The New Poems List

Elbow Familiar by Smithpeter

My favorite stanza:

She dances for the faves
Her picks, their pricks
Mistee earns
All her attentions

:kiss: :rose:
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A first try and good start. - Judo PS - Happy Birthday, Laurel!
Thanks, BD, for the first try. Keep up the good work.

Sense My Love
by BigDogg©

Also, a mention to DelicateInferno for her proliferation of posts today.
Some new additions to share. :)

A Word by April

The spoken or written word is a powerful thing. A word can charm or harm.
Little words are powerful things. I liked this poem. April says it well.

"Turned to ashes
all with a word"

Guarding Air by foxinsox

Being married to a man of few words I embraced and loved this poem!

I loved these lines,

"I guard those words jealously,
Like a drowning woman
Guards air."

Breathe, foxinsox, breathe! Inhale, and enjoy these
words that are said and meant. :)

Goodbye by Da_Imp

Damn, just damn. Pass me a tissue. I have a tear in my eye.
Da_Imp did me proud. I am an emotional person and this
poem got me right in the heart.

"I remember taking you to the park for a picnic.
I remember sitting in the sun,
the cool grass under us
and watching the ducks as they skimmed across the lake."

Searching by peirced_boy

Well this is an interesting poem I was enthralled by it. Reading
and rereading it.

"Inspired by the BDSM Board, particularly Cym"

Sweet sublime surrender,
So long in life’s forges.
Mine at last."

So, long in life's forges? Makes me think of a work of art being moulded or a tub of red hot steel waiting to be removed and

I sense a coming into one's true inner self. :)
yes I quite agree with Your thoughts, especially about pierced_boy... erally looking forard to more

Thank you so much Debbie for mentioning it. :)

I just looked at it again and noticed a small error. :( A missed period. Yeah, I nitpick. I wonder if I should correct it?
You are welcome April, just pet JUDO and foxinsox (I will read your other poem.) Glad to see you here, visit more often! :)

I am really enjoying reading the new poems!

Pussy revolution by cortnymarie

I liked this poem. But some of the words runnning together
seemed to detract from it a little.

"her lameexcuseforconversation"

I enjoy the way this poet thinks and writes.
"the bell curve of a rubenesque ass"

Morning Rain by moondoggie

"A drenching tempest,
surrounding my desire,
overwhelming my consciousness,
absorbing my essence."
Thumbs up. :)

The world's best sex by mechocolate

Great title!

"Your explorers retreat I needn't ask why
As you're going for a piece of my Poon-Tang-Pie"

Fuck buddies by slidinginsilk

Thundering passion by conz
damn this is a very long sort of poem? Like the way this poet
writes is poetic. The format is just different.

"Screams of ecstasy he shouted out to the clouds who, from my
lips, already knew his name. Screams of want; Screams of
needs, all cast to the swirling night so long ago. Yet, his screams
were not the screams of the conquer, nor the screams of a
surrendering of he who was now conquered. Did he not know
that, in the instant of his screams that blended with my life, life
was again created? Could he have ventured to guess that, as love
blended with love, that life had been created from us on that
stormy night we shared in our first lovemaking?"

Worth a read, definitely.! :)

So many more new poems!
Just a few more for now.

Bob finds love by WickedEve
Humbled by smithpeter
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New - 3-28-02

A bevy of word-isms. - Judo ;)
Ahh, OT is at is again! A lot of alliteration goes a long way.

quintessential quickie quandary

quasi quibbling,
quaint queen quietly questions quickie quest

quality quickie quiets qualms
quadruple quivering quakes

queen quite quickly quits quibbling

Erotic Alphabet - QRS
by OT
A sexy slide show, WE? I'm there, watching.

above me,
below me,
i'm a blue
movie of the moment, recorded
on shiny surfaces
and in minds.

glass box
by WickedEve©
Smithpeter strikes up the band!

You sure have a nice horn section
And those drums, when you walk
Meet my beat

Rhythm Hostess
by smithpeter©
Sweet gray memories of sorrow, SP.

Her old dolls are long and bendable.
Like the ballet dancers and the sequined circus stars. She can bend as well with practice to see
her sister so missed.

by smithpeter©
New - 3-29-02

Whoa! Sign me up, Adrian...sounds delicious.

So many straps to buckle
Even more eyelets to lace
Fingernails to shoulders
Elbows adjacent

by adrianhunter©

Everyone have a wonderful holiday weekend! - Judo
Re: thanxs debbiexxx

moondoggie said:
had some inspiration form a lovely lady...

Great to see you in the poetry forum.!
Will you join us more often? To share your poetry
or to give some input? I hope so! :)

So many new poems! I made myself
choose and comment on onnly a few. :)
I have a habit of reading them and wanting
to comment on them all. But I cannot. :)

The Magic Well by Oakden

Acceptance by voyergirl

Prayer of Echoes by Memories

This poet has a few other new poems too.

My Head Knows But My Heart Is Blind by Zuligin

Tres by adrianhunter

WOW! This is a definite must read. So intense. And clever.
Big thumbs up!!!

Adrian Hunter began posting his fiction on the Internet in 1993. Four years later, he compiled his stories on a web site,, which has attracted more than a million visitors. In 2000, he was the recipient of the "Best Bondage Writer" award from SIGNY. He has published two compilations of his short stories, "Crash Your Party Dress" and "Something Just Clicked," and a novel, "Once Bitten," co-authored by Chelsea Shepard.

Sleepwalk by BigDogg

"A man walked slowly by the shore
Dreaming of her who he adored
As the water crest beneath his knees
And all his faith went out to sea "
Very moving. Such a wonderful way with words.
Excuse me, I have a tear in my eye. Thanks
BigDogg for sharing. :)

Erotic Alphabet - QRS by OT

Aurora's Child by JUDO

Such beautiful imagery. I could sense the sunshine and almost
smell the wisteria. Lovely. :)

glass box by WickedEve

"above me,
below me,
i'm a blue
movie of the moment, recorded
on shiny surfaces
and in minds. "
Thought provoking. Insightful.

Fantasy by Blackthorn

"So as a parting gift
I gift your lust a twist
Lend yourself your painted fingers
Caress your skin, the sensation lingers "

Blackthorn has a few other new poems. Check them out too. :)

Unfolding by SmithPeter

"Relax your lotus petals "
My favourite line in a great little poem! :) SmithPeter? LOL You need to teach me
to write as well so you do! I am so longwinded.
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smithpeter said:
Thank you Dex,
Anything to bring a smile to your smiley.
May I quote you? "Nice shoes, wanna fuck?"
Let us not forget.


Thanks SmithPeter. For the mention of my poem.
It isn't new. But I do appreciate it.
As to the "nice shoes,wanna fuck?"
It originated on the general board. I will try and find
out if anyone knows who started it.
As for me? Im barefoot. :D

I feel guilty If I don't post a new poem here. :D
So here we go, another new poem.

primal dance of the sexes by DarkkSeduction

Love the title. Erotic poem. Well written.
DarkkSeduction has a wonderful, fresh way
of writing. :)

"She breathes and his eyes fix upon

the roundness of her breasts.

He watches as they rise and fall,

then sneaks an obvious peek where

fabrics cleave and buttons strain. "

April beckons...
It's annual call,
Cruel to eliot,
It's lust to all...
The blooms of spring
Scent the wind within...
Old hearts quicken...
Yearning to taste
The lips of desire
To be kissed again,
Kindling the fires
To heat the summer
Sizzling in the steam
Of our youthful dream....
Wrong Place?

MadKing, I think you might have wanted to put your wonderful poem in another thread called Spring. No?

This is the New Poems List thread.

- Judo
LOL I think my posts are getting too
long so I will only comment on a few. :)

Erotic Alphabet - TU and V by OT

i Turn To You. by broken_halo

One For All, Merrily by smithpeter

Fighting It by dagny

"A bondage of driving passions,
Of desire -making us take what we want,
Of hearts leaping in a dance of power. "

Arousal by pierced_boy

A tale of Domination. pierced_boy delivers another
great poem.

"Goddess comes to me.
I am captured,
Completed by her presence.
Caught in her aura,
Dangling in the web of her power.
She whispers to me, “I will blow your mind.”

Alan Funt and My Cunt by Isabella Thorne

"or maybe it's
more that my cunt
is the portal to
pertinent pleasure points
attached to my joints. "

Erotic, hot. Love the line portal to pertinent
pleasure points. :)

What 'They' Say by colleen

Bravo! I loved this poem.! :)

"With jaded spirits and stagnant minds,

"They" cloud my heart in fear and doubt.

Sanctimonious prattle from the herd,

A "shouldn't", "can't", "mustn't" mantra,

Designed to oppress the oblivious.

"Nice girls" don't use the word

Cunt "
New - 4-1-02 & 4-2-02

April sprouts early start. - Judo ;)
Both crass and elegant, speak softly and wary the big lick.

Her breast, my cheek, so sweetly wet
those wasted years I now regret
at last, with a woman, so soft and warm
defying the perverse perception alarm

No Regret
by Littlemissblair©

PS - watch the "too"
Again, around the sun, we ask, "Who's eliot?"

Old hearts quicken...
Yearning to taste
The lips of desire
To be kissed again,

by MadKing©
OT's one other osculation of onanism occurs.

with wandering wild willing wench
with warm wanton woman
with worldly wife?

Erotic Alphabet - WXY and Z
by OT©
And the words play together.

Tirelessly thrusting
Unbridled undulating
Vigorous variations
Wonderfully wicked woman

Alphabet Obsession
by OT©

Sorry, T.S. Eliot, an allusion to the first line in his poem, The Waste Land:

April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.

Now that was a spring poem and a half, amongst other things. LOL. Y'all take care.

New - 04-03-02

Struck my fancy. Ooo! - Judo ;)
So evocative, SP, but where is...? Oh, I must read it again.

Looking through windows defines life till now
Gifts that end up in my grasp
Forgotten encounters with givers of prayer beads,
Laughing children song,

by smithpeter©
Wow! I! Go, Lester, go!

what’s on her worried mind
is in the round perfect hollow of a tone
that wraps around you neat, squeezes rhythm from tears,
and tugs soul through red clay hills, crow-filled trees

Lester Leaps In
by Angeline©
Thank You Judo

Thank you for your kind words Judo! Lester Young was an amazing tenor player with the original Count Basie band in the late 1930's. He went on to a brilliant but erratic solo career that influenced Charlie Parker, Mingus, Miles, even Coltrance. I have never heard a "voice" come across so clear, so haunting. His music has been speaking to me for a few years now. That poem says what I hear in his sound, and, god, it is some soul shattering stuff.

Listen! Listen!
I dig!

A -

Yes, I know of Lester Young and his history. Perhaps, that is why your wonderful poem struck me so solidly.

Please, please, please do the world a favor and read this outloud to whomever will listen.

- Judo
New - 04-04-02

Ones that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
Soft, sexy, dark - anonymous. A first post

...hollowed cheeks...the sound of breath catching in the back of one's throat...yours...nails
scratch their way along inner thighs...reddened...scorching...flirtation...

by ann onomiss©
A declaration of valor

Impaled in triumph for the giving of it.
Laid in sorrow for the passions cried.

Thy Hand As Mine Own
by Omni©
Straightforward. A good, first attempt.

Adoring lips slide over Him
Gently coaxing simmered heat
Urging fevered throbbing
To gush liquid satin, oh so sweet

Crushed Velvet
by Kiwi Cassie©
Love him, hate him?

He doesn't ask for much, just...
a wife, 10 kids, and a car,
to live in California, get a job,
be a rock star.

Small Requests
by KatPurrs©

Has anyone told you what an incredible job you're doing with the new poems list?
Well, I'll tell you. You're doing an incredible job!!! But... you did miss a couple of good poems.

A Pocket of Poets

Ever fishing in the pockets
Of those around us
And finding...goodness knows what.

Picking pockets
Pockets of thought
Pocket rockets

The thread "Pick a Pack of Poets" gave birth to this pocketful of fun!

And we have another one by our gal JUDO!

Take the phrase,
"The first time I..."
And finish it any way you like.

At one time, you were a virgin
Many times over.

"The first time I posted... ahhh, the memories. I was so naive. I had never even clicked on a submit reply button before. And I had only seen smilies in my naughty forum fantasies. Oh yes, that first time I posted was sweet!"

Wicked Eve