The New Poems List

A Quarter World Away

A Quarter World Away
by pleasureu ©

My love lies gently sleeping now
A quarter world away
Lay so serene
Does she now dream
Of words I want to say

Just ponder the delicacy of romance with the deft touch of rhyme

Thank you for the kind words my friend, you would not believe how real this work is.

UP & daughter, thank you for the notice. much obliged.

The last line says Death was amused. If he were shocked as well, okay.

I used 'chagrin' in the sense of
'vexation, disquietude, or distress of mind brought on by humiliation, hurt pride, disappointment, or consciousness of failure or error.' Also in the sense of 'mortified.' (From Webster's Third New International Dict., Unabridged, 1981). In common usage (i.e. 'much to my chagrin') the context is often self- deprecatory, and thus implies as a wry sense of humor--I was hoping to evoke this connotation a little as well...

thanks for the feedback!
yes, this is a lush, fragrant, meditative and moving piece of writing.

thanks for highlighting it, smithpeter.

I just need 2 or so more votes for my Heavy poems and they'll all be on 10 -- enough to apparently count ;-)
  • Fared too well is about looking back over your life, the people you've farewelled, the great meals you've had, and how you're now different from back then. The answer to the final question is hidden in the poem, see if you can find it. (Okay, it's not really that hard once you know to look ;-)
  • A Riddle is just that. Classic riddle style, as seen in Tolkien's The Hobbit, but a little more adult in its' language. Come back here and give your guesses -- it's not that hard either really though.
  • Haiku is a short moment captured in words, but using the symbology of seasons in many ways. Seasons of your life, your emotions, the world. What holds us back, when are we ready to move on? I love the simplicity of haiku.
  • Resonance was written while listening to a rendition of Schindler's List on a gypsy violinist (Roby Lakotas) CD I love.
I'd love to hear your feedback. Do any of these touch you? Amuse you? Resonate? Enough to click'n'vote? ;-)

Thanks for your time,

fresh meat

Here are a few choice pieces from the current New Poems list.

Tanka has several poems on the new list, all of them interesting and experimental.
Here are samples from a couple, both quite refreshing. Check ‘em out.

by kotori ©

Dylan Thomas stole
My mind with his silver tongue

By the softlight of a Sunday sunray
by kotori ©

the crumpled sheets, still slightly
damp from your skin.

Okay, I realize I’m still pretty new around here and no one really listens to anything I say, but do yourself a favor and READ THIS POEM. It rocks.

by corazon ©

I was the lost creature you tried to save. With kisses, with lust. An overwhelming power in your gentle whispers, your fierce forward thrust. I ached

Submissive Kelly also has several new poems up. In general, the name says it all, and those who go in for that sort of thing will find her poems to be the sort of thing that they enjoy. Here’s one that departs from the obvious. Savor the subtle ironic flavors of this baby.

Half Truths
by submissive kelly ©

Naked as jelly fish
Flung on the beach
Left open to the tortures
Of a child’s curious stick

Here’s a sensitive treatment of a hard topic. ‘Don’t stand so close to me…’

after abigail
by nemo_quill ©

my mistake
to tutor catholic girls
from catholic schools
in uniforms
of tartan sin


Ded Poet

I second and 3rd and forth the recomendation for
Her work is not getting enough credit!!
Let her know by voting and comments.
This is not a slur against the other work that's new.
Check it out,
Thanks for your attentions DP
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You brought corazon to my attention about a week or two ago. I really enjoyed her poem, and this one is great too. I don't know if she's visited the board yet or not, but I just sent her an email inviting her to join us.
So let's keep our fingers crossed that she'll show up. I'd love read more of her poetry.

Wicked Eve
"I heard that Dissent and Commentary combined to form Dysentery."
---Woody Allen

Smithpeter said to tell you not to read this goofy stuff, but do it anyway!It just goes to show that the poet need not be limited in his or her subject matter. Hah!

Subliminal Sex Orgy
by smithpeter ©

twisting to indulge your
Whim, your nearness to orgasm splatting walls, ceiling

by Melissa Randolf ©

I feel desire springing up in me
just the way I have seen your cock spring up at my touch

women's body
by Mistress_Denariel ©

Feel the soft, smooth skin, the delicate little hairs, the tiny wrinkles,
and folds, the hardness of muscle, the soft roundness of fat, the blue-green
veins under the skin, the inside of an elbow, the slight roughness of a kneecap,
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Returning to February's beginning, Kotori's Mono no Aware reminds me of the lonely sky lights of near midnight, whistle's to the dark and cravings in the wintry country side.

The third poem by corazon is more earthy but has stellar proportions. She chases away the darkness for her sailor, her navigator, her Mariner
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flickering slides

Wicked Eve has a new poem Preparing to Serve

Shadows gently submit
to the glow.
Air scantily clad
in a flicker of musk.
Scandalous tin with gold
strokes --

my hush, hush box.

Zealous nails scrape;
lid clangs on naked floor.
Skin, three degrees hotter
to the touch.

of light between the slats
fall heavily on their
temples throb.

Pulsating, elongated, pliable...

Links of what I am
strangle me exquisitely.
Pinch of silver
my flushed circles.

From the valley to the mountain
we connect.
Words give you my sight, so your voice may
guide me.

This would be delicious sitting in a smoke blue room, sipping Jack and soda. Environment is apart of the package. Instead I'm sitting behind the screen and the medium is akin to words on a page. When I read aloud a poet's thoughts I want to feel as is we're having a conversation. That's not the feel I get here. It reads like slides on a projection screen. Lovely images, very enticing images at that, but the language is stilted by the construction.

I love the tone, imagery, and pacing. I want to see this with complete sentences or enlongated thoughts. That would be the perfect drink for this thirsty woman.

WE, sometimes I keep different versions: one for the coffee house and one for the page. This is one that will do well with different approaches.

Thanks for the read. I enjoyed it.


Ohhh, I see...

My Master understood this poem, and I suppose it "spoke" to him, since it was meant for him. But to submit it here, I should have written it more like I was telling a friend about my little ritual. Is this right?
And as for construction... ewww! I'm having a fit with that!
Linebreaks are a bitch, and I could just slap her! lol

This stanza:
of light between the slats
fall heavily on their
temples throb.

I was trying to make certain words stand out. I'm not sure if it works that way or not. I wanted Shaft and Head and temples to take on two meanings.

Practice, practice, practice!


edited typo
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Oh, the message is clear. I'm questioning the presentation and construction. It's a good poem. I think there's more and you know that's just my opinion. Line-breaks aren't the biggie in this one. It's the absence of complete sentences. Are they necessary, not always. I'd simply like to see how this reads with them.



Okay, this time I do see what you're saying. It takes a while to sink in. lol I'm still in a state of confusion. I'm writing poetry without rhyming. It's scary and exciting! :D
A 1980s poem by wetkitten

by wetkitten ©
Just a small amount, and you are held captive
beholden to its every whim.
You will do anything for it, for more of it.
It has a life and a purpose,
to make you its slave.
In it you will find another world, another
Where yesterday is forgotten,
and tomorrow doesn't exist.
It has made you into something that has no
beginning, no end.
Your life revolves around it,
your very existence depends on it.
You forget those around you, those who try
to fight it.
They don't matter to it, for it has its own
A voice calling from within, a voice that
promises lies, that you don't hear.

May I say its a flashback to the 1980s, when Nolan Miller gowns and fast
money ruled.......and the art of doing "Cocaine"?
This piece starts off small, with the "first exposure" of trying the white stuff
for the first a nice rush doesn't it? The person who tries it for
the first time gets this wonderful "high" and gets all excited......and wants more
of it, but after that party, needs to get it from elsewhere, even if its from the local
drug dealer who charges a ton of $$$ for the coke.
In the bulk of the poem, I watch the "new user" become more addicted and gets
lost in their little world of no yesterdays or tomorrows....of no length of time; the "user"
gets so wrapped up in their drugged-out world they don't even know it, and he/she
forgets about people they know (i.e. family? friends? lovers?) even those who try to
help them stop this coked-out madness. "User" doesn't care......he/she listens to
that little "voice calling from within" that promises pleasures and paradise, which
certainly won't happen while he/she pays away their life savings or bank account, or
even prized possessions to get more cocaine.
Perhaps the poem could have a few lines about the "aftermath" of using cocaine
after long-term use? Just an idea to throw out there.....but overall, thought it
was an excellent piece.
Well done, wetkitten!

To read more of wetkitten's work:

thank you

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who made comments on my poems,
and those of you who contacted me to join in on the forums at Literotica.

My time is computer time is somewhat limited, but I will make an effort to check
in and see what's happening here; there's quite a bit of intriguing talent, I'd
love to be part of the community.

Thanks again for your feedback.

- corazon -
Re: thank you


Thanks for checking in. You definitely have some new fans here. Keep up the good work!

drat that corazon!

"Vote already registered - cannot vote again."
I learned this someplace, maybe it was life or someplace.
"There must be a beginning, a middle and an end."
I think it was shop class in Jr. High.
Here is craft that I will save.
Northwest I
Northwest II
Northwest III
"Scars and Gripes Forever" by fateless

Scars and Gripes Forever
by fateless ©
Paint me black and blue.
Paint me with loving strokes
from your finest brush.
I only had eyes for you.
Until you ripped them from their sockets
in total disgust.
That modern masterpiece, the American dream.
The reason I question the existence of love.
A mute heart kills life, however obscene.
To ease the pain of being removed from all love.
To leave in peace, bones on a string.
Your final touch, my hearts content.
To never speak, forever to sing.
With fading eyes, to voice lament.
How fate has forbidden all mortal faith.
How you ignore your greatest disgrace.
To ghosts, I speak on empty breath.
To youth, I speak of coming death.
Paint my body black and blue.
Paint me with heavy blows
from your hardest fist.

A 'take-off' title on the famous song "Stars and Stripes Forever", this piece
is far from being patriotic to your country. Rather, I gather this to be
patriotic and loyal to one's master, even if the master administers the pain.
Or even from another side, emotional pain from would be interesting
to hear from others on this poem........from myself, I thought it was a well
done piece from an emotional aspect. I think that others could read and perhaps
get other aspects and feelings from this.

to vote:


by pleasureu

Moon shadow, grieving souls, hills of misery, creeping clouds, shroud, strangled mind!
Flowered field, sunbeam slide, kiss the rainbow!
Tee hee...

No, the above is not pleasureu's poem. Just a few bites from it.
Nibble, nibble!
Better than kibble.

by smithpeter

Two poems as different as night and day. I especially enjoyed the Dark one.

Would you pull the shade
Remove the light
Blur our imperfection

Ohhh... gives me goose pimples! I'm not sure why. Could be that the fire has died out. Perhaps I should move on to the Light one and warm up a wee bit.

Against you
by Bronte

I could be so against you
In lean
rush of warming lips

I could be so against
the beat of pulse race skin
pressing breasts into dips
and curve of back
relaxing, only to fleet again

That was a sample of Bronte's work. Isn't that what we all want? Someone to be so against us? Bodies pressing hotly against each other! Crushing lips! Naughty places touching naughty places! Oh, yes! pant, pant...

Thank you MP

Thank you for the mention, MP.
My favorite line is "Bitch slap my butch notion"
in Dark.
Yes, things are winding down.
Be well,

Masked Poet said:
Flash Cards
by KatPurrs

I'm not the kind of man that cries. But this poem did touch me. As I read the final words, a tear fell.

KatPurrs, this is without a doubt the most emotional, heart wrenching poem I've read on this site. Well-written and tragically sad. But also so full of love.


Thanks MP. It was a tough one to get through. A more lighthearted one is "Tribute to a Beautiful Man" Thanks for the mention and the very kind words. I appreciate your sensitivity and understanding.

masked poet

criticism is ok, but making fun of another poet is out of order sir.

Am not duly concerned withyour opinion of the quality of the poem,it was a very very personal statement,on recent events I have known and suffered

But I would appreciate it if you did not make fi=un of it sir.

I wasn't making fun of it! I was trying to say things about poems to get readers interested enough to check them out and vote. Like the "panting" with Bronte's!

I actually liked some of the darker words you used at the beginning. That's why I listed them and then went "Boo!" They are dark. And "tee hee" with the more fun ones. I was trying to use humor to get some interest. Sorry, about the kibble. Got stuck for a good Nibble rhyme! I was trying to say it was pretty good poem.

I listed these poems to call attention to them. I put you on that list. Obviously you're a very sensitive man. I won't joke with you anymore or mention your poetry if you'd like.

I will say this, you've brought a rather dark cloud to this board. No one else has ever complained this much before. You sometimes stir things up. I wish you could be happy? No one seems to please you, and I find this frustrating and sad.

Are you unhappy? I'm serious. You can talk to me or other posters here. There are a lot of wonderful people here. I've seen many try to help you out with poetry.

Oh, pleasureu, it's a tough world. Jump in and swim. Don't drown by being pulled down by petty complaints. Get in and splash around and have some fun.

I've had really bad reviews on a few of my poems, and I said thanks and laughed, because I realized they were bad. But I learned and became a better poet.

And pleasureu, some of your poems aren't that good. But I did read... I think it was... Valentine -- #4 on the list today. I gave it a 4! It was good. You have some good stuff. It's not all going to be good though. But that's okay. It's not a big deal. Let the other poets point it out what's wrong. You'll write better poetry that you'll be proud of.

And I am sorry that you thought I was being mean. I have this occasionally weird sense of humor...
