The New Poems List

New - 05-28-02

Two that caught me. - Judo ;)
If only the bus was like this!

Pulse racing in the remaining moments of tensile distance
Knowing the second you cross that threshold
You are mine
And all I've planned for you
Mapped in grand detail as we trundle along
In our seemingly innocent lover's intimacy
The denziens of our controlled environment sending occasional smiles, forgiving glances in our
obviously euphoric direction
If only they knew...

Public Transport
by Laced©
Lands of the mind earn their keep.

won’t you disrupt the calm
smooth ice, reflecting the serene
capturing true beauty’s shape
temples to show you the way.

by Smaugfire©
Yet more catching up to do!
Last edited:
New - 05-29-02

Caught my eye. - Judo ;)
The brush and paint are soon parted.

when I am close to you
and your sounds are on my skin
like the wet of you

when you lean over my eyes
and I am but humble clay
waiting for your fingers

one eros of art
by dark stranger©
Long live Punk! A wonderful arena to explore. Thanks for this. Encore!

We kiss like high school
Long slow deep hard forever
In the parking lot

Spontaneous lust
Pierced tongue nipples clitoris
Showing me the way

Punk 5.7.5
by XicontencatlSmith©
Can't live with themselves.

There is something here that you won’t see
That acid green part of me
I just want to be free
Why won’t you cling to me?

by Rhys©
That velvet hammer

Love whispers with a knife,

The Resolution Of Romance Act. 3
by SA Storm©
Brownout to blackout

Watching passion lynched,
swinging in time to closed doors
and separate rooms.

The Resolution Of Romance Act. 4
by SA Storm©
proche la fin

My skin bristles
at the dissonance,
as we murder silence.

The Resolution Of Romance Act. 5
by SA Storm©
A blank, nonchalant beginning. And a new voice!

She wakes up and smiles
Says you were really something.
I smile at her knowingly and coolly
Wondering what the hell did I do?

Long Long Night
by Tommy Bahama©
Killed or examined?

metallic scythe dipped
gliding razor saw
pink sunken eyelids
sleepless striated raw

Quitting Condition
by Smaugfire©
A tobacco economy

she wears valleys in her cream color
can hold a punch braless
while she leans and lights
a fire with her hips
in the mirror
reflecting back she says
she has practiced that pose
to make soft men
into contented statuary

one above top shelf
by dark stranger©
Doesn't seem to have an ending and I'm a bit worried by 'Fecalishious', but boy, is this fun to say out loud.

cicky-wiky the flippant
fouldom in the fowls
sulphery ass-to-pi, nok
for nook in popalopa slippant

Moogala Mediocrious Fecalishious
by Smaugfire©
It's like a mental science book

In places there are racetracks inches underground
marked by lushness
traveled by manly moles, their lovely wives and progeny.
They speed along dropping excrement and aerating
like particles in a molecular accelerator

Mowing Diaries
by smithpeter©
Still more catching up to do. - Judo
New - 05-30-02

Ones that caught my mind. - Judo ;)
The poem is okay, not great, but I love the photos illustrating it. More of these, please.

Sensing I meant no harm,
She extends a slender arm.
And much to my delight
She takes my hand real tight
Greeting with a smile to disarm

A Nymph in the Wood (Illustrated)
by saber6©
An Accounting of Balance

Last night,
I wanted sex but not
the trouble nor the stress
its been six weeks
too much baggage
and too little talk.
Besides he sleeps.
To the other room I go
and on the sofa
I touch myself

Office Heat, Forbidden and Flamed
by Erogenous Zone©
A kick on the way out

Wind teased hair of honeyed chestnut
Gentle spirit and tender hearted thoughts
Too young for love, yet old enough to care
Meanest hint of passion in your eyes
Mind, full of youthful dreams and virgin hope

by Rybka©
The ticking.

nervous pounding, grunting, groaning.
5 seconds worth.

she gives me, "oh baby, oh baby"
for the next 9.

sixty seconds
by WickedEve©
Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Yeah, baby.

Sexual bliss has befallen me
Taken me to the edge
Touched me, joined me
Turned me into art

by FuckDoll©
Almost caught up! - Judo
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Thanks to Ms Judo

Thanks for the mention again, Judo. I hope enough people are intrigued by your comments to read and vote on this and other poems. I have yet to have one reach 10 votes. :-(

I have submitted another poem entitled, "Schiller Glaze", which may or not get posted. I asked that it not be posted if the screen display alters the physical layout of the words. It is not a complicated layout, but I couldn't get an a HTML version to look quite right. If it does get posted I wonder if the title will evoke comment in the other thread? :)

I disagree, in poetry at least, of the principle that you should not use a multi-syllabic word when a one syllable word will do. I ain't Papa [= I am not a reincarnation of Ernest Hemmingway. - See, if I want to do it, I can.] I won't "write down" for an audience. I want to stretch a mind, not try and find a tiny piece that will fit. I like big and unusual [sesquipedalian] words, and I like to use them. I have a few works that probably can never be published online except as a .jpg because of the physical layout, and they are almost completely composed of long and obscure words.


P.S.: How do I get my picture to show up when I post?
A few that taught my soul. - Judo ;)
Boppin' with the Count awash in a new wave of old tunes that echo in the heart forever.

Basie knew: watch him in the zone
Swaying back nonchalantly from the keys
Cigarette dangling, head bopping
Eyes open, eyes wide, eyes fixed
On a distant siren calling

What Basie Knew
by Angeline©
Don't we all know one of these?

dark skin, she’s never been to reality
loves sponge bob & groty stuffage
running all about, can’t even work hard
at not working, shuffle them papers.

Office Monkey
by Smaugfire©
Smoothed by sandpaper, she's not.

Naked trunk undulates;
fingers branch out over supple skin.
Her inhibition leaves.

Stripping Bark
by WickedEve©
Caught up!
Re: Thanks to Ms Judo

Rybka said:

P.S.: How do I get my picture to show up when I post?

I like using big, obscure words, but not for effect - only when they fit.

As far as pictures go, I'm not sure where you want a picture to show up. In your poems that are posted? As your avatar when you post or in the body of your post.

You can put pictures in all of these places and the ways of doing each one is different. I would suggest going to the "How To" forum and doing a search on pictures and/or avatars. You should be able to find all the answers you need.

Also, a local Lit user named "Weird Harold" seems to have all the answers to everything technical, so you might try him as well in the search.

Best of luck.
- Judo
Jazz Sistas

Thanks for the kind words, sista jazz lover! I can't stop writing about these folks: their lives and music have me entranced. Don't know if you've heard of it, but if you want to read more jazz poetry, there is a book called The Jazz Poetry Anthology, edited by Sascha Feinstein and Yusef Komunyakaa. Poems about the artists and the art by a wonderfully diverse group of writers. But beautiful!
Re: Kat

WickedEve said:
Did I miss something? I noticed that SK hadn't been around. Where is she?

Jeez, WE, sorry for the delay...I just noticed your post.

I have no idea where she has been. It's been FOREVER!!!!

Let's p.m. her! I really miss her, her poetry, and her wit!


Kat~ :(
ah for a muse....

hello all...i am new to this, as you can see by my "virgin" title...sigh! but not new to lit or writing, as you can see by my reg. date...
so i am trying this thred thing now...gonna figure out how to link my poems here...i would love feedback of you are all willing! thanks...bluemouse...

here is one for now...

~i am~

i am but a moment
in your life of dreams
in your eyes reflected
a beauty so extreme

i am terrifed, yet flying
upon this whipping wind
something here is calling
something must begin

i am lost inside this rainstorm
though i know who i am
i am incomplete and empty
without a trusted friend

i am but a whisper now
calling out your name
will you hear and answer
will you remain the same?

i think i have been sleeping
or hiding what i know
and now with your light streaming
now, perhaps i'll grow

i am but a raindrop
falls soft upon your face
lingers there and sparkles
until it is erased

i know not where this is going
i know not where your path leads
i am but a planter
all this is only seeds

and if you want to water them
if you want to make them grow
then i can be a rainstorm
ill show you all i know

i am but a moment
waiting here, for you
i am but a whisper
until you decide what's true....

WE, you're doing a lot of cool stuff right now. Keep it up! Write bunches...

Bluemouse, I will give your poem a proper going over soon (maybe Monday). Just FYI, this thread is mostly for posting mentions of other poets stuff that one finds interesting, fun, whatever.

Don't worry since you are new to thread-dom. This is the kind of stuff expected from 'newbies' like yourself. Next time, just put up a new thread (yes, all for and by yourself!) and post your new poem for feedback. You'll see lots of those around.

Not to worry, though, leave it here and we'll get to it.
- Judo

Someone in this thread may know the answer.
Is there a set time when submissions are no longer accepted and put off till the next day?
Sometimes I think it is around 11:00 pm u.s. central time. Other times not.
In the interest of not taking a lot of thread space you may PM me the answer.
Tick-tock smithpeter ran up the clock

smithpeter said:
Someone in this thread may know the answer.
Is there a set time when submissions are no longer accepted and put off till the next day?
Sometimes I think it is around 11:00 pm u.s. central time. Other times not.
In the interest of not taking a lot of thread space you may PM me the answer.
Instead of PMing you, I'll post my answer incase others are curious. I know if I submit a poem by midnight (eastern time) that it's on time (sometimes I've submitted it later and still made it on time.)

JUDO said:
WE, you're doing a lot of cool stuff right now. Keep it up! Write bunches...
That's nice to hear, especially coming from the Mistress of Cool. :cool:
Bluemouse muse


I liked it, but consider writing "tighter".

Some examples:

change "upon" to "on",
and instead of being "but a raindrop", "but a whisper",
"but a moment",

I think it's more powerful to say:

"I am a raindrop", "I am a whisper", etc.

and this stanza changes tense:

i am but a raindrop
falls soft upon your face
lingers there and sparkles
until it is erased

maybe change it to read:

i am a raindrop
falling softly on your face
lingering there and sparkling
until I am erased

I'll go now.

my stuff
BAH! - It Did It Again!

I tried to post one of my wildlife poems. - Black Capped Chickadee , but the stupid board clipped the image and one line! It displayed O.K. in the "preview" window, but not on the poetry board.

What happened to:
(Parus atricapillus)


Which should have been between the title and the first line that it did display.

????? Rybka :mad:
Rybka, did you ever ask Laurel how to submit a pic with your poem? I've never tried before, so I'm not sure.
Pics have to be submited seperately via e-mail. You can find info in the FAQ.

I think the reason your html link was cut out is because Lit won't allow any pictures that aren't originals. They can't post pics from other sites, because they might be copyrighted.

by Lauren.Hynde ©

Pale moonlight creeping in obscured the fallen mask even further into the embroidered straw mats. And the bamboos in the wind, and the chrysanthemums in the garden, and the herons in the weir, they all moaned with him, foretelling his doom.

I believe this poet put forth quite a bit of effort writing this poem. Read the rest of Lauren's accomplishment by following the link above.

And be sure to check out these poems by Lauren:
Meteorological Report
by Lauren.Hynde ©
Comfortably Numb
by Lauren.Hynde ©

Later, at the pub
by smithpeter ©

she has no beeswax
being so pretty after bumping
bouncing bungee jumping

is there a cure for allure
not her, oh sure.
but those thighs

smithpeter, this is a fun poem!

haiku in a hole
by karmadog ©

Seeds of dragonflies
Must resemble metal parts--
Gears and microchips.

I hope Whitman smoked
those leaves of grass. I could laugh
if I find my stash.

Just a little taste of Karmadog's 9 haikus!

There are many more poems for the 2nd. Be sure to check them out!

Judo can do rhyme! :D

"Say honey, won't you come?
Won't you come on down?
I'm needin' it now and badly.
I need to dip your crown!"

In five, he was there
Sportin' a thick one quite contained.
Up with shirt and down with pants,
This must of been ordained.

Fuckin' With Poetry
by JUDO ©

After reading Judo's Fuckin' With Poetry, you may want to check out this one!
Disposa Rides Again
by Angeline ©

Gimme that sex thing
Serve it up hot
Shove it up my O ring
Sanctify my G spot

After all that sex, how about Ode To A Purple Elephant
by Rybka ©

When in the course of human events
the Arabs had smoked all their Camels and tents,

Good poem! Read the rest and vote!

Read, vote, send feedback on all the poems! Please. :)

Some poet calling herself daughter submitted two poems for the 4th of June. :D

pencil sketch
by daughter ©

He bathes the canvas in splashes
of sun round dunes.

Spider ringlets frame languid creases
and lukewarm pools.

What can I say. She does her thing so well. daughter, it was a treat to see your poems on the new poem's list this morning.
Read the rest of this lovely poem!

chocolate afflicted
by daughter ©

wanna touch your smooth round head,
look into your penetrating eyes,
trace your wicked smile
and part your pretty white teeth.

wanna lick your sweet chocolate skin,
broad shoulders, massive chest,
spank your temptin' taut ass.

This has always been one of my favorites!

Stripers And The Strega Kid
by Rybka ©

The front woke me.
Grumbling through at 3,
clearing its throat,
an old man awakened.

Bypassing us it set to beat me to Cape Cod.
I sighed at my CSPAN nitelight and slept to 6.
First day of vacation.

Make sure you read this poem by Rybka. It is so good! Wonderful job, Rybka!

The Revolution in Focus
by JUDO ©

I want to make a change!
Throw out your needles and pins.
Figure the light for the best spot
And bring a friend with you.

Judo, this really well-written. I always enjoy your work!

by YIX ©

Sitting with her knes held tight and a book of
The Verse open and unread on her lap
Distracted and flushed, sweet virgin pink
I beg for naught and lift her skirts
Can she find room for complaint?

I read this one a few times, and even though it didn't completely flow smoothly for me, I still like the content.

I wonder what's on smithpeter's mind?

Double Headed Dildo
by smithpeter ©

My Dear,
This end is for you.
And this other end,
over here,
is for you too.

The clothespins are optional.
But the hot wax and ice cubes
took great preparation along with the honey
from contented bees of organic mountain flowers

Double headed dildo... have you been in my toy box, smithpeter?

by smithpeter ©

It pleases me, your rimming
teasing and insertion
Your delicate way with surgical stealth
invading my male virginity

Hmmm... Dildos and male virginity! This is getting interesting. :D

Communication Is The Secret
by smithpeter ©

That didn't hurt too much
You can spank harder
You can pull harder
You can suck harder
You can make me go to heaven

:D :D :D

Read these poems in their entirety by clicking on the titles!
A meal served hot!

A little praise and a lot of fine words. What better meal can one whip?

I loved d's chocolate affliction. Saying "I can relate" would be understatement (and complete with creamy filling). And Rybka can drive me anywhere (yes, that includes crazy). But SP...what are you doin' out there in the cornfields? (Ah, cornfields - I should have known!) The epitaph for girlhood is concept and form.

My compliments to the chef! She's serves a wicked meal on this spring's eve.

- Judo