The Most Corrupt, Political Activist Supreme Court in American History

Yup, I just did a search and posted my real name and address in three separate threads before getting banned more times in 1 day than BB ever has.

Meanwhile, back in the real world I'm sure someone here still has that info and can pass it on to the whiny bitch so she can make a thread with it.
I would LOVE that! Anyone who has that information, feel free to PM me. I've never even been banned once. Sounds like fun!
To be honest, I'm not 100% sure of the back story of who posted what about it, and I would hope it was deleted.

But you post as if the truth is that I did it to myself.

What a fucking limp dicked lying asshole you are.
I would LOVE that! Anyone who has that information, feel free to PM me. I've never even been banned once. Sounds like fun!

Don't forget to post the PM so everyone can see who is as brave as you are.
Yup, I just did a search and posted my real name and address in three separate threads before getting banned more times in 1 day than BB ever has.

Meanwhile, back in the real world I'm sure someone here still has that info and can pass it on to the whiny bitch so she can make a thread with it.
awww just when you were doing so great with your anger management....well don't let this be a major setback....

To be honest, I'm not 100% sure of the back story of who posted what about it, and I would hope it was deleted.
I obviously don't have your personal information. Wanna PM me with it?

You know, it's a shame your mother's attempt to abort you failed. She should have gone to a clinic instead of thinking some 12" black cock was going to stir you out of her whore cunt.
I obviously don't have your personal information. Wanna PM me with it?

You know, it's a shame your mother's attempt to abort you failed. She should have gone to a clinic instead of thinking some 12" black cock was going to stir you out of her whore cunt.

So basically you admit you're impotent and not the tough guy you want everyone to think you are.

Whiny bitch suits you.
Ugh. I need a break. Kicking Hairpie's ass is tiring work. Maybe RightGay will come back to protect you once he's done milking the bull with his throat.
Ugh. I need a break. Kicking Hairpie's ass is tiring work. Maybe RightGay will come back to protect you once he's done milking the bull with his throat.

Poor little whiny bitch crying for a break. Wassamadda, nobody come to your rescue like you thought they would and you're left standing alone on the street corner with a kick me sign again?

Poor little whiiny bitch.
It beats fuzzy1975 every day all day and three times on Sundays.
*sigh*...ok here's some help for you, so you don't sound like a worn out record...

bad-tempered,captious, caviling,complaining, cross, crybaby, displeased, fault-finding, fretful, grouchy, grumbling, huffy, ill-humored, mean, peevish, pouting. querulous, snappish, sour, sulky, touchy, ungracious, uptight, waspish, cranky, fractious, impatient, irritable, perverse, sullen, or just plain testy

*sigh*...ok here's some help for you, so you don't sound like a worn out record...

bad-tempered,captious, caviling,complaining, cross, crybaby, displeased, fault-finding, fretful, grouchy, grumbling, huffy, ill-humored, mean, peevish, pouting. querulous, snappish, sour, sulky, touchy, ungracious, uptight, waspish, cranky, fractious, impatient, irritable, perverse, sullen, or just plain testy


Jeebus fucking christ on toast, it took you THAT LONG to do a simple search for synonyms?

My god son, you're really dense.
Well, at least I looked, you've used whiny all day long....*chuckles*

The whiny bitch isn't in the chat anymore so if you want to talk to it, you'll have to use PMs. Put my real name/address in the header and I'm sure it'll stop ignoring your pathetic ass and pick up this time.
Whiny bitch has left the chat.
Sorry. I started a drinking game where I take a shot every time Hairpie says the word "whiny". I'm pretty hammered now. Hairpie's mom is starting to actually look decent, if she'd just take that BBC out of her mouth.
Sorry. I started a drinking game where I take a shot every time Hairpie says the word "whiny". I'm pretty hammered now. Hairpie's mom is starting to actually look decent, if she'd just take that BBC out of her mouth.

If that's the best you've got you need to take classes at Keith D's school of vile insults. You'll still suck at them but at least you'll have a certificate of achievement.

Such as it is.

BTW, are you getting OT for staying after your shift at the troll farm?