The New Poems List

This poem in my sigline is very good. The writer is a little shy on the self promotion gig, so I am stepping in on his behalf. I am unable to write poetry myself, but I do know when I have read
something really well done, and this falls into that catagory...
New one for 3/5/02........."Taste Me" by SummerRose

Taste Me
by SummerRose ©

Sensually sweet
sinful delight
taste the ripened sweetness of raspberries from my lips
hungrily lick the honey from my hips
tantalize your taste buds upon my nipples so erect
flavored like some exotic spice
Mmmm baby
let your mouth blissfully travel up my inner thighs
until you reach my nectar deep inside
feed upon me until you've had your fill
completely satisfied

Man oh kind of poem (ya know I love writing
about food and goodies!).......reminds me somewhat of my
poem "Drink Me"........

*Love those descriptions: "ripened sweetness of raspberries
from my lips"...........also the actions "tantalize your taste buds"
and "hungrily lick the honey...." (damn, I need a fan here...gettin'

this poem says it all......its yummilicious......all 5 senses seem to
be assaulted in a good way thru the actions as described here.....

Go vote.......

Now....where is that teddy bear shaped honey dispenser? :)

Another from 3/5/02......"Hearts of the Sea" by lily_pond

Hearts of the Sea
by lily_pond ©

Standing here in the mid of a storm
Watching it brewing out there
Waves crashing in with their song

Silence over comes U/us

i feel Your arms around me
i feel so safe with You
Your lips touch mine

And darkness settles in

This pure dark love
Overshadowing U/us
O/our hearts walk into the sea

W/we becoming one

A simple non-erotic piece, but very sweet. One item that got my attention
on this poem is the use of "U/us" and "W/we".......I wonder why that is;
perhaps it is the poet's own personal touch? I never seen a poem having
that particular feature.......however, I consider it to be unique and a "stand-out".

Vote if you desire.......

(I need my windbreaker so I don't get soaked from the rainstorm! :) )

Taste Me,

I love it too, but desire more a teddy bear shaped Pez dispenser.
The way they pop pop at my demand and flinch of thumb twisting
or ignoring those nipples and especially inner thighs high up.
nectar deep inside
reminds me of a large, complicated citrus fruit, perhaps a grape fruit.
Eat too much and it causes lusty distress, unable to escape stinging and a day in bed reading between pillows. Nice, soft pillows.
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Do they make Pez dispensers in the shape of teddy bears?


Anywayz....still another from 3/5/02.....a tribute to a friend

by SummerRose ©

You call yourself just a "Ghost in this machine"
Merely someone's words that grace across my computer screen
But to me, you are much more than that
A real person in a real place
Even if I have never really seen your face

With you I have shared happy and some silly times (never short on laughs)
As well as intoxicated bantering
And a mood swing or two
Even once I shed a few tears, this I can't deny

I've become accustomed to meeting you night after night in this virtual realm
Posting at Lit until all hours of the morning
Never once stopped to think, that one day you might no longer be around

As bizarre the connection may seem
Just want you to know, I consider you a friend....never just a "Ghost in this machine"
A Muse

Simply a tribute to an online friend here on Lit......
Best aspect: "Ghost in this machine" excellent description for one who talks
to another person who is online, but is technically a "stranger" because the two
have never met in person or talked on the phone. I know I have friends whom I've
met online but have not met in even though this person may confide
and talk to another, they really "don't know each other" until they finally meet in
person. Of course, this is just my view. I think its great that SummerRose found
a friend in fellow member Rhys on Literotica. :)

A good one here.

New Poems

I am rather new at Literotica. I have posted two poems, one erotica and one non-erotica. I have posted several stories on the site which have been fairly well received. What I can't figure out is the lack of response to the poetry. The number of hits are extremely small compared to the stories and the voting is smaller yet. I would appreciate any comments about these two poems you might care to give. I would also like to know if there are ways to get more response to my poetry attempts.

Restraining My Love

The Tequila Worm

I thank you for your time.
Re: Anywayz....still another from 3/5/02.....a tribute to a friend

Simply a tribute to an online friend here on Lit......
Best aspect: "Ghost in this machine" excellent description for one who talks
to another person who is online, but is technically a "stranger" because the two
have never met in person or talked on the phone. I know I have friends whom I've
met online but have not met in even though this person may confide
and talk to another, they really "don't know each other" until they finally meet in
person. Of course, this is just my view. I think its great that SummerRose found
a friend in fellow member Rhys on Literotica. :)

A good one here.

tigerjen [/B][/QUOTE]

Feeling very humble right now. Thank you, Tigerjen for the reviews...and feedback.
In all honesty I am really only doing this for fun. For me it's more like posting a page from my own personal journal. In no way do I claim to be a writer of any sort.;)

Btw~ "The Ghost in this machine" came from Rhys. It is how he referred to himself one night to me. I suppose the meaning behind it really struck a chord with me.........

Thank you again.
UR welcome, SummerRose......

you wrote:
Feeling very humble right now. Thank you, Tigerjen for the reviews...and
In all honesty I am really only doing this for fun. For me it's more like
posting a page from my own personal journal. In no way do I claim to be
a writer of any sort.
Btw~ "The Ghost in this machine" came from Rhys. It is how he referred
to himself one night to me. I suppose the meaning behind it really struck
a chord with me.........

hiya SummerRose!

Glad that you found your way here! :) I am glad that you enjoyed the
reviews......and the feedback I sent ya via email.......
I see no problem with writing for fun.....its a good thing.....its therapy...
its a way to get feelings down on paper (or computer)......

Hey I like that story about Rhys referring to himself as "the ghost in this
machine" that you just mentioned......

Keep up the good writing!

tigerjen :)
something new

Gaia's Lover
by Rybka

Gaia moistens and is irresistibly drawn,
her fullness peaking, and her fluids flow,
Surging up and out towards him in unquenched ardor.
When things get a little tired near the end of winter north of the deepest snores I like a little fantasy.
Don't you?
Gaia's Lover
what has happened to this thread

Where oh where are all the reviews
so many new poms, new poets
yet virtual silence
Not to worry

SK is out and busy for a couple of weeks. All will be well soon.

- Judo
i like this

It's raw. It's furious just getting fucked in your dreams young male stuff.
She stood up and stripped out of her red dress, then standing before me said
two words,
fuck me.

The Blonde
by BigD Hernandaz ©The Blonde
Okay, tired of waiting for SK

A few recent that caught my attention.

New words for a song and well done -

Whispers on the wind,
voices heard within your dream
they slip behind your eyes of green
join image that caress your sleeping mind.

Starry Nights
by pleasureu ©

The words cast a nice texture -

"Who? Who?" a night bird asks the silvered drops of dew,
Gaia smiles a lover's name into the dark,
Whispered by the wind to the ears of her sleeping children.

All night Gaia turns in her bed to face a lingering lover,
basking in the gentle glow of tenderness,
as gallantly he bathes her freshened breast with fairy kiss.

Gaia's Lover
by Rybka ©

Hot, active animal, almost removed -

Her face is sanguine
Awash in forceful, hungry need
Head thrown back
Hair a gleaming, gold-shot nest
Her neck is deeply corded
Chest heaving as her lungs
Wrest breath in and out

by feastie ©

A psalm worth watching -

When I need to vent, yell and cry
I keep it all locked up tight inside

When I need to be held gently
I become someone you can't abide

I am, I need, I feel, therefore I exist
by debbiexxx ©

Difficult to take my eyes away from, like a car crash -

"He was funny, smug and seemed strong
I was attracted to him, I was so niave
The first time he hit me, I was in shock
Stunned with rosy cheek , shining ablaze
Apologies quickly said, it was well meant

Ultimate Control
by debbiexxx ©

Wow. Welcome to the ego! Good stuff -

Said the Big dick to the little Cunt.
but leave your underwear at the door
Until I’m ready to come, cum some more.
soiled bedsheets really aren’t my thing
unless the soil’s homegrown.
Too hard, you understand, to wash out pink.

by perse©

A lovely new take on an old analogy -

Please come home with me
and live precisely
in the third drawer of my mahogany dressing table
Among the linens and sachets
and the ring my grandmother gave me.

by Angeline©

(*Whew!*) Many more to go. I'll try to do a little more reading later today.

There's gold in them thar hills! Please help us all by looking for it.

- Judo
Thanks for the mention, JUDO. :)

Here are a few I enjoyed.
There are so many goodies
on the new poems list at the

Sweet seduction

by just pet

"i shall write a poem, Mistress
with my tongue as quill
etching desire upon the book of Wisdom
Your essence shall whisper from its pages
'yes, my pet... yes...' "

I loved this poem! This poet has a lot of other
poems to be read and enjoyed!
Sweet seduction, very clever poem.
Erotic through and through.

Skin Hunger

By littlebutterfly

"imaginary lovers ease my mind
my dreams bring sensual desire
self pleasure is a placebo
curbing the symptoms but no
cure for the ache and fire "

I lived the title, skin hunger! Speaks to me of want and need. :)

Now a non erotic poem. I loved it! Reminded me of the many hours of fun I have had and watched my kids have with this toy! :)

Metal Slinky
by democ137

solid aluminum
once an example
of physical linear perfection.
it could walk
and wave
and if you listened real close
maybe talk.
entertainment for day
a tangle here
a tangle there
no big deal
all knots can be undone
until that one
and try as you might
it only gets worse
maybe push you so far
as to curse.
maybe twice
or thrice....
but all to no avail
it's just a tangled mess
a choatic form
of its former self.
and you look at its place
on your shelf
and back it goes
with pleasent memories
of those entertaining days
cause even though
it's not the same
you never forget good times,
in hopes they'll come again.
you can't throw away
the things that hold
a special place in your heart.

This poet has a few other poems
that I read and enjoyed.

So many poems, so little time. :)
Thanks DebbieXXX

I am so honored that You mentioned my poem Sweet Seduction. I am new to this site and look forward to exploring the writers here and their work. just pet
SK? SK? Where fore art thou?

A few that caught my eye. - Judo
Reflections of sweet torment

Broken promises, words unspoken
a lifetime of dreams hung on a floral token.

by CelestialBody©
A David Lynch moment -

After meeting you
Probing you dumb
I still have all my fingers
But they numb

Etched Near A Toilet
by smithpeter©
In the Lair...I can smell the sulfur.

he beckons them
spider, snake and lizard
to seek the shelter of his home
where he controls the moon and the sun
where warm and fuzzy become lunch

All Things Venemous
by just pet©
Solitude looks back

The young siren I used to be
She was there
Maybe only for a moment
But she was there
I saw her.

The Empty Sea
by Rybka©

Debbiexxx, thanks for posting more cool poem references. Anyone else care to join in, picking out a few poems in the New poems list that strike you? We'd really appreciate it. I'm running as fast as I can just to stay in place.

- Judo
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Judo, thanks for the mention. Aren't you glad all poetry isn't like that?
A dear friend sent me a one word review of Etched Near A Toilet. "EWWWW!"
No problem

Smithpeter, Pleasureu & Debbiexxx -

Well met and well deserved praise. Both of you contribute mightily to this site and obviously are trying to improve as artists. Good job! Keep working on it.

- Judo
New - March 19th

A few that caught my mind's eye. - Judo
Not taking the promise lightly (and good for you!) -

Forever just a word
Two people say
I think I'll not and I'll
Prove it someday

Prove It
by Raven Wilde©
In the bondage of desire -

separated only by air
i feel You with every moment
i am keenly aware
of the tendrils of Your love
wrapped round my heart

by just pet©
Okay, make it difficult for me to finish this post! (Ha!) Very hot, very...

unzipped i see You bulging beneath Your underwear
kissing kissing feeling Your heat
I pull Your pants down so i may have full access
You secure my hands behind my back
placing the blindfold over my eyes

Take Me, Sir
by just pet©
Goodness! (*fans self*) Another one! Great images. And nice attempt at the four by three rhythm -

Rising above, soft lips held open, wide
slow to settle, on the tip,
quickly down she slides, with a gasping sigh
as muscles squeeze and grip

Hot Chair
by pleasureu©
A deep, dark secret -

To look beyond the here and now,
ask what the future brings,
would make deciding easier
giving back these wedding rings.

by cutie pie©

Thank God there were only a few submissions today. I'm finally caught up with the past few days.

Now, if only I could get a little tag-teaming going here, it would make life so much easier.

- Judo
New 3-20

One that caught my eye. - Judo
A fun idea. Really liked the B and C versions.


battling blouse
bursting belligerent buttons
becoming bra-less

blindfolded beside bench

Erotic Alphabet - A,B and C
by OT©
Judo, I loved Your Paisley Fear poem that was just submitted!

Especially this verse :

The path before me beckoned clear,
"Take care with steps you take.
The right is straight, you cannot veer
The left is yours to make."

Well done, woman! <clapping hands resonate in the hall>

Thanks for the shout-out, DF. It was totally inspired by the thread in this forum entitled I shall wear purple.

It's a cool thread with some cool ideas. Check it out.

- Judo
New - 3-21 (First Day of Spring!)

Ones that caught my eye. - Judo
A continuation of word play - fun!

enormous erection
exceeds expectations

(ego elicits embarrassing
excited exaggeration
... everyone embellishes)

enthusiastic erogenous episode ensues

The Erotic Alphabet: D,E and F
by OT©
Poignant, simple - well done.

Sisters with a speech to give
Even if delivered into pillows

National Women
by smithpeter©

And a mention to poetry first-timer amyfirst for her first posting Sisters. And also to poetry first-timer E.NonnyMuse for the first poem posted Spelunker.

Please, keep writing. ;)

- Judo
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