolls out there



Just had to get that off my chest!
Sorry to tell you this, but this post will do no good, except maybe make you feel better. Trolls and one bombers are part of the literotica world. That will never change. So, remember to value feedback highly. It's worth far more than votes. :)
WickedEve said:
Sorry to tell you this, but this post will do no good, except maybe make you feel better. Trolls and one bombers are part of the literotica world. That will never change. So, remember to value feedback highly. It's worth far more than votes. :)

Yeah, thanks eve, I know that! Just had to get it off my chest, as I said :)
Jennifer C said:
Yeah, thanks eve, I know that! Just had to get it off my chest, as I said :)


If you are on top, in the middle or last...trolls show no mercy :rose:
Honey123 said:

If you are on top, in the middle or last...trolls show no mercy :rose:

I know, it's just such a shame some wonderful poems by some wonderful poets have
vanished! I know there's nothing I can do to stop it, it just annoys me is all :)
If I remember correctly, My Erotic Tail did start a thread where you could post your poems that sat on the shelf and collected dust. It gave everyone a great opportunity to read poems that seemed to have "disappeared" ~ I must look for the thread and put a link in here for you...

EDITED: Dusty Poems

This is the thread.... :kiss:
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Honey123 said:
If I remember correctly, My Erotic Tail did start a thread where you could post your poems that sat on the shelf and collected dust. It gave everyone a great opportunity to read poems that seemed to have "disappeared" ~ I must look for the thread and put a link in here for you...

EDITED: Dusty Poems

This is the thread.... :kiss:

Cheers Honey :rose:
This is not a gripe, I'm just highly amused. How come the eleventh vote on a poem is always a one or a two?

Is there really someone out there with such a sad life that they trawl through all the poems and every new H they see they vote a one. And when it's not a one but a two, do they feel a little self conscious or god forbid, have a pang of conscience?

If it is you and you want someone to talk to, I'm willing to sacrifice a little time to help you build up your self esteem. Honest! :rose: :) :rolleyes:
bogusbrig said:
This is not a gripe, I'm just highly amused. How come the eleventh vote on a poem is always a one or a two?

Is there really someone out there with such a sad life that they trawl through all the poems and every new H they see they vote a one. And when it's not a one but a two, do they feel a little self conscious or god forbid, have a pang of conscience?

If it is you and you want someone to talk to, I'm willing to sacrifice a little time to help you build up your self esteem. Honest! :rose: :) :rolleyes:
I don't know if there's a creature going through the list looking for Hs. I think most of them have a poem, or a friend with a poem, and they want it moved up the top list. So, when a poem with 10 votes hits the list, it gets voted down to make room for those poems by poets who are doing a pee pee dance to get to the top. And 9 times out of 10, it's a crap poet with some piece of shit and about 50 lit friends who praise him/her no matter what they write!
I know this because I have been here too long! :D
WickedEve said:
I don't know if there's a creature going through the list looking for Hs. I think most of them have a poem, or a friend with a poem, and they want it moved up the top list. So, when a poem with 10 votes hits the list, it gets voted down to make room for those poems by poets who are doing a pee pee dance to get to the top. And 9 times out of 10, it's a crap poet with some piece of shit and about 50 lit friends who praise him/her no matter what they write!
I know this because I have been here too long! :D

And you have about 50 lit friends? ;)
WickedEve said:
I don't know if there's a creature going through the list looking for Hs. I think most of them have a poem, or a friend with a poem, and they want it moved up the top list. So, when a poem with 10 votes hits the list, it gets voted down to make room for those poems by poets who are doing a pee pee dance to get to the top. And 9 times out of 10, it's a crap poet with some piece of shit and about 50 lit friends who praise him/her no matter what they write!
I know this because I have been here too long! :D
And it's really annoying when this happens! Mutt has been talking about posting without the voting option, just cuz it is SO wretched to have a perfect 10 and then get bombed with a 1!!!
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Miss Oatlash said:
And it's really annoying when this happens! Mutt has been talking about posting without the voting option, just cuz it is SO wretched to have 10 10's and then get bombed with a 1!!!
I think most of us realize that the "1" is meaningless and really has nothing to with the quality of the poem. The only thing I don't like is that it can take away an H which may give you a better shot of getting read once your poem has moved off the new list. I know when I'm looking for stories, I'll click on an H one first.
WickedEve said:
I think most of us realize that the "1" is meaningless and really has nothing to with the quality of the poem. The only thing I don't like is that it can take away an H which may give you a better shot of getting read once your poem has moved off the new list. I know when I'm looking for stories, I'll click on an H one first.

I almost hate to say this. I do not want to seem as I am harping. I agree with ya Eve. It has happened to me just this week. I had 6 H's now ... none.

I too look for the H when I am reading another's work. Then I move on to the title's. Whatever catches my eye. I have found so many good poets here. So many good works.

Another Thank You, to all who post and write. Seems silly maybe. Just had to say it. Lit. has opened my eyes to a whole new world. A world I have grown to love. Friends too, whom I have grown to love ...
Cutesy I know, just sayin' *grins*

I'm still in the dark about all this but lately I've taken to visiting "the most popular" site and noticed how my stuff will float to the top then disappear completely. Is that what you're all talking about?
Tristesse said:
I'm still in the dark about all this but lately I've taken to visiting "the most popular" site and noticed how my stuff will float to the top then disappear completely. Is that what you're all talking about?

I do not think I have been here long enough to feel adequately able to answer that. What I know is ...
I had an annoy mouse bomb one of my poems. Then he proceeded to go back to my poems I had posted weeks earlier and bomb alllll of them.
Now almost every time I post a new poem, and it gets and he sees it. I get nasty comments, next thing I know that poem goes from 4.8 rating down to like 3.2 ... just weird.
That is my experience as of late. I did have 6 poems with H's ... Now I have no H's at all. I have no clue how all that works. Just know that It was there one morn and that afternoon, gone ... Just did not seem right. I do not care so much really. Just could not figure out how it happened so fast, all of them Poofff gone, lol ... A lil funny and weird.

RhymeFairy said:
I do not think I have been here long enough to feel adequately able to answer that. What I know is ...
I had an annoy mouse bomb one of my poems. Then he proceeded to go back to my poems I had posted weeks earlier and bomb alllll of them.
Now almost every time I post a new poem, and it gets and he sees it. I get nasty comments, next thing I know that poem goes from 4.8 rating down to like 3.2 ... just weird.
That is my experience as of late. I did have 6 poems with H's ... Now I have no H's at all. I have no clue how all that works. Just know that It was there one morn and that afternoon, gone ... Just did not seem right. I do not care so much really. Just could not figure out how it happened so fast, all of them Poofff gone, lol ... A lil funny and weird.


Thanks RF - are you looking at your Submissions page to see those figures? I saw one or two of those nasty anon comments. It's a shame but who ever it is must be a sad case.

BTW you're on a roll these days. :)
Tristesse said:
Thanks RF - are you looking at your Submissions page to see those figures? I saw one or two of those nasty anon comments. It's a shame but who ever it is must be a sad case.

BTW you're on a roll these days. :)

Yes, it was my submissions page. :)
I really don't care. Just a lil weirded out, lol :eek:

Ya think I am on a roll? Wow Thank YOU~!!!! :D
I just submitted 2 more, lol.

I had just had surg.
A lotta time on my hands these last few weeks.
Very exciting. Now back at work.
Still excited. Who could ask for more ...
Thanks again Tristesse ... I appreciate it. :)
I saw the same thing with several of my poems. Anything with a score over 4.8 was voted a 1 and dropped down to the mid 4's. While that isn't really such a big deal, it's still a royal pain in the ass for someone to be doing that.

I'd vote for an IP check on the voter and a lil ol' banning...

If they can track votes and get rid of hokey ones, that should be doable.

(By the way, I haven't been a round because I got a job writing... proposals instead of poetry, and it's sucking up huge amounts of time. I'm happy though cause I got my first invoice to them paid yesterday! Can I count those on my writing credits? ;) )
Glad to know I'm not the only one this is happening to. I think being in the top list for any amount of time makes you the automatic target of drive-by trollings.

When it comes to poetry, I seem to have a permanent pet troll stalking me. They never leave feedback either, which bites. If you want to troll me, at least have the decency to leave a "You suck!" pc or something to entertain me. :rolleyes:
I realize that I am not a poet, but some of my poems have done well with readers

Although recently my poems have been hit, I don't think I am being trolled. I just think that there are poets out there that may read my writings and just vote accordingly. Which is ok with me. I do feel that if those poets read my work and don't like it and don't want to PC, then I would appreciate a PM to let me know what I am doing wrong and what I can do to correct it. In the Dusty Poems thread, Champagne did that for me. In that thread she explained to me what I was doing wrong. It helps.