The New Poems List

thanks for the mention

Blessed Love Judo

much thanks for the mention and high praises to you nocturnal sentinel for your vigilant watch over these poetic flows...

Deep-U is actually a song so doesn't really do well as a poem - kinda put it out there as a 'feeler' of sorts

your energy is encouraging - definitely going to post more poems

thanks again

Please send me feedback if you happen to read any of my poems... I appreciate the feeling you got or the images I blew through your minds more than any votes.

*smiles over at WickedEve*

Unfortunately I won't have anything until tommorow night, but be sure to check. I'll have some more tasty treats for the soul.
April 25-26

We have one poem on the new list that's Hot! That's right, it has an H by it. And that poem is by Angeline.
Hey boys, you like what you see?
Over here, that’s right,
you wanna have me?
I watch y’all stare.
Wanna mess up my hair?
Wanna touch me here?
Make my lip gloss smear?

If you want to take a walk down the dark streets of poetry, then try out these two avenues by BigRich200
Glistening Steel
Forearm muscles tense;
I swivel silently.
A smooth strike;
Stiletto slicing through tendons, muscles
And airing his throat to the skies.

I can smell it
Clear as day:
That rich coppery scent
Tangs my nostrils
As they flare in anger
And pain.

I can smell it
And it smells damn good:
A bad sign
For someone,
Not me.

At the end of these streets you'll come to a big house that everyone is curious about. Why? Well, come on in and take a look around. Smaugfire is waiting...
They Knew
bottling the will to live
death over dead grass
watching that coyote twitch
wrist thick cuts of flesh
put another round in – stop that
twitching, watching congregations in

it, and I’m going to use my lighter this
time. burn the Prozac laden slime,
hell, dump rocket fuel down my arm,
he’s the leech that sucked Nietzsche to

Carnal Syn's first poem here at Literotic:
Sleeping Beauty
Her dreams were not of Castles in the sky,
Or happily ever after.

Vibrant and all woman,
She dreamt of feminine desires,
The kind wiles are composed of.

Nice naughty twist on a fairy tale.
Hopeless Love
by maddyvand
Join me now and say a little prayer
For those to whom love is unfair
Distance strips me of what is mine
Close my mind and turn to wine

Another new poet to lit. Welcome!
The Love In The Movies
by Star At Sunrise ©
Ah... now it's time for a RedWave! Red wrote a very dirty poem for the "sexually explicit" thread. He has now submitted it and I get to tell you all about it! Here goes. It's really dirty! :D But it's well done, and done only the way Red can do it.
Shower of Sperm
I step into the bathtub
ringed by naked, horny men
with my lips and tongue
and glistening oiled hands
I pleasure them
and myself

as I make the rounds
of the rotation
their skin is multi-hued
and they represent all of humanity

And now for something different from RedWave:
Love's Demise
You say you love me still, with ice-cold hands
Where shortly before there raged a wild fire
For now be careful where you place your brands
Lest you become entangled in the mire

More to come. I have to do another post because my crazy finger hit submit before I was finished! :D
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April 25-26 continued

As I was saying, I submitted too quickly. I'm always so anxious to submit. (Master will be tickled by this fact... tee hee)
Anyway, Judo is away this weekend at an orgy seminar, so I'm feeling in... oops... filling in for her.

Okay, I'll shut up. Here's the next poem.

Sex Religion Salvation
by DarkkSeduction ©
your daughters
are glistening & spread
in the house of worship

they are working their fingers in sin

Sex and religion -- so many possibilities for kneeling.

Sensory Sweet
by DelicateInferno ©
Sweet caresses lead
To inhibitions freed
Dulcet plea to him flows
Desire burgeons, he knows

From her member page: "I look forward to hearing from you, and feedback is always super-welcome. Tell me what you think!!"

8 poems by Lilith1968 for the 26th. Check out her I Saw A Man Today

Love = Soul...Together Found Giants
by Solar Dragon ©
Love without any feeling of weakness.
Get to know this feeling….study it.
It created giants that walked the Earth.


6 from ManusNigrumPoet. I like this one (no, not just because her name is eve!)
about slaves
and then he nodded and raised his hand
with that i saw eve come close
kneel and smile

Castles end
spreading open the halls to arcadia
like rampant swords mens
breaking the castle and storming in
spreading inside her hidden city
they ram her harder as she pushes away
defending all her jewels

No one has laid siege to my castle lately!
Check out the rest of Manus' poems!

Silent Predator
by christcat69 ©
Lacking emotion, you stalk me from a distance,
You devour me with your cunning ways,


Okay, another poet with multiple submissions for one day. There sure is some writing going on out there!
7 by Ancient117331 Here's a taste:
Essence Of A Woman...
Her hair -
interwoven patterns
of softest moonglow
and warm sunlight,
mellow auburn traces
glistening with life.


Last but not least, 11 new poems by maddyvand
My Perfect Wife (For helen)
I know it isn’t easy
Living here with me
My madness spreads a shadow
Like a blackened tree

The End
Wicked Eve
Some good stuff; especially liked dispos-a-girl, the rampant lust leading up to the moment and then back to the routines of "ordinary" life. Y'all take care,


New Poems! :D I'm so excited!

I'm going to start off with a brilliant poet. smithpeter

When the time does not run out
All things stay the same
The water falls like rain
The wind blows

Always speaking in words
Not sign of turning
Not blink of eye or fold of
Body language

3 Women
for me, 3 women
of fantasy, warmth
seductive words and sexuality

so linked and gracious creatures
that slap me every time compared to
animals of sensuality, seductive megafuck creatures
of suck and copulation

Radon Daughters
I leave the brutal day behind
Submerge to the imagined lure of debauchery
A hotel bar home to hook and nook
Dual nylon liaison peppered with flesh and flex

Just Parts Prayer
How to see the result of you
Falling off the bed
Off the tip of my tongue
On the tip of tongue I say things
While you wait, let me see
Show me your delight in shadow
And bright day


Johnny's Dream
by Stealheart89 ©
Johnny's on the bathroom floor,
Dreaming of a better place.

Opens up his eyes, looks around, falls down once more.
The world drifts around him,
creating on and on again.

Stealheart89 is from Buttfalls, Indiana. I become more and more familiar with butt falls as I grow older.

by nakedangelina ©
I’ve talked to God about it,
I talked to my friends and to the moon,
and I’m getting nowhere fast
talking about you.

Straight from naskedangelina: "get wild on a regular basis, but also keep a good job and keep my life together"
"Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think."

Hello from one Virginia girl to another!
Under the Table
by Brandy Chase ©
Four thighs spreading
pleasure starts to sweep
wet panties aside
moist folds start to weep.

A quote from Ms. Chase: ""Hey, a girl can dream a bit can't she? I mean, it doesn't hurt to have a little fantasy once in a while does it?"
No, it doesn't, Brandy.

One of my favorite new poets. Smaugfire

Ideal Forecast
gray skies, cool breeze
I think it’s gonna rain.
that curtain hiding day
is gonna tear like a sack
gush like a red groovy
fall like god crying and
water the world to make
things grow wet and wild


A delightful poet. KatPurrs

The Power of G's
Mine, an abduction by status quo, it's only with the force of G
that feet are firmly planted with heels dug in,
as if that would help, that I leave behind
his breath as sweet as summertime; that I'm forced to settle


New to lit, JimmyHat from Canada.
"I'm a bit of an exhibitionist."
"any feedback on my stories or poems would be highly appreciated. I'll keep writing if I hear from you, especially if you have any suggestions."

After Two Weeks
Her laugh rings through my ears
as I sit here in the dark.

I can almost see her smile
flash across her face, but

The silence overpowers me,
agonizes my heart.


Another first time poet at lit. astrodweeb
On her member page she says that "anything with two wheels excites me."
beware of me
my mote is shallow and easily breached.
my alligators have no teeth.
but don't worry, because if you need i'll build you a bridge
to cross.


Bio: "A modern day poet."

The Mage... Parts I - III
Faded and gray,
he was slowly shuffling by
in time to the weary tune
sounding softly within his head.

Moving, ever forward
following the tracks...
his tracks, his steps.
Our footfalls were slow,
measured, tireless,
though always steady.

The days, eves, nights, our time,
passed relentlessly,
his leading, my following,
his weakening, my growing.


Check out the new poems list. There's much more!

Now I must go and pick some apples,
Wicked Eve
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Re: 4-27

WickedEve said:
New Poems! :D I'm so excited!

Now I must go and pick some apples,
Wicked Eve

Thanks for the mention you wonderful, wild, wicked woman!
Just for that, I shall help with the harvest, hoisting my skirt for you...holding it out for you to fill with whatever you like...
Woo hoo! The skirt, Eve, the skirt!

Kat~ :rose:

WE, you little dumpling! What a wonderful series of posts.

And RS, aren't you supposed to hold the skirt out in the front? And what are you bent over for?

- Judo

That was me.....and I WAS holding it out in front until I dropped one, you know how she gets when she's "equipped".....yeow!

Judo, Kat

I've got some forbidden fruit right here for you! :devil:

Judo, glad you're back!
Highlights for April 28-30


Earth Day Women
by smithpeter ©
Flannel in shorts
Planting trees, stooping
Gathering while men recline

Soul of Elven
by Rache_Bratai ©
Give me a reckless maiden,
With a soul of elven.
A forest sprite, kicking ass and taking names,
Leads me to her brook.


The Romantic
by Twinkle ©
Your heart and bollocks beat in time,
The same hypnotic, mindless chant,
The throbbing bass, insistent drum,
The gasping, gulping, breathless pant.

by smithpeter ©
Near bone and tissue
Elda furious selfish
Only wishing for the bod
Of gods still brewing


by just pet ©
Trembling under the coverlet
fearing the dark, draped in sacrilege
knees hugged close, hiding innocent breast
I make myself smaller
May 1st

Writing A Poem
by Star At Sunrise ©
A wild flourish
Squinting at the sun
Words on crumpled paper
And endless screaming

stupid cars
by britsabroad ©
Dusted with fear from
A split windscreen.
I looked off the bridge into infinity,
And saw red brick houses
At the back of my eyes.

No Disrespect
by smithpeter ©
The sight of you alone at the lonely hillside graveyard
Slowly polishing his headstone with your black clad breasts,
Bare goose pimpled arms
Charcoal gray hose knee denting fresh green sod

:)Raul and Tiger
by smithpeter ©
Once Tiger broke his finger
With her heavy boot
Meant for desert stomp
He forgave her with a rare flower

Raul invites Tiger to closet
To mingle with silks and leather
Tasting the buckles of silver, brass
And lashings of her bridal gown

:)Tiger Goes Missing
by smithpeter ©
His Tiger is lingered in dream too long
Her form is not present
Her embrace is vacuum
Raul tears, he tries waking once more

She is not closet hiding
Nor stout boot bearing footprints
In garden or path to low lake
Tiger is not in near place

by Carnal Syn ©
From seed I grew, like lavender,
soaking up sunshine.
At night, I dozed under the watchful eyes of the Cosmos.
May 2nd

:)Raul's Journey
by smithpeter ©
Over ways of others passage
Knowing no longer sense of growth or depth
Raul sees across all borders
That could have passed his lovers eyes

I hope you got a chance to read the first two poems in this series.
Raul and Tiger
Tiger Goes Missing
Excellent work, smithpeter!

Boy Show
by JUDO ©
Air alive with smoldering parts
Nitrates ooze down bent delight
Glistening in low light heaving ho
I lick my lips for one last bite

Teeth scrape the drooling sheen
Basking tongue for cherry cream
Tweak the nob for dollup's sup
As open the half moon's window beam

Read the above stanzas aloud. If your tongue was delighted, then read the rest of Boy Show!

In Her Middle Dug It Out
by The Huntsman ©
I remember one winter.
When Mary was in her pains.
She wore a red scarf,
out into the garden;
she hugged her fishbowl,
and looked up at the sky.
New - 05-03-02

One that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
Yummy...and only a kiss.

Your palms
frame my face
draw my eyes to You
a percussive symphony
in my chest
breath captured
by Your nearness
i buckle

First Kiss
by just pet©
First Kiss

Sometimes I think that just about everything that could be written has been written. (I've seen the dictionary, and it just ain't that big)

But then lines like these from "First Kiss"

i do not knock
the door is not locked
i enter
as arranged

remind me how regular words and mundane action
can be said in such a way and in such as context that they
seem fresh, unique and necessary.

The lines express such a vivid and a strong feeling of perfect communication between them.

BTW, I usually hate to over analyze -- poems (like sex) are often best left in the "just shut up and enjoy it" category, but every once in a while I try to dig and try to figure out why it feels so darn good


my stuff
Re: New - 04-17-02 & 04-18-02

JUDO said:
Ones that caught my mind. - Judo ;)
Wrestling with words.(And a new poet!)

tear my psyche limb from limb, kid
never hated anything as much as i love you
this is different, don't mistake cliche for sarcasm

soul assassin
by Miss Isis©
Find my coin, baby, and jingle.

standing in the parking lot all ghetto-ass lighted
feeling that sexy feeling don't try to fight it
being sexy without intercourse don't knock it til you've tried it...

isn't it sex-y...
by Miss Isis©

Wow...I have been away for a week or two, things have been busy here...but I just wanted to thank you for featuring me in this I didn't expect much recognition for those :)

Miss Isis

MI -

Thanks for joining us in the Poetry Form. Liked your stuff and hope you like ours. Please feel free to post here or in any of our numerous other threads.

Don't know if you've been watching, but I believe WickedEve has recently posted a new poetry challenge as I did a couple of weeks back.

Get some feedback, write a poem or two and who knows maybe we'll learn a thing or two from you pretty soon.


- Judo
Playing Catch Up! New - 05-04-02 & 05-05-02 & 05-06-02

Ones that caught my eyes. - Judo ;)
A Tiger's thoughts...

Shade in heat and cool with movement
Gentle servants not brutes with breath
A Shadow Play on canvas after dark
With rhyme and slapstick

The Captor concedes with vision
He imagines her length entangling him
With willing thrust and pull
Her long brown hair holding sky content

Tiger of Captivity
by smithpeter©
I knew I paid attention in school for something.

multiplying moans
prime number screams
imaginary numbers
a single sigh

erotic degrees of freedom
impossible to divide
two become one

Do The Math
by OT©
On the flutter of wings...flies a new poet!

Mistaken by my kiss
He lays at my feet
Now lost in his thoughts
Consumed by this fire
Haunted by the taste of one sweet bite

Bloody Tenderness
by Sabbath©
Where were you when the lights went...oooo?

No noises but us and occasional cat hiss pissed
by wind percussion on this camp floor hard wood
below hips, outer thigh and inner meaning.

Power Out
by smithpeter©
(*whew!*) Okay, that one's distracting!

Binding you with silk, you arch your back in lust
How easily you are aroused, I see it in your eyes
Proud nipples the colour of pink rosebuds bloom
Peek at me from firm, twin mounds of pleasure

Reaching for the delicacies with my moist tongue
My long hair falls upon your skin, a tickling touch
You twist and moan, wrists straining in silken tie
My breasts brush against yours as I nuzzle you

Brush Strokes
by debbiexxx©

Thank you for the mention. Two in one post. Thank you, thank you.

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Thanks for the mention JUDO. :)

So many new poems. Just a few more to add.

Worth a sixpence by WickedEve

W.E you do well what you do! :)

I really enjoyed this poem
from beginning to end.
"The power between her lusty globes
held him in spellbound subjugation,
as her devil magic milked him dry,
withering him with frantic copulation.

Twin pendulums of rounded flesh,
he watched their hypnotic sway.
Lost in a bewitching trance
until cock inside no longer lay."

Worship by aromantis_s_jade

Welcome new poet. :)

The Touch

by Ancient117331

It touched me.

"Touched... by your dreams.
Such cannot be, shouldn't be,
couldn't be... but you are -
touched none-the-less,
and so closely held
in arms enfolded tight.
Wrapped round and around you
inside and out.
Held and holding,
and always. "
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Re: First Kiss

OT said:
Sometimes I think that just about everything that could be written has been written. (I've seen the dictionary, and it just ain't that big)

But then lines like these from "First Kiss"

i do not knock
the door is not locked
i enter
as arranged

remind me how regular words and mundane action
can be said in such a way and in such as context that they
seem fresh, unique and necessary.

The lines express such a vivid and a strong feeling of perfect communication between them.

BTW, I usually hate to over analyze -- poems (like sex) are often best left in the "just shut up and enjoy it" category, but every once in a while I try to dig and try to figure out why it feels so darn good


my stuff

I appreciate the comment. It is difficult to describe the submissive experience, how exquisite that first kiss, the depth and strength of a Dom's love and tenderness for His beloved.

I am good about voting on poetry, and now I shall begin commenting here as well. Actually some of my favorite poets post here... debbiexxx, JUDO, smithpeter and OT to name a few.


Thank you for being one of few that made it through almost 50 stanzas of rhyme! lol I wrote this one earlier in the year. I was trying to break myself of rhyming, and this poem really helped to get it out of my system. :rolleyes:
Judo --
thanks for the mention, but I'm sort of bummed that you paid attention in school and won't be requiring any private tutoring. darn darn darn

Pet --
(thanks for being a fan - I'm honored).

I'm guilty of mostly just lurking, but am slowly coming out and poking a bit. For fellow lurkers -- trust me, it hardly hurts at all. (hmm, or if you prefer, it stings, yes, that's it, posting comes with a delicious warm pain that will linger long into the night...)

Anyway, It can be intimidating to try and explain what you like and why -- A good way to start is to follow Judo's wise lead and simply quote a line or two that grabbed you.


my stuff
This poem by a new poet, impressed me with the poignancy of love just out of reach, lovers torn apart

Paradise Lost
by heterotic

I had no right to reach for the stars
Bound before to the earth
But the stars reached me,
And they and me, we spent a while in harmony

A short time only, as cosmically reckoned
Reality re-intruded, wrenched, asserted
Tore away the unattainable, though it still beckoned
What is can't be not, e'en fought concerted