The New Poems List

Re: 5-24

WickedEve said:
To read the conclusion of this poem U need to click on its link.
This poem had a nursery rhyme feel to it -- but not for the kiddies.
A nursery rhyme feel? Wow, that would never occur to me! Thank U, WE, for mentioning my piece, one of my early poems in English. It's been over 20 years since I have written it, unbelievable. And many thanks for the good words about   willow girl (5 poems)   and   prebarbarian times.

Best regards,
Eve, you are too kind. I am thinking of putting up a barber pole, only horizontal.
Thank You!

and thank you for your mentions of my "After" poems. "After" all those cries of pain, I am considering a new poem: "After Shaving," in which I contemplate my smooth legs and Smithpeter's razor technique.
Senna Jawa

Thanks for the reminder about clicking on the link for the remainder of the poem. I usually only use part of a poem on this thread, and I'm sure some readers don't realize that there is more.

I have a book of old nursery rhymes that I read to my children, and it reminds me of some of them. Your poem is very pleasant to read.
Last edited:


Vertical can be nice too. :D

I am considering a new poem: "After Shaving," in which I contemplate my smooth legs and Smithpeter's razor technique.
Look forward to reading it! ;)

Angeline, you really did a great job with After I Loved You. I've already read it several times.
Re: Senna Jawa

WickedEve said:
Thanks for the reminder about clicking on the link for the remainder of the poem. I usually only use part of a poem on this thread, and I'm sure some readers don't realize that there is more.
Most of the time it is clear. (Here, it was an exception).
Your poem is very pleasant to read.
Back, around 1981-2, I gave a friend at work a printout of "the weekly guillotine" and of a few of my other poems. He took them home. Then I could feel that he had cooled towards me. I asked what's the matter. Somehow I guessed that my poems were the culprit. Indeed, he, and especially his wife, considered my poems to be directed against religion and Church, which was never my intention. We continued to be friends (he even had appeared in my poem Polish jazz. I have never met his wife (and I don't regret :)

Best regards,
(*Professional monotone*) Thank you WE, for the mentions.

(*secretly dancing around the computer room naked: "she mentioned me!! she liked a couple of them!!*):devil:

Angeline, I have very much enjoyed your newest poems, thank you for sharing them.

Oh, and smithpeter, you can shave my legs ANYTIME!:D
nakedangelina said:
(*Professional monotone*) Thank you WE, for the mentions.

(*secretly dancing around the computer room naked: "she mentioned me!! she liked a couple of them!!*):devil:
I understand your feelings, nakedangelina. I remember when UP first started this thread. As a new poet here, it was a thrill to be mentioned, and it was very encouraging.
5-26 Don't miss:

by KatPurrs ©

It sits unzipped at the foot of the bed
one sleeve out, giving a collapsed, chenille salute,
a resigned good bye to the tryst.

[color=dark blue]This poem rolls along smoothly. Well done, Kat![/color]

by Lauren.Hynde ©

Almost a waning shape, nothing but tenuous light,
Nocturnal Diana dispenses her pale glow;
And as her route comes to end, the ocean below
Doubles her moonlit figure, tremulous in fright...

[color=dark blue]Be sure to click on the title to read the rest of this lovely sonnet![/color]

curling photography
by smithpeter ©

no matter, my Russian babe
no harm, your lakes and mountains
are secure in my embrace

[color=dark blue]I just love this first stanza! "my Russian babe" Another good one, sp![/color]

Let me show you the ropes
by Sweetwood ©

"Let me show you the ropes in my closet"
Her words like a motto across the vista
Of conversations laced with intimacy

[color=dark blue]Check out the rest of Sweetwood's poem, and let him show you the ropes![/color]

2 2-liners & 2 3-liners
by Senna Jawa ©

an old couple
staying up all night
watching the cactus bloom

[color=dark blue]This is one of SJ's interesting little 3 liners.[/color]

If you enjoy 2 2-liners & 2 3-liners you may also want to check out 1 2-liner and several 2-line haiku

And now I'd like to mention a couple of poems of my own. I normally wanted say anything about my own poetry, because I'm sure that's a tacky thing to do. But these two poems were featured at daughter's site, and she was kind enough to help me polish them. So if you missed seeing these at Lotus Blooms, you can read them here at Lit.

Old Gals Are Better

Rum Rush

Wicked Eve
one more for the road...

Also check out WickedEve's "Wicked Woman".
I aways enjoy WE's poetry, but this one really got to me.
(*running off to change panties* - oh nevermind, I don't wear panties!) lol
Thank you for the mention, Eve! :rose:

And I really want to thank Angeline and Judo for helping me, and Kate just for being.
Thanks for the mention

Wicked Eve:

Thanks for your mention. I have read both Rum rush and Old Gals are better, and I think BOTH of them are some of the best poems I have read in recent times.

Especially rum rush ... man oh man

Thank you


Thank you for including Sticky in the dark in your list. Although I am not supposed to "just love" my own poetry I find myself belly laughing loudly every time I read it.

I am pleased :D


Thank you again for spotlighting my work. I am very flattered.

I'm so glad to see you brought your poems, Rum Rush and Old Gals Are Better to this forum for more people to enjoy. Damn, girl, you just keep getting better and better and .......

We have the same taste, I see. The other poems you mentioned are outstanding.

Just a Hello and Thanks from a Newbie

Just a small note to say hello, and thank you for your comments on my submission. (back on 5/18- 19ish....argh.) I'm new to Literotica, It seems to be a great place however, and I think I can enjoy myself here. Comments are welcome, through both the wheat or chaff of my poems/writing, and even though I don't always post or comment on things, I'm still lurking in the background, reading. It's nice to communicate with all of you, and I look forward to reading when I can. Thanks for the heads-up message for this thread, Senna.

I had to search for your poem, Laced. I couldn't remember which one it was. But now that I do, I remember enjoying this poem.
New - 05-27-02

A few that caught my glancing gaze. - Judo ;)
A blend of sounds in the silence

you purr to me.
Your dialect familiar
yet you are exquisite,
exotic and erotic.

Night Sounds
by Sera Shine©
Shocking sarcasm sells

Dry reporters,
firm fat flesh and fresh film at 11
"NATO attacks civilians ...
right after this important message!"

Wounded Eyes
by Rybka©
Condo devoured

Into a clearing framed by wood molding,
painted green, with lush, plush shag ground
and swinging blinds,
she stalks him; he pounces.

Quick Love In The Domestic Jungle
by WickedEve©
Those...left behind.

and waiting here it begins to rain
each drop that falls brings only pain
it washes away these bits of me
that you would never want to see
i reach for you but you are gone
and lying here, i begin my song
of this longing ache that fills my soul
with words and music you'll never know

by bluemouse©
A sentiment repeats

And now, so many years later, my children are here,
asking about you, Grandma
learning the values that you gave to me
my heart is soaked in sad, yet the joy of my children carries me
telling them of you, of how we lived
Knowing you are, listening, watching, guiding my voice
giving out a love so rare that it surrounds everything
seeing the trees, the flowers, the sights of my childhood.

Decoration Day
by Blue Dolphin©
Regret carries a long shadow

Never free from shackles
That are bound to the earth
A fate that was set
Since the moment of birth
With no moving past
The future that’s stated
And none of the pain
Will soon be elated

by BigDogg©
More catching up yet to do for the long weekend. - Judo ;)
Newbie Poster

I am a fairly new member and contributor to Literotica.

Judo sent me an e-mail stating that he had made reference to one of my submissions and asked me to drop by and join in. I have been reading this forum for about a week, but haven't posted anything because I felt I had little to add. Now, on invitation, I say hello.

My favorite poets are MacLeish, Frost, and Cummings. From Cummings I draw a strong believe that the physical placement of the words can be as important as the words themselves. - This brings me to the main peeve I have with online sites. None of them can display my poems as they would appear on a printed page. Several of the poems that I have submitted to Literotica would be better if they were not misformatted as displayed. I have just submitted another entitled "Carol". It is a relatively simple format and I have tried posting it in HTML format [ala Uncle Bill]. I am not completely happy with it, but the display is almost correct. If it is acceptable then I may try others.

As always, votes and feedback are appreciated.

Regards; Rybka

R -

Welcome to the Poetry Forum! So glad you joined us. There are a lot of too serious and fun poets on the boards around here with much to teach everyone.

KillerMuffin has just started a thread on the "pantoum" form. Unmasked Poet has started a newer version of this thread with his own graceful method of poetic review.

WickedEve is always flitting about cojoling, bribing and committing creative poems. And there are many, many others.

Have fun. Take the time to meet the all. Challenges abound (I just this morning totally failed at pantoum, but I can always try again.)

My best.
- Judo
Re: Newbie Poster

Rybka said:
I am a fairly new member and contributor to Literotica.

Judo sent me an e-mail stating that he had made reference to one of my submissions [...]
Privet, Rybka!

Judo is known on Literotica as she, not he. (Just below any post there is a 1-line menu. U may click on PROFILE to read about the author, information offered by the author).
[...] main peeve I have with online sites. None of them can display my poems as they would appear on a printed page. [...]
There r several methods to post. So far I have used only one, I copy and paste my poem into the on-line Literotica editing window. My editing window before a submission may look as fiollows:

<pre><b><font size="+1">





I use <font size="+1"> because the default size
is for a strange reason very small, pure mystery.

BTW, on this board html is off, only vB is on. U can do here things like:


As always, votes and feedback are appreciated.

Regards; Rybka

Within a week U'll drop "k" and be a whole big Literotica Ryba :)

Best regards,
Re: New - 05-27-02

JUDO said:
Condo devoured

Into a clearing framed by wood molding,
painted green, with lush, plush shag ground
and swinging blinds,
she stalks him; he pounces.

Quick Love In The Domestic Jungle
by WickedEve©
Thanks for the mention, Judo. :) This poem was originally from KatPurrs' or Savage Kitten's (can't remember which kitty) "Quickie" Thread.
Re: Welcome!

JUDO said:
WickedEve is always flitting about cojoling, bribing and committing creative poems. And there are many, many others.
This is scary. Sometimes, I really do flit about the house! I'm a flitter, Judo! Hold me! (Yes, I know I asked you to do that on another thread, and then I complained about how tightly you squeezed me. But I like it rough. :D )
Re: Re: New - 05-27-02

WickedEve said:

Thanks for the mention, Judo. :) This poem was originally from KatPurrs' or Savage Kitten's (can't remember which kitty) "Quickie" Thread.

I would like to take the credit but it was that SAVAGE Kitten's.
I miss my fellow feline and her wonderful poetry. :(

Kat~ :rose:

Did I miss something? I noticed that SK hadn't been around. Where is she?