The New Poems List


Masked Poet
Oh, pleasureu, it's a tough world. Jump in and swim. Don't drown by being pulled down by petty complaints. Get in and splash around and have some fun.

And I am sorry that you thought I was being mean. I have this occasionally weird sense of humor...

Don't let your eyes fool ya! Masked Poet is not Unmasked Poet. He critiques differently, he writes differently, and he thinks differently. When you read replies from Masked Poet mentally say his name over and over again in your head; Masked Poet, Masked Poet, Masked Poet. That way you won't be reading Masked Poet's replies with UP's mindset behind it.

Masked Poet is a new guy with a new attitude and his own way of playing. It'll take some getting used to.

Believe me, this mini soapbox speech was for my own good as well as yours! ;) haha {mumblin' about how that dang name has tricked my eyes too many times!}

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Here what you are saying dearlady, and understand, *s*

does the fact no one has complained before mean you are never wrong?
Interesting thought.
Yes I know some of my work is not that good, I write two types of poetry.
1. For friends, fun things, gives them a lift,makes them happy.
2. The serious,and very personal stuff.
You commented on the "dark", and the Valentine poem, thank you for the vote btw.
The Valentine was written for a special lady, unfortunately,the relationship died on St valentines, under circumstances out of our control.
If you want to see dark, read what i posted since then, my misery and hurt are there, on my sleeve sir.
the end
streets of sad
maybe they will help you understand moonshadow a little better.
the healing process in action my friend.
No offence meant or taken sir
Masked Poet,

Thank you for the mention on my poem Against you

Isn't that what we all want? Someone to be so against us? Bodies pressing hotly against each other! Crushing lips! Naughty places touching naughty places! Oh, yes! pant, pant...

Yes, that is what we all desire...and more.

My gratitude for your thoughts.


Speaking of which... What the heck is that avatar of yours??? It looks like a confused meteor.

I don't know what OT stands for, but I'm glad he worked overtime to get his first poem posted.

by OT ©

It uses words only beginning with "m", but not just for alliteration. It manages to tell a cute, erotic tale with a minimalist treatment while saying "Mmmm..." all the way.

Fun poem, OT. Must make more!

- Judo
A Piece of the Real Pie

To those Single NY Ladies

I'm writing you this letter to let you know that I exist,
Because when I caught your eye I knew there was something I couldn't resist.

It was sort of a real warm feeling that seems to come and go,
And when I placed my attention on it I can sense its mighty glow.

Well I always like to explore those things that attract my mind,
Maybe we can explore it together over a casual glass of wine.

Because why remain in mystery when communication can see things through,

I'll just have to take my chances towards fulfilling a reward of knowing you.

You know it takes a lot of guts to come out and write this down,
But I'm sure you won't be offended and there won't be any frown.

Because honesty is the key that makes the world go round,
Yet there's not enough participation and it really lets us down.

There are so many plastic couples who just sit and waste their days,
Offering no creativity and going in separate ways.

They just haven't broke the barrier of revealing deep within,
Their earlier past transgressions, their earlier relationship sins.

Well we're both above that level and high above their game,
So why participate in misery because its really such a shame.

A journey that's based on freedom and caring all the way,
Just being there together making each others day.

Does CT count also....I see you're from Long Island,
and I'm right across the "little pond" from ya (aka
Long Island Sound) ;)


PS.....good poem you got there :cool:
Of Course CT counts

Thanks for the reply and compliment on the poem.

Why of course CT counts. I know she is out there somewhere.

"Because bonding without real meaning is just an empty hollow
shell that returns back to the ground when the reverened rings his bell."

Extracted from The Introduction Poem at


Moratorium Of Hearts
by smithpeter

Religious melody unwelcome in certain tents.

Preacher woman selects souls.

Local man embraces self. Says, it's a dreamy kinda thang.

Another fascinating poem by smithpeter. Please read and vote!

Fate of The Sun
by Savage Kitten

He wandered alone,
never taking more than He needed,
never seeking one as His own.

This poem reminded me of a Greek myth. Give it a read.

Confessions of a Librarian
by Bronte

This mind lies
between the sheets
of Bronte and Yeats
and everything sensual
before, after
or perfectly intervening

I would love for you
to say something
under the breath of my dress
with longest lingo
as I stretch upon highest step

Oh, this one is wonderful. I love it Bronte! A definite 5.
Please read the entire poem and vote!

A Cherry Blossom
by jazmeine

I dusted all my abstractions from reality
And straighten up unused longings and desires

I picked up all the apathy lying about and
Cleaned out the disappointments from the dark corners

I really enjoyed reading jazmeine's poem. The content was very good. But as I read it, it didn't really read like a poem to me. But still worth the read.
Here's some more by jazmeine:
A Devils Dark Desire

Speed of Light
by Richard Crawford

Two liquid people, flowing over chocolate seas toward a Narnian island, hands joined loosely, smiling into a transparent glowing sunset offering clear open skies…

Here's a really nice poem that needs to be read! I was going to vote on it, but the poet has that feature turned off.

by godslovechild

His shoulders bowed,
A memory of what
Once was.

Face behind a
Mask, body a
Labyrinth of tubes and

Well, this poem was difficult to read. A very realistic reminder that I'm only human.

Really Stupid & Dirty Limericks:
by LaJan

If you need a laugh, then give LaJan's Limericks a quick peek! But make sure you vote while you're there. :)

2-22 New Poets in the spotlight!


rubenesque beauty
laying by the fire
flames dancing in her eyes
her skin glowing in the light
sharply contrasting with the dark leather cuffs

Also check out BEATNUT's other poem:

by sweets9ds

Take it all
All of me into your sighs
The body lies but not the eyes

Passions 2
by TheJadedFox

Thoughts of taking and making you mine
Bringing you to me till the end of time

A Moment
by moondoggie

Upon awaking,
in a midnight haze.
I felt a touch,
upon my neck.

Visceral Cage
by Darksun

Encased within
this visceral cage,
the spark
laments its bondage.

Reflections of the Mind
by Lauranathias

I took off my pants. She took off her skirt.

Finally we were down to our underwear and I put my glasses back on.

I'm sure these new poets would love feedback, so read and vote, please.


Last Night, 022002 :rose:
by smithpeter

My brother died
Yesterday afternoon he sent me an email
About the wonderful Segway
Cheese in the Olympics
A NASA photo of the Whole Earth at night lit
And the palindrome of the date at the moment

He taught me how to look
See through a camera
How to drive graciously
And still be Bullitt
He loved trains and airplanes
He said WOW! often

He said,
That's about it for now,
I'll be in touch,
Take care,

First, I'm very sorry about your dear brother.
I would like to thank you for sharing this poem. It does make you think about how quickly someone can slip away from you.

by Stilletto

is it love,
lust, or is it the heat
of the moment?

Who cares

cum to me darling

Lets work
then play

Above is my favorite part of this poem. I hope you'll take the time to read the entire poem. Let Stilletto know what you think of it by sending feedback and voting!

Through Bites
by smithpeter

I crave tomatoes
This one
Her ripe energetic youth
She denies

Through bites, learing about another can taste much sweeter than greedily eating them whole.

KatPurrs Alert! 3 new ones by the sweet kitty!

Wise Choice
by KatPurrs

I reach for what
feels right to me,
close to me, fits
like a second skin.

:D Nice ending to this one, KP!

by KatPurrs

He enters her slowly, then picks up speed
and she groans, "Oh yes, harder please harder!"

Pumping, pumping, pumping,
Oblivious to what's around them,

Ah, here's KatPurr's Quickie from the Quickie Thread. You need to check out that thread! You'll be sweating and humping your computer before you finish reading them all those naughty, hot quickies!
Anyway, we're discussing KP's quickie. KP did you write this one from personal experience? I'd really like to know. :devil:

Riding the .wav
by KatPurrs

No insight, no basis, no reason! Only words
played over and over again, leaning
into his .wav sounds, and I know
I adore him.

Hmmm... Very interesting, KP. I'd love to have more details. (hint, hint)

by Mistress Jorja

housewives will gossip
drunkards will brag
who let this rumor-cat
out of its wicked bag

I just love that first stanza! Very good, Mistress Jorja.

Rose Scented Candles
by pleasureu

Remember sweetheart, the night we did dance?
Rose scented musk in the air,
how I sang you our song everlasting.
True love, and a lifetime to share.

Then our dreams and my hopes they lay broken,
destroyed by a dark shafting pain,
as the tear staining words that were spoken,
careered uncontrolled in my brain.

pleasureu writes about the different aspects of romance -- the joy and the pain.

read, vote, send feedback
knick-knack paddywhack
give a poet a frown
these old tears came rolling down...

What can I say, it's a sad poem. :(


Wow! S-in-S has 10 poems on the list today!

Here are the ones I liked best:

The Vampire's Kiss

Sweet memories trickle
Down my already moist

Well, I'm a sucker for Vampires! I like this little poem. Read it if you dare! And vote on it, poets and readers of the night...

Happy Thoughts

The cat lies in the pattern
Shining on the rug
Stretching languidly
And batting at a bug

Here's another little poem. It's cute as a bug. I really like this one!

Not Looking

Ghostly apparition blocking my path
I swerve to miss,
laughing that I’ve gotten away

How ironic! This one is short and not so sweet.

You Are My Autumn

The colors of the Cottonwood bark that I used to whittle, and
My favorite knitted sweater.
I smile, feeling lifted by their gifts.
Your eyes are reminiscent of everything that is autumn to me.
Warm mahogany ringed in dark chocolate.

This poem made me feel warm inside.

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thanks for the mention
Yes my friend, it is a sad poem, and , unfortunately, a very real one.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I appreciate the special mention, MP, but it will get you nowhere. I'll never tell! lol


smithpeter, my heartfelt condolences go out to you today, my friend. If you want or need to talk, please contact me.

I have that photo of the earthlights. It's lovely, isn't it?

Find peace and solace soon, (((smithpeter)))


Thanks MP,

It's nice to get comments. I was a bit afraid to post any poems.
I first posted in the photo section, and they gave me the idea to head for the big time.

Again, thanks and I love reading everyone's poems.

Thanks MP,

It's nice to get feedback, but I'm wondering whether or not you liked "Human". It's one that says a lot to me, but has been lying around for a while and when I came across it I submitted it to see whether anyone else could make some sense of it!


- glc

Hey the first Olympian Poem hit the list today (yesterday... I'm a day behind.)

Lovers in the Snow
by Tibet

Now the night undresses easily
As a woman for her lover
Kimono of stars thrown loose
Elegant as cherry blossoms on violet silk
Diaphanous above the mountains.

This is a beautiful poem! After "kimono of stars thrown loose" I couldn't wait for the next word.

The Ladies Room
by Judo

I wink. "The ladies room?" We smile and rise.
My friend aligns her dress and deeply sighs.
The crowded path through tables set to dine,
I stumbled once, my head spun with the wine.

This poem explains to mere men the delicious mystery of why (some) women take the journey to the ladies room together. ;)

godslovechild, I did like your poem. I should have said that it was emotionally difficult to read instead of difficult to read. It was very realistic. I felt like I was there seeing what was happening.

moondoggie, I'm glad you got over you fear and posted. :)

KatPurrs, fine, don't tell me! Be that way you evil kitty! :D

pleasureu, I hope you fine true that will last.


Another poem from the poetry Olympics!

Sappho's Winter Touch

Her skiing tongue, a slalom's race run slow.
Through curves, down slopes, my body's senses go.
Beneath cisalpine view, she watched me burn
'Til finish crossed; my heart of gold she'd earn.

Unlike the first Olympic poem, which was free verse, this one gives us an AABB rhyme scheme.

Remember to read and vote on all the Poetry Olympic Poems!

Water's Poem to the Rocks
by inconspicuous_fem

I started to wear you down,
make your rough edges
more appealing for me to

inconspicuous_fem is a new poet to literotica, offering us 4 new poems today. Water's Poem to the Rocks is my favorite of the 4. But please check them all out.

Midsummer's Night Dream
by mascaife

I have survived an equal number of sunrises,
Though sometimes only by God's intervention...

The title of this poem caught my attention. I was very excited! Ohhh, good old Willy Shakespeare submitted an erotic poem to literotica! But no, it's even better. It's by mascaife.

And I really like this one by mascaife:

Autumn Nights

Orange the orb whose light doth shine
O'er ancient cypress and youthful pine.
Rippled by river in mirrored climb,
Decreased in dimension by morning decline.

Good rhyme and rhythm! Please check out the rest of mascaife's poetry!

Mother, Sister, Brother, Father.
by Ravenloft

Brother Rain, sky to earth in our birth, to cool the heat of those most sweet.

Ravenloft gives us a very nice poem with internal rhyme. And here's another one by Ravenloft:

Corruption's Kiss

Upon lady fair, mortal young
teeth have struck and stung.
Drawn blood, sweet upon tongue.
From slender neck I have hung.

In this poem, Ravenloft rhymes all ending words of each line. Very good!

Please check out all the new poems for today!


MP -

Concerning my poem "The Ladies Room", thanks for the mention. Be sure to check out the iambic pentameter as well. It took a lot out of me.

Oh, and a flick of the quill to the "Quickies" thread for the inspiration.

- Judo
Just to say hello

I did not even know this section was here!!!! I guess "virgin" by my handle is really appropriate ( at least for this site ). As I write and read what others have, and the comments here, I'm certain my vision and composition will improve.
Maybe a suggestion: the existence of the forum might be placed with the "new poems" section then folk like me won't take three months to discover it!!! Now that I have, I'm looking forward to reading the comments on the poems.