The New Poems List

oh Eve,

Thank you very much for the mention. You are so kind I believe I am falling in like you very much with you.
I just kind of tripped and landed in like with you, smithpeter. Despite a few bruises, the fall was pleasant. :)
Laced has offered her first poem: BlueRoom, and it is strong! It has an interesting composition and consistent, poetic voice throughout its entire, considerable length. It made me check other Laced's poems but at this moment there is no other yet. I am looking forward. Very nice to meet U, Laced :)
Senna Jawa

Thanks for mentioning Blue Room. I just finished reading and enjoying it. Beautiful descriptions all through this poem. Stanzas would have been nice. And only a couple of words seemed out of place with the rest: Olfactory (too clinical) and fingerfucking (too pornographic) Though, I still enjoyed it enough to vote 5.
RE: Blue Room

WickedEve wrote:
Olfactory (too clinical) and fingerfucking (too pornographic)

I agree with WickedEve about Olfactory. I wouldn't even substitute another word, simply delete it and the line reads nicely and rolls off the tongue in a nice rhythm:
" scent assaults my senses"

I liked the splash of pornography, it came at just the right place.

"Walk through that door and find me
Fingerfucking on your bed"

It provides an abrupt contrast to the tension built with the other words. (I like surprises) And since it is the "guy" thinking here, it's very descriptive of what a guy would see and think when he opens the door.

I usually back out of poems that look like they "ramble" (again, WE is right -- stanzas would have been nice), but this one sucked me in.

A very good read!


my stuff
OT, I was reading this poem, and was suddenly poked by "fingerfucking." I didn't mind the poke, but I think I was surprised by the finger.

Fingerfucking can work in this poem, but I think the poet could have found a more original way of putting it that would have fit in with the rest of the words and phrases used.

But that's just my fingerfucking opinion. :D
RE: Poking


I liked the surprise poke more than you, but we agree that it was in fact a poke.

The F word needs to be used very carefully or it easily becomes an unwelcome transition from erotic to pornographic.

Soooo, your challenge then is to come up with something less "poking", but yet has that abrupt/porno/guy feel to it that captures the essence of this particular moment.

I'm just a guy, poking is what I sometimes do :D


Let me begin with smithpeter's Favorite Whore Of My Penis

Steven convinced me
to partake, allow the splay.
His black haired shoulders and muscled
butt quivered in thrusts, grunts.

Brenda, accepting as a nun,
smiles like the moon does
over hand holding spooners do
meeting, touching first time.

Ohhh, this is a great little story. I may have to go by just Eve, so I can give smithpeter my Wicked. He's earned it. ;)
Read the rest of smithpeter's Favorite Whore Of My Penis
And check out dieting
And pretty please, don't forget to vote and send feedback!

I really like Kotori's Photographs This poem spoke to me on a personal level.

I know her from some photographs:
Pictures she took herself of places
I've been.
Places that call me back East (to her).

Horse in the heart of the city.
Ragman's wagon--the tack
Reflected in scaffolding.

Remember: read, vote, send feedback. It's like giving your favorite poet a hug. :D

I read Blue Dolphin's profile and found that Blue Dolphin is a couple. I'm not sure if only one or both wrote Windmills Demise Either way, good poem.

Rejected wings that lay alone
pointed tips there see askew
beside the shattered millstone lie
to drown in the flour filled dew

Betty is an SA Storm poem I've read elsewhere, and it is a delight to read it again.
Here's a taste:

I can tell she keeps her home
behind those dead eyes
Ever cool to my touch she is used to the fuss
of being pampered.

A few moments more until the night is done
she smiles ever composed as I close the lid.

You have to read this poem in its entirety! You won't regret it.
Also, make sure you don't miss Simple Meal and Zero, Sum, Gain.

Until next time :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Wicked Eve
Poker... I mean OT

I guess one little fingerfucking per poem is not too poking to my delicate, easily offended, sweet Southern girl senses.
By the way, the word "cock" was also thrust at me in this poem. But I enjoy cock more than fingerfucking... in a poem.

Yes, I know. He announced that on another thread. I was just wondering who wrote the poem. At one time I submitted poetry and stories under another name that I shared with my Master. Some of the work was ours, and some his, some just mine. So I was curious if the new B.D. poems were by two poets or one.

That one is all Pleasureu. Your collaborations were good, although your work apart from one another is very clear. Different use of adverbs is the most glaring difference. Also the phrasing of sentences is quite different, this is clear in the stories but especially so in the poetry. Anything new coming from the MJ connection?
I think I removed all the poems that were under Manjaro_Eve the same time I got rid of the old Wicked Eve ones. The stories are there. I actually have lots of MJ stories on my hard drive. I need to ask Master if he'd like to submit a new one. He's an incredible writer. And great poet. Now that I think about it, I don't think he ever had me submit any of his poems.
Anyway, we've worked together on stories, but not really on poetry. In the past, I've written poems that he's edited. I personally think it's harder to write poetry together than a story. To me, poetry is more of a personal form of expression than a story.
By the way, I have noticed the improvement in your writing.

Please check I would love to read more stories from the two of you. Thank you for the compliment. Practice, practice, practice.
Re: 5-19

I read Blue Dolphin's profile and found that Blue Dolphin is a couple. I'm not sure if only one or both wrote Windmills Demise Either way, good poem.

Rejected wings that lay alone
pointed tips there see askew
beside the shattered millstone lie
to drown in the flour filled dew


Thank you Wicked Eve
I am not a couple sweetheart.
Did collaborate on two poems though,
I recently changed name
used to be pleasureu,remember me now
thank you again dear lady,
5-20 & 5-21

pattern broken
by nakedangelina ©
Accidental absolute abstinence.
I awaken to another day aroused.
Your absence upsets my addiction.
Obliviously unaware, aren’t you?

I like the alliteration.

Dark Weakness
by Caramelsub ©
Your breath, so sweet it aches me
I long for the touch of what once was
come hither, sweet jacob
i know no other rule
i bend with mercy
no other piercing holds such pain

Without Sacrifice
by GreenEyedGirl ©
I just love being your groupie
with my adoring eyes skyward,
straining towards your day glow stars
plastered all over the concrete ceiling
in some form of your chaotic order.

Glad you submitted this poem, KatPurrs!
by KatPurrs ©
Despite held tongue, my body betrays me.
It prints my private life.
You need only look at me to know
my body is my diary.

There are several new poems by Senna Jawa.
Check out prebarbarian times
eve set the food on the table
adam rapidly stuffed his mouth
and started to chew
stopped only to patiently take
his hair out of his mouth one strand at a time
he squeezed his hair behind his ears

And don't miss willow girl (5 poems)
willow girl got herself
friends and trees in the garden
one chimney on the roof
and one poet on the fence
Thanks for the mention WickedEve.

I'm with you on the others you've mentioned recently. Particularly, SA's "Zero, Sum, Gain" smithpeter's "dieting" and nakedangelina's "Pattern Broken". Now I'm off to read some more of your recommendations. Thanks for doing such a great job here!

Thanks for the mention, WE and Kat.
I have been trying to submit tonight, but so far I am not able to login...
New - 05-21-02

Ones that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
Ready to go...again. A first timer!

Your scent,
of sex and man
fills the tiny room,
leaving my senses reeling.

The Shower
by Hburgsexkitten©
Again alliteration absorbs.

Accidental absolute abstinence.

pattern broken
by nakedangelina©
Juno, thanks for listing me on here. You don't know how giddy I am just to be publish anywhere! Have a few more in the works...keep yer eyes open for 'em y'all!
Sex >^..^<

Let's get down with some
Girl Gun Blues
by Smaugfire!

I haven’t been the same

since the day she left me with
a bullet in my heart, oh no no.

yea, I haven’t been the same

since my baby pulled her trigger
to my lips, yea huuuhh.


Shattered like a glass goblin
by SA Storm

womb me in velvet corrugations
before you strike your acrid mallet
bare witness as I
shatter like a glass goblin

Wonderful title, wonderful poem. I remember this poem, SA. I'm glad you brought it back.

Also, by SA Storm: Seam


After Wedding 1
by Angeline

This house hides all looks that have ever fallen to its floors
And slipped into its corners.
This house offers no comfort.


Hanging from the ceiling
by nakedangelina

claws safely in the ceiling
another week isolated.
Sleep is yet again
unneeded and unnecessary
smoking cigarettes
an almost unlimited climax.


Wicked Eve

remodeling me
by nakedangelina

Sand down these prickly walls
make them smooth to feel
blast out this insulation
get down to where I am real.

Great little poem! Check out the rest of it.


single strap
by smithpeter

standing flexed
your back to my front
nothing covers you
except inch wide strap
high on right thigh

Read the rest! It's short and sexy!


After I loved You
by Angeline

After I loved you
I became so small
I was trapped
I could not reach a chair in my own house
I slid off the bed
You walked past me one thousand times
I was behind the dirty clothes
Caught in your blue flannel shirt

Excellent poem, Angeline. I hope everyone takes time to read this one.


the weekly guillotine
by Senna Jawa

sunful sinday sinful sunday
every seventh day
pull me lull me into monday
bluish bluish blue

* * *

tuesday thru friday
make flowers gray
makes flowers silver

This poem had a nursery rhyme feel to it -- but not for the kiddies.


by nakedangelina

You talk in your sleep
I do not know what you say
But I am always listening
For a name that gives you away.

Oh, I like this! I'll start listening to my husband... if I can hear over the roar of his snore!


very short hair
by smithpeter

from your bath you raise
one heel to edge,
then the other for my hand soaping
to massage and spread the lather
for shaving

Any of your ladies want smithpeter to shave your legs? :D

And check out my thinking table


Wicked Eve