The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

Sam, the scores are the standard votes readers give. The highest at the finish time and date wins!
You’re welcome.

Question: Is anyone getting anonymous comments on their story? Twelve registered users have commented on mine but it hasn’t received any anonymous comments. That’s pretty unusual so I’m not sure if I’ve accidentally turned off anonymous comments (didn’t think you could even do that without turning all comments off) or if it’s just so vanilla it didn’t excite anyone but didn’t piss anyone off either!

Edit: Vanilla in a pumpkin spice story? Hmm, maybe that’s the problem. 😁
Praise the Lord, I finally submitted this story. It's been at least four years in the making. It's been nearly done for over two years, and I just couldn't quite get it past the finish line, but I finally did. I think it's my first contest submission in a couple of years. Much thanks to the wonderful TarnishedPenny for her insightful comments and criticisms in her beta reading. She convinced me to kill some darlings.

The title: Darkling Tower. Category: Erotic Horror.
Praise the Lord, pass the bourbon, and let us have a celebratory drinky-poo.
I just submitted Malleable. Only my second or third attempt at Erotic Horror, I started and stopped writing it at least 8 times over the past 6 years. Editing was a mindfuck because I had forgotten what had been written and had multiple versions of three different scenes all added to the same word doc with no organization. Sigh. That’s how my brain works.
It is heartening to see so many authors listed as entries that are unfamiliar. I will attempt to read/comment on a many entries as I can. If anyone wants me to check theirs out, just DM me.
now officially my lowest rated story ***of all time*** 🤣🤣🤣

my overwraught / overworked purple prose
bit me REAL HARD this time out 😜 lol

happy friday y'all 🎈

" Now wild with unearthly malevolence, my esurient eyes gorge on the grotesque. While my ravenous cunt contracts and constricts, like a serpent swallowing every freakish malformed still-wriggling ounce of him.

His rotting jaw unhinges and falls away, unleashing an avalanche of foul wet stringy mash in its wake. A tepid wormy downpour that should utterly disgust me, and yet my violent climax —not only continues, it— intensifies.


Really enjoyed it though. Felt extremely unique!
My final entry for the contest is approaching 10,000 reads after five days. That's a good feeling. Even if it is light on the score side, 4.2ish, it's had plenty of votes with 74. It isn't a bad outing.
" Now wild with unearthly malevolence, my esurient eyes gorge on the grotesque. While my ravenous cunt contracts and constricts, like a serpent swallowing every freakish malformed still-wriggling ounce of him.

His rotting jaw unhinges and falls away, unleashing an avalanche of foul wet stringy mash in its wake. A tepid wormy downpour that should utterly disgust me, and yet my violent climax —not only continues, it— intensifies.

View attachment 2281946
" Now wild with unearthly malevolence, my esurient eyes gorge on the grotesque. While my ravenous cunt contracts and constricts, like a serpent swallowing every freakish malformed still-wriggling ounce of him.

His rotting jaw unhinges and falls away, unleashing an avalanche of foul wet stringy mash in its wake. A tepid wormy downpour that should utterly disgust me, and yet my violent climax —not only continues, it— intensifies.

View attachment 2281946

Really enjoyed it though. Felt extremely unique!
Now I have to write a story with a protagonist who is forced to deal with aftereffects of a night of fantastic, mind-blowingly awesome and intimate sex with a new partner, only for said new partner to sit up on the edge of the bed as Dawn’s rosy fingers weave their way into the room through half-drawn blinds, slap open palms to naked thighs and say “Really enjoyed it though. Felt extremely unique!”
My final entry for the contest is approaching 10,000 reads after five days. That's a good feeling. Even if it is light on the score side, 4.2ish, it's had plenty of votes with 74. It isn't a bad outing.
I've had 4k views and 12 votes 😢😢
An encouraging first day...
Laural published my story within 12 hours UK time !
Was at 4.75...
Then 1 bombed down to 4.62 in 1 vote...
Sour grapes at the ending I assume !!
Hey ho, it should be swept out at the closing date .... Fingers crossed.
Assuming every other vote isn't 1s !!!
I know I shouldn’t look but the temptation is just too great...
Great entry too, 165 ! WOW !
You’re welcome.

Question: Is anyone getting anonymous comments on their story? Twelve registered users have commented on mine but it hasn’t received any anonymous comments. That’s pretty unusual so I’m not sure if I’ve accidentally turned off anonymous comments (didn’t think you could even do that without turning all comments off) or if it’s just so vanilla it didn’t excite anyone but didn’t piss anyone off either!

Edit: Vanilla in a pumpkin spice story? Hmm, maybe that’s the problem. 😁
Yes... my only comment so far is an anonymous one.. but nice...
Is there any indication that stories submitted for the contest are approved more quickly than otherwise? I submitted a story to this contest yesterday, and the deadline is still several days away, but I'm naturally hopeful that it will be approved ASAP so it's on the list as long as possible. Anybody have experience that sheds light on this?