The New Poems List

Wicked girl!

Thanks, WE. I do enough of my own horn-blowing (Hello, Haratio!) in other places. So, I don't do it here. But thank you for the kind words.

I agree, WE.....

Judo, you ARE doing a fantastic job with this thread. Kudos to you!

Thanks for showing "Small Requests". Ain't schizophrenia great? NOT!

And didn't we have fun with the Pocket of Poets thingy? LOL!!!
Pocket Rocket....<weg> Good job!

Kat~ :rose:
New - 04-05-02

A few that shivered my timbers. - Judo ;)
She sells satin sheets

Slipping 'neath satin sheet,
side by side, snuggling

by KatPurrs©
Brrrr...a London-esque chill!

Quiet crunch of footsteps fall
New path through forest’s tomb
Ears hear naught but wind through branch
Though there is new growth in womb

In Cold Dead Winters Night
by Pyro©
I've seen this too many times (sigh).

She softly plucks
The worn strings inside
Her fingers soft caress

by Pyro©
Wicked packaged - nice bottle!

Would you dip your fingers
into me? Would your face be sticky
with me?

Forget Syrup
by WickedEve©
And kudos to...

A quick mention to melaine thanking her for her first poem. Also, a warm welcome to Pyro for his first submissions to Lit.
New - -4-8-02

Ones that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
Do rabbits really go "buzz buzz?"

Hybrid rabbits diverse nature.
ears that dance and curl.
Designed to especially cater.
Seek the hidden moist pearl.

Petting Zoo
by Nebula33©
The jill of us all.

jill the little girl
jill the anarchist
jill the setter-of-rules
jill the forgetter-of-rules

four lines
by kotori©

Good choices! Those two jumped and grabbed me! I hope to see more from Nebula33 and kotori.

New - 04-09-02

Ones that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
I love the analogy of being lost and finding the pain. Certainly not what I expected from the title, but makes sense now. Good first poem.

I smell the leather in your hand
My body braces for the blow
It tenses in anticipation
Of the pain it wants to know

An Ode to Sir Edward
by Silkie©
On the road again...

The vehicle is new, polished and damn fine
Love bug emblazoned on the side in candy red
Travelling in the lovers lane of the highway to heaven

Love is like a road trip
by debbiexxx©
Altar altercation

In her eyes of blue, he saw the look
And in that moment his reaction took
Evil, infidelity, dishonor, and greed
He saw her soul, he saw her need

Wedding Cries
by darrenfate©
Made me hungry, SP.

So thorny beautiful on plate
Magazine covers, but through
Your lips, parted to insert
The leathery leaf for scraping

Everywhere, Everyplace
by smithpeter©
Some really jazzy words

klitter, electric litter clack
cordial disconphony moonlite
night and your skin so slight

One Organ
by smithpeter©

i wanted to thank debbiexxx for the thumbs up on my poem, it means even more to me that something from my heart not my head got the thumbs up! i love the ability to express myself here and have no stupid comments in return. anyway thank you for the compliment on (acceptance), if i knew how to do the thread thing with that title i would have it green and have the ability to go to it, alas i have no clue how to do that lol.
anyway i love this thread and thanks to everyone for caring to read!
Learning fast...

Hey, Vgirl! I see by the way your sig line has been changing that you are learning already.

Here is a copy of a set of examples I sent to amyfirst. Enjoy!


Here's a quick lesson for making your posts look a little nicer - You know color in the links and color in the links in your signature line. Yes, really!

Links in your signature line - This uses html code. To put your link in color and use your name, it looks like this: (by the way, I have to use "()" instead of "<>" so that you can see what the code looks like. When you do it for real, substitute all the "()" withs "<>." Got that?)

(a href="")(b)(font color="red")amyfirst(/a)(/b)

Links in your posts - This uses vB code. To put links in color in your posts, it looks like this: (Again, I have to use parantheses instead of brackets so that you can see what the code looks like. When you do it for real, substitute all the paranthese "()" with brackets "[]." Got that?)

(url="")(color=green)Long Green Tshirt(/color)(/url)

Which looks like this with brackets: Long Green Tshirt

Okay? Got it? Good!

- Judo
New - 04-10-02

Ones that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
Were you watching? This sounds awfully familiar.

Your nails scratching across my scalp like a comb,
Grabing handfuls of my hair,
So that you can keep me there,
While demanding I give you more head,

Teenage Erotica
by Rogahh©
Weren't you in my third period Lit class? Good first poet!

You can call your friends
Call your fathers and your brothers
I’ll take care of everyone
You can call your wives and mothers
So let’s go, boys
Don’t be slow, boys
Take me upstairs, I’ll give everyone a turn

by maddyvand©
A long story, B, but a good one. Sit back and have a tea, everyone. Another virgin poet!

but for now I go home and flee to my room
turn on the stereo and remove all my clothes
furiously masturbate to your haunting image
still feeling your hands so close to my lips
imagining you above me riding my hips

Missed Opportunity
by bimishka©
Thank you for the mention JUDO. :)
And for keeping this thread going.

You are welcome voyergirl, hope to
hear more from you in the form of your
poetry and perhaps some feedback for
other poets. It would be greatly welcomed!

Some more from the new poems list.

Homonym by smithpeter

One missing guest by smithpeter
Smithpeter has a wonderful way with words.
His poems are always worth a read.
If I feel a little stagnant I look for a new poem of his
to see another possible perspective. :)

The Beckoning by XErotakissX
"Sweet lover, let me destroy your doubts and fears

Hold you softly forever, kiss away your tears

I beckon you beloved, bring your heart to me "

Reflections of a stranger by SummerRose
A glimpse in the mirror, what do you see?
"I looked into the mirror today, and what did I see
A reflection of a total stranger
Who is the person I have allowed myself to become
It definitely perplexed me"

Back in business by PetiteCherie

Remembrance by JUDO
Lest we forget. A moving poem, reminding us that we do have
short memories. There are somethings we must never forget.
Thank you JUDO. :)

Our treat by pita
"It’s rare that I remember dreams
I really don’t know why
Yet this night like no other
I let my feelings fly"

Missed opportunity by bimishka
mangled lines

wriggling hips
moving to the rock-n-roll beat
sizzling my soul
to the steam of her heat
in my arms will she ever sleep?
fantasies dream
to ecstatic ends
waiting for the fun
to begin....
to taste the beauty,
inhale the scent,
swim in the sin;
the sex of wanting ,
the orgasm of finding....
Re: :)

Originally posted by voyergirl
i love the ability to express myself here and have no stupid comments in return.


it is great to be free to express yourself. when you say no stupid comments, what do you mean?


Etched Near a Toliet


your willingness to experiment and to be candid is a refreshing respite from rehashed lines. if you really want to shock a reader, be honest. you do thatz: no theatrics, just geniuen quirk and personal view. others mistakenly try to be clever and shocking and that renders the read flat and boring.

i like this work. there's a hint of our dark nature and the scene is described well. the rhyme seems accidental, and i'd lose it. you know i lean to less is more. just a little tweaking would polish a good draft.

kickass title. i like what you do, poet.



Hey, DX, thanks for the mention!

I was hoping you'd or WE would take up the slack if I didn't post for a day or so.

It's really helpful when several of us try to keep a thread as important as this one going. It's one of the few places where new poems (and new poets) can get recognition for their hard work. And we, as a community (The Pocket - haha!) can encourage their efforts.

Remembrance was inspired by TigerJen's thread posted on April 8th "Holocaust Remembrance Day". Funny, I read the thread and the comments there by TJ and WE several times, thinking that I wouldn't really find any inspiration and then, out of the blue, the elephant spoke to me.

Keep up the good work, DX. I love you.

- Judo
responce to daughter

i go into the chat rooms a lot (well chatroom really, i only like the stories and authors room). and i have heard many others complain about getting nasty comments from anonymous people who we know 9 times out of 10 have never even tried to put their feelings into words. i have never had this problem here so until i do i will continue to (try) my hand at writting.

i have to say i am kind of in awe talking to you people here, my writting is crap next to all of yours..............damn maybe i'll get autographs lol

at best i better start geting some of my stuff out of the notebooks and into this damn puter!


Sometimes we're so sensitive it's hard to distinguish a valid criticism from a baseless remark.

I don't know you sensitivity level or the specific remarks so please know I am speaking in general terms.

Writing is more than expressing our feelings. We don't have to create them. We come to the table with those. The challenge is to wring art out of life. Poetry is metaphor. It is the paring of the unrelated to make sense of the intangible.

Many confuse confession and journaling with poetry. The lines intersect, but for me, poetry is more than catharsis, it's giving voice to those who cannot speak; it is a conversation between writer and reader. If you're not addressing the reader, you've failed to construct a bridge and if you do that, why share your thoughts?

I'm blabbering.



I was hoping you'd or WE would take up the slack if I didn't post for a day or so.
It's really helpful when several of us try to keep a thread as important as this one going.
Judo, I'd be happy to help out. I was doing this thread at one time... so were others. It's hard to keep up with. I just haven't posted here lately because I didn't want to take over something you're doing. But if you need to help, I'm here. If I see you're not keeping up, I'll step in when I can. This thread is a BIG job!


New stuff in no particular order:

A Handful Of Visitors
by smithpeter ©

A gentleman who gathers guests for a party
Like flowers to grace a table or grave side
Handed notebooks at the door
They make observations, doodle and flirt

smithpeter's poetry is most always interesting. Reading his poetry is like looking in the mirror after Salvador Dali has done your makeup or hair. Yes, it's that interesting!

Next! Come on poem, it's your turn...

Ah, 4 new ones by RisiaSkye. Let's try this one. Remember Gumby?

If I Were Gumby: A Song
by RisiaSkye ©

Oh to be green
and made of rubber
and never have to worry about
remembering PIN numbers.

This part I thought was worth pondering: "I'd be fully poseable
in my arms and legs." Just think how limber you'd be as Gumby. Think of the odd positions you could get yourself into! Oh, to be Gumby...

Also check out her Spam poem.

Okay, check this out. New Poets!
Give Me More
How I Fell
by Eileen82 ©
by SireLooksinMA ©

Twelve Inch Cock
by kittygopurr ©

damn ur cocks to long
but not to fuck you would be wrong
12 inch cock shoved in my pus
cant stop now dont wanna be a wuss
slam it hard and bang it deep
give me a memory i can keep
make my pussy hurt and bleed
come on baby give me ur seed

Hmmm... well this poem is all one stanza. There are typos. Rhythm is off in some parts. Some of the rhymes don't work. But on the upside, it's a poem about a 12 inch cock. :D

Two very touching poems by our sweet debbiexxx:
Ascending Angel
by debbiexxx ©

Each day a blessing shared with others
A gift of time and two precious bundles
Knowing one day soon she would pass on
To become a bright star in their night sky
Happy in the knowledge the time well spent

Bright star in the Heavenly sky
by debbiexxx ©

That's it for today, poetry lovers!

Last edited:

please i am a woman. i don't mind babble lol, i do it myself way to much lol.
and it takes a lot to rattle my cage, so please any critism or comments you have as long as you just don't say i write like shit are fine with me. i welcome the challenge. besides even if i do write like shit an educated person can put that in nicer terms, which i have seen you do;) as for (my) writting, i don't really look for a bridge, maybe i should, but i truely only write for me and sometimes a very close friend. for me writting is a extention of my innerself, it is a deeper soul thing. i let very few people in. and i like it that way :) as for stories well i am not sure what they are to me, but poetry is more of the real me than any story could ever be......................damn i sound like a confused idiot lol

now i am the one babbling :(
Thanks for the mentions, W.E! You're a peach, :)

JUDO, you are luberly too! :)

:D W.E and I are backers for you. BTW Nice view from back here. :p

Onward and onto some more goodies in the form of new poems.

Sexy words by smithpeter

Tonight's let be lovers by Eileen82

Plans for tonight by maddyvand

unchanged by OT

Obssession by RobN1

the scent by MadKing
New - 04-15-02 & 04-16-02 seems some of us were saving our new poetry for the tax man here in the U.S. Many first time poets and a lot of new submissions the past two days, and these caught my eye. - Judo ;)
One of the most exciting things in the world - the sound of the train whistle. And on her first submission, too.

The dull roar of metal on metal, the tracks
Running just past the high-rise. There I remembered the day
You said the tracks were connected in a different sense.
They carried spells, steel from the thunder god made their path.

by sun comes up©
Deeds for the words unspoken. Another first poet!

Tenderly He cleans the wounds,
washing away the ashes of distrust
and the crust of despair

He sees her promise

The Promise
by idycassiopea©
Been there, done that.

When will the suffocating blanket of depression lift?

… and when will it return?

My Unwelcome Blanket
by Laura7C©
Storms of the mind, storms of the soul...

Then to the bed where nothing happened
They smooth the sheets, tucking
Looking at that plane where something
Could have occurred

Second Chance
by smithpeter©
(*exhales finally after reading*) Wow! A classic, JP.

newly seeded mother faces the armistice alone
battle weary, her belly grows substantial with the spoils of war
thin in extremity, knees and elbows pencil sharp
record the losses and casualties on hospital ledgers

Rock of chickamauga (a true story)
by just pet©
Tender, sweet and real

in your embrace
two tender lips to kiss
there pressing firm
as passion burn
my tongue to enter bliss

by Blue Dolphin©
Big sis views the little.

It's hard for me to accept
That you're a woman just like me,
Even though I still see in you
The little girl you used to be.

For My Little Sister
by vixenshe©
Wanting more than eyes can see. (Please read past the small mistakes and look for the artist in this first time poem.)

the way that you soak my little world
in a vast and open sea of one possibillity.

too smitten
by tangle©

A warm welcome to stormygrl.
Re: New - 04-15-02 & 04-16-02

JUDO said:
(*exhales finally after reading*) Wow! A classic, JP.

newly seeded mother faces the armistice alone
battle weary, her belly grows substantial with the spoils of war
thin in extremity, knees and elbows pencil sharp
record the losses and casualties on hospital ledgers

Rock of chickamauga (a true story)
by just pet©

This is an accounting of a baby I cared for for 6 months in intensive care. He was the product of a one night stand. Mother presented to the ER vomiting blood. They operated and found cancer. Closed her up and she died soon after the C-section. The father became very involved with his son, loving the little life that struggled on the ventilator, never seeing the outside of the hospital. He would come every day and stand at the bedside. He became a hero to me, loving unconditionally. Many of us grew very close to the baby, and this poem as one way of dealing with the grief when he died. I was there.

New - 04-17-02 & 04-18-02

Ones that caught my mind. - Judo ;)
Wrestling with words.(And a new poet!)

tear my psyche limb from limb, kid
never hated anything as much as i love you
this is different, don't mistake cliche for sarcasm

soul assassin
by Miss Isis©
Find my coin, baby, and jingle.

standing in the parking lot all ghetto-ass lighted
feeling that sexy feeling don't try to fight it
being sexy without intercourse don't knock it til you've tried it...

isn't it sex-y...
by Miss Isis©
Tolerance is a basket.

over the centuries of lifetimes
the edges may begin to fray
leaking traditions and old gods

Thread of Consciousness
by just pet©
I feel the same way about TV (Another first post.)

the world is quite mad
they invented the line to wait in

Nine Hotdogs, Twelve Buns
by Smaugfire©
More than a pretty mouth.

Tongue glazed mute by Annu's niveous breasts
Coralline tipped with roseate gilded bud

by just pet©