The New Poems List

Re: 01-06-02

Wicked Eve [b][url=]Orders From Headquarters[/url][/b] by KatPurrs © Non-Erotic Poetry [i]Jigsaw puzzled pieces of her mind Never seem to fit No matter how you twist and turn them Try to push them in said:
I adore this poem! Wonderful job KatPurrs. I read your explanation of this poem. But there are so many ways one can interpret it. I enjoyed reading it over and over, and imagining what could possibly be going on!

rating: 4 1/2

Thanks WE. The fact that it can be interpreted in so many different ways is cool. At one time, I might have worried that I didn't convey what I meant to convey, but after the Olympics, I've learned that it's almost impossible for each reader to come away from a poem with the same interpretation. I'm learning so much here. I'm such a newbie...I've only been writing since July and when I read that some here have been writing for 25+ years, my gut reaction was to run away! LOL..But I won't.....I love it here too much! Thanks again. Oh, btw, I agree with you about "My November Woods"...I had to send positive feedback to St_Julian on that one. I thought it was beautiful.
daughter's poem of uneasy rest

daughter writes from a pit that is within herself. Mine is slightly above my navel.
Everything is crushing when we pine and feel shitty. Feeling shitty makes some of us mean and nasty. It releases our gentle inner child to run away and hide till the peace returns.
daughter's "Typical Evening" affected me like that. Too many evenings alone, aching, wearing yesterdays pain and tear stains. Curled into a solitary knot while the plumbing of emotion backs up.

Vacation Time
by SA Storm ©
Erotic Poetry

you ask which I prefer
in an odd moment of insecurity
I ponder sacred spaces open to me
forever content in your body
where you will have me
yet I do have a home

I made comments on this poem last night, but I was tired, so I didn't finish posting. Here's how it effected me last night:

I'm only flesh and blood. I am but a woman. I can only take so much. I've read some very erotic poetry, so far, tonight. And this poem has not helped cool me off. Now I'm all hot and bothered, again! :D

Yes, hot and bothered. But I took care of that... :D

rating: 5

Also check out this SA Storm poem that was posted on the 8th:
Honey Bunny Dance

And there are many more... many, many, many!
So what did you do Wicked?

I'm very flattered my poem has been so well received. I will try to keep your attention.

Thank you

Wicked Eve
Savage Kitten

SA Storm
With an absolute certainty Wicked

Wether public or private, i leave to your tender sensibility.

SA Storm
Mr. Storm

Oh my goodness, I can't tell you about my indecent deed right here in public. Gracious no! We have delicate ladies here that would swoon if they heard about my wicked ways. I'm sure daughter, katpurrs, and perky baby, to name a few, would blush until they turned 69 shades of red! :eek:
And being a Southern lady, I can't talk with you in private without a chaperone.

Now, good day, Sir! :eek:
thanks for the nod, smithpeter

I appreciate the press. Happier that the work resonated with you.


Alright ALRIGHT!!!

It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it. I'll volunteer. I'll be the damn chaperone! Sheesh! Now DON'T freak me out you two! I'm doing this for nothin' ya know!

WE, you must have me confused with that kittygopurrs person.

I'm glad I popped in to settle some things here!


psssst! Hey you two! Is it ok for me to join in the...umm....conversation, yeah, yeah, that's it! The Conversation! huh? huh? ooooh pretty please!!!!

Uh... little kitty cat, who's gonna chaperone you?
You're a bad kitty!
new poet, new poems

I finally summoned the cajones to post on this site,and would appreciate any comments or feedback on my work. There are two others beside this one that can be viewed from my member page. Thanks,


Quietly epidermal
Touching thinly smooth
I watch you dream asleep
The tangled days ahead

(Like spoons dream inside me
The dappled windowpane maple leaves
behind your fluttering eyelids

Deeply become you)

And I think the years
Not enough to tell you awake
Or bumpin' in a blue-light
Basement in some future Paris

What sleeping you know

I traveled from the 16th to the 14th and this is what I saw:

Okay so here I am just reading along and I hear the rattle of steel the cry of a lonely whip. My first instinct is to run “hehe” but it’s only DiscoDiva the poem has promise all it needs are line breaks. I have taken the liberty of inserting the first one here. Now closer to the monitor! Keep your eyes down, down on the poem! Uhh sorry just trying to help out the “DiscoDiva”

A Subless Domme
by DiscoDiva ©

The crop, discarded,
regards her scornfully.
Chains, rattling,
hang limp and useless.
A whip, not yet broken in,
awaits a firm hand.
All are empty in her eyes.
A subless Domme cries shallow tears.

I seem to be in someone’s dungeon, the next poem I found that struck me. Ouch! Was by Nebula33 it rhymes, it’s clever and I’ve found one more reason to keep my shirt on.

nipple clamps
by Nebula33 ©

After much discussion my lover and I ,
Some nipple clamps have decided to buy,
The next big decision we have, I feel,
Is do we buy plastic or should we have steel,
Vibrating ones maybe linked by a chain,
Umm I can almost feel that exquisite pain,

SA Storm is back, and talking about what else? Passion, sex, nope not this time ladies! He’s walking us through lust. It seems something got a hold of him.

Everybody has a poem called 'Lust'
by SA Storm ©

You smile at me
I see hours of pleasure in the smallest places
Pursuing my hearts corridors to places love tries to grow
subjugating tender feelings slipping strings to bind them
and so I dance.

Smithpeter always has interesting things to say, I get this one do you?

Loosen Her Tethered Throat
by smithpeter ©

i am my own master
A slave to fashions and certain
Blue passions of varying fraction
Rotund and petite notions
Obscene 'n discreet

This time Storm avoids the bump N grind and goes for romance

by SA Storm ©

My life has been still water

In a place where someone spoke your name
there you were, muted sound and you touched me.

As faint and subtle as ripples across a pond
granting a feeling expanding, yet fading
the sensation is overwhelming and fleeting as I embrace it.

Romantic and well rhymed this is a tender journey into submission.

Four Seasons
by jewel_GR ©

In dreams, my Master is made of Four Seasons
Of which to nurture me whole.
He is loving and tender, and ever open
of Heart, Mind, Body and Soul.

That’s is all I found that I liked. Now it’s your turn to wander through and find your own. Read a few take the time to vote rest assured the poets are waiting.

Re: Journeys

Unmasked Poet said:
Smithpeter always has interesting things to say...
Well, I will need to do something about that.
Oh, and by the way. What would we do without you U. P.?
You know, this poetry stuff is hard work so I put bricks under my pillow.
That way I am encouraged to find more comfortable places to sleep.

Chop wood,
Carry water,
Pray for Peace,
I disagree, SK

While DP's poem clearly sets a tone, the reliance and repetition of "fuck" kills the intended intensity. Besides, we use "fuck" so casually now that it no longer has the shock value it once held.

"Heart" is a prohibited word and the other word choices are pretty ordinary used in ordinary ways. We've heard and spewed many of these same sentiments when cursing love gone bad.

DP, was excited to see our first "Heavy" entry up and very glad you chose to participate. While my comments might be critical, I am nonetheless thrilled to hear your voice and welcome you to the community. You have passion and one needs that to write.

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts. Thanks for the read.



p.s. so the poem isn't lost here, I hope U.P. will start a separate thread.
I'm sure UP has plans to make threads for the HEAVY poems.. thats why I just posted my lil reply here ... leave the other stuff up to him *wink*

I was just tryin to bring to everyone's attention that there was a "heavy" poem in the new poems list, already. And, if you noticed... fuck wasn't the only "f" he used.. he did use the words fetch & fool. :D

I had to chuckle tho, in agreement, with DP. Just fuck it all! Sometimes it isn't worth the fuckin' trouble!

And I too welcome DP! Come out n play sometime!

the value of another pair of eyes


Not criticizing your post and bringing attention to the first submission. I was equally excited when I saw it this morning.

Yes, who couldn't see the alliteration? I also have some favorite lines in this work. Once the poem is given the space it deserves, I'll give more detail comments.

It's good to hear different and opposing perspectives. That's the value of a discussion, wouldn't you agree? :)


Heavy Machine

Ded poet,

You should be able to edit the poem through the submission page. Please remove the word heart from the body of the poem.
Good luck!

The 17th a day that will live in infamy

Oh banner day on the new poem list! This collection not only represents the best of the day but they are good poems to boot!

by Ded Poet ©

Strung out like pearl drops,
universal solvent, we lie
with our backs to the moon,
entangled and basking in something
we cannot yet reply to.

I am forever looping through this stanza, powerful compact and bottomless.

by smithpeter ©

This is not science,
It is dust,
Concealed in our pockets,

smithpeters philosophical view elevates this poem into all things Zen.

A Quarter World Away
by pleasureu ©

My love lies gently sleeping now
A quarter world away
Lay so serene
Does she now dream
Of words I want to say

Just ponder the delicacy of romance with the deft touch of rhyme.

Death Was Shocked To Find Me
by Ded Poet ©

as a menstruating naked virgin
emerged from the bathroom
with lustrous orphan hair,

Surreal and poignant, just read it.

Black Cat
by guilty pleasure ©

The sun draws you
Like a magnet,
Curled in your private spotlight.
Motes of dust dance above you,

There is a freedom in observation a joy. Here it is on display for all of us.

Down From the Canyon
by Ded Poet ©

Lycra know the dewey micron's
affinity for oily grains,

An examination done with a poet eye and a microscope.

The 4 Seasons
by rnabokov ©


soft she sings her hatchling song
plaintive first bird of spring
rejoices at prisms of water returning to itself,
ice flows
now greening the thirst of new roots
growing radiant the bloom of rainbows in the sky of earth

The words capture subtle realities, play Vivaldi and smile.

BBC (A loose transcription)
by Ded Poet ©

In clouds you can really measure the distribution
(the verification of the system is
a quantitative prediction); the global

Breathe deep go ahead it would hurt a bit.

Pink Seduction
by Savage Kitten ©

Pouting lips
Flushed cheeks
Shear fabric
Over matching crowns

Savage Kitten has a new voice and it suits her well, simple execution and enough imagery for an evening.

I Lift Up Mine Eyes Unto the Hills
by Otzchiim ©

All day we walked across those grassy hills,
Stopping at noon to eat a simple lunch.
Too quickly did I feel those hours pass,
Too slow was I at making up my mind.
I was unsure just what to do with you,
Though certainly by now I knew you well.
Should I avoid temptation once again,
Or give in, give myself, to you at last?

I must admit I just started reading this poet's work. I have missed a lot.

Well it seems I have pulled the entire list almost. But it has been a good day. Each of these poems deserves your attention. Read them aloud to truly touch them.

Last edited:
Death Was Shocked To Find Me


The last line says Death was amused. If he were shocked as well, okay.

Loved the imagery. Surreal and poignant. Great economy and impact.

Enjoyed this immensely. Thanks for the read.


Down From The Canyon


Master form and imagery. Bravo, poet! I don't enjoy swimming, but I loved the view.



Commerating Earth Day: BBC by DP


Very effective line breaks. Love the tone, pace, rhythm in this one. Everything works well.

You've chosen great images to examine how we are polluting our world and minds. Envy you execution and skill here.

Fine read. Thanks.


Pink Seduction


Like the departure in style here. Good images. How more powerful would they be if you couched them in complete sentences and thoughts?

I see the images; tell me more what they mean. Yes, I get the message, but the illustration isn't complete. I want more than sound bites.

Good read.


Re: Pink Seduction

daughter said:
How more powerful would they be if you couched them in complete sentences and thoughts?



Thank you D! *smiles*

Habit is a hard thing to break, but I am working on it! I am currently working on a poem that has longer stanzas and longer sentences. I look forward to your synopsis of it. Please just don't say you slept through it! *wink*

U.P. Thank you for letting me know the poem caught your eye! New voice? Nah, it's the same one... I've just been taking voice lessons from a master of the art! Something has a hold of me and I'm not sure it's gonna let go anytime soon. *grinz* You can expect to see more of me on the new poems list. I just hope my future writes catch your eye as this one did.
