The New Poems List

It Did It Again!

Thanks for your recommendation WE. Stripers And The Strega Kid is a poetized version of the start of a prose piece. I submitted it after reading some of Lauren.Hynde's recent submissions that I liked. I also thought it might get a mention in the "Titles" string. :)

As usual, the board cut out part of the submission. The entire thing, and a couple others can be read at:
Online Writings
Rybka - writing as C.V.S. - 1998

It pleases me that Ode To A Purple Elephant was also noticed. That was written quite awhile ago, but suddenly it seems relevant again. :( [I also thought it might make the "Titles" string.] :)

Regards, Rybka
Thank you for mentioning 3 of my poems in just one serving, Eve!

And I'm really glad that poem which I've been somehow involved with, like Judo's Fuckin' With Poetry and Rybka's Stripers And The Strega Kid, made it to this thread. Great job, guys!

On a side note, I went through the new poems list and found some you didn't mention and caught my attention:


contract pending
by nakedangelina ©


Companion Passing
by Lady_J © (new poet)

Tender Torment
by WickedEve ©
Thanks, Lauren.
I went through 3 days worth of poems, and I knew I missed a few good ones. I'm sure there's more.
Thank you Eve

You have read more of my poems than I have.
I need to say that it is a nice thing to be a contributor here.

What slender threads hold this powder keg intact?

Sometimes I wonder how this Literotica forum system does not turn into a "smorgasbord of violence." (robin williams as Popeye)

Ha ha, never mind, it has.
Thank you

WE and Judo--

Thanks for the promo.

Lauren, what do you like about the poems? What's really interesting and helpful is when there is some commentary to promote the work and the link is included.

There can be as many as 50 poems posted daily. A mention without commentary is no greater an enticement here than a reader scrolling the title list on the site or are you all suggesting your endorsement should send the masses flocking? :p



You'd think a poem with the title My Hot Wet Tight Pussy would be just a lot of fluffy pussy talk. But Lauren has some good stuff in her pussy.

My Hot Wet Tight Pussy
by Lauren.Hynde ©

and pant deep inside
my steamy
smouldering expectation

willing prey
for you to tame
or tear apart

Look for this one to quickly hit the top 10. There are many readers out there that want to know about L.H.'s hot, wet, tight pussy. (I wonder if Cold Dry Gaping Pussy would do well on the top list?)


Stripers And The Strega Kid 2
by Rybka ©

It was strangely quiet at the public ramp on Seapit River
No other boats yet launched
No wind at all
only from the swimming geese
as we head down channel and out the harbor
Comely vessels at loose mooring nod sleepily at our passing.

Here's part 2 of Rybka's poem. I really enjoyed reading this. It is one of those "made me feel like I was there" kind of poems. Make sure you catch the first part.


harlequin: sista style
by daughter ©

babe nothing quite as satisfying
as my head buried in your armpit
my shoulder falling asleep
inhaling our funk

Inhale deeply! Ahh... smell the reality. This is a great poem filled with strewn jeans, cookies, and dish water. daughter takes a simple slice of life and heaps on the butter and jam. :D


Vicious Bitter
by karmadog ©

Sometimes vicious and frequently bitter
Her favourite colors are grey, green, and blue
Her house fat with cats and their litter
With those kind of legs, what could I do?

Interesting pantoum, karmadog. "Her house fat with cats and their litter" is quite a line! lol


Sex over breakfast
by Sweetwood ©

Moisture from cooking breakfasts and
Sweaty diners sipping stale coffee
Fogs the windows

The old man in the corner
Resting his head
Against the blinded pane

The Arabic student of music
Wiping with his grungy scarf
Ketchup from pawed scores.

This is a good piece by Sweetwood, with a gritty feel to it. I think you'll enjoy the rest of it... especially when the sex starts, or for some of us, when breakfast arrives. For those who don't know, just click on the title and follow the link.


cork conundrum
by OT ©

perfectly preserved
poetry in a bottle

incoherent paragraphs
pour onto the page

quite the cork conundrum

I basically like this poem, especially the stanzas above. And I love the way the phrase "quite the cork conundrum" sounds when I say it out loud. Go ahead and try it for yourself.


difficult poems
by Senna Jawa ©

from the pond of the night a small green frog
lands on my window-screen outside

you live without that someone
who used to be your life

and now that summer frog every night ...

Senna Jawa offers 3 interesting little poems in "difficult poems."
The poem above made me think about how life can change for the worse, but you can still have a frog and a sense of humor.
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daughter, I have been kind of lean on the commentary. :eek:
I think my latest post is a bit better.

Sensitive One--

I wasn't picking on you. Just a heads up for the newbies. They don't know how spoiled we used to be and they don't know how fortunate we are that slim as you may be, you kept things going.

Very nice last post. Thanks again.

Now where's UP? ;)


Re: Thank you

daughter said:
WE and Judo--

Thanks for the promo.

Lauren, what do you like about the poems? What's really interesting and helpful is when there is some commentary to promote the work and the link is included.

There can be as many as 50 poems posted daily. A mention without commentary is no greater an enticement here than a reader scrolling the title list on the site or are you all suggesting your endorsement should send the masses flocking? :p



Sorry, just kidding...
Like I said, it was just a side note, I didn't have the time get into it seriously. Those were poems I had already seen and was keeping bookmarked. Next time I'll comment.

And Eve :rose:

Thank you for all the kind words about my pussy. You know I couldn't have said those things if it wasn't for a strange combination of dripping pipes, opened asses and drugs...
Re: 6-5

WickedEve said:
difficult poems
by Senna Jawa ©

      from the pond of the night a small green frog
      lands on my window-screen outside

      you live without that someone
      who used to be your life

      and now that summer frog every night ...

Senna Jawa offers 3 interesting little poems in "difficult poems."
The poem above made me think about how life can change for the worse, but you can still have a frog and a sense of humor. :D [/B]
Hm, somehow, since U did, it must be possible to see superficially humor in my text. I don't. My triptych is about loss, about death, the poem considers the reincarnation option only to reject it and leave you alone with your loss. These r difficult poems, difficult emotionally. The third part can make U stop and dwell on it if U'r so inclined.

Thank U, WE, for reading and mentioning my triple poem.


Comment edited so no one will think the poem was meant in a humorus way. Though, I did see it in a humorus light. I saw a guy that has broken up with his lover, and now all he has is the frog that sits on his window screen at night.
But that's poetry for you. I guess it's all in how the reader preceives it. :)
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Thanks for the mentions Eve.

"The house fat with cats and their litter" was about an ex. We accumulated four cats in a little over a year. I imagined that if we had gotten married, we would have made the news as the crazy cat people in trouble with the law. Of course, not all of that made it into the poem. The title was a left-handed reference to her raging PMS. She could be dangerous.
Re: Senna

WickedEve said:
Comment edited so no one will think the poem was meant in a humorus way. Though, I did see it in a humorus light. I saw a guy that has broken up with his lover, and now all he has is the frog that sits on his window screen at night.
But that's poetry for you. I guess it's all in how the reader preceives it. :)
Oh, that interpretation I consciously allowed when writing my poem. (I often plan on multiple interpretations. On occasions I would write a poem with several interpretations in mind but without none whatsoever which would be "my own". Etc.). So far we r in sync. I just didn't see, till now, even in this interpretation, any humorous accent. But I was wrong and thanks to U now I see that. I still see this poem as sad but it allows an interpretation with nice, good natured humor in it.

Thank U, Eve -- now, after all these years, I know my poem a little better, actually quite a bit better,
Well, shoot. Now I need to go put that comment back or something in its place. lol
Any suggestions?
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daughter said:
Sensitive One--

I wasn't picking on you. Just a heads up for the newbies. They don't know how spoiled we used to be and they don't know how fortunate we are that slim as you may be, you kept things going.

Very nice last post. Thanks again.

Now where's UP? ;)


I am sensitive, and I'm going to cry because you said that. :( (why don't we have any crying faces?)

Yes, where, oh where is UP? Gracious, I think our dear Gentleman UP would swoon if he couldn't make his little comments. :D
WickedEve said:
Well, shoot. Now I need to go put that comment back or something in its in place. lol
Any suggestions?
Yeah, I've got one:

Go to Senna's quote of your original comment, copy it and paste it back and don't ever edit your posts on request. Stay with your first interpretation, if you change your mind about it, post another...
Oh yeah, there's a copy in his post.
I never would have thought of that. I'm getting old and my brain hurts when I have to think too much. And I've been making typos all day! It's old age, lack of sex, or something...
Re: Re: Thank you

Lauren.Hynde said:


Sorry, just kidding...
Like I said, it was just a side note, I didn't have the time get into it seriously. Those were poems I had already seen and was keeping bookmarked. Next time I'll comment.

And Eve :rose:

Thank you for all the kind words about my pussy. You know I couldn't have said those things if it wasn't for a strange combination of dripping pipes, opened asses and drugs...
I couldn't find a bad word to say about your pussy. Your pussy was a treat after the dripping pipe in my ass.
I like Streetcar islands from Senna Jawa. It reminds me of the streets of the industrial town in Europe I grew up in. I think it has dissociative quality to it. Like Brecht.

Lauren's Hot Wet Tight Pussy, you have to love this one: drug induced, so hot. Check it out:

daughter's chocolate afflictions makes ME wanna go lick him

Conundrum it is.... what an amazing little poem wow

That's it for now


It's good to see your selections. I also mentioned some poems for today. (It's one page back.) I've been hoping that others would let us know what they like. It's more interesting to see the different opinions for the same group of poems. I know Lauren listed a few yesterday.

I hope you do this more often, Sweethood (and anyone else!) Wait a minute, did I just type sweethood? lol
Sweetwood said:
I like Streetcar islands from Senna Jawa. It reminds me of the streets of the industrial town in Europe I grew up in. I think it has dissociative quality to it. Like Brecht.

Thank U, Sweetwood. Of many places featured in my poems, two r special, Warsaw (Warszawa, Poland) and, to my surprise, San Jose (California). The "STREETCAR ISLANDS" series of poems is about Warsaw. Among the poems which I have already posted, two have San Jose in their very title, and San Jose is appearing in the title of one of my tanka. Poem "monk" (see my signature below) is also about San Jose.

It's great that U have joined the few who comment on new poems. I would do more of it if I were not such a slow reader, always full of all kind of doubts about everything and about myself in the first place.

BTW, in the Karmadog's thread devoted to poems' titles, U may see how to provide links in a "user friendly" way. Still better, click on   vB-code   and U'll be an expert typesetter (typographer).

Best regards,
"David" by YIX

Quite a poem! It was tempting to quote the last lines, but it's perhaps a new poem to U hence I better quote the beginning:

        I catch myself remembering
        The taste of your skin years after you are gone
        Knowing the scars you left may never fade
        And I run my fingers through the grass
        Under which you lay

U may click on:

    David   by   YIX

Does it make sense to analyze the poem already, before U had a chance to read it? I'd rather wait. Do read it. One spoon of soup is enough to tell how tasty the soup is. And one poem like "David" is enough to know that the author is a strong, talented poet. And indeed, read her other two poems too :).

A few days late but

There is so damn much to read that it takes me a few days to get to some:

Lauren's and still soldiers are born; what a forlorn quality it has. The observer is outside of a neverending stream of soldiers - still born and stillborn. Sadness

And still soldiers are born

Wicked Eve, man oh man, she just has this hand for good weird stuff. It always chills me and at the same time warms me

Crazy Criminal Love

Let's fuck; intercourse to fill emptiness, or .....maybe? Hmmm. great piece from Lady J

It's Wednesday Night, Let's Fuck

What a bunch of talent here.



Edit: the links should work now! Thanks to JUDO
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