The Nerd Herd!

*peers into this thread, settles down*

A nerdy home for me. Lovely.

So, Doctor Who trailer?

*reads cracked article on zombies*
Due to the fact that this thread is just so full of awesome, I feel as if I will need to frequent it. :)
Now this looks like just the kind of place where I could get comfortable. Hopefully the regulars are friendly, but I'll still my blue power ring close by. That way, all will be well.
Now this looks like just the kind of place where I could get comfortable. Hopefully the regulars are friendly, but I'll still my blue power ring close by. That way, all will be well.

Don't you worry hon, we're all mad here. :D
Apparently Asylum of the Daleks can kill a thread so I restart it with,

Ryan Reynolds is Blade Trinity as Hannibal King = is just being Deadpool
A trinity of happy thoughts for the Nerd Herd:

'Ninja throwing star' plane that can turn 90 degrees and fly SIDEWAYS while breaking the sound barrier could be future of air travel say NASA as they begin development




What The Apollo 11 Crew Did For Life Insurance
Posted by samzenpus on Friday August 31, @04:16AM
from the sign-your-life-away dept.
Back in 1969 insurance companies weren't very optimistic about the odds of an astronaut making it back to earth after being launched in a rocket to the moon. The cost of life insurance for the Apollo 11 crew was astronomically high so they came up with a clever solution. A month before launch, the astronauts signed hundreds of autographs that were to be sold if they didn't make it back.

From the article: "About a month before Apollo 11 was set to launch, the three astronauts entered quarantine. And, during free moments in the following weeks, each of the astronauts signed hundreds of covers. They gave them to a friend. And on important days — the day of the launch, the day the astronauts landed on the moon — their friend got them to the post office and got them postmarked, and then distributed them to the astronauts' families. It was life insurance in the form of autographs."​


Other sizes available through the link.

Everyone should know about this.

Hey everyone, this is a very good friend of mine who I met on Fetlife. We played WoW together, we were in the same guild for a while, and talk on skype all the time. Please welcome him warmly. ^_^
Welcome, Lobo! Any friend of Satin's is almost certain to be an asset to the boards.

Aw, crap. Now I have "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" running through my head. :rolleyes:
That was definately epic!

How about Kitty Pride and Peter Rasputin making out?
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That was definately epic!

How about Kitty Pride and Peter Rasputin making out?

I had to edit your post because of the URLs on the pic - how about you just post links to that site? I'm pretty sure others would love to see it!