The New Poems List

I've been pleased with the reception my various poems have gotten. Thanks for the mention, and thanks for not flaming me!

:heart: :kiss: :heart:
Re: A few days late but

Sweetwood said:
Lauren's and still soldiers are born; what a forlorn quality it has. The observer is outside of a neverending stream of soldiers - still born and stillborn. Sadness

And still soldiers are born

Thank you for mentioning both "[And still soldiers are born]" and "My Hot Wet Tight Pussy", Sweetwood. I appreciate your kind words.
Nova Scotia

This is a new poem from smithpeter. It has captured much of the essence of the place I call home in few words. It warms me!

No better place to land boots
Kiss a poet on her cheek, his cheeks
There are mists that subdue
There are metal boats, ground flowers
There is an endlessness this close
To the edge of places

Please go to the link and vote for it.

Nova Scotia

Thanks smithpeter

5th, 6th, 7th and 8th

Here are some of my favourites from the last few days. Some of these were mentioned before already, but just for the sake of a second opinion...

june, 5th

by Senna Jawa ©

the street's dust settled on my teeth
the street name's escaping my lips fate
I don't complain just take
a knife and stick it deep between my ribs

Yes, I think having a capitalized title is ground for execution, and Senna Jawa uses bricks I wouldn't want to be caught dead with, but this one is really good. It makes me think of old European cities, the soothing balance of a slow, discontinuous ride amidst the chaos. I guess you've got to live here to know what I mean, but you can get a glimpse by reading SJ's poem.

harlequin: sista style
by daughter ©

swishing dish water
captured on film
so later you can watch
your honey doing
household chores
in your denim shirt

Have you ever seen any Finnish movies, directed by Aki Kaurismäki? This is it. Poetry in everyday life. Cue the tango.

by Pyro ©

Don’t get too close,
Don’t say those words!
Don’t open up!
Don’t let love in!
Don’t let it hurt!

This is a sad poem. I'm not sure I like it, but if he had got rid of everything but the first line of each stanza, it would have been my favorite of the day. Read the rest and make up your own mind.

Sex over breakfast
by Sweetwood ©

After a night of sensuous wonder
They enter the pathetic diner
On the corner of York and Spadina

Moisture from cooking breakfasts and
Sweaty diners sipping stale coffee
Fogs the windows

A wonderfully steamy piece. Even though I've been in very few of these diners myself, and certainly never on the corner of York and Spadina, I can tell these are great places to have these surreal rendez-vous. Just make sure you read this one.

cork conundrum
by OT ©

perfectly preserved
poetry in a bottle

OT is the absolute master of alliteration. Now he's hilariously witty too. This is even better than his alphabet series.

Stripers And The Strega Kid 2
by Rybka ©

It was strangely quiet at the public ramp on Seapit River
No other boats yet launched
No wind at all
only from the swimming geese
as we head down channel and out the harbor
Comely vessels at loose mooring nod sleepily at our passing.

The second instalment of the stripers and strega saga. It reads like a short story, full of wonderful and witty detail and insight, and I love it. Rybka is an immensely talented poet.

june, 6th

Punctuate Me, Baby!
by JUDO ©

Oh fuck!
Ohhhh, fuck!
Fuck, fuck, fuck…



I was laughing out loud when I first saw this one. It's one of those "why the fuck didn't I think of that" poems. The answer? You're not Judo. She's fuckin' great. Just click on the link and read the rest...

It's Wednesday Night, Lets Fuck
by Lady_J ©

Nothing better to do,
Let’s fuck.
I could use a screw,
Let’s fuck.
The cat’s been fed,
Let’s fuck.
The tv’s dead,
Let’s fuck.

Lady_J says she's writing doggerel and will not stop until her reputation as a Lit poet hits bottom. I don't think she can do it. She has too much talent for her own good.

june, 7th

Mad Woman of Pig Hollow
by WickedEve ©

She's made her bread,
and baked her bed.
To logic, she pays no heed.
But of ornery shadows
makes sure she knows.
She is a mad woman indeed.

A little kafkian piece from the mistress of poetry herself. Eve may be wicked, but she's on a roll.

Stripers - Redux
by Rybka ©

It is brisk as a young fall day
early apples already ripe
the dawn dew from the morning’s mist on the webworm wrapped woods
give a country fair’s cotton candy glaze to the roadside way.
Swamp maples already blush redly against the pine green needles.
Cowbirds flock in fields.
A twinge of popple yellow
early ash orange
on hillsides
harbingers of the changing seasons.
Cotton swabs of clouds along the edge of a blue washed sky contrast the dark fir horizon.

Stripers is even better without Strega Kid, if that's possible. JUST READ IT!!!

june, 8th

by Rybka ©

Have not you ever seen
the sea turn red wine plum
and all the splashing colors run
when with a flash of green
the spinning earth does come
and swallows up the liquid sun.

No, Rybka isn't paying me for all the promotion. This has some lovely imagery, and is so revealing of a person with such an amazing talent for picking exactly the right word to say the right thing.

My Hot Portuguese Bitch
by Lady_J ©

She looked at me, across the ocean
And beckoned me with her hot
Wet embrace
I came to her
Across the moist divide
And she held me
And made me a woman

This is another lady on a roll. I should make her post a disclaimer stating this is just her own musing or I'm gonna get in trouble with Kate... ;) Very sexy.

Home Schooling for the Dead
by RisiaSkye ©

A dim, hazy memory of crash carts,
shouted secret codes and an impossible labyrinth
filled with shocking doctors and
magical minefields of intricate minutia.
Sleeping pills, submerged will,
morbid fascination and ambivalent consolation.
Slowly, these things take shape,
form the walls of the world.

This is a sad, meaningful poem. A foggy reminiscence of a child filtered through the melancholy of years gone by. Read it, vote and send Risia some feedback.
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Lauren Hynde - Will You Marry Me! :)

Thanks Lauren for all the nice words! - Now if I could only get some votes! :)

You are right. The "Striper" poems were actually part of some Cape Cod fishing reports that I wrote under a different name for a fishing board I frequent. I just polished and restructured them a little bit.

If anyone is interested the entire posts may be accessed at:
Online Writings

Best regards, Rybka
Sex over breakfast

Lauren Wrote

A wonderfully steamy piece. Even though I've been in very few of these diners myself, and certainly never on the corner of York and Spadina, I can tell these are great places to have these surreal rendez-vous. Just make sure you read this one

Lauren, thanks for the comment: Yes, surreal diner, and it's surreality utterly unnoticed at the time. This piece is biographical and describes my first ever breakfast with Sweetwife almost four years ago in Toronto. It took me this long to capture the moment in words. I am still reeling though (every day, every hour, every minute and second with her).:D

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Thanks for the nod


Flattered by your reference.

Glad you appreciated the poem.


Re: 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th

Lauren.Hynde said:
Mad Woman of Pig Hollow
by WickedEve ©

She's made her bread,
and baked her bed.
To logic, she pays no heed.
But of ornery shadows
makes sure she knows.
She is a mad woman indeed.

A little kafkian piece from the mistress of poetry herself. Eve may be wicked, but she's on a roll.
Thank you for the mention on my piggy poem. And an extra thanks for bringing attention to other poems that have been posted in the last few days. I really liked seeing which ones you chose. I hope you do it more often.
Re: 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th

Lauren.Hynde said:
Here are some of my favourites from the last few days. Some of these were mentioned before already, but just for the sake of a second opinion...

june, 5th


by Senna Jawa ©

        the street's dust settled on my teeth
        the street name's escaping my lips   fate
        I don't complain just take
        a knife and stick it deep between my ribs

Yes, I think having a capitalized title is ground for execution,
I live dangerously! (Actually, as I have explained responding to Sweetwood, this poem has no title. STREETCAR ISLANDS is the title of a series of my poems about Warsaw).
and Senna Jawa uses bricks I wouldn't want to be caught dead with, but this one is really good. It makes me think of old European cities, the soothing balance of a slow, discontinuous ride amidst the chaos. I guess you've got to live here to know what I mean, but you can get a glimpse by reading SJ's poem.
U have a similar impression as Sweetwood. And indeed, my poem is an intensive nostalgic piece, as indicated by kenning engine boats of memory, which stands for... -- I better let people read the poem :) It's a true one, this kenning, it's true, it is.

by Pyro ©

Don’t get too close,
Don’t say those words!
Don’t open up!
Don’t let love in!
Don’t let it hurt!

This is a sad poem. I'm not sure I like it, but if he had got rid of everything but the first line of each stanza, it would have been my favorite of the day. Read the rest and make up your own mind.
Actually, it is better not to read the original (except for the purpose of having some instructional material) if U want to enjoy it. I had agreed with U, Lauren, before U were born, as the following poem by me illustrates:


        Don't take me to lunch every day
        Don't come to the club every night
        Don't stare in my eyes all the time
        And don't be negative she said

        I don't enjoy to lunch-out anymore
        I come to the club only now and then
        I don't look into her eyes if I remember
        And I am damn positive

Wlodzimierz Holsztynski ©

Time flies by :)

Thank U for kindly mentioning my poem [the street's dust...],
Great read

Risia's latest work, Home Schooling for the Dead is serious effort about a serious topic.

Risia takes her time just as death does with a long-term illness. The closing is poignant:

Somewhere in the spaces between
the mother and the father,
she learns early that sometimes
the sickness is stealthy death
but it is also salvation.

Risia, I have my own thoughts on the father's illness, but I won't spoil it for others.

Thanks for a solid read.


Lauren & daughter--thanks for the mentions.

Great recommendations, Lauren! Some excellent reads in there, especially JUDO, Wicked Eve & OT's offerings. Nice work!
Lauren, thank you for the mentions, and I am still determined to suck, both literally and well, literally.

p.s. I'm glad you weren't totally offended by my tribute poem.
TY, Lauren and thanks for the posting. I'm really under the gun on the author's thread or I'd have gotten to those durn sonnet reviews by now.

Everyone has always told me how careful you need to be with your punctuations and well, hopefully "Punctuate Me, Baby!" will go a long way towards explaining why.

Thanks for the mention, Lauren, and kind words. And you, too, RS - love ya both!

- Judo
Feeling gritty

Portable Sex

Ouch, this piece is so gritty, it feels like gravel underneath your feet on the first warm day of spring. Very, very real.


Why do I always feel as if something got slapped, stabbed or clubbed when I read SJ's poems. This one is a painful social comment on bored adults. It is strong. Look at it and vote!

autumn 1996

This is a wonderfully melancholic exclamation. It says to me: Don't disturb my inner discourse. This is as close to lovely as SJ gets. *smiles*

a variation

While I was confused by what I call "the line thing" this piece made me slide my ass over my computerchair, slightly anxious. Yayayayayaya, the stuff of wet dreams. LOL

homeschooling for the dead

In another place I would have wanted to hold this poem separate from the ones mentioned above. Grief and redemption. Thank you RisiaSkye.

Those are my picks for the day.

A good read

Sweetwood's, Paris without choice

One night he will stand
Before me and her like
Paris without choice

A good example of the power of the subtle. I enjoy Sweetwood's light touch. It is far more erotic, sensual when a poet says more with less, shows instead of tells, when a poet understands the sensual goes beyond the physical and explicit.

I enjoyed Sweetwood's approach to this theme. Solid effort. Good job, SW.


Re: New - 05-27-02

This is a bit late in coming, but I am new to Literotica, and have only just found my way to the message boards. A belated thank you for mentioning my poem.

Sera Shine

JUDO said:
A few that caught my glancing gaze. - Judo ;)
A blend of sounds in the silence

you purr to me.
Your dialect familiar
yet you are exquisite,
exotic and erotic.

Night Sounds
by Sera Shine©
Portable Sex \Ouch, this piece is so gritty, it feels like gravel underneath your feet on the first warm day of spring. Very, very real.

does that mean you liked it??? what did i do right ? why did it work ,? starxx.. aka nebula33
Power of the subtle

daughter said:

A good example of the power of the subtle. I enjoy Sweetwood's light touch. It is far more erotic, sensual when a poet says more with less, shows instead of tells, when a poet understands the sensual goes beyond the physical and explicit.

I blushed reading your comment. Thank you!

I am especially pleased because this piece was directly inspired by your "chocolate afflicted".

portable sex

Yes nebula I liked it:

Your piece is exceptionally insightful and very well written. Not verbose, sparse in your choice of words, and truly on the mark.

A very excellent effort

Re: Feeling gritty

Sweetwood said:

Why do I always feel as if something got slapped, stabbed or clubbed when I read SJ's poems. This one is a painful social comment on bored adults. It is strong. Look at it and vote!
Instead of voting, Lauren positively will kill me. Lauren! Wait! My title is in lower case. Check for yourself!
autumn 1996

This is a wonderfully melancholic exclamation. It says to me: Don't disturb my inner discourse. This is as close to lovely as SJ gets. *smiles*

Thank U, Sweetwood.

Your distant from lovely, slap-stab-club-bing, hm :),
Re: Re: New - 05-27-02

Sera Shine said:
This is a bit late in coming, but I am new to Literotica, and have only just found my way to the message boards. A belated thank you for mentioning my poem.

Sera Shine

JUDO said:
A few that caught my glancing gaze. - Judo ;)
A blend of sounds in the silence

you purr to me.
Your dialect familiar
yet you are exquisite,
exotic and erotic.

Night Sounds
by Sera Shine©

Hey SS!

Thanks for the first post! We're honored to have you with us? I remember your poem from a while back.

Have you been writing more? I'll go have a look see.

While you're around, look at some of the other threads and feel very welcomed here at the Poetry Forum. There's much to do and learn.

- Judo
Re: Feeling gritty

Sweetwood said:

homeschooling for the dead

In another place I would have wanted to hold this poem separate from the ones mentioned above. Grief and redemption. Thank you RisiaSkye.

Thank you, Sweetwood, for the kind words. I very much enjoyed "Paris without choice," by the way. Nice work!
:rose:, Risia