The New Poems List

Children Poem


Children are so special I just really have to say, Like the way they form their smile when they think of Santa's sleigh.

When you place them in their beds and snug them in real tight,
You sense their pure true presence and that makes you feel so right.

They have soft puffy cheeks and little stubby feet, And when they're all dressed up they really look kind of neat.

You know they never should be scolded for the things they do not know, You just have to be on the ready to be able to show them what you know.

Because all they really need is just a little tender hug, And all the proper guidance on the way they should share their love.

You know it's really not so simple and it's a major task for you,
To raise a newborn dawn after dawn,

But just do me one favor and please follow through.

Well, I took it upon myself to comment on the new poems. No one asked for my silly (in my little world that means witty and intelligent) comments. I just decided to do it, since no one else was. But for the last few days, I haven't posted anything about all the great new poems. Shame on me! Somebody spank me... please!


The Feast of Joining
by TheDR4KE ©
Erotic Poetry

One day we shall meet, and
Celebrate, to mask our nerves and fright.
And we shall feast.

Another stanza:
I lean down and bite at
Your neck, blood beneath skin
Awakens primal hungers.

I understand primal hungers! And obviously, so does this poet.
Read this poem... if you think you can handle it.

rating: 4 Grrr's out of 5!

Frist Glimpse
by debbiexxx ©
Non-Erotic Poetry

I opened the door for you
You saw me and stepped back
What did you see then?
You told me later, a surprise

I was shy, and so were you, so nervous
Like two silly teenagers on a first date
We sat and chatted, finding it easy to talk
I loved your red hair, blue eyes, your face

Ohhh! How sweet. Thanks debbiexxx for cooling me off. I was all hot and bothered by TheDR4KE's poem, and then I read your sweet poem, and now I'm feeling all... mushy! lol
But your poem did remind me of those giddy feelings I used to get on a first date. So much fun, so exciting!

rating: 3 1/2 mushies out of 5.

Damn Salt
by smithpeter ©
Non-Erotic Poetry

one pint
over the line
and it’s basement, baby,
salt and shaker and all

That last stanza just tickles me! tee hee Of course, it's possible that I'm easily amused.
Check out this poem and see what led up to that last stanza.

rating: 3 1/2 shakes out of 5!

by smithpeter ©
Non-Erotic Poetry

Her walls wore African masks,
Matisse, Van Gough,
Bubbly bathroom nite light,

Another smithpeter poem that, in my opinion, is well done!

rating: 4 heartbreaks out of 5

This is just some of the poems for the 4th. Please check them all out!

Reflections on a Shaved Ham Sandwich
by guilty pleasure ©
Erotic Poetry

Pink folds,
Succulent and moist
Lie waiting
Making him salivate.

With two fingers,
He separates the folds
Tasting the saltiness.

I saw the title and just had to read it!
I've read a lot on the BB about too many poets using the vagina/flower metaphor. I always thought it was nice to refer to a pretty pussy as a flower. I don't know how I feel about it being a slab of ham! lol
guilty pleasure, this is an original poem!
Now, I'm going to go tell my hubby that the deli is open.

rating: 3 1/2 hams out of 5!

by Bronte ©
Erotic Poetry

For he could throw me high
as he did his drum sticks
and I would land wide open
to anything he could muster

Oh my! I feel the rhythm of this poem beating through me! Excellent job, Bronte!

rating: 4 1/2 drum sticks out of 5!

Why am I so sexy?
by A1lover7 ©
Erotic Poetry

They knock at your door
All times of the night
Beating and pounding
To get theirs done right
Crying and moaning
Then jumping with glee
When LOVER is seen
Coming down with his tree.

But the tree is so big
It gets in the way
And is even great trouble
When I try to lay
All the screaming and shouting
Provoked by the joy
All these women enraptured
By the size of my toy.

Cute humor! Good rhythm! Made me laugh!

rating: 3 1/2 sexy giggles out of 5!
Re: 01-04-02

WickedEve said:

I understand primal hungers! And obviously, so does this poet.
Read this poem... if you think you can handle it.

rating: 4 Grrr's out of 5!


... I was all hot and bothered by TheDR4KE's poem, ...


Thanks for the write up and your comments ... and your response to my words ;-) Let me ask you now, if no-one else has, to keep posting your comments. It is appreciated!

Thanks for the mention WickedEve. :) Shame about the typo error in my Title. Should be First Glimpse.
anal love is erotic

SA Storm is stirring the winds of desire again with his latest offering Vacation Time

My favorite lines:

you ask which I prefer
in an odd moment of insecurity
I ponder sacred spaces open to me
forever content in your body
where you will have me
yet I do have a home

The opening stanza and the one that follows describe an intimacy between lovers that have are clearly comfortable with one another.

The title is interesting as well. At first I thought the poet is simply describing a moment during vacation. After reading it again and thinking about the lines about parking spaces, preferences, and the topic of anal itself, I got to thinking if the title encompasses more.

Vacations are breaks in our routine. For many of us, isn't anal intercourse the same? Then this line:

you want to be more than parking spaces

Is the narrator saying his lover wants to know that she is more than his lover? Her orfices are more than parking spaces? Do, we women sometimes in moments of insecurity feel this way?

I think so.

And then SA deftly takes us back to sex and its pleasures:

silent acknowledgement as you turn
hips to my groin and mouth the words into my hand
vacation time
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Vacation Time

I agree with everything daughter said. I really was drawn into this poem. It's not till near the middle that I realize the poem is actually about something more profound than sex. I think the anal sex is incidental. He wants her to know she is worshipped. This poem is seductive. I will read more of his stuff.

Vacation Time

Daughter and Camille....I'm with you ladies. This poem was about as sexy as they get. SA Storm has a way of making me feel like I have just watched a film clip instead of reading a poem. I mean, I was right there. I could see the seductive look on her face and hear her sultry voice as she whispered into his hand, "Vacation Time."

How subtle, how sweet an invitation....

I was lost in the scene. I was where I want people to be when they read my poetry. Totally involved for the length of time it takes to read it, and in this case, not nearly long enough. So when the # of reads on this skyrockets to 300 in the next few days, you can blame me. ;)
Yah Yah Yah

Nothing worse then women talking about another man!

PM the bastard, I have on occasion asked for his particpation. Also add rnabokov and smithpeter(although at least he shows up now and again)

Katpurrs interview him for the holding poetry up to the light thread.

Resurrecting the Holding Poems Up To The Light Thread

Sure, I'll see if I can get him to agree to an interview. We need to revive that thread. I think it died with me. But what a way to go! :)

Ummm, I don't want to miss that in the read. Glad you pointed that out.

Kattpurrs, enjoyed and agree with your comments as well. Please do ask SA if he is willing to talk with about this poem. I am interested in how he approaches his work.

Tell us, you have pm'd him already.


Ok, I'm a tellin' ya

I just PM'd him. I hope he agrees.

I was wondering if it might be a fun thing to have a 10 questions format for future interviewees (good lord....look at THAT word! LOL)

Anyway, I was also wondering if it might be fun to ask the person who is interviewed, to be the next interviewer, like I'm doing.

Also, how about if we ask the readers to PM the interviewer with any questions THEY might like to see answered. Like yours, Daughter. Of course the interviewer would determine what the actual questions would be.

What do you think folks?

BTW, U.P., you have an uncanny knack for getting us poets to interact, don't you? :)
Great ideas!

Katpurrs, you go girl!

Excellent idea. Well you know what they say "those who can do, and those who can't...

U.P. is on it, as usual

Oh U.P. I think you are jealous.
But, so must I be.
Actually, I love many things that I read here but do not necessarily want to broadcast it to the readers of forums. My comments, praise and questions are directed to the writers alone in most cases and by voting.
Do we write for an audience or ourselves? Put it all in a shoe box or post it for the world to see, choke on, find a smile in or lap it up and dim the lights for reading aloud while gagged and waxed?
For now I will continue to run sticks of Spearmint up the flag pole and see if they get the gums flapping.
Re: Yah Yah Yah

Unmasked Poet said:
PM the bastard, I have on occasion asked for his particpation. U.P.

pffffffffft! maybe he's just shy! maybe he's afraid he'll be verbally molested by the throngs of female admirers who's fires he has lit.

Ladies, Ladies! Can you swear, by all that you hold dear, that if SA Storm shows up you won't tear every shred of clothing from his body and devour ever tastey morsel that is him?!?! :D :p :D

I will say though, it isn't right for him to tease us with his words, his luscious images, and then not come around to thank us for making him #1 and praising him so often. *pouts* hmph!
call me vain then

smithpeter said:
Do we write for an audience or ourselves?

Well, I'll speak for myself. How I write is for me. I also write to be heard. To know that something I have written resonates with a reader is an incredibly gratifying experience.

I think no more of the writer who shuns all exposure than I do about the one who jumps up and down trying to get attention. I appreciate writers who are willing to interact with their audience. Public correspondence isn't about publicity only. How many opportunities do we normally have to communicate with an author?

I have met some of my favorite authors and poets. It is a high. The opportunity to ask what they were thinking, feeling in a particular work is a rarity that I value. So too, it is with my peers. I enjoy talking with you about how you feel about your work, and I want to publicly praise you and share how your work affects me.

This is a learning environment as well as place to express support. Asking a poet questions about his work on the board means that more than me and the poet are benefitting from the exchange. That is why I favor public communication.

My work typically is not risque enough to garner attention from the general population here. If I were after popularity, I'd be pretty dejected by now.

I value and appreciate the members who show up here. I thank you for the reads you provide and I'm glad that you're here supporting one another and willing to share what you do know so that I might learn something.


Olympics? Live? was going to reply to daughter and then this happened, oh my gawd

I forgot how many poems I read by this gang of how many was it?
Someone will need to explain this behavior to me.
Which is which, who is who? The point escapes me.
Is this like ballot stuffing in reverse? Seems more like candidate stuffing.
Dazed and confused and sp.
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The point was to have fun, a little competition and to learn something.

There are seven teams. We each have a thread for your comments and there are links to each work.

Hope you enjoyed the readings, and we'd love to get your comments. Thanks.


Re: Olympics? Live? was going to reply to daughter and then this happened, oh my gawd

smithpeter said:
I forgot how many poems I read by this gang of how many was it?
Someone will need to explain this behavior to me.
Which is which, who is who? The point escapes me.
Is this like ballot stuffing in reverse? Seems more like candidate stuffing.
Dazed and confused and sp.

Best thing is probably to read the first few posts of the Olympics thread at

Essentially it was an exercise where 7 teams of 3 poets each (yes, 21 people all played at this game over a few days putting in a lot of effort) wrote a poem of three stanzas, given only a single word -- Live -- as the title and without interaction between the poets. 7 x (Write, pass it on, write, pass it on, write, submit.)

An exercise, a competition, a challenge.

A little overpowering to see them all appear at once in the new poems list :)

Drake (from team Consenting Couplets )

My Gray November Woods
by St_Julian ©
Non-Erotic Poetry

Lovely and serene were those silent Southern woods
That lured me on those gray November days,
As wind danced leaves fell red and gold
Upon quiet, familiar pathways.

Beautiful poem! I know I love my Southern woods. This poem puts me back in them.

rating: 4 1/2

Orders From Headquarters
by KatPurrs ©
Non-Erotic Poetry

Jigsaw puzzled pieces of her mind
Never seem to fit
No matter how you twist and turn them
Try to push them in

I adore this poem! Wonderful job KatPurrs. I read your explanation of this poem. But there are so many ways one can interpret it. I enjoyed reading it over and over, and imagining what could possibly be going on!

rating: 4 1/2

Greasy Grass
by mistyc ©
Non-Erotic Poetry

Here stands a man looking so forlorne
His horse is dying, his clothes all torn,
He rode through the creek
He rode through the village
His cries they carried through the still of the dawn.

Here's a well-written and serious poem. I enjoy humorous and erotic poetry very much, but I don't mind reading a poem like this when it's good.

rating: 4

I Am More Than You See
by WhisperingWinds ©
Non-Erotic Poetry

I think of you now while I cannot rest.
How vivid the moments when you claimed my breast.
The rush, pulse, and control I felt in you.
Did you notice the person present there too?

Thank you for writing this poem, WhisperingWinds. My mother is a breast cancer survivor.
Re: 01-06-02

WickedEve said:

I Am More Than You See
by WhisperingWinds ©
Non-Erotic Poetry

I think of you now while I cannot rest.
How vivid the moments when you claimed my breast.
The rush, pulse, and control I felt in you.
Did you notice the person present there too?

Thank you for writing this poem, WhisperingWinds. My mother is a breast cancer survivor.

Thank you for reading it, liking it, and commenting on it. My mother has survived her breast cancer for 16 years now though it stays with her every day. I have just started reading this particular forum and decided to post some of my work. I didn't know how folks would take the serious subjects. I don't really deserve the thanks for writing it though. The thanks go to those folks that show me the courage I observed. Thank you for your support, Wicked Eve. It means a lot to me. My best to you and your mother.

Sometimes Prey
by KillerMuffin ©
Erotic Poetry

I like to make him work for it.
I like to tease him with glimpses
Of what he wants, flashes of flesh,
Lingering tastes of temptation.

Good God! I was sweating after reading this poem! lol Now that's erotica! You have to read this one!

rating: 5!

Mona Spice
by smithpeter ©
Erotic Poetry

She showed me her spice rack
As we cooked
Side by side, hip pressing at times
In her cramped Cajun kitchen
Below the braid of garlic
Beside the hanging basket of dusty
Herbs and dried peppers

Oh, yes! This poem has flavor! I was in the kitchen watching it all heat up. This is one spicy poem.

rating: 4 1/2

Seperation of Worlds
by bats_for_both_teams ©
Non-Erotic Poetry

travel was talked about and things we would do before we die
and yes I know we wont die young at least we hope
yes there will be time for it all but I want it while I am young
damn I hear the baby cry
slipping out of bed I leave you sleeping thinking of all the things that we should have done
the rocker creaks as I hold the child in my arms

This poem, in some parts, could have used more punctuation, and there's a typo in the title. But I really did like the content and I think it's worth a read.

rating: 3 1/2

by slowhand60 ©

She comes to me in the moment of my solitude
as I gaze out upon the barren plain of my dreams.

Lately, I've seen a lot of new poems by this poet. And this is one that I rather liked.

rating: 3 1/2

It was very well-written. I also liked your other poems. I really hope you'll submit more. :)
Re: Wicked Eve

WickedEve said:
It was very well-written. I also liked your other poems. I really hope you'll submit more. :)

Thank you very much for the praise. I'm working up my nerve and resolve to go through my book to see which ones to submit. Most of my writing is personally oriented to friends. I'm hoping to start reading your work and several other authors that have caught my eye. I enjoy reading the posts on this forum very much. Thanks for making me feel so welcome.