The New Poems List

Thank you for the feedback, Judo... Hopefully I'll have some more of my work up there tommorow.

Glad to see my furrows into the darkness don't go unanswered. By the way, is that "Smaug" as in the J.R.R.Tolkein Smaug?

Oh! I almost forgot! Welcome to the Poetry Forum (congrats on your first post.)

- Judo
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Aye, the same Smaug from The Hobbit. I honor Mr. Tolkien as he is the writer who brought me to pick up the pen. There are others of course, but I have to give J.R.R. Tolkien his due. I'm hoping some day that I can write as well. But for now I work on smithing the word and hopefully I'll enrich any who wish to read my work as I pour out my soul here.

eeck.. that was wordy. Anyways, thank you for your welcome. I certainly do feel welcomed here. I have three new poems up, listed in my profile. They'll probably be listed under the new poem section in a day or so.
This is a powerful poem... I tried to pull out just a line or two but each is beautifully constructed... great piece

The Mirror
by straegaa ©
watching you in the mirror
wonder what it is like to be so beautiful
and why you do not love
but cut yourself
shaving like a blind woman
i think you let me stare
so you can turn against yourself
with greater violence
needing to show me how you scrape the flesh away
scornfully and without hesitation
until i see you correctly
as a woman bleeding
and not the beauty i desire


I just posted my first piece, a long free-form poem called Reunion, in the non-Erotic poetry section. I was inspired by a reunion I had just last weekend with a girl who I shared the summer with just after I got out of high school some 16 years ago. I've never really fancied myself as a writer but the way my thoughts made their way to print, I though that I captured something special. I would like to know what you think.

Your Post

WM -

Hi and welcome to the Poetry Forum at Lit. A couple of things first.

Your post would be best served to be posted in a seperate thread apart from this one. This thread is intended for recognition of poems posted in The New Poetry List by admiring authors. They choose what they are impressed by and post it here. This is open to anyone, so feel free.

Most poets who are looking for feedback on their own work, post such requests as seperate thread - FYI.

Also, your post describes the background or history that inspired your poetry. There is a thread here that is devoted to such information and poetry called Poetic Inspiration. You may do well to post your poem and this info there.

Finally, in order to guarantee that anyone will actually look at your work, you must post the link for your poem.

Now, you can locate the link (the URL address) in a couple of ways: (1) go to the Stories & Pics page and about halfway down you will see "Search The Site." Under that is a method called Search Members. You can do a search for the author of the work you are looking for.

In this case, Windermute can be found along with all your submissions. At the bottom of your page, your poem Reunion is linked.

The other method (2) is to go to either the Erotic Poetry or Non-erotic Poetry lists on the Stories & Pics page and search them alphabetically.

If you will post your poem in a more apropos location, I'll be glad to read it and send feedback.

And don't worry, we all make mistakes.

- Judo
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Re: Your Post

JUDO said:
WM -

Hi and welcome to the Poetry Forum at Lit. A couple of things first.

Thank you for the information JUDO.

My apolgies for not completely reading the FAQ, I'm usually better than that. What was I thinking?

Your advice is very welcomed, I'm still very new to this board and this board system. Making mistakes is part of the learning process. Thanks for you patience and the plug for my piece.

April 19-20

Over 30 new poems were submitted for the 19th and 20th. I'll list the Top Ten (in my opinion only) I chose these ten because I found them to be more interesting than the rest. Please check out all the new poems. There are many good ones for the 19th and 20th.

10. The Equinox Experiment by Rybka ©

9. A Dream by Smaugfire ©

8. The Essentials by lollipopgestapo ©

7. Black Wind by Smaugfire ©

6. Little Rows by Fallen1234 ©

5. enigma by XiaoHuar ©

4. Water Dancer by Bloodypaperdoll ©

3. Lips by smithpeter ©

2. Lilac Time by Angeline ©

1. Kathmandu Kitty by just pet ©

Wicked Eve
I have to agree WickedEve, your top two were exquisite picks. Kathmandu Kitty just flowed in a way that made my jaw drop at the sight of such talent with words, and Lilac Time I found to be a very heart felt piece that reminded me of my own loved ones, some long gone, and others I hold close in the moment.

I'm honored that you enjoyed some of the poems I've written. Any constructive criticism you or anybody else wish to imbue to me, is much appreciated.
Thank You :)

Just wanted to pop off a quick note of thanks for the mention here on the boards! I love it when what i share touches someone... in whatever way. Whether it makes them think or whether it makes them go, "Damn, how did she get in MY head."
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Be looking for more things... i've been gong through this incredibly intense period of creativity. LOL

ciao to all*
Oh Those Lips

SmithPeter, loved the poems and the drawing--but which hexagram is that? Did the i-ching reading influence the poem?

Having spent the past few hours reading through poems--new and not so new--posted here at Lit, I must say I am in awe of the talent here. We need a literotica poetry anthology--but perhaps there is simply too much good stuff to do it in one volume! What an absolute to be in the virtual company of other word lovers and to have the opportunity to see the many ways we express our imagination.

There are so many of you who are wonderful writers--SmithPeter, Havocman, Judo, JustPet, amd now Smaugfire come to mind--really I should not single any of you out--so many are writing terrific work, and I am forgetting names!

Judo, thank you, thank you for this thread!
Angeline, hexagrams

I drew them in by random. Maybe Confucius is mad at me.
From the Wilhelm/Baynes translation. 1971
The upper hexagram is Hsieh/Deliverance.
Thunder and rain set in:
The image of DELIVERENCE,
Thus the superior man pardons mistakes
And forgives misdeeds,

The lower hexagram is Sheng/Pushing Upward
Within the earth, wood grows:
The image of PUSHING UPWARD,

I won't go on…

Sometimes things just work out, other times not.
I am happy you are enjoying you time at Literotica.
Don't worry. To the best of my knowledge only Wicked Eve bites.
But that's another hexagram.
Biting remarks
I wounded him not so deeply
Fingertips trace the indentation
Lips smile
Re: Thank You :)

ldycassiopea said:
Just wanted to pop off a quick note of thanks for the mention here on the boards! I love it when what i share touches someone... in whatever way. Whether it makes them think or whether it makes them go, "Damn, how did she get in MY head."
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Be looking for more things... i've been gong through this incredibly intense period of creativity. LOL

ciao to all*

Thank you for joining us in the Poetry Forum, I. So glad we were your first post! Yeh! Welcome to Lit and The Pocket (of Poets).

- Judo
In Touch

In my misguided opinion this is the best overall poem submitted on the 21st, it has two strong lines and that's one or two more than the others.

For the rest of this comment just call me Goldilocks. (Stage Name from my youth)
I tried on 21 poems and found some too sweet, some too bitter (lost love or horniness will do that to you)
I ran from poem to poem like Imelda Marcos looking for a good pair of pumps. I didn’t find any and I refuse to go to payless, those only last a month! Weary and dejected I slipped on “on touch” Oh it’s not a pair of Prada more like Rockport but sometimes comfort is better than fashion. So much for that black slinky dress I was planning on wearing now I gotta find something to go with brown.

on touch
by XiaoHuar ©

his knuckles skidded down my stomach
the flat of his palm was pressed against my mound
my entire body ached in anticipation
begging for attention (something-anything)
our hands were interlocked as i guided his
fingers along my swollen clit
between my lips saturated with moisture
and down to my entrance.
god i wanted this for so long
to feel my mind drift
and my body let go
i was soaked in my own desire
to feel everything he was giving me
and to say goodbye to everything i gave away.

Xiaohuar, I like the “knuckle thing” using skidded is an odd reference but I liked the image. The closing line “to say goodbye to everything I gave away” is poetry. The stuff in the middle is "Rockport".

Although I did not find something in my size, I eyed a cute little number that would look like heaven on Redwave.

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New - 04-21-02 & 04-22-02

Holy cats! Sixty-three new poems! Well, these stuck with me. (*pant, pant*) - Judo ;)
Fun poem - I kept reading it like I was Jamaican for some reason. And, a first-time poet!

We fly in why moments
swim in shallow i
doin time in see-U-soon
I try so hard not to mind but...

Deep-U, Shallow-I
by lionnlocs©

the chemically imbalanced madness
the machines we built
the masters to replace freedom
in the lethargy and slavery of the masses

Monotony Entrenched
by Smaugfire©
Piss off, get off, send off...

derailed system, off-track, offbeat
off to beat my-yea she’ll scream
off key, off-tact, porcelain skin
off to slip it in the-absinthe

by Smaugfire©
A fantasy of lithesome words

Zephyr brushed cheek pricks to silent murmurings.
Whispery snow cool promises schussing
down luminous breast of baby's breath and moss rose.

Aphrodite's Rose
by just pet©
A morning to remember

I move along the boardwalk mechanically,
chin tucked tight into my chest, pace measured,
seeing and unseeing, feeling and unfeeling.
The sea-worn boards creak and sigh in melancholy time against my step,

by Angeline©
Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Another first-time poet!

The huge sword is now sheathed.
My eyes dilate –
Nothing coherent spills from my wide-open mouth,
My cheeks flush like a mad man’s.

For Jim
by Anais©
He knows what he wants.

Your screams of pleasure, music to my ears
Words so obscene they bring a child to tears
Your climax is sweet, but you're so vain
Winds of ecstacy become a hurricane

The Beauty of Sodomy
by Strapping Young Lad©
FemDomme feels her own

Your sigh is full of shame and humility as you whimper like a boy.
Knowing your nothing more to me then my little sexual toy.

by stormygrl©
An accidental doubled post, long, but delectable poem by yet another first-time poet.

Exposed, lies the endless shoreline,
summer's sun,
simmers the morning's mystifying shroud,
as unveiled soft light edges across a fathomless sea.
Quiet tide pools, still calm lagoons,
rock gently in their clutches of stone.

Inflaming the Unstilled Sex
by Canyon Rider©
4-23 Don't miss these!

Karma Sailing
by Smaugfire ©

dissonance in the mud
no harmony in her eyes
no fires like augers
to smolder me to the wall

Smaugfire is a new poet that I really enjoy. I find myself checking out his new poems with anticipation of reading something interesting and well-written.

And here's another poet that has captured my attention for months now. I never tire of his words.

Smelling This Future
by smithpeter ©

Nothing to ponytail
At 80 in 2033
Being wheeled like elder luggage
To the table of fellow cronies

Monday Night
by smithpeter ©

Just a keyboard, a bass
Some congas and her

These are just some highlights of what's waiting for you on the new poems list!
I find myself feeding off your responses and writting more. This is madness! An addiction worse than any drug I've ever tried. Thank you for the vote of confidence WickedEve.

*feeling around for his handy ego popping pin to use on self*

I know it's addictive! You make me feel like a poetry pusher. :D
Judo Out from 4-24 to 4-28

I'll be out of town from Thursday through Sunday and completely out of touch electronically. Today, I'm just scrambling to get all my commitments wound up so I can leave.

I know some of you wonderful poets will keep this thread afloat while I'm gone.

Have fun. I love you all.

- Judo

by Sir Phoenix ©

the light has been breached.
she enters.
her shadow plays on my mind,
and her eyes engraved themselves onto my soul

i hear her thoughts.

on me, or on the world,
on sex, and rock and roll.
but i still think Queen is her drug.

I like the first few stanzas of this poem best. Engraved should be present tense. (shadow plays -- eyes engrave)
This is Sir Phoenix's first poem at Lit. Let him know you're reading by voting and sending feedback. (Darn, I need to remember to do that myself. Shame on you, wicked!)

For Christopher
by Catalina ©

Oh child mother
you are so young
your life has just started
what will you do?
who will take care of you
as you struggle

I think this poem is worth mentioning. Check it out and send Catalina some feedback.

Love Purge
by Smaugfire ©

To the bees and the birds in your eyes and your hair

That first line hooked me!

by Smaugfire ©

climb through the cracks, stretching for stars
reaching for candy through a sausage grinder
of junkies, and hookers, and Elron Hubbard.

Hey, this poem is definitely worth a read! Check out Smaugfire's Hollywood!

Please read Smaugfire's other poems. Some very interesting reads. And be sure to take a look at the rest of the poems. There are 14 new ones for 4-24, including a new audio poem.

That's all for now!

Wicked Eve