The New Poems List

New 05-07-02 & 05-08-02

Ones that made me look. - Judo ;)
How fun is this? DX, you are so easy.

"Get down on all fours."
I am so there; your bitch
"Faisons le chaton de sexe d'amour"
Hear me purr, big boy.
"I've got a cure for that."
I knew you would, oh yeah.
"Do you want fries with that?"
Yeah good looking, let's get cooking.

Pick up lines that rock
by debbiexxx©
Well done, DX. A doozy!

Leaders of countries meet around a noisy conference table
Littered with papers, clicking pens and important documents
Translaters interpreting as click cameras flash and whir
Discussing current events, policies, legislation and laws
Politicians proclaim their message like whores on a corner

(I love that last line!)

Searching the world for answers
by debbiexxx©
Parenting messages we don't want to hear.

It's the school secretary here my love,
good news, we've located Samantha's glove,
in the end it turned into farce,
some poor kid had it stuffed up his - no don't laugh!

The school secretary
by jonteD©
Brutal vision

still gonna grow wings before the
phone crawls to hand. who’s
crawling to who? three sharp
clicks in the slurpy machine.

Night Shift 3:57 AM
by Smaugfire©
A solid form for free form

In all things life anew is born of change
In art, too, difference lets new forms arise.
Revere the old, move on, then rearrange.
To not evolve condemns one’s words to lies.

Sonnet 2
by Angeline©
I hear that.

Lace and satin
and silky things,
daylight madness fulfilled
in nighttime dreams.

Waiting out the Day
by nakedangelina©
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Worth a Sixpence by WickedEve
W.E you do well what you do!

I really enjoyed this poem
from beginning to end.
Thank you for bringing attention to this poem. I also enjoyed it.

He took the reins and found his fingers
entwined by her strangling vines of hair.
He spurred her on as their wet flesh
beat like wings on stormy air.

His manhood inside her spun around
like clay on a pottery wheel.
Bedeviled bowels of talent,
shape-shifting his cock at will.

And I like her new one Not Chinese Fortune Cookie

my naked ninja,
silent monsoon shadow,
descends on geisha love.
sheet flies like dove in night

I read Eve's poetry that is now sadly gone from Lit. I'm glad to see she's submitting some new ones!

Honey :heart: Dipped
Thanks for the mention, Wickedeve. I haven't had the time to post but I am elated that someone has given me some feedback on Silent Predator. Thanks again. :rose:
my first time...

I have never posted before, although I read them often...

Thank you, Judo, for the mention. I stumbled across this site recently, and enjoy reading and posting poetry very much. I basically write about what is on my mind, without alot of thought to it being "in form" or not. (are you cringing at that statement?!)
I would like to become better at it, and appreciate your thoughts.

Oh, and debbiexxx - you rock!!
Re: my first time...

nakedangelina said:
I have never posted before, although I read them often...

Thank you, Judo, for the mention. I stumbled across this site recently, and enjoy reading and posting poetry very much. I basically write about what is on my mind, without alot of thought to it being "in form" or not. (are you cringing at that statement?!)
I would like to become better at it, and appreciate your thoughts.

Oh, and debbiexxx - you rock!!

(Are you naked all the time or just when you post here?);)

Wow, I'm so excited to be part of someone's first post! Thanks for coming to the boards at Lit, NA, and WELCOME!

No, I'm not cringing at form or a lack of it. Many of the best poems I've seen here are completely free verse (And I had to learn the diff between that and form on this board!). Come back, post more thoughts, poems, rants and feel free to join us - The Pocket of Poets here at Lit.

- Judo
Thanks for the mentions, JUDO.

You are welcome W.E. Your poem was well worth
the read. lol I am haunted by constant rhyming.
Breaking out and letting the poem just flow is so,
so refreshing for me. (Breaking out of the mould) :kiss:

Honey Dipped, thanks for joining us and sharing.
Please come back more often.


nakedangelina, lol I rock n roll.


Some new poems.

Consume by sisao

Welcome a new poet :)

Watery dreams in a midsummer night

by Lauren.Hynde

"Last night I was awoken by your kiss.
You were drifting through the vast Sea
Whilst I waited by our little mountain brook.
I ran the riverside to the edge of the land
Until I saw you singing in your castle of sand,
"I was once a mermaid, and now I'm a gull."
I laughed at you "Then why don't you fly?"
And then you stared, and then you smiled,
You opened your window and flew away. "

Arms by smithpeter

smithpeter never ceases to amaze me.
His poems always make me
think when I read his poems. :)
And reread to find more.

"What a fascinating array.
Some swing and sway while others clench
in strangle hold or lift soft silk over head.
The sinew of trained paddlers, tree pullers
left and right tugging tank topped."

Let humanity burn

by Smaugfire

I liked this poem, it spoke to me of true love and
how it can make you feel you will do anything for that person.
I did feel though that the presentation let it down.
(Pardon me if I step on Smaugfire's toes, apologies in advance.
For me? It was a great poem. It just needed a little fine tuning.
Thank you Smaugfire, for the read. :) )

"give everything for. trade it all
don’t let her escape should you find
trust in those eyes. easier to spot the
repetitions of those wings, always
humming, seeking the same sweet
taste. sell your soul give it to the
highest bidder, should you find
happiness in that smile. how
often will the curl of lips touch
glittering eyes, drinking you in
like a lioness finding cool springs
after a life of sand. throw it
all away for her, throw away the
world should you find love without
flaw. kill for it, more precious
than purest life. let humanity
burn for it, if she makes you feel
what you thought was dead."

(My little 'changes')

"Give everything for; trade it all,
Don’t let her escape
Should you find trust in those eyes
Easier to spot the repetitions of those wings,
Always humming, seeking the same sweet taste
Sell your soul, give it to the highest bidder,
Should you find happiness in that smile
How often will the curl of lips touch glittering eyes,
Drinking you in like a lioness finding cool springs
After a life of sand, she thirsts for you
Throw it all away for her, throw away the world
Should you find love without flaw.
Kill for it; more precious than purest life.
Let humanity burn for it,
If she makes you feel
what you thought was dead. "

Hope to hear more from Smaugfire. :)
I sent feedback and said that I had posted this.
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I think I will come back more often. I enjoy reading the new poems.

I saw a few that I really liked on the 9th that I don't think were mentioned.

When My Name Reaches Timbuktu... - Wicked Eve

He said I was his #1
(but not his only one)
I was flattered until
he let loose his list of loves.
It rolled across the desert
crushing tumbleweeds and hearts.
The very last entry,
with its 2 stars of mediocrity,
slowly vanished into the Western sun.

Musings, #6 - Lenny

Cyprus standing firm
against wind and time: lasting,
while gaining rock's strength.

Tin Man - Smaugfire

all I knew, sleep slouching on
eyelids. music moves sinuously
through ears, creeping down
canals singing in Italian
there is no light in the world,
there is no white moon to throw
her pale beauty down on me through
night’s veil. hiding in shadow, my
heart in anticipation to feel her gaze
recognize the light breathing life
into the extinguished ashen insides.

And I also liked Broken, Shattered and Twisted - nakedangelina
She Spoke in a Foreign Tongue - Wicked Eve
The Good, My Bad, and The Wicked Eve

Perhaps I am biased.
Wicked Eve is doing something.
There is an odor of fires starting, not being doused.

She Spoke in a Foreign Tongue

Fast Talkin'

Just Panties

lazy boy

I Wear Them For You

Just Breathe

Surprise Reunion

She is a mean and nasty interviewer. An excellent poet. I believe soft and hard in one egg being boiled or fried below her delicately painted free range shell.
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I like the new AV of you in the hat. You look like such a guy, smithpeter. :)
New - 05-12-02 & 05-13-02

Ones that caught my eyes. - Judo ;)
An old line meets the right girl.

On a hot, dry day; a sweltering Summer's day
In the land of fine wine and glorius sunshine
Suddenly I felt the need for a cold shower
Visions of her naked body, wet nublile flesh

Baby, You're So Fine
by debbiexxx©
He must with a lover who can't.

In bed – my wishes clearly
Written across my face
You slyly smile
And tell me sweetly
That your unfortunate condition
Does not allow for anything – at all

Sticky in the dark
by Sweetwood©

Make my hair stand up
And clap like thunder

Bedroom Hurricane
by WickedEve©
Grabbed me...a new voice!

you desire cold shores and tall mountains

sun burning rain camouflage and soft snow

Poe tr y
by Senna Jawa©
Poetry or diatribe? Interesting none-the-less. I'll have to read it again - just for the title.

The mixed voices of the people in the café
were a raging sea, crashing in waves of words over my head; waves that started as a rumour
and extended into a diffused uproar, recoiling immediately, leaving remains of words in the air,
worthless and untidy syllables, like junk in an old person's attic.

Tele-Parabolized Hyperkarma
by Lauren.Hynde©
Photographs - moments in time

needing trimming, weed eating,
the terrain about the hexagram
swims with weasel flesh
interested in your snowy ankles

the swing
by smithpeter©
The seen by a new voice.

The strength of trying to hold on
Fingers scraping skin, teeth sinking in flesh.
The whisps of her hair slapping against the cement

Loss of Innocence
by Young_Dream04©
Hildegard descends.

She ascends swiftly
through arborous fingers
that grasp unfettered braids.

Final Flight
by WickedEve©
Thank you all for the mentions, Honey Dipped, Debbiexxx, and Judo. I appreciate your feedback in a very big way, and I hope you all know you are in part what inspires me to write more. You supply my addiction.
Lauren.Hynde said:
Thank you for the mention, Judo. I knew you liked me... ;)

Ha! There be no favorites here, missy. Liked your poem, I did.

- Judo
Thank you JUDO for the mention!
karmadog helped to inspire that. :)

You are welcome smaugfire, hope we can
inspire you more to supply our addiction;
new poets and poems.

Just a few of the new poems...

New poet

Advice to a younger man by Julia Rebecca

"Care to dance?
The evidence of your desire will make me smile
and press close to you,
not blush and pull away."

New poet

Thirst by SCR

"I crawl along your silky arches
up the columns of your landscape
your flower before me
you allow me to drink from your petals
not because i am your lover
i am a man dying of thirst"

My New Boyfriend by WickedEve

I loved it! :) How many miles can you get out of him?
Hope his battery lasts. (If I wasn't married you could have
tempted me to borrow him for a test drive. LOL) *Big grin*

New poet

Welcome darkstranger :)

Love your bio.
whisperer of words
toucher of the sigh places
where eros and woman skin
make seamless lines "

dark gift

thousand sighs

too much love
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smithpeter I really do like your Missing Something It spoke to me and I understood.

She is left behind on the wearing letters of my keyboard.
But her soft embrace is felt each morning regardless of distance
even in this strange place
with plaster eagles and plastic eagle's scream
on perch next to highway and flowage.

Judo I think You've Just Cum? is sensational. I almost believe you wrote this while it was happening! ;)

I open my eyes
And deeply sigh a hot column of air to the ceiling
As tension flows off the bed and out the door
Like the sweat pool at the base of my neck,
Trickling down my sternum.

Blue Dolphin, I just read Flower Lady:rose: and it started out wonderfully.

Can I take lilac blooms my love
and weave them, in your hair
lay petals silk upon your face

I'd like to see the rest of the poem with this kind of imagery.

SexplorN, you go where no poet has gone before. To the bowels of rhyme and back. :D

A Bowel Cleansing

a bowel cleansing
a personal prep
shared by two lovers
a thrilling step.

Anyone with this type of fetish will probably love this poem. I have to admit that it is informative. But it's a bit impersonal. It's all about the actual process and not about any emotions. So I'm not sure if many would find it erotic. Though, it is nice to see someone tackle such a different subject. It reminds me of a poem I had posted one time, Pee Pretty Please. I'm sure you can guess what that was about. :rolleyes: (and no, I'm not into that :eek: )

Senna Jawa's t1 is a quirky little piece. I like it!

we stopped on the bridge
what time is it she asked

i took the watch
off my wrist
and let it be carried away
by the dark water below

Only one problem. Miniscule font! All your poems have gnat-sized font. I skip over most of them because of the tiny type.

I like Sweetwood's Tigers

Before I noticed
She had let
All of the tigers
Out of the cage
Prowling growling
Mass of urgency
Jumping playing
Biting howling
Bunched energy

They don't keep that new boyfriend smell for long. They quickly get too comfortable, drink a few beers, eat a burrito that disagrees with them, and then it's all over. You have to hang one of those pine tree fresheners around their necks.
Looking to buy a used boyfriend?
to wicked eve:i've seen some beautiful poetry in my life but i'm really loving yours thanks for sharing your for the used boyfriend thanks just seem to like breaking this "angel's heart...hi everyone esp Judo thanks for your comments..peace all:rose:
Re: 5-16

WickedEve said:
Senna Jawa's t1 is a quirky little piece. I like it!
It is tanka. Strictly speaking it is what I call fat tanka (sennajawa ® :). The regular tanka has 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern. The five lines can be contiguous or broken into two stanzas, prehaps 3-2, possibly but rare 2-3. It can be like a 5-7-5 haiku extended by 7-7 pair of lines. However tanka is much less strict than (true :) haiku when it comes to the artistic means and choice of... of... say, of the topic. Haiku specialists are more than just alert, as all poets should be, to concreteness, objectiveness, etc. they are outright sticky-picky about these issues. Tanka is less so. Of course what is called modern haiku allows all topics :)

        we stopped on the bridge
        what time is it she asked

        i took the watch
        off my wrist
        and let it be carried away
        by the dark water below
My post tanka contains 14 tanka poems. I hope to find more (if not then I'll have to write some new ones, ouch! :)
Only one problem. Miniscule font! All your poems have gnat-sized font. I skip over most of them because of the tiny type.

I use the default font of the on-line Literotica editing window.
What would be the preferable font? I wish, Literotica provided readers with some control. Iwo Gajda did it to some extent for his huge RedFrog site, a few years ago. (but it's gone, how sad).

Thank U, WickedEve, for your kind words,

    Senna Jawa

PS. Let me also thank Judo for her good words about my Poe tr y. (Delay due to my... embarrassment :)
would also like to thank judo for her advice and for making me feel welcome..also senna lovely poetry..if only i can learn from the many talented gurus that are here i will be very happy indeed....
Senna Jawa

That is odd about the font. I thought maybe you requested it.
Oh well, I still like your t1 even though it's a tiny tanka. :D

Thank you for the lovely compliment.
I'm always sorry to hear about broken hearts. You seem too kind to have your heart broken. Hang around here for a while and Judo, debbiexxx, some others, and I will teach you to be a tigress that does the heart breaking! :devil:
dear wicked one..thank -you lovely lady for the response
i appreciate it are most kind and while i'm learning to become a "tigress" prhaps you could help me "catch' a certain "dark stranger' that has caught my eye...he he
i am a very passionate woman and love to please ..this web-site is great for sexual release in all writing and reading poetry and making new friends...
i thank youonce again beautiful lady..

From the new poems list:

by smithpeter.

let me untie our hair
let it fall to floor and spread on the tiles
the oak and green

Smithpeter writes complex, mind-boggling poetry and other times soft, simple sweetness. Read the rest of touch and don't forget to vote and send feedback.


by Smaugfire

fine spindly threads of Summer
meticulously woven into creation.
slowing the eternal bloom of life,
burning away torrential rains under
arid days and windless nights.

Wonderful poem, Smaugfire. Makes me long for Summer.


Shady_Lady let's talk. You have this disclaimer at the top of your poem, And The Clock Went Tick:
Note from the Authoress: Firstly there is no porn in here so if that’s what you are looking for click next. Secondly I don’t consider myself a poet, so not sure if this works or not.
The poem is listed as non erotic, so don't make it a point to say "no porn." And don't make excuses by saying you're not a poet.
This is a good, solid poem. I really like it. There are a few spots where the rhythm seems off a little. I love the repetition of "and the clock went tick" at the end of each stanza. It builds the suspense!

She sat quite still in the gathering gloom
As she waited like a demon of impending doom
She watched the door for movements quick
And her heart started racing and the clock went tick

In a moment she steadied both her nerve and hand
Her mouth was dry, and round her chest a steel band
She had but a second to take her pick
And her throat constricted and the clock went tick

Read the rest of And The Clock Went Tick!


It's late where I am, so I'm only mentioning a few of many good poems. Please take time to check out the new poems list, and read, vote, and send feedback. (pretty please)

W:rose:CKED E:heart:E