The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

But somehow, it all works. Best not to worry about the scores. Enjoy!
Oh, I’m not worried, I was just curious. Besides what I wrote fits in with the other stories I’ve already written anyway!
And anything called Valkyria must be good. Apple and cinnamon? I'll see whether I can track down a bottle.
Thanks, @Bazzle, glad you enjoyed it!

In answer to your comment, by the way: I didn't describe Kat's bra and panties because they don't play a functional role in the story, whereas the dildo does. Also, they probably weren't very exciting. She's dressed for a spa weekend with girlfriends, so her underwear is likely functional. Her breasts are described a little later as "firm in her hands", so there's at least that.

But essentially there's very little information about Kat's body because she's not interested in looking. She likes to be watched. Her interest in her body is in the touch, and in how others are affected by watching her. Almost the only times Kat "sees" anything, the description is of others being aroused by her letting them see her.
Put mine in yesterday morning and it went live today. I don't think I've ever had a Monday release before.
Mine's been up a week today, and only has 3.7k views. I feel like that's not very many? The score is decent, but based on history, not remotely close to placing.
I dunno. I compared this Halloween story to the other one I entered, but that one is so old that there's no telling what the views and score at the end of that contest was (were?).
Mine's been up a week today, and only has 3.7k views. I feel like that's not very many? The score is decent, but based on history, not remotely close to placing.
I dunno. I compared this Halloween story to the other one I entered, but that one is so old that there's no telling what the views and score at the end of that contest was (were?).

Mine's been up 13 days and has 4200 hits so you're doing fine.

My most viewed story has been up for over three and a half years and has less than 5000 hits. The only reason that my Halloween story has 4200 hits is because it's on the contest list. My numbers stink for three reasons. Nobody knows me (yet) and I haven't tried advertising, and most of my submissions are in EC which is the absolute worst category for exposure.

If you want views and numbers, keep at it until you get known.
Mine's been up 13 days and has 4200 hits so you're doing fine.

My most viewed story has been up for over three and a half years and has less than 5000 hits. The only reason that my Halloween story has 4200 hits is because it's on the contest list. My numbers stink for three reasons. Nobody knows me (yet) and I haven't tried advertising, and most of my submissions are in EC which is the absolute worst category for exposure.

If you want views and numbers, keep at it until you get known.
My most viewed story has been out about 3 1/2 years, and has 289k views; it's in BDSM. I have a couple more with over 50k views, BDSM and Group Sex.
I'm not the most prolific writer (I had a complete drought on any new stories for two-ish years). I'm probably misremembering, but it just seems like contest stories used to get more views, more quickly.
I hadn’t looked, because I expect to not win, but I just checked Our Wild Hunt’s stats. 12K views, 409 votes, 4.76 rating. Not bad, but not going to shake the pillars of heaven, either.

… Damn, I should do a Big Trouble in Little China story.
Mine has people worried. Or so I assume. I mean, why else would anyone give it less than a 5? It's got to be tactical voting, right?

For the record, I'm on 4.36 from 22 votes, with a little over 2000 views since it went live 19 hours ago.